External press release
7 Sep 2015

CPI to print low cost energy harvesting device
The Centre for Process Innovation has announced a new project to develop a novel printed energy harvesting device that is powered by near-field communication.
External press release
13 Aug 2013

Encouraging enterprise in the organic electronics sector
Cambridge entrepreneurship programme to train technologists and researchers to accelerate commercialisation and encourage venture creation in organic electronics across the EU.
4 Jan 2013

Large area electronics: addressing the applications challenge
The city of Cambridge,UK, is well known for its historical contribution to the field of organic electronics, and is keen to stay at the forefront of new applications.
27 Feb 2012

European collaboration fast-track organic & large-area electronics
European collaboration to fast-track success of organic and large-area electronics
14 Jul 2008

UK Chemical Sector Initiative - part two
It was noted in the Council for Science and Technology Review that Plastic Electronics is a high risk / high reward priority technology area. The academic structure is well established in OLED, PLED, OSC materials and deposition methods with £20M / yr funding from Research Councils (EPSRC).