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Wave, Tidal and Hydro Power 1W-10MW 2018-2038

River and ocean electricity technology and markets

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The report, "Wave, Tidal and Hydro Power 1W-10MW 2018-2038" reveals that the opportunities and progress are greater than is commonly portrayed. Marketing led approaches look at new needs and these are very exciting indeed. Tidal stream and wave power often elegantly address the trends to easy redeployment and deskilled, rare maintenance. Think zero emission desalination, aquaculture, ships, sea floor mining, smart buoys, oil and gas subsea without umbilicals, ocean monitoring, microgrids and minigrids. They often need solutions with integral batteries, sonar communications and sensors. Put bluntly, massive needs for electricity far from grids, such as making ice for offshore fish farming and ship and island desalination will create many billion dollar businesses. Desalination doubles every ten years and aquaculture every 20 years. Sure, solar and wind power can provide lowest cost zero emission electricity for much of this but they are often unacceptable or need more continuous backup. A recent order for 10MW of wave power for Bali was based on the fact that tourists do not want to see vast lifeless areas of black solar cells or giant propellers: they visit to get away from that. Wave power - like open tidal power - is virtually invisible. That supplier has identified sites with continuous wave power where fitful sun and wind power calls for big batteries. Learn of two other wave power companies that respectively claim 111MW and 2.5 GW of business pipelines.
The report "Wave, Tidal and Hydro Power 1W-10MW 2018-2038" gives the latest reality and what comes next. From 11 primary choices, which are the favourite forms of tidal and wave power now in physics, location and turbine design and why? What new vortex turbines will be useful in rivers? Can turbines be replaced by smart materials such as triboelectrics, magnetostriction, DEGs? What does facts-based analysis of 26 leading developers, new interviews and their latest conference presentations teach us? Who is selling product and who is about to sell? How are the three leading wind turbine shapes performing underwater and what are the lessons? It is all here, with emphasis on new markets and technologies even embracing electricity from city water supplies, tiny streams and boats under sail or moored in a tidestream. No other report is as comprehensive, up to date and insightful.
"Wave, Tidal and Hydro Power 1W-10MW 2018-2038" has over 250 information packed pages. It is replete with detailed infograms and forecasts even including forecasts of key addressable markets such as aquaculture, desalination, replacing diesel gensets and providing zero emission, safe electricity for tens of thousands of islands and remote communities. We separately forecast overall wave and tidal power by year to 2028 by application with some figures for 2038. We critically compare 27 schemes in detail and touch on many more. The Executive summary and conclusions is rapidly assimilated. It serves those with limited time yet it is comprehensive, lucidly presenting both technology and market trends. Then the Introduction reveals an overview of the technology, markets and zero emission alternatives. Chapter 3 explores technology by type of water source both inland and ocean including various forms of moving water but also thermal gradient. The rest of the report majors on where we believe the huge commercial successes and benefits to society will take place and that is harnessing specific forms of open water movement in the best manner for specific situations. Chapter 4 comprehensively investigates "Water Turbine and Wave Energy Converter WEC Design" including lessons from parallels with wind power using the three most popular types. Chapter 5 contrasts this with the prospects for eliminating turbines using smart materials generating electricity - triboelectrics, elastomer generators and magnetostriction. Chapter 6 covers company profiles and assessment for tidal stream and open river power including an in-depth comparison of ten latest projects positioned very differently in the marketplace. Finally Chapter 7 comprehensively covers the present and future of wave power, including detail on 16 current projects chosen from low to high power.
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Table of Contents
1.1.Focus of this report
1.2.Purpose of this report
1.3.Sources and technologies of inland water power
1.3.1.Inland water power: sources, location potential
1.3.2.Overall small hydro potential for steady supply with little or no storage
1.4.Sources and technologies of marine (ocean) power
1.4.1.Marine power: sources, location potential
1.4.2.Where ocean power is both strongest and close to population
1.4.3.Location of strongest ocean power for replacing diesel gensets
1.4.4.Greatest ocean power for steady supply with little or no storage
1.5.Zero emission technology evolution: water power in context
1.5.2.Brief summary of water power technologies using water movement
1.5.3.Technology options wave and tide stream: popularity by projects examined
1.5.4.Ocean conversion technology winners and losers
1.5.5.Optimal power ranges for hydro and marine mini/ microgrid power sources
1.5.6.Small inland hydro <10MW SOFT report
1.5.7.Wave power <10MW SOFT report
1.5.8.Tidal power <10MW SOFT report
1.6.Addressable markets and strategy options
1.6.1.Three strategies for new water power: very different LCOE targets needed
1.6.2.Inland hydro the only past water success, wave now takes big orders, tidal later
1.6.3.Global primary energy consumption TWh
1.6.4.Aquaculture market 2018-2030
1.6.5.Desalination market 2018-2028
1.6.6.Diesel genset market 2018-2028
1.7.Market forecasts for inland hydro and ocean powered generators <10MW 2028-2038
1.7.1.Historical market value tidal vs wave and forecasts by others
1.7.2.Where we are headed: Hydro, marine <10MW market $Bn 2028, 2038
1.7.3.Expect many new applications: Example - Sea Bubble water taxi charging
1.7.4.Market forecast inland hydro <10MW, number, unit price, market value $Bn 2018-2028
1.7.5.Market value forecast tidal vs wave <10MW globally $Bn 2018-2028
1.7.6.Wave generators <10MW globally number, unit value, market value 2018-2028
1.7.7.Tidal <10MW globally number, unit value, market value 2018-2028
1.8.Hype curve for water power
1.9.Off grid takes over: installed ZE electricity capacity worldwide 2018, 2028, 2040, 2050 kTWh/yr
1.10.Ozymandias syndrome
2.1.Electricity needs
2.1.1.Background to <10MW water power
2.1.2.On grid to off grid
2.1.3.Reasons for grid electricity having less appeal now
2.1.4.Cities, islands, airports becoming self-powered zero-emission
2.1.5.The market drivers <10MW vary with power level
2.1.6.Small harvesters usually integrated: Wavelight, Enstream
2.1.7.Market need for large water power is as separate generators: Tocardo, MeyGen
2.2.Tidal and wave power beats some conventional power on costs and benefits
2.3.Why alternatives usually win even on and by water at <10MW
2.4.IRENA REMap scenario for 2030 and IEEE 2050 scenario
2.5.Solar will beat large hydropower in grid share
2.6.System issues
2.6.1.Off-grid zero emission system categories
2.6.2.Power electronics architecture
2.6.3.Bridging technologies to zero emission
2.7.Time of installation
2.8.Top drowning cities
2.9.Top drinking water stressed cities
2.10.Next generation materials
3.1.Inland water power - three sourcing options compared
3.2.Hydro power by region 1980-2030
3.3.River power mini/ microgrid
3.4.Marine power from sea movement: tide and other forms of current compared
3.4.1.Marine vessels: reversing propellers and added water turbines
3.4.2.Watt&Sea yacht generators
3.4.3.Paracus Yachts electricity for later use provided from sailing
3.5.Energy independent ship opportunity: 3MW
3.6.Marine power from sea movement: waves
3.7.Marine power from sea temperature difference
3.7.1.Basic principles appraised
3.7.2.OTEC systems and sites
3.7.3.Lockheed Martin, MMT, Reach Subsea
4.1.Subject of this chapter
4.2.The big picture
4.3.Turbine design introduction
4.3.1.Choice of open water turbines
4.3.2.Three bladed horizontal axis turbines the winner for open water
4.3.3.Helical (spiral) water turbines
4.3.4.LucidEnergy helical water turbine in city water supply
4.4.Constrained turbine designs compared
4.4.1.Hydro turbine options by action, flow and head of water
4.4.2.Options and performance compared
4.4.3.Zotlöterer gravitational vortex turbine
4.4.4.Vortex rolling fluid turbine
4.5.Wave Energy Converter WEC design
4.5.1.Practicable operating principles by location
5.2.Dielectric Eleastomer Generator DEG
5.2.1.SBM Offshore UK, Monaco
5.2.2.Universities: Delft, Edinburgh, Bristol, PolyWEC Spain
5.3.Magnetostriction: Oscilla Power USA
5.4.Triboelectric nanogenerators TENG: 1MW wave power?
6.1.Tidal and open river generator families
6.2.How the industry now sees its potential
6.3.More strategy options now
6.4.Tidal power projects: 10 run of tide examples
6.4.1.Atlantis Resources MeyGen UK
6.4.2.Blue Tidal Energy UK
6.4.3.Cape Sharp Tidal Canada
6.4.4.East Coast Oil and Gas EC-OG UK
6.4.5.GEPS Techno
6.4.6.GKinetic Energy Ireland
6.4.7.Magellanes Renovables Spain
6.4.8.Minesto Sweden
6.4.9.Nova Innovation UK
6.4.10.NYK Japan
6.4.11.Orbital Marine Power (ex Scotrenewables)
6.4.12.REAC Energy Germany
6.4.13.Sustainable Marine Energy UK
6.4.14.Tocardo BV Netherlands
6.4.15.Verdant Power USA
7.1.Wave power projects compared: 18 examples by increasing power 1W-1.25 MW
7.2.Wave power projects 17 profiles with comments
7.2.1.Albatern UK
7.2.2.AWS Ocean Advanced Archimedes Waveswing UK
7.2.3.Blackfish Mocean UK
7.2.4.Carnegie Australia
7.2.5.Checkmate Seaenergy UK Anaconda
7.2.6.Corpower Ocean Sweden
7.2.7.Eco Wave Power Israel
7.2.8.Laminaria Belgium
7.2.9.Marine Power Systems UK
7.2.10.Ocean Power Technologies USA
7.2.11.Okinawa IST wave turbines
7.2.12.Resen Waves Denmark
7.2.13.Seabased Sweden
7.2.14.Smalle Spain
7.2.15.Voith Siemens Hydro/ Ente Vasco de la Energía (EVE) Spain
7.2.16.Waves4Power Sweden
7.2.17.Wello Sweden
7.2.18.Witt Energy UK

Report Statistics

Slides 257
Forecasts to 2038

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