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Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 2015-2025: Forecasts, Technologies, Markets

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Authors: Raphael Winkler-Goldstein and Dr Peter Harrop
This report covers stationary and mobile applications of fuel cells plus hydrogen infrastructure and delivery. The report addresses existing markets for fuel cells, providing current market sizes in addition to forecasts of growth for these and emerging application areas. It provides a description and analysis of the current technology choices as well as the latest R&D. In particular, we cover the value proposition, price and pricing trends for each application.
Trends and geographical analysis
Further important focal points of this market analysis includes the future potential, legislation, incentives and R&D efforts in different geographic zones: Europe, North America, Asia and the rest of the world, with a particular focus on the BRICS countries.
Global company profiles
An accurate study of the leading players for every geographic zone has been undertaken with particular focus on OEMs, fuel cell system and stack suppliers.
Stationary fuel cell applications, forecasts and players
The development of stationary applications of fuel cells (such as back-up power supplies), in contrast to mobile ones (such as for powering vehicles), has been led by different types of industrial companies with very different scopes and strategies. Depending on the business opportunity certain players find lucrative niches. This report details the business models that have led to recent market successes giving a view of the economics and future growth potential. These businesses address applications such as the IT back-up and energy supply of data center; infrastructure (harbors, shipping and airports); mining; water treatment plants; micro-chip fabs; and large distributed generation.
The market size and forecasts for these applications are given along with current and emerging companies developing stationary fuel cell business cases.
Mobile fuel cell applications, forecasts and players
For mobile applications of fuel cells this report details the market development for fuel cell cars, fuel cell buses, two- and three-wheelers, and the development of the H2 Infrastructure. An overview of other transportation applications is also provided including military applications, fuel cell powered vessels and material handling. The report compares the business model of the traditional fuel cell car manufacturers with those of new comers and analyzes trends of fuel cell system suppliers for fuel cell buses.
H2 Infrastructure and delivery
The report focusses on energy storage applications with an in depth analysis of the developments in Germany. In this analysis IDTechEx find the necessity for renewable energy storage and describes the diverse initiatives on green hydrogen and power-to-gas (P2G) in Germany and Europe. The report covers the different types of P2G and the technical processes that apply.
New products, new markets and players as well as business models of those that are involved are covered. The economics of P2G systems are studied as are the existing commercialization projects around the world.
The big picture
This report is ideal for those seeking to understand the big picture of fuel cells and H2 delivery - in stationary and mobile applications, globally, with forecasts, players and emerging technologies as well as governmental and industrial trends and drivers.
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All report purchases include up to 30 minutes telephone time with an expert analyst who will help you link key findings in the report to the business issues you're addressing. This needs to be used within three months of purchasing the report.
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Table of Contents
1.1.Cross sectional images of SEM (a, b) and BSEM (c) of Pt/TaOx catalyst on GC electrode
1.4.Gearing up incentives for fuel cell vehicles
1.5.Shale Gas and Fuel Cell Vehicles
1.6.Tantalum oxide catalyst for polymer electrolyte fuel cells
2.1.New energy context
2.1.Comparison of fuel cell types
2.2.Leading companies - Germany
2.2.New fuels changing the game
2.2.1.The "energiewende" in Europa boosting the development of hydrogen and Power-to-Gas
2.3.Shale gas
2.3.Leading companies - UK
2.3.1.Unexpected consequences
2.4.Hydrogen and fuel cell technology: status quo
2.4.Leading companies - Finland
2.4.1.In the long-term
2.4.2.Disruptive technologies: which Hybrid and which fuels?
2.4.3.Market developments
2.4.4.Comparison of fuel cell types
2.4.5.Leading companies
2.4.6.Other transportation applications*
2.4.7.Car manufacturers and their fuel cells
2.4.8.Bus manufacturers and their fuel cells
2.4.9.Fuel cells on the rise in the stationary scene
2.4.10.Recent advances in fuel cell technology research
2.4.11.Shakeout: Samsung fuel cell operation under threat in 2014
2.5.Leading companies - Netherlands
2.6.Leading companies - Sweden
2.7.Leading companies - Denmark
2.8.Leading companies - Italy
2.9.Leading companies - France
2.10.Leading companies - USA and Canada
2.11.Leading companies - Japan and South Korea
2.12.Other transportation applications*
2.13.Car manufacturers and their fuel cells
2.14.Bus manufacturers and their fuel cells
3.1.Market definition and scope
3.1.Cornerstones of Fuel Cell History
3.1.Heat demand 1970-2015
3.1.1.Some history
3.1.2.Size of the market
3.2.Business model, standards
3.2.Evolution of electricity price vs. Natural gas price1995-2012
3.2.Examples of companies in the most important CHP and fuel cell technology markets
3.2.1.Business case IT: Back-up and energy supply of data centers
3.2.2.Business case mining
3.2.3.Business case sewage gas from water treatment
3.2.4.Business case: micro-CHP
3.2.5.Business case: Large distributed generation, some example of calculation
3.2.6.Which partners for the development of stationary fuel cells?
3.2.7.Price and price decrease:
3.3.Market analysis
3.3.Cost evolution
3.3.Germany is the country with the highest cogeneration installation potential
3.3.2.Market drivers: Potential, legislation, incentives and R&D - Europe
3.4.Market drivers: Potential, legislation, incentives and R&D - North America
3.4.Potential CHP Growth in Germany by Segment
3.4.Germany and Europe for micro-chp
3.5.Market drivers: Potential, legislation, incentives and R&D - Asia
3.5.Danish Micro Combined Heat & Power
3.6.Market drivers: Potential, legislation, incentives and R&D - Rest of the world
3.6.Korea's 2030 Energy Vision
3.6.1.South Africa
3.7.Players - Europe
3.8.Players - North America
3.9.Players - Asia
3.10.Players - Rest of the world
3.10.3.South Africa
3.11.Market size and market forecast 2012-2020 by market
3.11.2.Global market
4.1.Market definition and scope
4.1.1.Fuel cell cars
4.1.2.Fuel cell buses: Some history/development of the technology:
4.1.3.Two- and three-wheelers: Scooter in the focus
4.1.4.H2 Infrastructure:
4.1.5.Other transportation applications:
4.2.Value proposition and Standards
4.2.1.Fuel cell cars
4.2.2.Fuel cell buses
4.3.Market analysis
4.3.1.Fuel cell cars
4.3.2.Fuel cell buses
4.3.3.Improvement of the legislation in North America and Europe for hydrogen vehicles
4.3.4.Last developments: R&D, initiatives and demonstration projects, H2 infrastructure:
4.4.1.The "traditional" fuel cell car manufacturers
4.4.2.Alliances and initiatives worth of being mentioned
4.4.3.The OEMS and their fuel cell cars in detail
4.4.4.The new comers
4.4.5.Fuel cell buses
4.4.6.Research on use of fuel cells for commercial airliners
5.1.H2 infrastructure and delivery
5.1.Overview of the different technological processes:
5.1.R&D Requirements for electrolyzer technologies:
5.1.1.Status quo
5.1.2.Which products and manufacturers?
5.1.3.Future options: biological, photoelectrochemical
5.2.Energy storage: Green H2 preparing the future; focus on Germany
5.2.List of manufacturers:
5.2.Different processes and challenges:
5.2.1.Storage necessity in Germany
5.2.2.Loss of wind energy
5.2.3.New legislation for PV
5.2.4.Increasing long-term renewable energy surplus: a huge potential for the future European energy market
5.2.5.H2 vs Hydro pumped storage vs. CAES
5.3.Germany takes the initiative on green hydrogen and power-to-gas:
5.3.Hydrogen production from Well-to-Wheel
5.3.Geological formation for H2 storage:
5.3.1.Four regions take the lead
5.3.2.Pipeline and natural gas storage points:
5.4.Power to gas
5.4.Example of salt caverns
5.4.Different technologies in comparison:
5.4.2.Legislation for power to gas
5.4.3.Further developments
5.4.4.Description of the different types of power to gas:
5.4.5.New products
5.4.6.New markets and players
5.5.Toyota, Nissan and Honda to jointly support hydrogen station infrastructure development
5.5.Structure of an electrolyzer:
5.5.Device modification according to their compatibility with different Vol. % H2.
5.6.Factors influencing the business case
5.6.Comparison AEL vs PEMEL:
5.6.R&D programs and demo projects for green H2 and power to gas
5.6.1.Research & Development Funding
5.6.2.Costs of a power to gas system
5.6.3.Model Commercialization Projects:
5.6.4.Forecast 2013-2050
5.6.5.Panorama of P2G in other European countries and in the world
5.6.6.Where are the projects?
5.6.7.How can Europe-wide/and world-wide standards be achieved?
5.6.8.Conclusion and outlook
5.7.Three possibilities for a connection:
5.7.Cost structure for 5 MW electrolyzer incl. feed-in (1000m³/h H2, 12 storage tanks, direct feed-in in high pressure pipeline)
5.8.ProWindgas price structure
5.8.Decentralized H2 storage and filling station:
5.9.Wind mills capacity in Germany
5.9.Which interests are being followed by whom?
5.10.Map grid congestion
5.11.Different types of storage and applications:
5.12.Growing share of excess renewable energy (not fed into the grid)
5.13.Power-to-Gas schematic
5.14.The types of methanation systems
5.15.The development of advanced hydrogen turbine technology at Siemens
5.16.The cost of H2 production according to its source
5.17.Japanese hydrogen fuel station
5.18.Hydrogen fuel station in Japan
5.19.OPEX and CAPEX for a P2G plant*,**
5.20.The Enertrag project
5.21.Hydrogen projects in Germany
6.1.Acal Energy
6.2.University of California Davis

Report Statistics

Pages 171
Tables 27
Figures 28
Forecasts to 2025

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