Establishment of Information & RFID Technologies in the Pharma Industry (RFID Europe 2010)

Mr Eldar Sultanow, IT-Development
XQS Service
Sep 29, 2010.


XQS Service Presentation*
XQS Service Audio*
XQS Service Q&A*

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Presentation Summary

  • Conceptualization of an Pharma-IT-Architecture using RFID
  • Case studies of implementing RFID-Technologies in Pharma environments
  • The role of Web-development in RFID environments
  • The need of IT in Pharma
  • Current trend of Pharma & IT

Speaker Biography (Eldar Sultanow)

Eldar Sultanow is currently active as an Engineer in Pharma-Industry. He graduated with a Bachelor of Software Systems Engineering at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut which he attended from October 2001 to April 2005. Simultaneously, Eldar earned a diploma in Computer Science at the University of Potsdam in December 2005. Since 2006 he acts as a software engineer and JEE-architect. Eldar has authored one book and published at a number of conferences including those from the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), and Association for Information Systems (AIS). Sultanow's primary research interests preside in the areas of web development, e-Collaboration, and geographic information systems (GIS).