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RFID Europe 2007 If you have any problems email sales@idtechex.com or call +44 (0) 1223 813703 or +1 617 577 7890 (US).
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Products: RFID Europe 2007 Price Select
Package - 2 day main conference, dinner, audio
2 day main conference and exhibition, dinner, electronic and audio proceedingshide product description
Package - 2 day conference, dinner, audio, 2 masterclasses
2 day main conference and exhibition, dinner, electronic and audio proceedings, plus 2 masterclasses of your choice. Please advise which two masterclasses you would like to attend in the note section.hide product description
Package - 2 day conference, dinner, audio, 4 masterclasses
2 day main conference and exhibition, dinner, electronic and audio proceedings, plus all 4 masterclasses.hide product description
Package - 2 day conf, audio, dinner, RFID Investment Summit
2 day main conference and exhibition, dinner, electronic and audio proceedings, plus RFID Investment Summit on Monday 17 September. Please note that RFID Investment Summit is held on the same time of Masterclass 1 and 2.hide product description
2 Day Conference, Exhibition
Tuesday 18 September - Wednesday 19 Septemberhide product description
Audio Copies of Main Conference Presentations
Only when attending the main conferencehide product description
Meet the Experts Gala Dinner
Tuesday 18 September eveninghide product description
RFID Investment Summit
One day event on Monday 17 September hide product description
RFID Investment Summit Report Only
For those who cannot attend the RFID Investment Summithide product description
Masterclass 1: RFID Technologies, Markets, Players & Forecasts
Monday 17 September morninghide product description
Masterclass 2: How to Manufacture RFID
Monday 17 September afternoonhide product description
Masterclass 3: Active RFID, RTLS and Sensor Networks
Thursday 20 September morninghide product description
Masterclass 4: Printed RFID and Printed Electronics
Thursday 20 September afternoonhide product description
Main Conference Proceedings Only (Presentations and Audio)
For those who cannot attend the eventhide product description

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