Helium for Semiconductors and Beyond 2025-2035: Market, Trends, and Forecasts

Key applications of helium in semiconductor manufacturing, leak testing (e.g. EV batteries), cryogenics (MRI, NMR, quantum computing), and aerospace, with trends in adoption of substitutes, reclamation technologies, and 10-year forecasts

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Helium is a finite resource that plays a critical role across several industries including medical imaging, thermal management systems for batteries, aerospace engineering, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, semiconductor manufacturing, fiber optics, particle physics, scientific balloons, and many more. Its high thermal conductivity, chemical inertness, and cryogenic properties uniquely lend itself to its applications with limited or no available alternatives in some cases. Owing to helium's key role in the energy transition (e.g. electric vehicles and batteries), digital transformation (electronics, AI, telecoms, etc.), and space exploration, it is classified as a critical mineral by governmental bodies, e.g. the EU and Canada. Despite its importance, due to a lack of production diversification and geopolitical strains, the helium market is renowned for its susceptibility to chronic supply shortages and price volatility.
IDTechEx's report critically assesses the outlook for helium production, the role of helium in key industries, the availability and viability of helium substitutes, and helium reclamation technologies. Market forecasts are given in yearly helium demand segmented by its main applications and yearly production capacity by region.
Helium demand forecast, helium substitutes, helium recovery technologies, helium market trends, helium for semiconductors
Figure 1: Key production sources and applications of helium. Source: IDTechEx
Helium in the Manufacturing Industry
Helium is widely used in manufacturing processes due to its cooling and inert properties. It is essential for thermal management during semiconductor production, fiber optics, and is a crucial component for quality control processes such as leak testing of parts including HVAC equipment, fuel tanks, battery packs, aerospace components, etc. It is also key for welding processes to produce numerous parts, including electrical and automotive components. In particular, advancing semiconductor manufacturing processes towards smaller nodes (critical for AI, autonomous vehicles, etc.) will also increase the semiconductor industry's reliance on helium, with no currently viable alternatives.
This report critically examines how these industries are navigating chronic helium supply challenges. Through interviews with key players, e.g. manufacturers of reclamation technologies such as Telstar and Rosendahl Nextrom, the report highlights the trends and market activity in helium conservation (e.g. investing in reclamation technologies) and adoption of helium substitutes where possible.
Helium as a Cryogen
With a normal boiling point of 4.2K, helium is the only liquid at temperatures close to absolute zero (0K). It is therefore critical for operations of superconducting devices such as MRI and NMR machines in medical and chemical industries, particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider, and some nuclear fusion reactors. For quantum computing, several qubit modalities require cooling between 10mK and 4K in some aspects of the initialization, manipulation, and readout chain. To access mK (1mK = 0.001K) temperature, the use of helium within cryostats is currently essential.
In recent decades, MRI scanners have been the leading application of helium by end-use. However, improvements in hardware design (e.g. sealed-for-life designs), software (e.g. AI, deep learning), and material developments (e.g. metamaterials, high-temperature superconductors) are heralding a success story in reducing helium requirements. This report critically analyses the technological advances driving emerging trends in helium demand for MRI, NMR, quantum computing, and more.
Helium in the Aerospace Industry
Helium plays a significant role in many aspects of the aerospace industry. Helium is used as an inert gas to purge hydrogen systems, pressurize ground and flight fluid systems, leak-test components, and as a shielding gas during precision welding. It is also used as a cryogen to cool components. Over the last five years, the frequency of orbital launches has surged, with commercial entities becoming increasingly pivotal to the industry's expansion. This growth underscores the critical role of helium, further cementing its status as an indispensable resource within the sector. IDTechEx's report provides a 10-year forecast detailing the anticipated demand for helium within the aerospace sector.
Trends in Helium Production
Although helium production capacity is expected to increase with Qatar and Russia expected to ramp up production, it does not necessarily guarantee a disruption-free helium supply moving forward when considering geopolitical tensions.
A growing number of small independent players are exploring primary/green helium from geological reserves where it is present in non-hydrocarbon gases. Nonetheless, elucidating the prospects for production capacity in the medium and long term requires extensive data and validation. These projects are leveraging low-capex separation systems, e.g. membrane and PSA technologies to upgrade and purify helium at well sites or local processing facilities. Informed by insights gleaned from providers of helium separation technologies, e.g. UGS and Generon, this report comprehensively compares the merits and challenges of helium separation and purification technologies.
Helium demand forecast, helium substitutes, helium recovery technologies, helium market trends, helium for semiconductors
Figure 2: Forecast of growth for helium demand. Source: IDTechEx
IDTechEx Outlook
Historically, helium pricing has been low which rendered it economically unfeasible to drive innovations, explorations, and adoption of helium reclamation technologies. However, helium supply security is encumbered by geopolitical tensions and multifactorial contributions that affect the market. Specifically in industries where there are no viable alternatives to helium, higher helium prices are likely to push companies to consider conservation strategies and invest in reclamation technologies.
IDTechEx's latest report on Helium Market 2025-2035: Applications, Alternatives, and Reclamation provides key market insights into the production and supply of helium, the major applications, outlook, and trends in how industries are adapting to cope with chronic supply challenges with helium conservation methods (e.g. reclamation technologies) or adopting substitutes where possible. Despite conservation strategies and substitutions, IDTechEx forecasts the demand for helium will nearly double from 2024 to 2035.
Key Aspects
The report provides key market insights into the production and supply of helium, the major applications, outlook and trends in how industries are adapting to cope with chronic supply challenges with helium conservation methods (e.g. reclamation technologies) and/or adopting substitutes where possible.
The report considers the global production capacity and supply of helium with an assessment of:
  • Historic supply challenges and volatility in the helium market
  • Activity from key players to increase production capacity from natural gas and non-hydrocarbon sources (e.g. green helium)
  • Technologies to separate and purify helium
The role of helium in key industries, such as semiconductor manufacturing, fiber optic manufacturing, leak testing of critical components, aerospace, cooling superconductors for MRI, NMR, particle accelerators, quantum computers, and more, are covered with detailed evaluations of:
  • Impact of helium supply challenges on different industries
  • Technological advances to reduce helium consumption (e.g. developments in superconducting magnets for MRI, NMR, and particle accelerators)
  • Availability of substitutes and comparison of key metrics to determine the viability of replacing helium with potential alternatives
  • Trends in mitigation and helium conservation strategies (e.g. reclamation technologies) to reduce helium consumption where viable substitutes are unavailable
The report also provides 10 year market outlook and forecasts with analysis on:
  • Total demand for helium (million cubic meters) segmented by 9 key applications:
- Semiconductors and fiber optics (million cubic meters): 2023-2035
- Leak testing (million cubic meters): 2023-2035 (with and without reclamation)
- MRI (million cubic meters): 2023-2035
- Lifting gases (million cubic meters): 2023-2035
- Analytical, R&D, and specialty gases (million cubic meters): 2023-2035 (with and without reclamation)
- He-4 and He-3 for quantum computing (L): 2024-2035
- Diving (million cubic meters): 2023-2035
- Welding (million cubic meters): 2023-2035
- Pressurization & purging (million cubic meters): 2023-2035
  • Total global production capacity segmented by key helium producing countries (million cubic meters): 2020-2035
- United States
- Qatar
- Russia
- Algeria
- Canada
- South Africa
- Poland
- Australia
  • Comparison of projected supply capacity and helium demand (million cubic meters): 2024-2035
Report MetricsDetails
Historic Data2020 - 2023
CAGRThe global demand for helium will double to ~322 million cubic meters by 2035 and grow at a CAGR of 5.7%.
Forecast Period2024 - 2035
Forecast UnitsVolume (million cubic meters)
Regions CoveredWorldwide, North America (USA + Canada), Europe, Russia, Qatar, All Asia-Pacific
Segments CoveredProduction and supply, semiconductor manufacturing, fiber optic manufacturing, leak testing applications (e.g. EV batteries, HVAC components, fuel tanks, etc.), cryogenic applications (MRI, NMR, particle accelerators, quantum computing, etc.), aerospace (pressurization and purging, lifting), helium substitutes, helium recycling and reclamation technologies, and more.
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1.1.Helium Consumption by End-Use: 2016-2023
1.2.Global Helium Resources by Region
1.3.Typical supply chain and separation processes for helium production
1.4.Lack of supply diversification manifests in chronic supply challenges
1.5.Supply deficits and increasing market prices stimulating new helium exploration
1.6.Membrane and PSA methods are more economical than cryogenic separation
1.7.Russia and Qatar are leading the charge in growing production capacity
1.8.Several manufacturing processes rely on a stable supply of helium
1.9.Helium is critical to the growing semiconductor manufacturing industry
1.10.Helium Demand Forecast for Semiconductor and Fiber Optic Manufacturing (2023-2025)
1.11.Helium is used in trace gas leak testing to detect extremely low leak rates
1.12.Technology Readiness of Helium Reclamation in Key Markets
1.13.Technological advances are lowering helium requirements for superconductors
1.14.Developments in reducing helium consumption for MRI applications
1.15.Emerging low-field systems in the market are not reliant on helium for cooling
1.16.Recapture and recycling systems critical for helium conservation in NMR
1.17.Growing demand for the very rare He-3 for quantum computing (2024-2035)
1.18.Several other industries are reliant on helium with some finding substitutes
1.19.Variety of substitutes and reclamation can be considered for helium management
1.20.Adoption of reclamation for leak testing and cryogenic applications (2024-2035)
1.21.Total Yearly Global Helium Demand Segmented by Application (2023-2035)
1.22.Comparison of Helium Production Capacity and Demand Forecast (2024-2035)
1.23.Access More With an IDTechEx Subscription
2.1.1.Helium is a finite resource with a wide range of industrial applications
2.2.Global Resources and Production
2.2.1.Global helium resources are estimated to be around 40 billion cubic meters
2.2.2.Major global helium production sites
2.2.3.Global helium production is dominated by the US, Qatar, Algeria, and Russia
2.3.1.Semiconductor manufacturing is set to overtake MRI applications in the US
2.3.2.Helium is a major cryogen for medical, chemical, and quantum computing
2.3.3.Helium is widely used in aerospace applications
2.3.4.Helium plays a significant role in semiconductor and fiber optic manufacturing
2.3.5.Helium or helium mixed with argon is used for welding applications
2.3.6.Helium enables deep-sea diving by minimizing the narcotic effects of nitrogen
2.3.7.Helium is widely used in leak detection and testing applications
2.3.8.Lifting applications using helium
2.4.Supply challenges
2.4.1.Geopolitical strains and supply challenges contribute to high market volatility
2.4.2.Helium is recognized as a critical raw material by the EU and Canada
2.5.1.IDTechEx outlook for helium as a raw material
3.1.1.Helium production and separation processes
3.1.2.Helium is produced through radioactive decay of uranium and thorium
3.1.3.Typical helium supply chain and separation processes
3.1.4.Helium-3 is a rare gas sourced as a by-product from nuclear energy
3.2.Global Production and Price Volatility
3.2.1.Global helium production capacity (2005-2022)
3.2.2.Lack of supply diversification manifests in chronic supply challenges
3.2.3.US helium production (2000-2023)
3.2.4.Main active helium extraction and processing facilities in the US
3.2.5.Qatar, Canada, and Russia are emerging helium producers
3.2.6.Downtime in existing helium liquefaction facilities often disrupts supply
3.3.Exploration and Development
3.3.1.Examples of helium exploration and sourcing from natural gas fields
3.3.2.Canada is a hotspot for primary helium exploration by independent companies
3.3.3.North American Helium is expanding its primary helium production
3.3.4.Total Helium has partnered with Linde to develop primary helium production
3.3.5.Royal Helium is expanding its primary helium exploration in Canada
3.4.Helium separation technologies
3.4.1.Three industrial helium separation technologies: cryogenic, PSA and membranes
3.4.2.Hollow fiber membranes are a popular choice for helium separation
3.4.3.Different types of hollow fiber membranes are available for helium separation
3.4.4.Generon's membranes + PSA technology can recover helium to >99.5% purity
3.4.5.Grasys develops and provides membrane technology for helium separation
3.4.6.IACX has a growing number of helium processing operations in North America
3.4.7.Air Liquide's advanced separation technology uses membranes and PSA
3.4.8.Linde offers cryogenic, membrane, and PSA-based separation technologies
3.4.9.UGS offers fully skidded membrane-based helium separation systems
3.4.10.Membrane and PSA methods are more economical than cryogenic separation
3.5.1.Helium production and supply company landscape
3.6.Outlook and Forecast
3.6.1.Supply deficits and increasing market prices stimulating new helium exploration
3.6.2.Forecast for Yearly Global Helium Production Capacity (2020-2035)
3.6.3.Forecast for Share of Yearly Global Helium Production Capacity (2020-2035)
4.1.1.Key manufacturing processes rely on a stable supply of helium
4.2.Semiconductor Industry
4.2.1.Government initiatives boosting regional growth of the semiconductor industry
4.2.2.Industrial movement to boost semiconductor manufacturing
4.2.3.Helium is critical to the growing semiconductor manufacturing industry
4.2.4.Helium has exceptional thermal conductivity for expedient cooling of chips
4.2.5.Lack of helium alternatives provides a strong case for reclamation
4.2.6.Emerging adoption of reclamation technologies for other rare gases
4.3.Fiber Optic Industry
4.3.1.Fiber optic cables are a critical component of the telecoms infrastructure
4.3.2.Fiber optic production uses helium during the fiber drawing process
4.3.3.Helium reclamation and helium alternatives for fiber optic manufacturers
4.3.4.Nextrom's system reclaims ~90% of the helium used in optical fiber cooling
4.4.Leak Testing
4.4.1.Helium is used in trace gas leak testing to detect extremely low leak rates
4.4.2.Sniffer and accumulation tests have detection limits of ~10-5scc/s
4.4.3.Helium is critical for testing leak rates beyond 10-6scc/s to limits of 10-12scc/s
4.4.4.Growing interest in helium recycling systems for leak testing applications
4.4.5.Cincinnati Test Systems (CTS) offers leak testing and helium recycling systems
4.4.6.Telstar offers helium leak testing and reclamation systems for manufacturers
4.4.7.VES's PURE systems reclaim and recycle helium consumption
4.4.8.SWOT analysis of helium recycling systems for leak testing applications
4.4.9.Helium is the leading choice for tests that require high sensitivity and throughput
4.5.Industrial Insights
4.5.1.Helium is used in automotive manufacturing processes and components
4.5.2.Emerging HVAC systems have more stringent leak-testing requirements
4.5.3.Leak testing is essential for fuel cells and battery thermal management systems
4.6.1.IDTechEx subdivided the players segmented by the manufacturing industry
4.7.Outlook and Forecasts
4.7.1.Technology Readiness of Helium Reclamation in Key Markets
4.7.2.Helium Demand Forecast for Semiconductor and Fiber Optic Manufacturing (2023-2035)
4.7.3.Helium Demand Forecast for Leak Testing in Manufacturing (2023-2035)
5.1.Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
5.1.1.Helium is an essential commodity for MRI scanners in the medical sector
5.1.2.Challenges in minimizing helium losses during MRI scanner lifecycle
5.1.3.TRL of MRI systems: newer scanners are significantly less dependent on helium
5.1.4.Developments in reducing helium consumption in LTS MRI systems
5.1.5.Fully-sealed superconducting magnet systems using 'dry' LTS magnets
5.1.6.Growing sales for sealed-for-life MRI magnets with no helium refilling needed
5.1.7.Emerging preclinical high-field MRI magnets eliminating need for helium refills
5.1.8.Low-field MRI are more versatile and flexible than high-field MRI machines
5.1.9.Emerging low-field systems in the market are not reliant on helium for cooling
5.1.10.Developments in MgB2 and other high-temperature superconductors for MRI
5.1.11.Rare-earths for some MRI magnets have supply chain concerns and price volatility
5.1.12.Metamaterials can be coupled with low-field systems to improve image quality
5.1.13.MRI enhancement through flexible metamaterials
5.1.14.Commercial status of metamaterials in MRI
5.2.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
5.2.1.Helium supply disruptions can cause permanent damage to NMR instruments
5.2.2.Recapture and recycling systems critical for helium conservation in NMR
5.2.3.Helium supply and price volatility are driving investment in recycling systems
5.2.4.Examples of recapture installations funded by grants
5.2.5.Strategies to reduce the helium dependence of NMR instruments
5.2.6.Bruker's HelioSmart technology is optimized for NMR spectrometers
5.2.7.Quantum Technology offers helium recycling systems for NMR instruments
5.2.8.JEOL offers cryogen reclamation systems for its NMR instruments
5.2.9.Bluefors offers zero-boil off helium reliquefaction technology for NMR
5.2.10.Helium recycling systems: SWOT
5.2.11.Chasing high-field strengths is leading the development of HTS magnets
5.3.Thermal Management for Quantum Computing
5.3.1.Quantum computing has the potential to disrupt the existing computing eco-system
5.3.2.He-3 and He-4 are needed for cooling to milli-Kelvin temperatures
5.3.3.Introduction to cryostats for quantum computing
5.3.4.Specialized cryogenic systems to support some quantum computing modalities
5.3.5.Helium-3 isotope supply could prove decisive in quantum ecosystems thriving
5.4.Liquefying Hydrogen for Storage and Transportation
5.4.1.Hydrogen liquefaction for storage and transportation
5.4.2.Types of hydrogen liquefaction cycles & refrigerants
5.4.3.Hydrogen liquefaction - helium Brayton cycle
5.4.4.Spherical LH2 storage vessels using helium as a refrigerant
5.5.Other Cryogenic Applications
5.5.1.Power transmission with superconducting cables with low resistive losses
5.5.2.Large Hadron Collider is the largest cryogenic system using liquid helium
5.6.Company Landscape
5.6.1.Landscape of key players of technologies using helium as a cryogen
5.7.Outlook and Forecast
5.7.1.Magnet designs and material development are lowering helium requirements
5.7.2.Helium Demand Forecast for MRI Applications (2023-2035)
5.7.3.Helium (He-4) Demand Forecast for Quantum Computing (2024-2035)
5.7.4.Helium (He-3) Demand Forecast for Quantum Computing (2024-2035)
6.1.1.Several other industries are reliant on helium with some finding substitutes
6.2.Lifting Applications Using Helium
6.2.1.Scientific balloons are used by NASA for experiments and technology tests
6.2.2.Helium-based lighter-than-air aircraft technologies to decarbonize aviation
6.2.3.Lighter-than-air promises decarbonization but may struggle to gain market share
6.3.Chemical Analysis using Gas Chromatography
6.3.1.Alternatives to helium are increasingly being adopted for GC applications
6.3.2.Hydrogen is often a preferred alternative to helium as a GC carrier gas
6.3.3.Conservation modules are available to conserve helium in GC instruments
6.4.Aerospace Applications of Helium
6.4.1.Helium is used widely in the aerospace sector with no viable alternatives
6.5.Cooling Nuclear Reactors using Helium
6.5.1.Helium is used as a coolant for some nuclear reactors
6.6.1.Helium Demand Forecast for Lifting Gas Applications (2023-2035)
6.6.2.Helium Demand Forecast for Diving, Welding and Pressurization & Purging (2023-2035)
7.1.1.IDTechEx evaluated viability of helium substitutes and reclamation technologies
7.1.2.Variety of substitutes and reclamation can be considered for helium management
7.1.3.A range of helium reclamation systems for cryogenic applications are available
7.1.4.Varied adoption of helium recycling technologies within manufacturing industry
7.1.5.Helium conservation and reclamation technologies by supplier
7.2.Outlook and Forecast
7.2.1.Growing adoption of reclamation for leak testing and cryogenic applications
8.1.Forecast Methodology
8.2.Helium Demand Forecast for Semiconductor and Fiber Optic Manufacturing (2023-2035)
8.3.Helium Demand Forecast for Leak Testing in Manufacturing Processes (2023-2035)
8.4.Helium Demand Forecast for MRI Applications (2023-2035)
8.5.Helium Demand Forecast for Lifting Gas Applications (2023-2035)
8.6.Helium Demand Forecast for Analytical, R&D, and Specialty Gases (2023-2035)
8.7.Helium (He-4) Demand Forecast for Quantum Computing (2024-2035)
8.8.Helium (He-3) Demand Forecast for Quantum Computing (2024-2035)
8.9.Helium Demand Forecast for Diving, Welding and Pressurization & Purging (2023-2035)
8.10.Total Yearly Global Helium Demand Segmented by Application (2023-2035)
8.11.Share of Total Yearly Helium Demand by Application
8.12.Forecast for Yearly Helium Production Capacity (2020-2035)
8.13.Comparison of Helium Production Capacity and Demand Forecast (2024-2035)
9.1.Air Liquide
9.2.BlueFors (Helium)
9.4.Cincinnati Test Systems
9.6.Generon (Helium)
9.7.Hybrid Air Vehicles
9.8.IACX Energy
9.9.North American Helium
9.10.Philips (BlueSeal)
9.11.Rosendahl Nextrom (Optical Fiber)
9.12.Siemens Healthineers
9.13.Telstar (Helium)
9.14.Unconventional Gas Solutions (UGS)
9.15.Uniper (Helium)

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Demand for helium to double to 322 million cubic meters by 2035.

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Forecasts to 2035
Published Aug 2024

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