Sensor Market 2025-2035: Technologies, Trends, Players, Forecasts

Global sensor market including future mobility, LiDAR, radar, cameras, IR; IoT; wearables; edge sensing; quantum sensors; printed sensors; environmental gas sensors; silicon photonics; emerging image sensors, with 10 year forecasts

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Global sensor market to grow to US$253B by 2035
IDTechEx forecasts that the global sensor market will reach US$253B by 2035 as global meta-trends in mobility, AI, 6G connectivity and connected devices drive new demand. IDTechEx's Sensor Market 2025-2035 report provides extensive analysis of the global sensor market, including over 50 company profiles and insight collected from 14 related sensor report topics. By summarizing IDTechEx's extensive sensors report portfolio, and drawing on years of industry engagement, the report outlines innovations, opportunities, and trends across future mobility, IoT, wearables, biomedical, edge computing, environmental sensing and more. This analysis includes granular ten-year sensor forecasts, segmented by sensor technology.
Ten-year global sensor market forecast (2025-2035), segmented by sensor technology. Source: IDTechEx.
Sensors are fundamental electronic components used to detect and convert physical input into an electrical signal for processing. Hundreds of millions of sensors are produced each year and are routinely used in communications, transport, industry, healthcare, energy, consumer, and buildings applications. While sensors themselves only compose a fraction of the annual revenue generated by major electronics companies, sensor technology nevertheless represents a multi-billion-dollar global market.
In 2025, mature sensor technologies, including semiconductor, optical and conventional transducers (electromechanical, electrochemical) dominate the global sensor market. Commoditized sensor technologies command market share across most verticals, including in automotive, aerospace, industrial, consumer, healthcare, and environmental markets.
Despite the domination by established sensor technologies, revenue growth within these commoditized markets is stalling, with manufacturers increasingly looking towards emerging technologies and applications for growth. Mega-trends driving innovation today include future mobility (autonomy, electrification and driver monitoring), expansion of Internet of Things (IoT) and integration with AI, wearable technology adoption and the commercialization of 6G.
As emerging technology trends in key sensor markets evolve, so too do sensing requirements. Sensor design trends focus on improved integration and performance within products and applications. Emerging sensor technologies seek to compete through reduced size and power, capabilities to measure more metrics, for longer, with greater sensitivity and accuracy, and be integrated into new form-factors.
Future mobility will be a vehicle for sensor growth
Sensors will play a key role in enabling electrification, automation, in-cabin monitoring, vehicle connectivity, and software defined vehicles (SDV). Emerging trends in mobility present broad growth opportunities across various sensor technologies. For example, temperature, current, voltage and gas sensors are required for battery monitoring within electric vehicles, while LiDAR, radar, infrared imaging and camera technology will be essential in automated vehicles.
The evolving passenger-vehicle dynamic due to increased vehicle autonomy will also drive sensor growth. Infrared (IR), time-of-flight (ToF), and radar sensors are applicable for in-cabin monitoring in advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) to check if the driver is still focused on the road. Looking towards the future, increased passenger-vehicle interaction and biometric authentication will empower features-as-a-service business models to emerge in connected SDVs.
Future mobility will rely on sensor technology to enable the next evolution of transportation and passenger-vehicle experiences. This report identifies and critically evaluates emerging future mobility sensor technology, applications, requirements, and demand.
Turbulent journey for wearables does not deter sensor opportunities
The wearable sensor technology landscape covers a wide range of sensor types, which can be integrated into an array of wearable form-factors. This report provides an overview of wearable technology form factors and the wearable sensor technology opportunities associated. Motion sensors, optical sensors and imaging, wearable electrodes, force, strain, temperature and chemical sensors are examined and compared across medical, consumer, AR/XR, and industrial applications.
Large scale opportunities in the wearables are harder to come by. The last decade has been characterized by the success of smart watches and fitness trackers, as well as the disruption of the glucose test trip market by continuous glucose monitors (CGMs). Looking ahead, there are still many exciting innovations in wearable sensors, now arguably seeking to enter nicher beach-head markets as the demand to refine them for smaller, application specific verticals increase.
IoT sensing remains a question of when
IoT solutions promise smart devices that are 'greater than the sum of their parts'. While IoT sensors are widely employed across many market verticals - from logistics, agriculture and industry to consumer electronics, buildings and healthcare - the rate of emergence has consistency underwhelmed. Nevertheless, industrial, environment, and consumer IoT continue to represent key targets for sensor manufacturers.
Industrial IoT employs sensor networks to collect, monitor, and analyse data from industrial operations. Key emerging applications for IIoT sensor technology include industrial robotics and automation, machine health monitoring and predictive maintenance, worker safety, inventory management and logistics. Data insights from IIoT solutions offer optimized process efficiencies, improved safety, productivity and reduced operating costs.
Gas sensors are key elements within environmental IoT solutions, where indoor air quality and outdoor pollution monitoring lead interest. Tightening regulations and recommendations for outdoor air quality are increasing the need for sensitive gas sensors. This report explores and compares emerging gas sensor technologies, including optical particle counters, metal oxide sensors, electrochemical sensors, infra-red sensors, photo-ionization detectors and photoacoustic sensors for use in environmental and consumer IoT.
A key challenge persistently facing the IoT sensor market is the long return on investment (ROI) period, which discourages adoption in industrial, environmental, and consumer markets. However, these challenges are largely independent of the underlying IoT sensor technology, with ROI largely dictated by the final IoT solution (i.e, enterprise software, data insights, automation). This report characterizes the historic challenges facing IoT sensor applications, including legacy infrastructure integration, and case studies on emerging success stories.
What edge computing means for sensors
The recent commercialization and advancement of energy efficient, high-performance CPUs is driving computing towards the edge. Edge computing is emerging for integration within IoT sensors, driven by the demand for lower latency, increased energy efficiency, and data privacy concerns.
Progress in edge computing and neural processing is ushering the rapid emergence of edge AI technologies within endpoint devices. Edge sensing is increasingly being co-developed alongside edge AI technologies. Edge AI integration within sensors promises predictive and prescriptive functionality for greater automation in most application markets.
Edge sensor technology is compelling in time-critical applications where large data volume is generated. Key edge sensing market applications include occupancy detection in smart buildings, predictive maintenance in industrial IoT, and activity and vital sign monitoring in medical wearables.
Sensor technology innovations will keep this mature market on its toes
IDTechEx's Sensors 2025-2035 report provides a comprehensive overview of key sensor technology innovations impacting the market. Highlighted below include key innovation areas covered within the report:
  • Emerging image sensors: Sensor design innovation, including multiple new SWIR technologies, solution-processable quantum dot sensors, and large area organic photodetectors. Applications, including machine vision and hyperspectral imaging.
  • Gas sensors: Comprehensive overview of the gas sensor market, including metal oxide (MOx) semiconductor, electrochemical, infrared (IR), photo-ionization, e-nose, and photoacoustic sensor technology evaluation, benchmarking, SWOT analyses, and supplier categorization.
  • Printed and flexible sensors: Overview of emerging flexible sensor technology produced from additive manufacturing methods using printed functional inks. Applications of flexible, large area pressure, strain, temperature, touch, gas, wearable sensors and photodetectors in automotive, consumer electronics, industrial, and medical applications.
  • Silicon photonics: Introduction to silicon photonic circuits and review of applications of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) in biomedical, biosensors, gas sensors, structural health sensors, spectroscopy and LiDAR sensors.
  • Quantum sensors: Quantum sensor technology breakdown, including four SWOT analyses, overview of applications including in imaging and positioning, with market maps of key suppliers.
  • Biosensors: Overview of biosensor technologies, including bioreceptors, optical transducers and electrochemical transducers, and their applications at the point-of-care. Overview of point-of-care testing market dynamics and market trends within in vitro diagnostics.
  • Advanced carbons and nanocarbon in sensors:Overview of advanced carbon materials in sensing and their applications.
The latest report from IDTechEx on Sensors 2025-2035 characterizes innovations in sensor technology and emerging sensor application markets, including future mobility, IoT, wearable technology, and edge sensing. IDTechEx forecasts that global sensor revenue will grow at a conservative 6% CAGR by 2035, underpinned by the emerging sensor technology innovations highlighted.
Key aspects
  • A comprehensive overview of the global sensor technology market, drawn from 14 IDTechEx reports covering sensor technology.
  • Sensor technology benchmarking, critical evaluation and comparison.
  • Sensor technology innovations, including sensor trends in imaging, printed electronics, silicon photonics, quantum sensing, biosensors and emerging sensor materials and designs.
  • Identification and appraisal of emerging sensor applications across automotive, aerospace, industrial, consumer, healthcare, environmental markets.
  • Overview of wearable sensors and key applications in wearables and healthcare.
  • Extensive characterization of sensors for future mobility, including electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, in-cabin monitoring, connected and software defined vehicles.
  • Overview of the IoT market, emerging IoT sensor technology and applications in industrial IoT, environmental IoT and consumer IoT.
  • Identification of key sensor manufacturers and associated value chain mapping.
  • 50 company profiles including interviews with key sensor manufacturers and sensor industry players.
  • Granular ten-year forecasts, broken down by sensor technology.
10 Year Sensor Market Forecasts & Analysis:
  • Global sensor market forecast 2025-2035, segmented by sensor technology.
  • Ten-year sensor market forecast for established gas sensors, semiconductor sensors, automotive and aerospace sensors, biosensors (2025-2035).
  • Emerging ten-year silicon photonic sensor technology forecast (2025-2035).
  • Emerging ten-year image sensor market forecast (2025-2035).
  • Ten-year sensors for future mobility forecast, including LiDAR, radar, camera, IR and in-cabin-sensing (2025-2035).
Sensors covered in the report include:
  • Radar sensors
  • LiDAR sensors
  • Radar sensors
  • IR sensors
  • In-cabin sensors
  • Photodetectors
  • SWIR sensors
  • NIR sensors
  • MEMS sensors
  • Position sensors
  • Motion sensors
  • Accelerometers
  • Force sensors
  • Strain sensors
  • Piezoelectric sensors
  • Piezoresistive sensors
  • Gas sensors
  • Metal oxide semiconductor sensors
  • Electrochemical sensors
  • E-nose sensors
  • Proximity sensors
  • Humidity sensors
  • Acoustic sensors
  • Level sensors
  • Quantum sensors
  • Biosensors
  • Printed sensors
  • Flexible sensors
  • Alcohol sensors
  • Sound sensors
  • Electrical sensors
  • Optical sensors
  • pH sensors
  • Wireless sensors
  • Body sensors
  • Heartbeat sensors
  • Traffic sensors
  • IoT sensors
  • AI sensors
  • Automotive sensors
  • Consumer electronics sensors
  • Industrial sensors
  • Environmental sensors
Report MetricsDetails
CAGRThe global sensor market is forecast to grow with a CAGR of 6% to US$253 billion by 2035
Forecast Period2025 - 2035
Forecast UnitsAnnual Revenue (USD)
Segments CoveredSemiconductor sensors (MEMS and CMOS) , Sensors for Aerospace, Sensors for Automotive (excluding ADAS), Biosensors , Other (probes, photo-diodes, switches, electromechanical etc.), Quantum Sensors . Emerging Image Sensors (SWIR and OPD), Printed Sensors , Silicon Photonic Sensors, In-cabin sensing (ToF, torque, steering), Thermal Image Sensors (LWIR + NIR), ADAS Sensors (LiDAR), ADAS Sensors (RADAR), ADAS Sensors (Camera)
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1.1.Introduction to Sensor Technology
1.2.Overview of major sensor technology markets
1.3.Many multi-billion-dollar electronics companies compete for the established sensor market - but their revenue share can be comparable to more specialist players
1.4.Total Sensor Market 2025-2035: Annual Revenue (USD, Billions)
1.5.Total Sensor Market 2025-2035: Annual Revenue (USD, Millions) - Granular Breakdown
1.6.Connecting operating principles, metrics and manufacturing formats
1.7.Key drivers and global-trends impacting the sensor market
1.8.Sensor technology market roadmap
1.9.Overview of key sensor technology innovations and applications for future markets
2.1.Market Forecasts: Methodology Outline
2.2.Sensor Market Categories included in these forecasts
2.3.Total Sensor Market 2025-2035: Annual Revenue (USD, Billions)
2.4.Total Sensor Market 2025-2035: Annual Revenue (USD, Millions) - Granular Breakdown
2.5.Established Sensor Market: Ten-year gas sensor technology forecast (2025-2035), annual revenue (USD, Millions)
2.6.Established Sensor Market: Ten-year semiconductor sensor technology forecast (2025-2035), annual revenue (USD, Millions)
2.7.Established Sensor Market: Ten-year automotive and aerospace sensor technology forecast (2025-2035), annual revenue (USD, Millions)
2.8.Established Sensor Market: Ten-year biosensor sensor technology forecast (2025-2035), annual revenue (USD, Millions)
2.9.Emerging Sensor Market: Ten-year quantum sensor technology forecast (2025-2035), annual revenue (USD, Millions)
2.10.Emerging Sensor Market: Ten-year silicon photonic sensor technology forecast (2025-2035), annual revenue (USD, Millions)
2.11.Emerging Sensor Market: Ten-year printed sensor technology forecast (2025-2035), annual revenue (USD, Millions)
2.12.Emerging Sensor Market: Ten-year emerging image sensor technology forecast (2025-2035), annual revenue (USD, Millions)
2.13.Emerging Sensor Market: Ten-year sensors for future mobility forecast (2025-2035), annual revenue (USD, Millions); LiDAR, RADAR, CAMERA, IR and in-cabin-sensing
2.14.Total Sensor Market 2025-2035: Annual Revenue (USD, Millions) - Data Table
3.1.Introduction to the Sensor Market - Chapter Overview
3.2.Introduction to Sensor Technology
3.3.Overview of major sensor technology markets
3.4.Many multi-billion-dollar electronics companies compete for the established sensor market - but their revenue share can be comparable to more specialist players
3.5.Overview of some typical sensor technology product categories
3.6.Connecting operating principles, metrics and manufacturing formats
3.7.General trends separating emerging and established sensor tech
3.8.Key drivers and global-trends impacting the sensor market
3.9.Sensor technology market roadmap
3.10.Overview of key sensor technology innovations and applications for future markets
3.11.What are the mega trends in future mobility?
3.12.What is the role of sensors in future mobility technology?
3.13.Near term IoT markets trends set to revolve around edge sensing as the industry shifts from the cloud to the edge
3.14.Roadmap of the mega-trends in wearable technology
3.15.Overview of the landscape for wearable sensor innovation
3.16.Introduction to 6G and expected improvements in sensing compared to 5G
3.17.Overview of 6G applications beyond mobile communications - including THz sensing and imaging
3.18.The value proposition of mmWave and THz frequencies for sensing
3.19.Key conclusions on the sensor technology market: technologies and trends
4.1.Chapter Overview and Related IDTechEx Reports
4.2.Emerging Image Sensors
4.2.1.Overview of the Emerging Image Sensors Section
4.2.2.Emerging image sensors: summary of key conclusions
4.2.3.Emerging image sensors: Key players overview (I)
4.2.4.Emerging image sensors: Key players overview (II)
4.2.5.SWIR imaging: overview and key conclusions
4.2.6.SWIR imaging: emerging technology options
4.2.7.SWIR sensors: applications and key players
4.2.8.OPD-on-CMOS hybrid image sensors: overview, conclusions and key players
4.2.9.OPD-on-CMOS detectors: technology readiness level roadmap by application
4.2.10.QD-on-Si/QD-on-CMOS imaging: fundamentals, value proposition and key conclusions
4.2.11.Hyperspectral imaging: overview and key conclusions
4.2.12.Hyperspectral imaging: wavelength range vs spectral resolution
4.2.13.Miniaturized spectrometers: overview and key conclusions
4.2.14.Miniaturized spectrometers: targeting a wide range of sectors
4.2.15.Miniaturized spectrometers: key players and key differentiators
4.2.16.Event-based sensing: overview and key conclusions
4.2.17.Event-based vision: application requirements
4.2.18.LIDAR: overview of operating principles
4.2.19.LIDAR: value proposition
4.2.20.LIDAR: Technology Challenges
4.2.21.LIDAR: ecosystem and key players
4.3.Gas Sensors
4.3.1.Overview of the gas sensor section and analyst viewpoint
4.3.2.The gas sensor market 'at a glance'
4.3.3.Gas Sensor Market Summary: Drivers for change?
4.3.4.Overview of Metal Oxide (MOx) gas sensors
4.3.5.Identifying key MOx sensors manufacturers
4.3.6.Key conclusions and SWOT analysis of MOx gas sensors
4.3.7.Introduction to electrochemical gas sensors
4.3.8.Major manufacturers of electrochemical sensors
4.3.9.Key conclusions and SWOT analysis of electrochemical gas sensors
4.3.10.Introduction to infrared gas sensors
4.3.11.Identifying key infra-red gas sensor manufacturers
4.3.12.Key conclusions and SWOT analysis of infra-red gas sensors
4.3.13.Introduction to photoionization detectors (PID)
4.3.14.Categorization of ionization detector manufacturers
4.3.15.Key conclusions and SWOT analysis of photo-ionization detectors
4.3.16.Optical Particle Counter
4.3.17.Identifying key optical particle counter manufacturers
4.3.18.SWOT analysis of Optical Particle Counters
4.3.19.Key Conclusions: Optical particle counters
4.3.20.Principle of Sensing: Photoacoustic
4.3.21.Sensirion and Infineon offer a miniaturized photo-acoustic carbon dioxide sensor
4.3.22.SWOT analysis of photo acoustic gas sensors
4.3.23.Principle of Sensing: E-Nose
4.3.24.Advantages and disadvantaged of sensor types for E-Nose
4.3.25.Categorization of e-nose manufacturers
4.3.26.SWOT analysis of E-noses
4.3.27.E-nose Summary: Specific aromas a better opportunity than a nose
4.4.Printed and Flexible Sensors
4.4.1.Introduction to the printed and flexible sensor market
4.4.2.Summary of key growth markets for printed sensor technology
4.4.3.Key takeaways segmented by printed/flexible sensor technology
4.4.4.Piezoresistive Sensors: Market map of applications and players
4.4.5.Challenges facing printed piezoelectric sensors
4.4.6.Readiness level snapshot of printed piezoelectric sensors
4.4.7.Conclusions for printed and flexible piezoelectric sensors
4.4.8.Opportunities for printed photodetectors in large area flexible sensing
4.4.9.Supplier overview: Thin film photodetectors
4.4.10.Conclusions for printed and flexible image sensors
4.4.11.Printed temperature sensors continue to attract interest for thermal management applications
4.4.12.Printed temperature sensor supplier overview
4.4.13.Technology readiness level snapshot of printed temperature sensors
4.4.14.Conclusions for printed and flexible temperature sensors
4.4.15.Opportunities for printed strain sensors could expand beyond motion capture into battery management long term
4.4.16.Capacitive strain sensor value & supply chain
4.4.17.Summary: Strain sensors
4.4.18.Outlook for printed gas sensor technology
4.4.19.ITO coating innovations and indium price stabilization impact printed capacitive sensor growth markets
4.4.20.Readiness level of printed capacitive touch sensors materials and technologies
4.4.21.Conformal and curved surface touch sensing applications emerge for printed capacitive sensors
4.4.22.Conclusions for printed and flexible capacitive touch sensors
4.4.23.Opportunities for printed electrodes in the wearables market
4.4.24.Printed sensors in flexible hybrid electronics
4.4.25.SWOT analysis for each printed sensor category (I)
4.4.26.SWOT analysis for each printed sensor category (II)
4.4.27.SWOT analysis for each printed sensor category (III)
4.5.Silicon Photonics
4.5.1.What are Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs)?
4.5.2.Advantages and Challenges of Photonic Integrated Circuits
4.5.3.Key Current & Future Photonic Integrated Circuits Applications
4.5.4.Opportunities for PIC Sensors: Biomedical
4.5.5.Market players developing PIC Biosensors
4.5.6.Opportunities for PIC Sensors: Gas Sensors
4.5.7.Market players developing PIC-based Gas Sensors
4.5.8.Opportunities for PIC Sensors: Structural Health Sensors
4.5.9.Market players developing Spectroscopy PICs
4.5.10.Opportunities for PIC Sensors: LiDAR Sensors
4.5.11.Core Aspects of LiDAR
4.5.12.Market players developing PIC-based LiDAR (1)
4.5.13.Market players developing PIC-based LiDAR (2)
4.5.14.LiDAR Wavelength and Material Trends
4.5.15.Major challenges of PIC-based FMCW lidars
4.6.Quantum Sensors
4.6.1.What are quantum sensors?
4.6.2.The quantum sensor market 'at a glance'
4.6.3.Quantum sensors: Analyst viewpoint
4.6.4.Quantum sensor industry market map
4.6.5.Atomic clocks self-calibrate for clock drift
4.6.6.Atomic Clocks: SWOT analysis
4.6.7.Atomic clocks: Sector roadmap
4.6.8.Sensitivity is key to the value proposition for quantum magnetic field sensors
4.6.9.Operating principles of Optically Pumped Magnetometers (OPMs)
4.6.10.OPMs: SWOT analysis
4.6.11.Introduction to N-V center magnetic field sensors
4.6.12.N-V Center Magnetic Field Sensors: SWOT analysis
4.6.13.Quantum magnetometers: Sector roadmap
4.6.14.Quantum gravimeters: Chapter overview
4.6.15.Operating principles of atomic interferometry-based quantum gravimeters
4.6.16.Quantum Gravimeters: SWOT analysis
4.6.17.Quantum gravimeters: Sector roadmap
4.6.18.Quantum gyroscopes: Chapter overview
4.6.19.Operating principles of atomic quantum gyroscopes
4.6.20.MEMS manufacturing processes can miniaturize atomic gyroscope technology for higher volume applications
4.6.21.Quantum gyroscopes: Sector roadmap
4.6.22.Overview of Quantum Image Sensors
4.7.1.Layout of a biosensor
4.7.2.Bioreceptors: benefits and drawbacks of each type
4.7.3.Optical transducers: benefits and drawbacks of each type
4.7.4.Electrochemical transducers: benefits and drawbacks of each type
4.7.5.Applications for biosensors at the point-of-care
4.7.6.In vitro diagnostics
4.7.7.Growing market for in vitro diagnostics
4.7.8.The value of point-of-care testing
4.7.9.In vitro diagnostics trending toward point-of-care testing (POCT)
4.7.10.Mechanism of the lateral flow assay
4.7.11.Minimalizing sample handling with integrated cartridges
4.7.12.Value ecosystem of POCT devices
4.7.13.Market dynamics
4.8.Nanocarbon Sensors
4.8.1.Expanding graphene wafer capacity and adoption
4.8.2.Structural health monitoring
4.8.3.Gas sensors
4.8.4.Temperature and humidity sensors
4.8.5.Emerging role in silicon photonics
4.8.6.Outlook for carbon materials in sensors
5.1.Edge sensing: Introduction
5.1.1.Edge sensing: Chapter overview
5.1.2.What is edge sensing
5.1.3.Edge versus cloud computing for emerging sensor applications
5.1.4.The rise of edge sensing tracks with a broader industry shift from cloud to edge computing
5.1.5.Market drivers for edge sensing
5.2.Edge sensing: Technologies
5.2.1.Edge sensors: Technical breakdown and key components
5.2.2.Edge sensing internet of things architecture
5.2.3.Evaluating cloud, edge, and endpoint sensing and associated enabling technologies
5.2.4.High efficiency computing hardware has unlocked edge sensing
5.2.5.Low-power designs are critical for edge sensor devices
5.2.6.Case study: Low-power edge sensor asset tracker
5.2.7.Edge sensing and edge AI are converging and will unlock predictive and proscriptive functionality
5.2.8.Edge AI enables data processing and inference on endpoint devices
5.2.9.Challenges facing edge sensors
5.3.Edge sensing: Markets and applications
5.3.1.Edge sensors: Market overview
5.3.2.Opportunity for improving energy efficiency in smart buildings with building automation
5.3.3.Edge sensors enabling low-power occupancy monitoring and smart security
5.3.4.Edge sensing will unlock predictive maintenance in industrial IoT
5.3.5.Roadmap of the evolving role of sensors in industrial IoT
5.3.6.Richer structural health monitoring insight with edge AI-enabled sensing
5.3.7.Edge sensors can improve workplace safety in remote and hazardous locations
5.3.8.AI-enabled edge sensing in wearables
5.3.9.Edge sensor and edge AI promise continues innovation in established consumer electronics applications and smart retail
5.3.10.Evaluation of edge sensing application requirements
5.3.11.Key edge sensor markets: Emerging applications, opportunities and threats
5.4.Edge sensing: Conclusions
5.4.1.Summary of edge sensor technologies and market outlook
5.4.2.Technology readiness level of edge sensor applications
5.4.3.SWOT analysis of edge sensors and edge AI
5.4.4.Key players in edge sensing: Sensors and product integrators
5.4.5.Key players in edge sensing: IC, SoC, and cloud service suppliers
6.1.Overview of the wearable sensors section and technology landscape
6.1.1.Wearable technology takes many form factors
6.1.2.Overview of wearable sensor types
6.1.3.Connecting form factors, wearable sensors and metrics
6.1.4.Roadmap of wearable sensor technology segmented by key biometrics (1)
6.1.5.Roadmap of wearable sensor technology segmented by key biometrics
6.1.6.Wearable devices for medical and wellness applications increasingly overlap
6.2.Wearable Motion Sensors
6.2.1.Wearable motion sensors: introduction
6.2.2.IMUs for smart-watches: major players and industry dynamic
6.2.3.Wearable magnetometer suppliers and industry dynamic
6.2.4.Overview of emerging use-cases for wearable motion sensors
6.2.5.MEMS-based IMUs for wearable motion sensing:
6.2.6.SWOT Analysis
6.2.7.Wearable motion sensors: sector roadmap
6.2.8.MEMS-based IMUs for wearable motion sensing:
6.3.Wearable Optical Sensors
6.3.1.Wearable optical sensors: introduction
6.3.2.Wearable optical sensors: photoplethysmography (PPG)
6.3.3.Wearable PPG: applications and key players
6.3.4.Wearable optical sensors: obtaining blood oxygen from PPG
6.3.5.Wearable optical sensors: market outlook and technology readiness of pulse oximetery
6.3.6.Wearable optical sensors: progress of non-invasive blood pressure sensing
6.3.7.Wearable optical sensors: overview of technologies for cuff-less blood pressure
6.3.8.Wearable optical sensors: SWOT Analysis for heart-rate, pulse-ox, blood pressure and glucose monitoring
6.3.9.Wearable optical sensors: key conclusions
6.4.Wearable Electrodes
6.4.1.Wearable electrodes: overview of key types
6.4.2.Wearable electrodes: wet vs dry
6.4.3.Wearable electrodes: microneedles
6.4.4.Wearable electrodes: electronic skins (also known as 'epidermal electronics')
6.4.5.Wearable electrodes: applications and product types
6.4.6.Wearable electrodes: key players
6.4.7.Wearable electrodes: consolidated SWOT analysis
6.4.8.Wearable electrodes: key conclusions
6.5.Wearable Temperature Sensors
6.5.1.Wearable temperature sensors: introduction
6.5.2.Wearable body temperature sensors: key players, form factors and applications
6.5.3.Wearable temperature sensors: sector roadmap
6.5.4.Wearable temperature sensors: SWOT analysis
6.5.5.Wearable temperature sensors: key conclusions
6.6.Wearable CGMs
6.6.1.Wearable Chemical Sensors: overview
6.6.2.Wearable chemical sensors: analyte selection and availability
6.6.3.Wearable chemical sensors: operating principle typical CGM device
6.6.4.CGM: overview of key players
6.6.5.Wearable glucose sensors SWOT analysis of chemical vs. alternatives
6.6.6.Wearable chemical sensors: roadmap for glucose sensing and key conclusions
6.6.7.Wearable chemical sensors: use-cases, stakeholders, key players and SWOT analysis of wearable alcohol sensors
6.6.8.Wearable chemical sensors: use-cases, stakeholders, key players and SWOT analysis of wearable lactate/lactic acid sensors
6.6.9.Wearable chemical sensors: use-cases, stakeholders, key players and SWOT analysis of wearable hydration sensors
6.6.10.Market readiness of wearable sensors for novel biometrics
6.6.11.Wearable sensors for novel biometrics: key conclusions
6.7.Sensors for XR
6.7.1.What are VR, AR, MR and XR?
6.7.2.Controllers and sensing connect XR devices to the environment and the user
6.7.3.Beyond positional tracking: What else might XR headsets track?
6.7.4.Where are XR sensors located? imaging and motion capture
6.7.6.Stereoscopic vision
6.7.7.Time of Flight (ToF) cameras for depth sensing
6.7.8.Structured light
6.7.9.Comparison of 3D imaging technologies
6.7.10.Sensors for XR: Positional and motion tracking, sector roadmap
6.7.11.Why is eye tracking important for AR/VR devices?
6.7.12.Eye tracking sensor categories
6.7.13.Eye tracking using cameras with machine vision
6.7.14.Eye tracking companies based on conventional/NIR cameras and machine vision software
6.7.15.Sensors for XR: Event-based vision for AR/VR eye tracking
6.7.16.Sensors for XR: eye tracking with laser scanning MEMS
6.7.17.Sensors for XR: capacitive sensing of eye movement
6.7.18.Eye tracking for XR: sector roadmap
7.1.Future Mobility Megatrends
7.1.1.What are the mega trends in future mobility?
7.1.2.Chapter Overview
7.1.3.Summary and outlook for sensors in future mobility applications
7.1.4.Main conclusions: Sensors for Future Mobility Markets
7.2.Sensors for Electrification
7.2.1.Electric Vehicles: Basic Principle
7.2.2.Monitoring current, voltage, time and temperature is core to BMS functionality
7.2.3.Trends in battery management systems - sensors most relevant to greater sophistication in state estimation
7.2.4.Sensors play an evolving role in EV charging infrastructure
7.2.5.The rise of the EV could shift the role of gas sensors from emissions testing to battery management
7.2.6.Value proposition of gas sensors on battery monitoring: Early thermal runaway detection
7.2.7.Comparing approaches to commercializing gas sensors for battery monitoring
7.3.Sensors for Automation
7.3.1.SAE Levels of Automation in Cars
7.3.2.The Big Three Sensors
7.3.3.Sensor Requirements for Different Levels of Autonomy
7.3.4.Sensor Suite Costs
7.3.5.Front Radar and Side Radar Applications
7.3.6.Vehicle Camera Applications
7.3.7.LiDARs in Automotive Applications
7.3.8.The IR Spectrum and autonomy applications
7.3.9.Key Components of a Thermal Camera
7.3.10.Uncooled Sensor Material Choice Summary
7.3.11.Microbolometer Suppliers and Materials
7.3.12.Chalcogenide Glass Suppliers
7.3.13.Summary of NHTSA Ruling
7.3.14.Autoliv, Veoneer and Magna Night Vision Generations
7.3.15.LWIR for ADAS
7.3.16.LWIR for ADAS: Advantages and Disadvantages
7.3.17.Thermal Camera Placement
7.3.18.Summary of Microbolometer, Camera, and Tier-One Suppliers
7.4.In-Cabin Sensing (or Interior Monitoring Systems)
7.4.1.Interior Monitoring System (IMS), Driver-MS and Occupant-MS
7.4.2.Evolution of DMS Sensor Suite from SAE Level 1 to Level 4
7.4.3.Current Technologies for Interior Monitoring System (IMS)
7.4.4.IMS Sensing Technologies: Passive and Active
7.4.5.Overview of In-Cabin Sensors by OEM (1)
7.4.6.Overview of In-Cabin Sensors by OEM (2)
7.4.7.Sensor adoption for in-cabin monitoring anticipated to remain dominated by established vision based, capacitive and torque sensor technologies
7.4.8.Infrared (IR) in DMS - Overview
7.4.9.ToF Camera for In-Cabin Sensing - Principles
7.4.10.Introduction to Radar Technology
7.4.11.Current Status of Capacitive Sensors in DMS
7.4.12.Torque Sensor for HOD - Working Principles
7.4.13.In-Cabin Sensing Technology Overview
7.5.Sensors for Connected Vehicles and Software Defined Vehicles
7.5.1.Software-Defined Vehicle Level Guide
7.5.2.Connected Vehicles Key Terminology
7.5.3.Certain V2V/V2I use cases highlight the interplay between connected vehicles and autonomy - and as such the role of sensors.
8.1.1.What is internet-of-things (IoT)?
8.1.2.Sensors represent just one element within an IoT platform
8.1.3.Emerging IoT markets and applications
8.1.4.IoT technology meta-trends and impact on sensors
8.2.Industrial IoT (IIoT)
8.2.1.Industrial IoT: Introduction
8.2.2.Industrial trends and Industry 5.0
8.2.3.Industrial IoT: Key emerging sensor applications
8.2.4.IIoT sensors: Industrial robotics and automation
8.2.5.IIoT sensors: Machine monitoring and predictive maintenance
8.2.6.IIoT sensors: Worker safety
8.2.7.IIoT sensors: inventory management and logistics
8.2.8.IIoT sensors: Conclusions and outlook
8.3.Environmental Monitoring IoT
8.3.1.Overview of environmental gas sensor markets within IoT
8.3.2.Environmental Monitoring IoT: Outdoor Pollution
8.3.3.Environmental Monitoring IoT: Indoor Air Quality
8.3.4.Environmental Monitoring IoT: Sensors for PFAS
8.4.Consumer IoT: Smart Home (Air Quality Sensors)
8.4.1.Smart Home technology OEMs are still betting on it going 'mainstream'
8.4.2.Introduction to the Smart Home market for indoor air quality monitoring
8.4.3.How can OEMs access the mass market for indoor air quality monitors post-covid?
8.4.4.Comparing technology specs of smart-home air quality monitors
8.4.5.Smart purifiers are an increasingly popular solution for poor air quality
8.4.6.Market leaders include particulate matter sensors in product offerings
8.4.7.Air quality and the internet of things
8.4.8.Which business models for indoor air quality products are sustainable?
8.4.9.Opportunity for air quality monitoring within wellness and fitness monitoring remains
8.4.10.Relationship between air quality regulations and technology
8.4.11.Smart-home indoor air quality monitoring: market map and outlook
8.4.12.Comparing device costs of smart-home technology for IAQ monitoring
8.4.13.Challenges for indoor air quality devices in the smart-home
8.4.14.Miniaturized gas sensors for indoor monitoring in smart home: conclusions and outlook
9.4.Bosch Aviation Technology
9.5.Bosch Sensortec - Gas Sensors
9.6.Brilliant Matters
9.7.Carester (Caremag)
9.8.Cerca Magnetics
9.10.Cubic Sensor and Instrument Co., Ltd.
9.11.Datwyler (Dry Electrodes)
9.12.DD Scientific Ltd.
9.14.Emberion: Cameras With Extended Spectral Band
9.15.Epicore Biosystems
9.19.Foresight Automotive
9.20.Fraunhofer FEP
9.22.HyProMag Ltd
9.23.IDUN Technologies
9.26.Jungo Connectivity
9.29.Mateligent GmbH
9.30.Mobileye: Automotive Radar
9.31.Naox Technologies
9.32.Noveon Magnetics
9.33.OmniVision Technologies
9.37.Remedee Labs
9.38.Rhaeos Inc
9.39.Seeing Machines
9.43.Siemens Healthineers
9.45.ST Microelectronics
9.46.Teledyne FLIR
9.47.Useful Sensors
9.50.Veoneer (Qualcomm)
9.51.Wearable Devices Ltd.
9.53.Zimmer and Peacock

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The global sensor market is forecast to grow with a CAGR of 6% to US$253 billion by 2035

Report Statistics

Slides 483
Companies 53
Forecasts to 2035
Published Oct 2024

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ISBN: 9781835700662

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