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PFAS-Behandlung 2025-2035: Technologien, Vorschriften, Akteure, Anwendungen 

As regulations on PFAS in drinking water tighten around the world, it is important to understand the opportunity for PFAS treatment technologies. This report highlights the technology and commercial readiness of incumbent and novel PFAS removal technologies as well as emerging and established PFAS destruction technologies. Key applications areas, like PFAS drinking water treatment, AFFF, landfill leachate, and more, are analyzed extensively to highlight the opportunities in this emerging sustainable market.
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Kultiviertes Fleisch 2023-2043 

This report provides an in-depth technology and market evaluation of the cultured meat industry based on extensive research and interviews with market players. The report discusses the technology underlying cultured meat, the state of the industry, regulation, consumer preferences, and evaluates key players in the industry. The report also provides 10 and 20-year forecasts of the cultured meat industry, predicting that the market will be worth US$13.7 billion by 2043.
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Vertikale Landwirtschaft 2022-2032 

This report covers the vertical farming industry, including the technologies and markets involved. We discuss key technologies, including automation and lighting systems, and identify how these could lead to the success of the industry. In-depth analysis of the challenges faced, including quantified considerations on crop limitations and running costs, are considered. Strategies and business models of key companies, including analysis of crop selection and pricing models, are considered and discussed.
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Markt für Agrarrobotik 2022-2032 

As agricultural labour becomes increasingly costly and scarce, something exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis, attention is increasingly turning towards robotics as a key component of agricultural production. This report from IDTechEx provides a technical and commercial analysis of the growing market for agricultural robotics, considering both the key application areas and enabling technologies underpinning the industry. The report also provides ten-year application-based and regional market forecasts for the future of the agricultural robotics industry.
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Fleisch auf Pflanzenbasis 2021-2031 

The plant-based meat market has grown rapidly in recent years, spurred on by growing awareness of the issues facing animal agriculture in the wake of COVID-19 and a significant increase in product quality. But can the industry fulfil its potential of disrupting the conventional meat industry? This report from IDTechEx provides a technical and industry evaluation of the plant-based meat market, including production processes, consumer factors, industry investments, and key players. The report also provides ten-year market forecasts for the future of the plant-based meat industry.
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Biostimulatoren und Biopestizide 2021-2031: Technologien, Märkte und Prognosen 

The markets for biostimulants and biopesticides are growing rapidly as global agriculture looks for sustainable ways to boost yields and new ways to protect crops. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the different types of biostimulants and biopesticides, alongside a synopsis of global regulations and an evaluation of the industry. This information is used to forecast the future of the markets up to 2031, with the combined market for biostimulants and biopesticides being forecast to reach $19.5 billion.
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Gentechnik in der Landwirtschaft 2021-2031 

Die Einführung von Technologien, die die DNA von Nutzpflanzen manipulieren, verlief nicht immer reibungslos. Trotz ihres Potenzials, die Ernteerträge und die Ernährung zu verbessern, ist die gentechnische Veränderung nach wie vor umstritten und in weiten Teilen der Welt verboten. Könnten neue Gen-Editing-Technologien wie CRISPR-Cas9 einen Ausweg aus dieser Sackgasse bieten und die globale Landwirtschaft voranbringen? Dieser Bericht erforscht die Zukunft der Pflanzenbiotechnologie und liefert technische, regulatorische und Markteinblicke in ein möglicherweise revolutionäres Feld.
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