Silicon Anode Battery Technologies and Markets 2025-2035: Players, Technologies, Applications, Markets, Forecasts

10-year forecasts of silicon-based anodes by region & application, silicon anode production outlook by material type, technology benchmarking & performance characteristics, analysis & comparison of advanced silicon anodes, player involvement.

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IDTechEx forecast the market for silicon anodes to exceed US$15 billion by 2035, driven by demand for higher energy density and faster charging batteries and growing interest and investment into silicon anode materials, technologies, and production capacity. This report provides in-depth analysis and discussion of silicon anode technologies, the silicon anode market, key players and start-ups, provides a production outlook, and forecasts by region and application by GWh, kt and US$.
Market landscape
The battery electric car market represents the largest addressable market for silicon anodes given the underlying size of the battery market for electric cars as well as their need for higher energy density and faster charging battery technologies. Silicon oxides are already being incorporated at low weight percentages in some BEV models. However, by weight, silicon anode materials represent only approximately 1% of the market. Driven by increasing demand for higher performance Li-ion batteries and improvements in silicon anode technology, the share of silicon anode material is expected to increase rapidly by both kt and GWh.
The majority of global Li-ion battery demand is forecast to come from battery electric cars. Source: IDTechEx.
The silicon anode market is expanding with 30+ start-ups identified in the report as well as increasing involvement from established materials companies aiming to enter, expand and future-proof their presence in the battery market. Production capacity for silicon-based anode materials is expected to grow rapidly over the next 5 years, while funding into silicon anode start-ups is estimated to have exceeded US$4.5 billion 2024 with this capital making its way to constructing commercial scale production. The report details key silicon anode developers and companies, the current state of the market, provides an outlook for silicon anode production capacity.
Total funding for silicon anode start-ups and pure-play companies is estimated to have exceeded US$4.5 billion in 2024. Source: IDTechEx.
Silicon has long offered the potential for higher energy density batteries due to its capacity of 3600 mAh/g compared to the 360-370 mAh/g available from graphite anodes. Improvements to other characteristics, including fast charging are also possible with the use of silicon anodes. However, silicon expands by up to 300% when lithiated, causing numerous issues, from electrolyte and lithium consumption, to loss of electrical and ionic conductivity, which ultimately leads to low cycle life. To overcome these issues, numerous technologies and solutions have been under development. For example, the replacement of graphite with a small amount of silicon oxide can minimize these detrimental effects and has to date been the only solution to gain widespread traction, but using low amounts of silicon also reduces the performance benefits on offer from silicon.
Attempts are underway to develop and commercialize materials that enable higher percentages of silicon-based anode material to be used in order to increase energy density and enhance fast charge capability. Materials and technologies being developed include silicon-carbon composites, silicon-graphite composites, silicon oxides, pure silicon materials and silicon nanostructures. The different solutions being developed can offer distinct advantages and disadvantages. For example, silicon-carbon composites have attracted significant interest with materials typically incorporating silicon into porous carbon structures via a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. The porous carbon structure provides space for the volume expansion of silicon whilst providing electrical conductivity but controlling the deposition process can be difficult, production can be expensive, and access to silane gas needs to be ensured. This report provides analysis and discussion of the silicon anode technologies being developed, commercialized, and produced, by major players in the silicon anode market.
Performance and cost
The current iteration of Li-ion batteries are starting to reach their performance limits. Shifts in electrode materials and cell designs are necessary to move beyond energy densities of around 650 Wh/l exhibited by state-of-the-art cells based on graphite and high-nickel NMC/NCA. Moving toward anode compositions with even modest quantities of silicon can improve energy density significantly, while high-silicon or silicon-dominant anodes could enable energy densities above 1000 Wh/l. Rate capability and fast-charge capability can also be enhanced through the use of silicon with numerous players demonstrating improved fast charge capability and low-temperature performance. Importantly, cycle lives toward and in excess of 1000 cycles are being reported by various companies developing different silicon anode solutions. While progress is being made, challenges regarding calendar life or cell swelling and breathing remain.
Cost remains a critical factor in determining the outlook for silicon anode materials. While companies are targeting cost parity or even savings, compared to graphite on a US$/kWh level, silicon anode material is likely to come at a price premium in the short-term. The impact on cell level material costs is then dependent on many factors, including cell design and chemistry, the price and performance of silicon anode materials used, and the price of graphite being replaced, amongst other factors.
US$5/kg Gr
US$10/kg Gr
The impact of silicon anode material use on anode cell cost on a US$/kWh basis will be influenced by various cost, performance and design factors. Source: IDTechEx.
The report provides an overview of the latest developments to silicon anode technologies, including to Si-C and Si-Gr composites, silicon oxides, and pure silicon materials, and covers the start-ups, pure-play, and established companies active in developing and producing silicon anode materials. Forecasts for the silicon anode market are provided by silicon technology (silicon-additive, mid-silicon, high-silicon), application (battery electric cars, commercial EVs, and electronic devices), and region (China, US, Europe, global) by GWh, kt and US$.
Key aspects
  • Analysis and discussion of silicon anode technologies and materials, including silicon-carbon composites, silicon-graphite composites, silicon oxides, and pure silicon solutions.
  • Analysis of silicon anode companies and developers
  • Cost analysis and impact of silicon anode use
  • Production outlook for silicon anode material
  • Forecast of silicon anode markets by applications and region (China, Europe, US) by GWh, kt and US$B
Report MetricsDetails
Historic Data2020 - 2023
CAGRThe global market for silicon anodes is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 31.1% from 2025-2035
Forecast Period2024 - 2035
Forecast UnitsGWh, kt, US$
Regions CoveredChina, Europe, United States, Worldwide
Segments CoveredSilicon anodes (silicon-additive, mid-silicon, high-silicon, silicon-carbon, silicon oxide), battery electric cars, commercial electric vehicles, electronic devices
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1.1.Key takeaways on silicon anodes
1.2.Key drivers for silicon anode adoption
1.3.Si-anode performance summary
1.4.Advanced Li-ion technology key takeaways
1.5.Li-ion performance and technology timeline
1.6.Key technology developments
1.7.Performance comparison by popular cell chemistries
1.8.Anode materials comparison
1.9.Multiple next-gen silicon anode material designs
1.10.Silicon-anode company technologies and performance
1.11.Impact of silicon capacity on NMC 811 cell cost
1.12.Battery technology comparison
1.13.Improvements to cell energy density and specific energy
1.14.Technology readiness level snapshot
1.15.Material opportunities from silicon anodes
1.16.Silicon anode value chain
1.17.Silicon anodes and solid-state batteries
1.18.Battery technologies - start-up activity
1.19.Battery technologies - start-up activity
1.20.Battery technologies - level of regional activity
1.21.Battery technology start-ups - regional activity
1.22.Advanced Li-ion developers
1.23.Commercial silicon anode market
1.24.Regional efforts in silicon anode development
1.25.Regional production outlook
1.26.Risks and challenges in new battery technology commercialisation
1.27.Risks and challenges in new battery technology commercialisation
1.28.Upside and downside for silicon anode market growth
1.29.Silicon anode production outlook by material type
1.30.Silicon anode production outlook (GWh)
1.31.Addressable markets for silicon anodes
1.32.Global forecast for silicon anodes by application (GWh, US$ Bn)
1.33.Global market forecast for silicon anodes by silicon type (GWh, US$ Bn)
1.34.Global forecast for silicon anodes by region (GWh, US$ Bn)
1.35.Global silicon anode share in battery electric cars (GWh)
1.36.Global silicon anode forecast in BEVs (kt, US$ billion)
1.37.Key silicon anode outlook narratives
2.1.Importance of Li-ion
2.2.Global EV Sales, 2011 - H1 2024
2.3.What is a Li-ion battery?
2.4.Cathode materials - LCO and LFP
2.5.Cathode materials - NMC, NCA and LMO
2.6.Cathode performance comparison
2.7.Cathode comparisons
2.8.Benefits of high and ultra-high nickel NMC
2.9.Ultra-high nickel cathode timelines
2.10.LFP adoption in electric vehicles
2.11.Types of lithium-ion battery
2.12.Key battery performance metrics
2.13.Electrochemistry definitions 1
2.14.Electrochemistry definitions 2
3.1.Silicon Anodes
3.1.2.Anode materials discussion
3.1.3.Anode materials discussion
3.1.4.The promise of silicon
3.1.5.Alloy anode materials
3.1.6.Cell energy density increases with silicon content
3.1.7.Calculated cell energy density by silicon content and chemistry
3.1.8.The challenges of silicon anode material
3.1.9.Comparing silicon - a high-level overview
3.1.10.Strengths and weaknesses of anode materials
3.1.11.Silicon anodes offer significant benefits but also challenges
3.1.12.Solutions for silicon incorporation
3.1.13.Solutions for silicon incorporation
3.1.14.Key silicon anode material solutions
3.1.15.Silicon-carbon composite material designs
3.1.16.Silicon-graphite composites
3.1.17.Silicon deposition
3.1.18.Silicon oxide material designs
3.1.19.Nanostructured silicon
3.1.20.Silicon polymer and coating material designs
3.1.21.Manufacturing silicon anode material
3.1.22.Silicon anode patent holders
3.1.23.Key silicon anode IP holders
3.1.24.Top Si-anode patent assignee topics
3.1.25.Top 3 patent assignee Si-anode technology comparison
3.1.26.Value proposition of high silicon content anodes
3.2.Binders, additives, electrolytes
3.2.2.Binders - aqueous vs non-aqueous
3.2.3.Binders for silicon anodes
3.2.4.Example silicon anode binder systems from patents
3.2.5.Example silicon anode binder systems from patents
3.2.6.Example silicon anode binder systems
3.2.7.CNTs for silicon anodes
3.2.8.Introduction to Li-ion electrolytes
3.2.9.Electrolyte additives
3.2.10.Silicon anodes and solid-state batteries
3.2.11.SSB with silicon anode - Solid Power
3.2.12.SSB with silicon anode performance
3.2.13.Blue Current
3.2.14.WeLion semi-solid battery patent case study (1)
3.2.15.WeLion semi-solid battery patent case study (2)
3.2.16.Pre-lithiation techniques
3.2.17.Cathode pre-lithiation additives
3.2.18.Trends in copper foil thickness
4.1.Key metrics for silicon anodes
4.2.Silicon-anode company technologies and performance
4.3.Cell performance specification examples
4.4.Cell specifications (2022-2030)
4.5.Comparing commercial cell chemistries
4.6.Example cell performance data
4.7.Example cell performance data
4.8.Example cell performance data
4.9.Example high-rate cell performance data
4.10.Example anode material and half-cell performance data
4.11.Commercial silicon anode specification
4.12.Daejoo SiO specifications
4.13.Silicon oxide example specifications
4.14.Si-C example product specifications
4.15.Silicon anode material - Wacker Chemie
4.16.Silicon anode material - Umicore
4.17.Silicon anode performance
4.18.Silicon anode calendar life
4.19.Silicon anode cost benefits
4.20.Silicon anode environmental benefits
4.21.Concluding remarks on Si-anode performance
4.22.Key takeaways on silicon anode technologies
4.23.Key takeaways on silicon anode technologies
4.24.Key takeaways on silicon anode technology
4.25.Application battery performance priorities
5.1.Li-ion battery contribution to device bill of materials
5.2.Cost and price of silicon anodes
5.3.Li-ion graphite anode prices
5.4.Silicon anode cost contribution analysis vs graphite
5.5.Silicon anode cell cost vs graphite
5.6.Impact of silicon anode price and content
5.7.Impact of silicon anode price and content
5.8.Cost analysis - impact of silicon anode capacity
5.9.Cost analysis of silicon in NMC cells
5.10.Impact of silicon anode price on LFP cell cost
5.11.Cost analysis - impact of silicon on LFP costs
5.12.Cost analysis of silicon anodes in NMC and LFP batteries
5.13.Impact of silicon capacity on NMC 811 cell cost
6.1.Development timeline silicon anode player developments silicon anode player developments silicon anode player developments silicon anode player developments
6.1.5.Silicon deployment and recent developments
6.1.6.Current silicon anode use
6.1.7.Silicon anodes in electric vehicles
6.1.8.Notable players for silicon EV battery technology
6.1.9.Silicon and LFP
6.1.10.Silicon anodes for LFP - drivers and barriers
6.1.11.Silicon in consumer devices
6.1.12.Silicon anode deployment timeline
6.1.13.Silicon anode commercialisation milestones
6.1.14.Silicon anode commercialisation timeline
6.1.15.Example timelines
6.1.16.Discussion on commercialisation timelines
6.2.Market landscape
6.2.1.Silicon anode value chain
6.2.2.Strategic partnerships and agreements developing for silicon anode start-ups
6.2.3.Regional production outlook
6.2.4.Silicon anode companies
6.2.5.Commercial silicon anode market
6.2.6.Established company involvement in silicon anodes
6.2.7.Regional activity in silicon anodes - China
6.2.8.Regional activity in silicon anodes - Korea
6.2.9.Regional activity in silicon anodes - Asia-Pacific
6.2.10.Regional activity - North America and Europe
6.2.11.Silicon-anode pure-play companies
6.2.12.Silicon-anode pure-play companies
6.2.13.Funding for silicon anodes start-ups
6.2.14.Silicon anode start-ups - funding
6.2.15.Investors into silicon anode start-ups
6.2.16.Investors into silicon anode start-ups
6.2.17.Investors into silicon anode start-ups
6.2.18.Regional Si-anode activity
6.2.19.Growth in silicon anode start-ups
6.3.Production outlook
6.3.1.Silicon anode production plans
6.3.2.Silicon anode production outlook by company
6.3.3.Silicon anode production by region
6.3.4.Silicon anode production plans - start-ups
6.3.5.Pure-play silicon anode production outlook
6.3.6.Silicon anode production outlook (kt)
6.3.7.Silicon anode production outlook by material type
6.3.8.Silicon anode production outlook (GWh)
6.3.9.Remarks on advanced silicon anode commercialisation
6.4.Silicon Anode Player Profile Examples
6.4.1.IDTechEx silicon anode company index
6.4.2.Silicon anodes - critical comparison
6.4.3.Silicon anodes - critical comparison
6.4.4.AnteoTech background
6.4.5.AnteoTech silicon anode
6.4.6.Amprius' technology
6.4.7.Amprius technology performance
6.4.8.Blue Current background and technology
6.4.9.Blue Current performance
6.4.10.Blue Current patent examples
6.4.11.Daejoo Electronic Materials
6.4.13.Enevate's technology
6.4.14.Enovix background and technology
6.4.15.Enovix cell performance
6.4.16.Forge Nano
6.4.17.Group14 Technologies
6.4.18.HPQ Silicon
6.4.19.LeydenJar Technologies overview
6.4.20.LeydenJar's technology
6.4.22.Ionblox cell performance examples
6.4.24.Nanomakers nano silicon powder
6.4.26.Nexeon - patent examples
6.4.28.Sila Nano - background and technology
6.4.29.Silicon anode materials discussion
6.4.30.Concluding remarks on silicon anodes
7.1.Total addressable markets
7.2.Power range of electrical and electronic devices
7.3.Addressable markets - Li-ion demand (GWh)
7.4.Addressable markets - electric car types
7.5.Global BEV chemistry share outlook
7.6.Forecast methodology
7.7.Price forecast
7.8.Global silicon anode share in battery electric cars (GWh)
7.9.Global silicon anode forecast in BEVs (GWh)
7.10.Global silicon anode forecast in BEVs (kt, US$ billion)
7.11.China silicon anode forecast in battery electric cars (GWh)
7.12.China silicon anode forecast in BEVs (kt, US$ billion)
7.13.USA silicon anode forecast in battery electric cars (GWh)
7.14.USA silicon anode forecast in BEVs (kt, US$ billion)
7.15.Europe silicon anode forecast in battery electric cars (GWh)
7.16.Europe silicon anode forecast in BEVs (kt, US$ billion)
7.17.Global forecast for silicon anodes in commercial electric vehicles (GWh)
7.18.Regional forecasts for silicon anodes in commercial electric vehicles (GWh)
7.19.Global forecast for silicon anode material in commercial electric vehicles (kt)
7.20.Regional forecast for silicon anode material in commercial electric vehicles (kt)
7.21.Global forecast for silicon anodes in commercial electric vehicles (US$ Bn)
7.22.Regional forecast for silicon anodes in commercial electric vehicles (US$ Bn)
7.23.Global forecast for silicon anodes in electronic devices (GWh)
7.24.Silicon anode forecast in electronic devices by region (GWh)
7.25.Global forecast for silicon anodes in electronic devices (kt)
7.26.Global forecast for silicon anodes in electronic devices (US$ Bn)
7.27.Global forecast for silicon anodes by application (GWh, US$ Bn)
7.28.Global market forecast for silicon anodes by silicon type (GWh, US$ Bn)
7.29.Global forecast for silicon anodes by region (GWh, US$ Bn)
7.30.Demand vs forecast outlook
7.31.Forecast for silicon anode data (GWh)
7.32.Forecast for silicon anode data (kt)
7.33.Global forecast for silicon anode data (US$ Bn)
8.3.Amprius Technologies
8.5.Blue Current — Update
8.6.BTR New Material Group
8.7.CENS Materials
8.10.Forge Nano
8.13.Group14 Technologies
8.14.Hansol Chemical
8.17.Ionic Mineral Technologies
8.18.LeydenJar Technologies
8.20.Nanoramic Laboratories
8.22.NIO (Battery)
8.23.OneD Battery Sciences
8.25.Samsung SDI (Battery)
8.26.Shanghai Putailai
8.27.Shanshan Technology
8.28.Sicona Battery
8.29.Sila Nanotechnologies
8.30.Solid Power
8.32.StoreDot: Battery Development AI

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Silicon Anode Battery Technologies and Markets 2025-2035: Players, Technologies, Applications, Markets, Forecasts

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IDTechEx forecast the market for silicon anode materials to exceed US$15 billion by 2035.

Report Statistics

Slides 263
Companies 32
Forecasts to 2035
Published Nov 2024

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