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1.1. | RFID Market 2017-2027 |
1.1. | Total RFID market projections in US dollar billions 2017-2027 |
1.1. | IDTechEx estimates of total revenue for some of the key suppliers |
1.2. | RFID market by territory |
1.2. | Market size by application type $ billions 2017-2027 |
1.2. | Market size by application type 2017-2027 |
1.3. | How governments have driven most of the market |
1.3. | The largest RFID markets in 2017 versus 2027 |
1.3. | Number of case studies by tag location - worldwide |
1.4. | Number of case studies by project status - worldwide |
1.4. | Number of passive UHF tags (in millions) 2017-2027 |
1.4. | Non-government successes |
1.5. | Fragmented value chain |
1.5. | Average price of passive UHF tags (US$ Cents) 2017-2027 |
1.5. | Number of case studies active vs passive - worldwide |
1.6. | Number of case studies by frequency - worldwide |
1.6. | Total value of passive UHF tags 2017-2027 US$ million |
1.6. | RFID Companies by gross sales |
1.7. | Favourite RFID frequency |
1.7. | Number of passive HF tags (in millions) 2017-2027 |
1.7. | Number of case studies by applications - worldwide |
1.8. | Number of case studies by tag shape - worldwide |
1.8. | Average price of passive HF tags (US$ Cents) 2017-2027 |
1.8. | RFID market forecasts for passive RFID tags by application and frequency |
1.8.1. | Passive UHF RFID |
1.8.2. | Passive HF RFID |
1.8.3. | Passive LF RFID |
1.9. | RFID market forecasts for battery assisted passive RFID, active RFID and Real Time Locating Systems RTLS tags by application |
1.9. | Total value of passive HF tags 2017-2027 |
1.9. | RFID is part of the IoT ecosystem |
1.10. | Number of passive LF tags (in millions) 2017-2027 |
1.10. | Market by Territory |
1.11. | Watch the BRICS |
1.11. | Average price of passive LF tags (US$ Cents) 2017-2027 |
1.11.1. | Progress in China |
1.12. | Analysis of RFID case studies |
1.12. | Total value of passive LF tags 2017-2027 |
1.13. | Number of active tags (in millions) 2017-2027 |
1.13. | RFID and IoT |
1.14. | Impediments to the growth of RFID markets |
1.14. | Average price of active tags (US$ Cents) 2017-2027 |
1.15. | Total value of active tags 2017-2027 |
1.15. | Outlook for RFID |
2.1. | Definitions |
2.1. | Largest suppliers |
2.1. | The RFID value chain |
2.1.1. | RFID |
2.1.2. | Chipless/printed RFID |
2.1.3. | Passive and active RFID |
2.2. | Tags have different shapes |
2.2. | Where RFID tags are placed - categories used |
2.2. | An AstraZeneca syringe with chipless RFID tag |
2.3. | RFID from cradle to grave |
2.3. | Money spent on various RFID projects by different applications |
2.3. | The RFID value chain |
2.4. | Where tags are placed |
2.4. | Cumulative global sales of RFID tags by applicational category to start of 2017 in millions |
2.4. | Marks & Spencer reusable plastic trays for food |
2.5. | Marks & Spencer paybacks |
2.5. | The cumulative global sales of RFID tags active vs passive in millions to the beginning of 2017 excluding NFC mobile phones emulating tags |
2.5. | Examples of spend by application |
2.6. | The show so far - 1945 to 2016 |
2.6. | Cumulative global sales of RFID tags chip vs chipless to the beginning of 2017 in millions |
2.6. | Costs per annum for RF Tags |
2.6.1. | Cumulative sales by applicational category |
2.6.2. | Cumulative sales active vs passive |
2.6.3. | Cumulative sales chip vs chipless |
2.7. | Historic RFID tag sales 2005 to 2016 |
2.7. | Value of RFID passive tag market in 2005 |
2.7. | RFID and the hype curve for pallets/cases |
2.7.1. | Progress in 2005 |
2.7.2. | Progress in 2008 |
2.7.3. | Progress in 2011 |
2.7.4. | Progress in 2014 |
2.7.5. | Progress in 2015 |
2.7.6. | Progress in 2016 |
2.8. | Ultimate potential |
2.8. | Value of RFID active tag market in 2005 |
2.8. | Some in-store benefits of apparel tagging now enjoyed by about 100 retail chains |
2.8.1. | Potential for different applications |
2.9. | Demand pull |
2.9. | Value Chain 2005 |
2.10. | Value of RFID passive tag market in 2008 |
2.10. | Constraints on market growth |
2.11. | RFID Standards (ISO) |
2.11. | Value of RFID active tag market in 2008 |
2.12. | Value Chain 2008 |
2.12. | EPCglobal |
2.13. | Progress with EPC adoption so far |
2.13. | Value of RFID passive tag market in 2011 |
2.14. | Value of RFID active tag market in 2011 |
2.14. | Near Field Communication (NFC) |
2.15. | Impediments to highest volume RFID |
2.15. | Value Chain 2011 |
2.16. | Value of RFID passive UHF tag market in 2014 |
2.17. | Value of RFID passive HF tag market in 2014 |
2.18. | Value of RFID passive LF tag market in 2014 |
2.19. | Value of RFID active tag market in 2014 |
2.20. | Value Chain 2014 |
2.21. | Value of RFID passive UHF tag market in 2015 |
2.22. | Value of RFID passive HF tag market in 2015 |
2.23. | Value of RFID passive LF tag market in 2015 |
2.24. | Value of RFID active tag market in 2015 |
2.25. | Value Chain 2015 |
2.26. | Value of RFID passive UHF tag market in 2016 |
2.27. | Value of RFID passive HF tag market in 2016 |
2.28. | Value of RFID passive LF tag market in 2016 |
2.29. | Value of RFID active tag market in 2016 |
2.30. | Value Chain 2016 |
2.31. | Ultimate potential annual global sales of some of the most promising tagged things that have potential for up to one billion tags used yearly |
2.32. | Ultimate potential annual global sales for some of the most promising tagged things with potential of over one billion tags yearly |
2.33. | Costs per annum for barcodes |
2.34. | Comparison of NFC enabled devices and contactless smart cards |
2.35. | The main impediments to highest volume RFID |
3.1. | Market split by position |
3.1. | Total RFID market projections in US dollar billions 2017-2027 |
3.1. | Cost structure of passive and active RFID projects |
3.2. | Principle of automatic mail registrations with RFID |
3.2. | Market size by application type $ billions 2017-2027 |
3.2. | Market size by application |
3.2.1. | Market size by tag value by application |
3.3. | Mobile AMQM - equipment and practical use |
3.3. | Prevalence of RFID projects for each applicational sector |
3.3. | IDTechEx RFID Knowledgebase 2015 - number of cases by applicational sector |
3.4. | Future trends for the applicational sectors with the most projects |
3.4. | Future trend of projects for each applicational sector |
3.4. | Mail pipeline instrumentation |
3.5. | GMS RFID Gate |
3.5. | Current and future forms of payback by applicational sector |
3.5. | Benefits most commonly sought and payback most commonly claimed by sector |
3.6. | Healthcare and pharmaceuticals |
3.6. | Tagged mail pieces |
3.7. | Basic supply chain overview |
3.7. | Postal and courier services |
3.8. | Retail and Consumer Packaged Goods |
3.8. | Real time monitoring of the RFID infrastructure |
3.8.1. | Pallet/case tagging |
3.8.2. | Retail apparel, item level |
3.9. | System architecture |
3.9. | Military and federal |
3.10. | Airlines and Airports |
3.10. | US Navy program for the ship of the future based on RFID and allied technologies |
3.11. | What part of the problem are we solving? |
3.11. | Logistics, Asset Tracking, Manufacturing |
3.12. | Libraries |
3.12. | Driving adoption |
3.13. | Examples of laundry tags |
3.13. | Secure access and contactless payments |
3.14. | Smart Ticketing and e-Passports |
3.14. | Typical laundry process |
3.15. | Woven, stitchable RFID tags, the one on the left being HF and the one on the right UHF |
3.15. | Laundry/rented textiles |
3.16. | Animals |
3.16. | RFID in fibre |
3.17. | RFID embedded in consumer electronics devices |
4.1. | Global market for active vs passive RFID tags by number billions 2017-2027 |
4.1. | Passive RFID applications in packaging and containers by range |
4.1. | Passive vs active |
4.2. | Sub categories of passive tag |
4.2. | RFID range versus cost |
4.2. | Global market for active vs passive RFID tags by average tag price in cents 2017-2027 |
4.3. | Global market for active vs passive RFID tags in billions of dollars 2017-2027 |
4.3. | RFID system being developed for the flower industry |
4.3. | Cost Structure of RFID passive tags - labels |
4.4. | Passive market by applicational sector |
4.4. | Standardized EPCIS architecture |
4.4. | Approximate cost breakdown for a passive RFID for both UHF and HF, prices are given in US Dollar cents, assuming millions of tags |
4.5. | The top four developments of printed transistor RFID |
4.5. | The best flexible printed transistor RFID so far - Thin Film Electronics 128 bit semi read write ISO 14443 compatible |
4.5. | The main things that are passive tagged |
4.6. | Passive RFID market by range |
4.6. | NFC Deployment Options |
4.6. | Cumulative global sales of RFID tags chip vs chipless to the beginning of 2017 in millions |
4.7. | RFID technologies by range and cost |
4.7.1. | Read range and tag cost |
4.7.2. | RFID Systems/Middleware |
4.8. | EPC Gen 2 v2 |
4.9. | Chipless passive tags |
4.9.1. | Chipless options |
4.9.2. | Latest progress with printed transistor RFID |
4.9.3. | Forecast for chip vs chipless/printed tags |
4.10. | NFC |
4.10.1. | NFC background |
4.10.2. | Beyond payments and transit |
4.10.3. | Turning point |
4.10.4. | Phone Payments: MasterCard and Apple |
5.1. | Markets for passive UHF - by number of tags |
5.1. | Number of passive UHF tags (in millions) 2017-2027 |
5.2. | Average price of passive UHF tags (US$ Cents) 2017-2027 |
5.2. | Market for passive UHF RFID by average price and tag value |
5.3. | Analysis of passive UHF RFID markets |
5.3. | Total value of passive UHF tags 2017-2027 US$ million |
6.1. | Passive HF RFID |
6.1. | Number of passive HF tags (in millions) 2017-2027 |
6.2. | Average price of passive HF tags (US$ Cents) 2017-2027 |
6.2. | Passive LF RFID |
6.3. | Total value of passive HF tags 2017-2027 |
6.4. | Number of passive LF tags (in millions) 2017-2027 |
6.5. | Average price of passive LF tags (US$ Cents) 2017-2027 |
6.6. | Total value of passive LF tags 2017-2027 |
7.1. | V curve of sustainable profitability vs gross sales value |
7.2. | Three generations of active RFID |
7.2. | Three Generations |
7.2. | Main things tagged with active RFID tags in terms of number of projects in the IDTechEx RFID Knowledgebase or numbers used |
7.3. | Active RFID in the prison and parole service |
7.3. | Active market by applicational sector |
7.3. | Read range versus frequency |
7.4. | Interaction of RFID, sensing and the internet. |
7.4. | The main things that are active tagged |
7.4. | Global potential annually for active RFID systems plus tags in the prison and parole service |
7.5. | Number of active tags (in millions) 2017-2027 |
7.5. | Active RFID market by range |
7.5. | Total WSN Market 2010-2014 ($ millions) |
7.6. | Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs) |
7.6. | Active RFID market by battery type |
7.6. | Average price of active tags (US$ Cents) 2017-2027 |
7.6.1. | Energy Harvesting and RFID |
7.7. | Data for SES, the current leader in this sector |
7.7. | Total value of active tags 2017-2027 |
7.7. | New active technologies create new markets |
7.7.1. | Hand-held homing devices |
7.7.2. | New markets - Battery Assisted Passive (BAP) |
7.7.3. | Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) |
7.7.4. | The Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Networks |
7.8. | Systems, devices and interfaces that are now used by active RFID, or combined with it, in small portable devices |
7.8. | An example of massive 'niches' |
7.8. | Forecast for the value of global sales of active systems excluding tags & cellphones 2017-2027 in millions of dollars |
7.8.1. | The prison / correctional facility and parole service opportunity |
7.8.2. | Electronic Shelf Labels (ESLs) |
7.9. | Forecast for the value of global sales of RFID systems including tags, for vehicle clickers, BAP, SALs and other applications 2017-2027 in millions of dollars |
7.9. | Technologies facilitating growth |
7.10. | Forecasts for active RFID tags |
7.10. | Sectors, locations and application examples of Active RFID players |
7.11. | Forecasts for systems |
7.11.1. | The spend on active RFID systems |
7.11.2. | Active RFID players |
8.1. | Market for RFID interrogators by application, number millions 2017-2027 |
8.1. | Overview |
8.2. | RFID Interrogator (reader) numbers |
8.2. | Market for RFID interrogators by application, reader price US dollars 2017-2027 |
8.3. | Market for RFID interrogators by application, US dollars millions 2017-2027 |
8.3. | RFID Interrogator (reader) price |
8.4. | RFID Interrogator (reader) market value |
9.1. | Percentage share of total RFID market value by continent 2014, 2017, 2020 |
9.1. | Leading continents |
9.1. | Top Ten Countries by number of case studies in the IDTechEx RFID Knowledgebase |
9.2. | RFID Value chain in China |
9.2. | Geographical trends in number of projects |
9.2. | Primary differences across the world in types of RFID project by number of projects, with anomalies in top preferences highlighted |
9.3. | Central and East Asia trends in project numbers |
9.3. | Chinese RFID card/tag application market value by frequency band in 2014 |
9.4. | Americas trends in project numbers |
9.5. | Europe trends in project numbers |
9.6. | China |
9.7. | Japan |
9.8. | Korea |
9.9. | USA |
9.10. | Europe |
10.1. | Examples of dominant companies in the chip to label value chain |
10.1. | Dynamics of the RFID value chain |
10.1. | RFID value chain |
10.2. | Detailed value chain and dynamics |
10.2. | Successes and revenues |
10.2. | Market share for producers of passive UHF labels in 2013 |
10.3. | Examples of some dominant companies in the UHF RFID reader value chain |
10.3. | Largest orders, best selling products, dominant suppliers in future |
10.3. | IDTechEx estimates of total revenue for some of the key suppliers |
10.3.1. | Largest suppliers of chips |
10.3.1. | UHF RFID readers |
10.3.2. | Largest suppliers of tags, inlets, straps and detailed value chain for high volume |
10.3.2. | Largest suppliers of software and services |
10.3.3. | Equipment supply |
10.4. | Summary and outlook |
10.4. | Position of RFID suppliers to certain sectors, following the methodology of Boston Consulting Group |
10.5. | Competing value chains for tags |
Pages | 166 |
Tables | 89 |
Figures | 58 |
Forecasts to | 2027 |