Roll-To-Roll printed TEGs: Meeting The Industry Price Point (Energy Harvesting Europe 2017)

Mr Frederick Lessmann, CEO


Europe 2017 Audio Presentation - Otego*

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Presentation Summary

While material scientists in thermoelectrics traditionally focus on improving ZT, for the production of a working TE-Module many more factors come into play. This is especially true for organic thermoelectrics, were traditional module assembly methods cannot be applied. However, organic materials allow for extremely cost-effective production methods like printing. In order to make use of these new production techniques, the thermoelectric materials need to fulfill particular requirements, which research has not taken into account yet. We will show an innovative interplay of material design and production technology on the basis of roll-to-roll printed organic TEGs manufactured by otego1.
From an application point of view, more, or at least equally important parameters in comparison to ZT are 1) processablility from solution, 2) air stability, 3) cost and 4) scalability. To prove this point, we will present a roll-to-roll printed TEG.

Speaker Biography (Frederick Lessmann)

Frederick Lessmann is Co-Founder and CEO of otego. He and his team is pushing the boundaries of printed electronics and developed a completely new approach to make thermoelectric energy harvesting competitive. Prior to founding otego, Frederick held positions at Siemens and Fraunhofer and he was management consultant at a spin-off firm from AT Kearney. He holds a degree in industrial engineering and management from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) and McGill University (Canada).

Company Profile (otego)

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otego is a German spin-off from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and develops organic thermoelectric generators (TEG) as an independent energy supply for the internet of things. otego's sugar cube sized TEGs will be flexible, robust, free of heavy metals and with an output voltage above 1 Volt.
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