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1.1. | Why CO₂ Utilization? |
1.2. | The industrial decarbonization challenge |
1.3. | CO₂ Utilization pathways |
1.4. | Comparison of emerging CO₂ utilization applications |
1.5. | What is CO₂-EOR? |
1.6. | Global status of CO₂-EOR: U.S. dominates but other regions arise |
1.7. | CO₂-EOR SWOT analysis |
1.8. | The role of concrete in the construction sector emissions |
1.9. | CO₂-derived building materials |
1.10. | CO₂ use in the cement and concrete supply chain |
1.11. | Key takeaways in CO₂-derived building materials |
1.12. | CO₂-derived chemicals |
1.13. | CO₂ can be converted into a giant range of chemicals |
1.14. | Which CO₂U technologies are more suitable to which chemicals? |
1.15. | Key points in CO₂-derived chemicals and polymers |
1.16. | CO₂-derived fuels |
1.17. | Main routes to CO₂-derived fuels |
1.18. | CO₂-derived fuels SWOT analysis |
1.19. | CO₂ Utilization to boost biological yields |
1.20. | CO₂ utilization in biological processes |
1.21. | CO₂ use in biological yield-boosting: pros and cons |
1.22. | Key players in emerging CO₂ Utilization |
1.23. | Factors driving CO₂U future market potential |
1.24. | Carbon Utilization potential and climate benefits |
1.25. | CO₂ Utilization: general pros and cons |
1.26. | CO₂ utilization capacity forecast by product (million tonnes of CO₂ per year), 2022-2042 |
1.27. | Carbon utilization annual revenue forecast by product (million US$), 2022-2042 |
2.1. | Definition and report scope |
2.2. | The world needs an unprecedented transition away from fossil carbon |
2.3. | Why CO₂ Utilization? |
2.4. | How is CO₂ used and sourced today? |
2.5. | CO₂ Utilization pathways |
2.6. | Reductive vs non-reductive methods |
2.7. | CO₂ Utilization in Enhanced Oil Recovery |
2.8. | CO₂ Utilization in Enhanced Oil Recovery |
2.9. | Main emerging applications of CO₂ utilization |
2.10. | Carbon Utilization potential and climate benefits |
2.11. | Factors driving future market potential |
2.12. | Cost effectiveness of CO₂ utilization applications |
2.13. | Carbon pricing is needed for most CO₂U applications to break even |
2.14. | Traction in CO₂U: funding worldwide |
2.15. | Traction in CO₂U: funding and policies in Europe |
2.16. | Carbon utilization - technical challenges |
2.17. | Climate benefits of major CO₂U applications (i) |
2.18. | Climate benefits of major CO₂U applications (ii) |
2.19. | Technology readiness and climate benefits of CO₂U pathways |
2.20. | Carbon utilization business models |
2.21. | CO₂ Utilization: general pros and cons |
2.22. | Conclusions |
3.1. | What is CO₂-EOR? |
3.2. | What happens to the injected CO₂? |
3.3. | Types of CO₂-EOR designs |
3.4. | The CO₂ source: natural vs anthropogenic |
3.5. | The CO₂ source impacts costs and technology choice |
3.6. | Global status of CO₂-EOR: U.S. dominates but other regions arise |
3.7. | World's large-scale anthropogenic CO₂-EOR facilities |
3.8. | CO₂-EOR potential |
3.9. | Most CO₂ in the U.S. is still naturally sourced |
3.10. | CO₂-EOR main players in the U.S. |
3.11. | CO₂-EOR main players in North America |
3.12. | Denbury Resources |
3.13. | CO₂ transportation is a bottleneck |
3.14. | Century Plant: the current biggest CCUS/EOR project |
3.15. | Boundary Dam - battling capture technical issues |
3.16. | CO₂-EOR in China |
3.17. | The economics of promoting CO₂ storage through CO₂-EOR |
3.18. | The impact of oil prices on CO₂-EOR feasibility |
3.19. | Petra Nova's shutdown: lessons for the industry? |
3.20. | Carbon sequestration tax credits role: the U.S. 45Q |
3.21. | Climate considerations in CO₂-EOR |
3.22. | The climate impact of CO₂-EOR varies over time |
3.23. | CO₂-EOR: an on-ramp for CCS and DACCS? |
3.24. | CO₂-EOR in shale: the next frontier? |
3.25. | CO₂-EOR SWOT analysis |
3.26. | Key takeaways: market |
3.27. | Key takeaways: environmental |
4.1.1. | The role of concrete in the construction sector emissions |
4.1.2. | The role of cement in concrete's carbon footprint |
4.1.3. | The role of cement in concrete's carbon footprint (ii) |
4.1.4. | The Basic Chemistry: CO₂ Mineralization |
4.1.5. | CO₂ use in the cement and concrete supply chain |
4.1.6. | Can the CO₂ used in building materials come from cement plants? |
4.1.7. | Carbonation of recycled concrete in a cement plant |
4.1.8. | Fortera Corporation |
4.2. | CO₂ utilization in concrete curing or mixing |
4.2.1. | CO₂ utilization in concrete curing or mixing |
4.2.2. | CO₂ utilization in concrete curing or mixing (ii) |
4.2.3. | CarbonCure Technologies |
4.2.4. | Solidia |
4.2.5. | Carboclave |
4.2.6. | CarbiCrete |
4.2.7. | Orbix |
4.2.8. | CarbonBuilt |
4.3. | CO₂ utilization in carbonates |
4.3.1. | CO₂ utilization in carbonates |
4.3.2. | CarbonFree |
4.3.3. | CO₂-derived carbonates from natural minerals |
4.3.4. | CO₂-derived carbonates from waste |
4.3.5. | CO₂-derived carbonates from waste (ii) |
4.3.6. | Carbon Upcycling Technologies |
4.3.7. | Blue Planet |
4.3.8. | Carbon8 |
4.4. | Market analysis of CO₂-derived building materials |
4.4.1. | The market potential of CO₂ use in the construction industry |
4.4.2. | Supplying CO₂ to a decentralized concrete industry |
4.4.3. | Prefabricated versus ready-mixed concrete markets |
4.4.4. | Market dynamics of cement and concrete |
4.4.5. | CO₂U business models in building materials |
4.4.6. | CO₂U technology adoption in construction materials |
4.4.7. | CO₂ utilization players in mineralization |
4.4.8. | Factors influencing CO₂U adoption in construction |
4.4.9. | Factors influencing CO₂U adoption in construction (ii) |
4.4.10. | Concrete carbon footprint of key CO₂U companies |
4.4.11. | Key takeaways in CO₂-derived building materials |
4.4.12. | Key takeaways in CO₂-derived building materials (ii) |
4.4.13. | Key takeaways in CO₂-derived building materials (iii) |
5.1.1. | The chemical industry's decarbonization challenge |
5.1.2. | CO₂ can be converted into a giant range of chemicals |
5.1.3. | Using CO₂ as a feedstock is energy-intensive |
5.1.4. | The basics: types of CO₂ utilization reactions |
5.2. | CO₂-derived chemicals: pathways and products |
5.2.1. | CO₂ use in urea production |
5.2.2. | CO₂ may need to be first converted into CO or syngas |
5.2.3. | Chiyoda |
5.2.4. | Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: syngas to hydrocarbons |
5.2.5. | Electrochemical CO₂ reduction |
5.2.6. | Electrochemical CO₂ reduction products |
5.2.7. | Low-temperature electrochemical CO₂ reduction |
5.2.8. | Twelve |
5.2.9. | High-temperature solid oxide electrolyzers |
5.2.10. | Haldor Topsøe |
5.2.11. | Methanol is a valuable chemical feedstock |
5.2.12. | Cost parity has been a challenge for CO₂-derived methanol |
5.2.13. | Thermochemical methods: CO₂-derived methanol |
5.2.14. | Carbon Recycling International |
5.2.15. | Aromatic hydrocarbons from CO₂ |
5.2.16. | Artificial photosynthesis |
5.3. | CO₂-derived polymers |
5.3.1. | CO₂ in polymer manufacturing |
5.3.2. | Commercial production of polycarbonate from CO₂ |
5.3.3. | Covestro |
5.3.4. | Econic |
5.3.5. | Evonik |
5.3.6. | Asahi Kasei: CO₂-based aromatic polycarbonates |
5.4. | CO₂-derived pure carbon products |
5.4.1. | Carbon nanostructures made from CO₂ |
5.4.2. | Mars Materials |
5.5. | CO₂-derived chemicals: market and general considerations |
5.5.1. | Players in CO₂-derived chemicals by end-product |
5.5.2. | CO₂-derived chemicals: market potential |
5.5.3. | Are CO₂-derived chemicals climate beneficial? |
5.5.4. | Investments and industrial collaboration are key |
5.5.5. | Steel-off gases as a CO₂U feedstock |
5.5.6. | Centralized or distributed chemical manufacturing? |
5.5.7. | What would it take for the chemical industry to run on CO₂? |
5.6. | CO₂-derived chemicals: takeaways |
5.6.1. | Which CO₂U technologies are more suitable to which products? |
5.6.2. | Technical feasibility of main CO₂-derived chemicals |
5.6.3. | Key takeaways in CO₂-derived chemicals |
6.1. | What are CO₂-derived fuels? |
6.2. | CO₂ can be converted into a variety of energy carriers |
6.3. | Summary of main routes to CO₂-fuels |
6.4. | The challenge of energy efficiency |
6.5. | CO₂-fuels are pertinent to a specific context |
6.6. | CO₂-fuels in shipping |
6.7. | CO₂-fuels in aviation |
6.8. | Sustainable aviation fuel policies (i) |
6.9. | Sustainable aviation fuel policies (ii) |
6.10. | Liquid Wind |
6.11. | Obrist Group |
6.12. | Coval Energy |
6.13. | CO₂-derived formic acid as a hydrogen carrier |
6.14. | Synthetic natural gas - thermocatalytic pathway |
6.15. | Biological fermentation of CO₂ into methane |
6.16. | Drivers and barriers for power-to-gas technology adoption |
6.17. | Power-to-gas projects worldwide - current and announced |
6.18. | Can CO₂-fuels achieve cost parity with fossil-fuels? |
6.19. | CO₂-fuels rollout is linked to electrolyzer capacity |
6.20. | Low-carbon hydrogen is crucial to CO₂-fuels |
6.21. | CO₂-derived fuels projects announced |
6.22. | CO₂-derived fuels projects worldwide over time - current and announced |
6.23. | CO₂-fuels from solar power |
6.24. | Synhelion |
6.25. | Dimensional Energy |
6.26. | Companies in CO₂-fuels by end-product |
6.27. | CO₂-derived fuel: players |
6.28. | CO₂-derived fuel: players (ii) |
6.29. | Sunfire: SOEC techonology |
6.30. | Audi synthetic fuels |
6.31. | Are CO₂-fuels climate beneficial? |
6.32. | CO₂-derived fuels SWOT analysis |
6.33. | CO₂-derived fuels: market potential |
6.34. | Key takeaways |
7.1. | CO₂ utilization in biological processes |
7.2. | Main companies using CO₂ in biological processes |
7.3. | CO₂ utilization in greenhouses |
7.4. | CO₂ enrichment in greenhouses |
7.5. | CO₂ enrichment in greenhouses: market potential |
7.6. | CO₂ enrichment in greenhouses: pros and cons |
7.7. | CO₂ utilization in algae cultivation |
7.8. | CO₂-enhanced algae or cyanobacteria cultivation |
7.9. | Cemvita Factory |
7.10. | CO₂-enhanced algae cultivation: open vs closed systems |
7.11. | Algae CO₂ capture from cement plants |
7.12. | Algae has multiple market applications |
7.13. | The algae-based fuel market has been rocky |
7.14. | Algae-based fuel for aviation |
7.15. | CO₂-enhanced algae cultivation: pros and cons |
7.16. | CO₂ utilization in microbial conversion |
7.17. | CO₂ utilization in biomanufacturing |
7.18. | CO₂-consuming microorganisms |
7.19. | LanzaTech |
7.20. | Newlight |
7.21. | Food and feed from CO₂ |
7.22. | Solar Foods |
7.23. | CO₂-derived food and feed: market |
7.24. | Carbon fermentation: pros and cons |
8.1. | Forecast scope & methodology |
8.2. | CO₂-derived product benchmarking (i) |
8.3. | CO₂-derived product benchmarking (ii) |
8.4. | Forecast product categories |
8.5. | CO₂-derived product price forecast: methodology |
8.6. | CO₂-derived product price forecast: input and results |
8.7. | CO₂ utilization overall market forecast |
8.8. | CO₂ utilization capacity forecast by category (million tonnes of CO₂ per year), 2022-2042 |
8.9. | CO₂ utilization capacity forecast by product (million tonnes of CO₂ per year), 2022-2042 |
8.10. | Carbon utilization annual revenue forecast by category (million US$), 2022-2042 |
8.11. | Carbon utilization annual revenue forecast by product (million US$), 2022-2042 |
8.12. | CO₂ utilization market forecast, 2022-2042: discussion |
8.13. | The evolution of the CO₂U market |
8.14. | CO₂-Enhanced Oil Recovery forecast |
8.15. | CO₂-EOR forecast assumptions |
8.16. | CO₂-EOR annual revenue (million US$) and oil production (million barrels per day), 2022-2042 |
8.17. | CO₂-EOR utilization rate by source (million tonnes of CO₂ per year), 2022-2042 |
8.18. | CO₂-derived building materials forecast |
8.19. | CO₂-derived building materials: forecast assumptions |
8.20. | CO₂ utilization forecast in building materials by end-use (million tonnes of CO₂ per year), 2022-2042 |
8.21. | CO₂-derived building materials volume forecast by product (million tonnes of product per year), 2022-2042 |
8.22. | Annual revenue forecast for CO₂-derived building materials by product (million US$), 2022-2042 |
8.23. | CO₂-derived building materials forecast, 2022-2042: discussion |
8.24. | CO₂-derived fuels forecast |
8.25. | CO₂-derived fuels: forecast assumptions |
8.26. | CO₂ utilization forecast in fuels by fuel type (million tonnes of CO₂ per year), 2022-2042 |
8.27. | CO₂-derived fuels volume forecast by fuel type (million tonnes of fuel per year), 2022-2042 |
8.28. | Annual revenue forecast for CO₂-derived fuels by fuel type (million US$), 2022-2042 |
8.29. | CO₂-derived fuels forecast, 2022-2042: discussion |
8.30. | CO₂-derived fuels forecast, 2022-2042: discussion |
8.31. | CO₂-derived chemicals forecast |
8.32. | CO₂-derived chemicals: forecast assumptions |
8.33. | CO₂ utilization forecast in chemicals by end-use (million tonnes of CO₂ per year), 2022-2042 |
8.34. | CO₂ -derived chemicals volume forecast by end-use (million tonnes product per year), 2022-2042 |
8.35. | Annual revenue forecast for CO₂-derived chemicals by end-use (million US$), 2022-2042 |
8.36. | CO₂-derived chemicals forecast, 2022-2042: discussion |
8.37. | CO₂ use in biological yield-boosting forecast |
8.38. | CO₂ use in biological yield-boosting: forecast assumptions |
8.39. | CO₂ utilization forecast in biological yield-boosting by end-use (million tonnes of CO₂ per year), 2022-2042 |
8.40. | Annual revenue forecast for CO₂ use in biological yield-boosting by end-use (million US$), 2022-2042 |
8.41. | CO₂ use in biological yield-boosting forecast, 2022-2042: discussion |
9.1. | Players in CO₂-derived chemicals (i) |
9.2. | Players in CO₂-derived chemicals (ii) |
9.3. | Players in CO₂-derived chemicals (iii) |
9.4. | Players in CO₂-derived chemicals (iv) |
9.5. | Players in CO₂-derived polymers (i) |
9.6. | Players in CO₂-derived polymers (ii) |
9.7. | Players in CO₂-derived solid carbon |
Slides | 284 |
Forecasts to | 2042 |