Perovskite Photovoltaic Market 2025-2035: Technologies, Players & Trends

Granular 10-year Perovskite Photovoltaic market forecasts, segmented by application area and technology type. Critical analysis of solar technology markets and assessment of major players, alongside data driven benchmarking.

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Solar power is one of the fastest growing renewable energy technologies globally, with total worldwide solar power generation overtaking wind power in recent years. Substantial investments, government initiatives and consistent research developments, all compounded by a rise in decarbonization goals, has enabled the rapid adoption of this technology. Traditional silicon solar is, however, reaching an efficiency limit, alongside this, the rigid, and heavy nature of silicon solar panels means that it cannot be utilized for all applications. Perovskite solar cells have therefore garnered significant scientific and commercial attention for their light weight and flexible nature, relatively low manufacturing price and ability to enhance the efficiency of silicon solar panels at little extra cost.
IDTechEx's latest report "Perovskite Photovoltaic Market 2025-2035: Technologies, Players & Trends" comprehensively covers the emerging perovskite photovoltaic (PV) technologies, the major players and the application areas helping to drive their adoption. Data driven benchmarking of the main perovskite PV technologies, including single junction perovskite, perovskite/silicon tandem and all-perovskite tandem solar cells, along with multiple profiles of key market players, helps to outline the entire perovskite PV sector. Critical analysis of the major and emerging application areas including solar farms, residential rooftop, building integrated PV, agrivoltaics and wireless electronics, helps to formulate granular 10-year forecasts for the entire solar market. IDTechEx forecasts that the annual perovskite PV installations will reach a power generation capacity of almost 85 GW by 2035.
Perovskite photovoltaic market, perovskite PV players, perovskite PV applications, perovskite PV forecasts, solar technology
The annual installed power generation capacity by technology type. Silicon is provided for reference.
Perovskites in general refer to a family of materials with a specific cubic crystal structure in the form ABX3, where the A-site ion is at the center of the lattice, surrounded by B-site cations, which are octahedrally coordinated to anions. Perovskites used in photovoltaics are optoelectronically active; the fundamental structure allows for the conversion of light into electricity. Typically, such materials are comprised of lead, large organics and halides. Perovskite solar cells contain a perovskite active layer which can be deposited as a thin-film using solution-based sheet-to-sheet or roll-to-roll compatible processes, making them very attractive from a financial perspective as processing is easily scaled and automated. Along with this, the use of relatively abundant and inexpensive raw materials to synthesize perovskites means they are considered to be significantly cheaper than other thin-film solar technologies including cadmium telluride (CdTe) and copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), as well as silicon.
Perovskite PV to be utilized for alternative and emerging applications
Single junction perovskite solar cells are unlikely to directly replace all silicon solar technology, due to the scale and maturity of the market. They will, however, be preferred for emerging applications where weight limits exist, and flexibility is required.
Perovskite photovoltaic market, perovskite PV players, perovskite PV applications, perovskite PV forecasts, solar technology
The key application areas where perovskite photovoltaics will be used for.
Thin film modules can be up to 90% lighter than silicon modules and therefore are very well suited for vertical building integration, since no significant structural modifications are required. Given the significantly greater vertical available space compared to rooftop space, this application could contribute significantly to renewable energy initiatives. The concept of BIPV has existed commercially since the 1990s, however, the use of this technology has remained restricted to relatively niche applications due to the cost, durability and design required for systems. With the upscale and commercialization of low-cost, light-weight and design flexible perovskite PV, this could become a viable application sector. However, concerns over the lifetime of the technology that is required for BIPV limits the current uptake, and the future scale of integration may be volatile.
With the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT), perovskite PV could also be a very suitable choice for self-powered smart electronics. These small electronics typically rely on batteries which require replacement every few years at the expense of high material and labor costs. Providing power to these devices using small low-cost PV modules with greater longevity than batteries is a very promising application.
Perovskite PV to be used to enhance silicon solar panels
Single junction perovskite solar cells, as with all single junction technologies, will approach an efficiency plateau. This plateau is expected since there exists a maximum theoretical efficiency limit of 30% for a single junction device. Instead, to further improve the efficiency of traditional Si-based solar cells, researchers are exploring the integration of perovskite solar cells with silicon solar cells, in a tandem device architecture. These multi-junction cells possess a much greater theoretical efficiency limit of approximately 43%. In June 2024, a record maximum of 34.6% efficiency was achieved in lab, by Longi.
Perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells possess similar mechanical properties to single-junction silicon solar and so they will predominately be used for traditional solar applications, including solar farms and residential rooftops. As first-generation solar technologies reach end-of-life around 2030 and beyond, it is likely an increase in uptake of perovskite/silicon tandem solar will be seen, especially as costs lower with economies of scale. Current price forecasts by IDTechEx see perovskite/silicon tandem solar modules to be comparative in price to single junction silicon solar, by 2035. Further details and comparisons of all technology costs can be found in this latest IDTechEx report.
Novelty and concerns over reliability may be a significant barrier to entry
Despite significant innovation and opportunities for perovskite PV technology, there may be some skepticism to integration. As a direct competitor, the scale and maturity of the silicon solar market may hinder the widespread adoption of perovskite solar. Deployments of the technology may initially be slow, with consumers typically risk averse and requiring proof of in-field performance before ramp-up of adoption is seen. Along with this, perovskites are known to suffer significant degradation when exposed to moisture, air and UV light. To overcome this, high-quality encapsulation of the perovskite solar cell is required. Advancements in encapsulant materials and fabrication processes are still ongoing, with many companies now claiming 10+ year lifetimes, with the 25-year target in sight.
In this report, IDTechEx further explores the growth drivers of the perovskite PV market, and while improvements to the technology's durability are anticipated in the short term, significant market adoption is expected by the end of the decade.
Report MetricsDetails
Historic Data2010 - 2023
CAGRThe global perovskite photovoltaic market is set to reach almost US$12 billion by 2035, representing a CAGR of 39% from 2025 to 2035.
Forecast Period2025 - 2035
Forecast UnitsAnnual installations (GW), Annual revenue (US$ billions)
Segments CoveredPerovskite photovoltaic technologies (single junction perovskite, perovskite/silicon tandem and all-perovskite tandem), Solar power applications (solar farms, rooftop, building integrated PV, wireless electronics/IoT, agrivoltaics), Perovskite material trends (stability issues, deposition methods, component developments), emerging alternative perovskite applications (light emitting diodes, photodetectors, x-ray detectors and quantum dots)
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1.1.Report introduction
1.2.What is a solar cell?
1.3.The solar power market growth
1.4.Global renewable and solar energy targets
1.5.What is a perovskite solar cell?
1.6.Perovskite stability key takeaways
1.7.Comparison of thin film technologies
1.8.Solar technology development status
1.9.Perovskite solar cell developers
1.10.Perovskite PV companies within China
1.11.Thin film perovskite PV overview
1.12.SWOT analysis of thin film perovskite PV
1.13.Thin film perovskite PV application landscape
1.14.Building integrated PV - an emerging thin film perovskite PV application area
1.15.Indoor energy harvesting and emerging IoT applications
1.16.Summary of thin-film perovskite PV players
1.17.Thin film perovskite PV roadmap
1.18.Perovskite/silicon tandem PV overview
1.19.Perovskite/silicon tandem PV SWOT
1.20.Perovskite tandem PV to boost traditional solar applications
1.21.Summary of perovskite/silicon tandem players
1.22.Perovskite/Silicon tandem PV roadmap
1.23.All perovskite tandem solar cell overview
1.24.Overview of the alternative applications for perovskites
1.25.Annual solar installation capacity by type
1.26.Perovskite PV annual revenue
1.27.Outlook for the perovskite PV market
1.28.Access More With an IDTechEx Subscription
2.1.Forecasting methodology
2.2.Module price
2.3.Total installed solar capacity by technology type
2.4.Total installed perovskite PV capacity by application
2.5.Total perovskite PV annual revenue
2.6.Total solar farm installation capacity
2.7.Perovskite solar farm revenue
2.8.Residential rooftop installed
2.9.Perovskite residential rooftop revenue
3.1.What is a solar cell?
3.2.The solar power market growth
3.3.Current solar installations broken down by region
3.4.Global solar PV investments
3.5.Global renewable and solar energy targets
3.6.What is a thin film solar cell?
3.7.Research progression in photovoltaic technology
3.8.The current thin film solar PV market
3.9.Solar technology benchmarking
3.10.Comparison of thin film technologies
3.11.Perovskite solar power funding and projects
3.12.The golden triangle to PV commercialization
3.13.Solar technology development status
3.14.Perovskite PV value chain
3.15.PV value chain suppliers
3.16.Perovskite solar cell developers
3.17.Alternative thin film technologies
3.18.Perovskite photovoltaics - what is it and why is the market growing?
4.1.Thin film perovskite solar cells technology overview
4.1.1.Motivation for Thin Film Solar Cells
4.1.2.How does a thin film solar cell work?
4.1.3.Key solar cell performance metrics
4.1.4.Perovskite solar cell evolution
4.1.5.n-i-p vs p-i-n configurations
4.1.6.Scaffolds used in perovskite PV - Mesoporous perovskite solar cells
4.1.7.Manufacturing of perovskite PV
4.1.8.Recent developments within thin-film perovskite PV
4.1.9.Comparison of thin film technologies
4.1.10.Thin film perovskite PV roadmap
4.1.11.Thin-film perovskite cost breakdown
4.1.12.SWOT analysis of thin film perovskite PV
4.1.13.Summary - Thin film perovskite PV
4.2.Applications for thin film perovskite PV
4.2.1.Single junction perovskite PV application landscape
4.2.2.How can thin film perovskite overcome the issues related to silicon PV?
4.2.3.Indoor energy harvesting and emerging IoT applications
4.2.4.Perovskite PV could be cost-effective alternative for wireless energy harvesting
4.2.5.Could thin film PV be used in automotive applications?
4.2.6.Lightyear - Long range solar electric vehicle
4.2.7.Perovskite PV for building integration
4.2.8.Is BIPV a viable application sector?
4.2.9.Is perovskite PV a viable option for traditional solar farms?
4.2.10.Agrivoltaics - A rising thin-film solar application area
4.2.11.Summary of the applications for perovskite PV
4.3.Thin film perovskite PV market players
4.3.1.Overview of the thin film perovskite PV market
4.3.2.Thin film perovskite PV players overview
4.3.3.Thin film perovskite PV players overview continued
4.3.4.Commercial solar players developing perovskite PV alongside traditional technologies
4.3.5.Saule Technologies Overview
4.3.6.Saule Technologies technology overview
4.3.7.Saule Technologies applications and products
4.3.8.Saule Technologies applications and products continued
4.3.9.Saule Technologies partnerships
4.3.11.Microquanta perovskite technology and applications
4.3.12.Microquanta within the news
4.3.13.Renshine Solar
4.3.14.Renshine Solar technology and applications
4.3.15.GCL overview
4.3.16.GCL perovskite technology
4.3.17.Sekisui Chemical overview
4.3.18.Sekisui Chemical technology and installations
4.3.19.Panasonic perovskite developments
4.3.21.Power Roll overview
4.3.22.Power Roll technology
4.3.23.Perovskite thin-film PV market summary
4.3.24.Summary of perovskite thin film players
5.1.Perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell technology overview
5.1.1.Overview of perovskite on silicon tandem PV
5.1.2.Thin film vs tandem perovskite PV
5.1.3.Tandem solar cells to surpass theoretical efficiency limits of single junction cells
5.1.4.Perovskite/silicon tandem advantages
5.1.5.Perovskite/Si tandem structure and configurations and 4-terminal tandem cell comparison
5.1.7.Challenges with tandem cell configurations
5.1.8.Interconnection layer for 2-terminal tandem cells
5.1.9.Tandem cell fabrication process
5.1.10.Recent commercial developments for perovskite/Si tandem solar cells
5.1.11.Perovskite/silicon tandem PV cost breakdown
5.1.12.Perovskite/silicon tandem PV roadmap
5.1.13.Perovskite/silicon tandem PV SWOT
5.1.14.Summary of perovskite/silicon tandem PV
5.2.Applications of perovskite/silicon tandem PV
5.2.1.Overview of the applications of perovskite/silicon tandem PV
5.2.2.Tandem PV for roof tops
5.2.3.Tandem PV to boost utility solar farm power
5.2.4.Could perovskite/silicon tandem PV be used for windows?
5.2.5.Perovskite/silicon tandem PV to boost traditional solar PV applications
5.2.6.Summary of perovskite/silicon PV applications
5.3.Perovskite/silicon tandem PV market players
5.3.1.Overview of the perovskite/silicon tandem PV market
5.3.2.Overview of the perovskite tandem PV players
5.3.3.Overview of the perovskite tandem PV players
5.3.4.Oxford PV overview
5.3.5.Oxford PV tandem technology
5.3.6.GCL overview
5.3.7.GCL perovskite technology
5.3.8.Cubic PV overview
5.3.9.Cubic PV DirectWaferTM Method
5.3.10.Hanwha Qcells overview
5.3.11.Hanwha Qcells targeting commercial ramp up
5.3.12.Hiking PV
5.3.13.Caelux overview
5.3.14.Caelux technology and products
5.3.15.Caelux and Reliance Industries
5.3.16.Tandem PV overview
5.3.17.Tandem PV technology
5.3.18.Major companies targeting both perovskite thin film and perovskite/silicon tandem technology
5.3.19.Perovskite/silicon tandem company technology summary
5.3.20.Summary of perovskite/silicon tandem players
6.1.All perovskite tandem solar cell technological advancements
6.2.Perovskite/perovskite tandem solar cell band gap tuning
6.3.Perovskite/perovskite tandem solar cell architectures and manufacturing
6.4.All perovskite tandem solar cells advantages and disadvantages
6.5.Renshine Solar targeting the future commercialization of all-perovskite tandem technology
6.6.Energy Materials Corporation - A thin-film perovskite player to target the tandem market
6.7.All perovskite tandem PV SWOT
7.1.The current Chinese solar market
7.2.The Chinese solar market drivers
7.3.Perovskite PV companies within China
7.4.Benchmarking Chinese perovskite PV companies
7.5.Summary of the Chinese perovskite PV market players
7.6.The global race to perovskite PV commercialization
8.1.Perovskite stability overview
8.2.Extrinsic degradation
8.3.Intrinsics degradation mechanisms
8.4.Material engineering
8.5.Additive engineering
8.6.Glass-glass encapsulation
8.7.What properties are required for a good optical encapsulant material?
8.8.Polymer encapsulation
8.9.Traditional thin film encapsulation
8.10.Emerging thin film encapsulant - Al2O3
8.11.Commercially available passivation layer materials
8.12.Summary of perovskite stability
9.1.Overview - Deposition of perovskites
9.2.Spin coating
9.3.Deposition techniques for scalable processing
9.5.Aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition
9.6.Inkjet printing
9.7.Blade coating
9.8.Slot-die coating
9.9.Spray coating
9.10.Comparison of deposition methods
9.11.How to choose a perovskite deposition method
9.12.Roll-to-roll printing - scaling up of production and lowering of costs
9.13.MBRAUN - A patented vacuum deposition method for perovskite PV
9.14.Summary of deposition methods
10.1.Overview of the materials for perovskite PV
10.2.Material opportunities
10.3.Substrate materials for solar cells
10.4.Rigid glass substrates
10.5.Alternative substrates to rigid glass
10.6.Flexible glass substrates
10.7.Ultra-thin glass can improve flexibility
10.8.Ultra-thin glass can improve the encapsulation of perovskite PV
10.9.Corning Willow flexible glass
10.10.Schott Solar flexible glass
10.11.NEG G-Leaf™ - ultra thin glass
10.12.Plastic substrates
10.13.Plastic substrates require barrier layers
10.14.Could metal foil substrates be a viable option for perovskite PV?
10.15.Substrate surface roughness
10.16.Substrate material supply opportunities
10.17.Cost comparison of substrate materials
10.18.Benchmarking of substrate materials
10.19.Choosing a substrate material
10.20.What are transparent conducting films?
10.21.TCF material options
10.22.The key TCF properties
10.23.Choice of transparent conductor influences the manufacturing approach and costs
10.24.Metal mesh TCF
10.25.Carbon nanotube conducting films
10.27.Silver nanowire TCF
10.28.Silver price
10.29.Perovskite material components
10.30.Are lead concerns justified?
10.31.Public perception vs reality of lead
10.32.Material composition of perovskites influences optics
10.33.Perovskite raw materials - a commoditized market
10.34.Emerging R&D in perovskite active layer materials
10.35.What are charge transport layers?
10.36.Hole transport materials (HTM)
10.37.SFX MeOTAD - an alternative to spiro MeOTAD?
10.38.Inorganic transport materials
10.39.Doping of charge transport layers
10.40.Overview of the issues with current charge transport materials
10.41.Summary of materials for perovskite PV
11.1.Overview of the applications for perovskites
11.2.Technology development status - conventional and alternative perovskite applications
11.3.Light emitting diodes overview
11.4.Working principle of perovskite LEDs
11.5.Could perovskite LEDs emit in the high energy UV range?
11.6.Recent advancements in perovskite LEDs
11.7.Applications of LEDs
11.8.Perovskite LEDs - SWOT
11.9.Introduction to thin film photodetectors
11.10.Working principle of photodetectors
11.11.Segmentation of the electromagnetic spectrum
11.12.Perovskite absorption spectrum
11.13.Emerging photodetector applications
11.14.Photodetectors for autonomous vehicles
11.15.Perovskite photodetector SWOT
11.16.Perovskite x-ray detectors overview
11.17.Siemens Healthineers - perovskite x-ray detectors
11.18.Holst Centre - new perovskite x-ray detectors
11.19.Perovskite x-ray detectors SWOT
11.20.Perovskite quantum dots overview
11.21.Nanolumi perovskite quantum dots
11.22.Avantama perovskite quantum dots - IP for sale
11.23.Perovskite quantum dot lasers
11.24.Perovskite quantum dot SWOT
11.25.Summary of the alternative applications for perovskites
12.1.Ascent Solar
12.2.Beyond Silicon
12.4.Cosmos Innovation
12.6.EneCoat Technologies
12.7.Energy Materials Corporation
12.8.Energy Materials Corporation
12.9.GCL Perovskite
12.10.Hanwha Qcells (Perovskite)
12.11.Hiking PV
12.12.Microquanta Semiconductor
12.14.Oxford PV
12.15.Perovskia Solar
12.16.Power Roll
12.17.Renshine Solar
12.18.Saule Technologies
12.19.Saule Technologies
12.21.Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd
12.23.Swift Solar
12.24.Tandem PV

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The perovskite photovoltaic market is forecast to exceed US$11.75 billion by 2035.

Report Statistics

Slides 280
Companies 25
Forecasts to 2035
Published Jan 2025

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