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Electronic Skin Patches 2019-2029

The most comprehensive assessment on the commercialization of flexible, wearable, smart skin patches

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This report characterizes the markets, technologies and players in electronic skin patches. With coverage across 26 application areas and over 100 companies, plus historic market data from 2010 - 2018 and market forecasts from 2019 to 2029, it is the most comprehensive study compiled for this emerging product area. It reveals significant opportunity, with over $7.5bn in revenue made from electronic skin patches in 2018, and a forecast for this to grow to over $20bn per year by 2029.
Skin patches are wearable products attached to the skin. The electronic element involves the integration of electronic functionality such as sensors, actuators, processors and communication, allowing the devices to become connected and "smart". In many ways, skin patches act as the ultimate wearable electronic devices, augmenting the wearer with minimal encumbrance and maximum comfort. As such, interest in electronic skin patches soared as a by-product of the significant hype and market growth around "wearables" starting in 2014.
However, several product types within the sector transcend this hype. Several skin patch product areas, particularly in diabetes management and cardiovascular monitoring, have superseded incumbent options in established markets to create billions of dollars of new revenue each year for the companies at the forefront of this wave. However, success is not ubiquitous; each market discussed within this report sits within a unique ecosystem, with different players, drivers, limitations and history to build on.
As such, the report looks at each of the application areas for electronic skin patches in turn, discussing the relevant technology, product types, competitive landscape, industry players, pricing, historic revenue and market forecasts. The areas covered include diabetes management, cardiac devices, medical patient monitoring (both inpatient and outpatient), motion sensing, temperature sensing, drug and cosmetic delivery patches, smart bandages for wound care and more. For the established markets within the sector, the report contains historic revenue data by company back to 2010. The report also contains detailed market forecasting over 10 years for each of the key application areas.
Source IDTechEx
The product category of "electronic skin patches" conceals a significant amount of diversity. Whilst many people may imagine skin patches to be thin, highly conformable devices that sit close to the skin, the reality is that many of the most successful products today are still relatively bulky devices. As such, the report also contains a discussion of technology areas relevant to the future development of smart patches, particularly around areas such as flexible, stretchable and conformal electronic components. Development of these technologies will not only enable more products to be deployed as skin patches, but will also for improvement in the form factor of electronic skin patches that already exist.
The research behind the report has been compiled over several years by IDTechEx analysts. It follows existing coverage of areas such as wearable technology, flexible electronics, stretchable and conformal electronics, electronic textiles, advanced wound care, bioelectronics and more. The methodology involved a mixture of primary and secondary research, with a key focus on speaking to executives and scientists from companies developing commercial electronic skin patches. As such, the report compiles case studies of over 100 companies and projects, each updated over time and compared within their appropriate product ecosystems.
Source IDTechEx
Unique position and experience behind the report
IDTechEx is afforded a particularly unique position in covering this topic. The experienced analyst team builds on decades of experience covering emerging technology markets, and particularly areas such as flexible electronics which are central to electronic skin patches. IDTechEx also organizes leading industry conferences and exhibitions covering flexible and wearable electronics. With a combined total of over 6000 delegates each year and presentations from all of the leading players in these spaces, IDTechEx has the unique ability to curate a network in these topic areas, facilitating the reporting in this report.
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1.1.Executive introduction: Electronic skin patches
1.2.Application overview
1.3.Skin patches competing with established products
1.4.New market creation around skin patches
1.5.Applications, market sizes and outlook
1.6.Wearable, ambulatory cardiac monitoring: Comparison of over 35 players
1.7.Key conclusions: cardiac monitoring skin patches
1.8.Cardiac monitoring skin patches: Historic data: 2010-2018
1.9.Cardiac monitoring skin patches: Market forecasts
1.10.Diabetes management: Positioning of 25 players
1.11.A shifting focus in diabetes management Historic data: 2010-2018
1.12.The growth of CGM accelerates
1.13.Diabetes management: full historic data and forecast
1.14.Key conclusions: Iontophoresis
1.15.Skin patch temperature sensing: Use cases across 12 case studies
1.16.Key conclusions: Temperature sensing skin patches
1.17.Key conclusions: Motion sensing
1.18.Key conclusions: Sweat sensing
1.19.List of players from case studies
2.1.The case for skin patches: Augmenting the human body
2.2.The case for skin patches: Improving device form factor
2.3.Definitions and exclusions
2.4.History of skin patches
2.5.Applications, market sizes and outlook
2.6.Reimbursement drives commercial business models
2.7.Commercialising skin patches: Survey of over 100 different examples
2.8.List of players from case studies
2.9.Commercial progress by form factor
2.10.Commercial progress vs form factor
2.11.Commercial progress by application focus
2.12.Commercial progress vs application focus
2.13.Patents: Total active patents by assignee
2.14.Patents: Active and strong patents by assignee
2.15.Top 30 skin patch patent assignees, by country & region
2.16.Patents: Assignees with activity in the last 2 years
2.17.Skin patch commercialisation efforts, by geography
2.18.Context: Wearables hype
3.1.Application overview
3.1.1.Application overview
3.1.2.Skin patches competing with established products
3.1.3.New market creation around skin patches
3.1.4.Section contents
3.2.Cardiovascular monitoring skin patches
3.2.1.Introduction - Cardiovascular monitoring via wearable devices
3.2.2.Introduction - Measuring biopotential
3.2.3.Introduction - Electrocardiography (ECG, or EKG)
3.2.4.Technology overview - the circuitry for measuring biopotential
3.2.5.Technology overview - electrode properties
3.2.6.Progress towards ambulatory cardiac monitoring
3.2.7.Differentiation between ambulatory cardiac monitors
3.2.8.Wearable vs implantable monitoring
3.2.9.Reimbursement codes for wearable cardiac monitors
3.2.10.Scenario: Reduction in reimbursement for MCT in the US market
3.2.11.Reimbursement codes for implantable cardiac monitors
3.2.12.Example: Medtronic (SEEQ & LINQ)
3.2.13.Wearable, ambulatory cardiac monitoring: Comparison of over 35 players
3.2.14.Wearable, ambulatory cardiac monitoring: Comparison of over 35 players
3.2.15.Case studies: key players
3.2.16.BioTelemetry, Inc.
3.2.17.BioTelemetry: Timeline
3.2.18.iRhythm: ZIO
3.2.19.Medtronic: SEEQ MCT
3.2.22.Holst Center: Skin patches
3.2.23.Byteflies & Quad Industries
3.2.25.LumiraDx: Ampstrip
3.2.26.QT Medical
3.2.27.Competition with other form factors
3.2.28.Other form factors for ambulatory cardiac monitoring
3.2.29.Comparison: Chest straps
3.2.30.Comparison: Apparel
3.2.31.Comparison: Apparel (examples)
3.2.32.Comparison: Portable devices
3.2.33.Comparison: Smartwatch optical HRM
3.2.34.Market data and forecasts
3.2.35.Market overview and forecasts
3.2.36.Cardiac monitoring skin patches: Historic data: 2010-2018
3.2.37.Cardiac monitoring skin patches: Market forecasts
3.2.38.Key conclusions: cardiac monitoring skin patches
3.3.Wireless inpatient monitoring via skin patches
3.3.1.Inpatient monitoring: The case for removing the wires
3.3.2.Players and approaches
3.3.3.Sensium (Surgical Company Group)
3.3.5.Isansys Lifecare
3.3.6.Leaf Healthcare
3.3.7.Conclusions & related areas
3.4.Diabetes management via skin patches
3.4.1.Background: Diabetes in numbers
3.4.2.Background: Diabetes on the rise
3.4.3.Background: The cost of diabetes
3.4.4.Diabetes management process
3.4.5.Diabetes management device roadmap: Sensors
3.4.6.Non-invasive glucose monitoring?
3.4.7.Opinions against non-invasive glucose monitoring
3.4.8.The case for CGM
3.4.9.Skin patches for diabetes management
3.4.10.Competition from the reimbursement scenario
3.4.11.Diabetes management: Positioning of 25 players
3.4.12.Key players in continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)
3.4.13.CGM: Overview of key players
3.4.14.Abbott Laboratories
3.4.15.Abbott: FreeStyle Libre
3.4.16.Abbott: SMBG vs CGM comparison
3.4.19.Medtronic: Patents in CGM
3.4.21.Roche: Patents in CGM
3.4.23.Other players
3.4.26.Verily / Google: Contact lenses
3.4.28.Academic examples
3.4.29.Binghampton University
3.4.30.University of Bath
3.4.31.Insulin delivery
3.4.32.Diabetes management device roadmap: Insulin delivery
3.4.33.Insulin pumps: Introduction
3.4.34.Patent activity in insulin pumps is prominent
3.4.35.Insulin pumps currently available
3.4.36.Insulin pump breakdown
3.4.37.Insulin patch pumps
3.4.38.Example: Progress from Medtronic
3.4.39.Outlook for insulin pumps
3.4.40.Linking insulin pumps and CGM: Towards an artificial pancreas
3.4.41.Today: Hybrid closed loop systems
3.4.42.Example: Progress from Medtronic
3.4.43.The objective: Closing the feedback loop
3.4.44.Examples and partnerships
3.4.45.Market data: Historic & forecasts
3.4.46.A shifting focus in diabetes management Historic data: 2010-2018
3.4.47.Test strip business in decline
3.4.48.The growth of CGM accelerates
3.4.49.Diabetes management: full historic data and forecast
3.5.Iontophoresis skin patches: Cosmetics and drug delivery
3.5.1.Introduction - Iontophoresis
3.5.3.Cosmetic skin patches
3.5.4.Estée Lauder
3.5.5.BioBliss™, Iontera, Patchology
3.5.6.Feeligreen (Feeligold)
3.5.7.Drug delivery
3.5.8.Iontophoresis for drug delivery
3.5.9.Drugs studied for iontophoretic delivery
3.5.10.Feeligreen (Feelicare)
3.5.11.Seoul National University: Parkinson's medication via skin patches
3.5.12.Reverse iontophoresis
3.5.13.Reverse Iontophoresis
3.5.14.Example: GlucoWatch
3.5.15.Nemaura Medical: sugarBEAT
3.5.16.Key conclusions: Iontophoresis
3.6.Temperature sensing skin patches
3.6.1.Introduction - Body Temperature
3.6.2.Temperature sensing technology options
3.6.3.Approaches and standards for medical temperature sensing
3.6.4.Skin patches for temperature sensing
3.6.5.Skin patch temperature sensing: Use cases across 12 case studies
3.6.7.VivaLNK & Reckitt Benckiser
3.6.8.Blue Spark
3.6.9.Life Science Technology
3.6.10.Isansys Lifecare
3.6.13.PST Sensors
3.6.14.Raiing Medical
3.6.18.Alternative options: Tympanic temperature sensing
3.6.19.Key conclusions: Temperature sensing skin patches
3.7.Sweat sensing: Sweat rate and biomarkers
3.7.1.Introduction - Sweat sensing
3.7.2.Measuring sweat rate
3.7.3.Technology overview - measuring bioimpedance
3.7.4.Technology overview - Galvanic skin response (GSR)
3.7.5.Technology overview - humidity sensors for sweat
3.7.6.GE Global Research
3.7.7.Sensing biomarkers in sweat
3.7.8.Technology overview - chemical sensing in sweat
3.7.9.Sweat vs other sources of analytes
3.7.10.Analytes in sweat
3.7.11.Technology overview: Chemical sensing
3.7.14.Milo Sensors
3.7.15.Eccrine Systems
3.7.16.PARC / UCSD
3.7.17.Stanford and UC Berkeley
3.7.19.Epicore Biosystems
3.7.20.Key conclusions: Sweat sensing
3.8.Motion sensing with skin patches
3.8.1.Introduction - Monitoring motion via skin patches
3.8.2.Different modes for sensing motion
3.8.3.Measuring motion with inertial measurement units
3.8.4.Introduction - Inertial measurement units
3.8.5.Measuring motion with IMUs: Examples
3.8.6.Value chain and examples of players
3.8.7.IMUs in skin patches
3.8.8.Suunto: Movesense
3.8.9.Measuring motion with conformal sensors
3.8.10.Introduction - alternatives for measuring motion
3.8.11.Technology overview - Resistive/piezoresistive sensing
3.8.12.Players and industry dynamic
3.8.14.Quantum tunnelling composite: QTC®
3.8.15.QTC® vs. FSR™ vs. piezoresistor?
3.8.16.Bebop Sensors
3.8.18.Technology overview - Capacitive sensing
3.8.19.Parker Hannifin
3.8.21.LEAP Technology
3.8.22.Technology overview - Piezoelectric sensing
3.8.23.Application examples
3.8.24.Applications for skin patch motion sensors
3.8.25.Case study - Concussion detection
3.8.26.X2 Biosystems
3.8.27.US Military head trauma patch / PARC
3.8.29.Key conclusions: Motion sensing
3.9.Wound monitoring and treatment with skin patches
3.9.1.Wound Monitoring
3.9.2.Wound Monitoring: KAUST
3.9.3.Wound Monitoring: Purdue University
3.9.4.Wound Monitoring: Tufts University
3.9.5.Wound Monitoring: Tyndall National Institute
3.9.6.Wound Monitoring: UC Berkeley
3.9.7.Wound Monitoring: UCSD
3.9.8.Wound Monitoring: VTT
3.9.9.Wound Treatment
3.10.Others applications of skin patches
3.10.1.List of examples
3.10.2.General technology platforms
3.10.3.Qualcomm Life
3.10.4.Qualcomm Life / Capsule Technologies
3.10.8.DevInnova / Scaleo Medical
3.10.9.Other healthcare & medical applications
3.10.10.Acoustic respiration rate
3.10.11.Proteus Digital Health
3.10.12.Novioscan: Wearable Ultrasound
3.10.14.Supporting vaccination with microneedle patches
3.10.16.Avanix - business model and target milestones
3.10.17.Other fitness & wellness applications
3.10.18.UV protection
3.10.19.MC10 & L'Oréal: Wisp
3.10.20.Hivox Biotek
3.10.21.Lief Therapeutics: Stress Management
3.10.23.EOG - eye tracking with skin patches
4.1.Introduction: Skin patch technology development
4.2.Flexible electronics
4.3.Flexible substrates
4.4.Plastic substrates
4.5.Key parameters for plastic substrates
4.6.Flexible glass
4.7.Stretchable or extremely flexible circuit boards
4.8.Stretchable or extremely flexible circuit boards (Reebok)
4.9.Examples of thin and flexible PCBs in wearable and display applications
4.10.Examples of thin and flexible PCBs in various applications
4.11.Stretchable meandering interconnects
4.12.Stretchable printed circuits boards
4.13.Examples of fully circuits on stretchable PCBs
4.14.Conductive inks
4.15.Hypoallergenic conductive inks for skin patches
4.16.Examples of circuits printed with conductive inks
4.17.Stretchable actually-printed electronic circuits/systems
4.18.Stretchable inks: general observations
4.19.Performance of stretchable conductive inks
4.20.Evolution and improvements in performance of stretchable conductive inks
4.21.Stretchable ink: suppliers increase
4.22.Electronic skin microsystems for health monitoring
5.1.Forecast details and assumptions
5.2.Historic data: All electronic skin patches, 2010-2018
5.3.Market forecast: All electronic skin patches, 2019-2029
5.4.Historic data: Cardiovascular monitoring skin patches, 2010-2018
5.5.Market forecast: Cardiovascular monitoring skin patches, 2019-2029
5.6.Historic data: Skin patches for diabetes management, 2010-2018
5.7.Market forecast: Skin patches for diabetes management, 2019-2029
5.8.Historic data: Skin patches for patient monitoring, 2010-2018
5.9.Market forecast: Skin patches for patient monitoring, 2019-2029
5.10.Historic data: Temperature monitoring skin patches, 2010-2018
5.11.Market forecast: Temperature monitoring skin patches, 2019-2029
5.12.Historic data: Skin patches for iontophoresis, 2010-2018
5.13.Market forecast: Skin patches for iontophoresis, 2019-2029
5.14.Historic data: Other types of electronic skin patch, 2010-2018
5.15.Market forecast: Other types of electronic skin patch, 2019-2029
6.1.List of 101 electronic skin patch case studies
Revenue from electronic skin patches will reach over $20bn by 2029

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