The Printed Battery Story: Market Outlook and New Innovations (Supercapacitors USA 2014)

Mr Jouni Heinonen, Member of the Board
Enfucell Oy
Nov 20, 2014.


Santa Clara 2014 Presentation - Enfucell Oy*
Santa Clara 2014 Audio Presentation - Enfucell Oy*
Santa Clara 2014 Video Presentation - Enfucell Oy*

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Presentation Summary

  • Printed batteries have been around already over 10 years. The industry has traditionally considered printed batteries as a thin and cheap replacements of coin cell batteries. The Industry has not managed to show the full value of printed batteries.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) has dramatically increased the interest to printable power sources. As a matter of fact every wireless sensor does need thin and often flexible power source.
  • Medical and cosmetics sub-segments of IoT are growing the fastest and are offering several applications to printed batteries. The medical segment alone is offering several hundred millions of $ wireless sensor market opportunity.
  • The modern wireless sensors are built using the battery as substrate. This is offering several benefits to the system: flexibility, thin construction, freedom of design and low total production costs.

Speaker Biography (Jouni Heinonen)

As a Swiss resident since 1989 Jouni Heinonen has made a long career in global technology business, leading the following companies as CEO: Plumettaz SA 2008-2011, Gurit Holding AG 2005-2007 and Nextrom Holding SA, a subsidiary of Nokia Corporation 1999-2005. Both Gurit and Nextrom are listed in the Swiss Stock Exchange SWX. Prior to Nextrom he worked in various management positions in Nokia Group since 1986. Jouni holds an M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Tampere University of Technology. Jouni has been an active member of the board at Enfucell since 2012.

Company Profile (Enfucell Oy)

Enfucell Oy logo
Enfucell is a leading customized battery supplier to printed electronics industry. The company has developed a printable, thin, flexible and eco-friendly SoftBattery®, which can be used as a power source in various Internet of Things and wearable electronics products and applications. Find out more at
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