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Research Reports and Subscriptions

IDTechEx conducts detailed examinations of emerging technologies based on extensive primary research carried out by our technical analysts around the world.

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Research is delivered in three main formats:


Reports assess a particular technology, market vertical or territory. They appraise the market opportunity with detailed forecasts and assess the technologies, competitive landscape, value chain drivers, barriers, case studies and global trends.


Access company profiles, webinars, timely feature articles, forecasts, benchmarking tools and company presentations in addition to reports in an online, searchable platform, delivering you the data you need when you need it.


IDTechEx market intelligence interpreted for your business.

Individual reports can be purchased immediately online, or contact us to subscribe to the Market Intelligence Subscription or to customize your data needs.

Examples of how our research can help you

Clear, Concise and Considered view of complex sectors.
Emerging technologies can sometimes be hyped by suppliers. There can be over-investment in the wrong areas, followed by shake-out and disappointment, while the real opportunities are not being sufficiently explored. IDTechEx research provides clear quantitative and qualitative assessments of emerging technologies including forecasts and barriers to address. We give an impartial analysis - even if it goes against the popular view - if that is what our fact-based research finds. This is how we add valuable insight to our clients.

Hard-to-obtain insights on companies and markets.
Our clients access our company profiles to quickly learn about a company from an independent point of view with information obtained through primary interviews and site visits. This information is typically not readily available without conducting interviews, and it provides valuable insights into the companies, their technologies and the markets they address. We benchmark companies versus their peers.

Identification of commercial opportunities
Those doing well in new technologies tend not to be vocal about it, whilst sometimes those making the most noise struggle commercially. Our methodology of direct interviews with stakeholders throughout the value chain and globally, and critically interviewing end-users allows us to identify opportunities. Further, our long-term view of shifts in markets helps our clients to make investment decisions today to secure their future.

Contact us for a discussion about how we can assist you. We can provide samples, presentations and demonstrations of our work to showcase the quality and value of our market intelligence.

Research Methodology

IDTechEx Skills and Resources
  • Highly regarded technical and business analysts
  • IDTechEx bases in three continents
  • Experience from serving clients in over 80 countries since 1999
  • Highly connected through our attendance at events
Primary Research
  • Direct interviews with hundreds of companies each year
  • IDTechEx are present at approximately 80 events each year
Secondary Research
  • Patent and academic journal searches
  • Existing IDTechEx knowledgebases
  • Company reports and press releases
Process Flow
  • Technology scouting
  • Profiling of stakeholders throughout the value chain
  • Assessment of existing & emerging applications
  • Market demand appraisal
Quantitative Outcomes
  • Market forecasts
    • 10 or 20 year forecasts
    • Segmented by application
    • Segmented by technology type
    • Forecasts in value, mass, area, quantity etc.
  • Alternate forecast scenarios using different assumptions
  • Past trends & historic data
  • Production capacities
  • Investments
  • Demand appraisal versus total addressable market
Qualitative Outcomes
  • Technology description & latest developments
  • Quantitative competitive technology benchmarking & roadmap
  • Drivers, trends, needs & analysis
  • Existing & emerging performance targets & needs
  • Application roadmaps & timelines
  • Business landscaping & value chain mapping
  • Player profiling, SWOT analysis & ranking
  • Cost models & estimates

Contact us

IDTechEx Research provides timely market and technical research and strategic advice.
Access individual reports or subscribe to receive the full benefit of all our expertise on the topics that matter to you. Please contact us to learn more and discuss your needs at: or call

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ASIA (Japan): +81 3 3216 7209
EUROPE (UK): +44 1223 812300