The Electric Boat Association, founded in 1982 to promote non-polluting boating, represents members' interests on issues such as licence fees, charging facilities and the Boat Safety Scheme. We have both private and business members and you don't need to own a boat to join.
Members receive our regular magazine Electric Boat News with reports on products, events and people in electric boating. Information Sheets on a wide range of technical and practical topics are available to members free of charge. We organise rallies, cruises and social events throughout the year and boat owners are offered electric boat insurance at a discount.
Business Members are listed on the EBA website including a link to their own web pages, with the EBA stand at shows and exhibitions distributing literature on their behalf. We also supervise challenges and competitions to raise the public profile of electric boating. We are represented on the Parliamentary Waterways Group and respond to government consultation documents on environmental and technical issues.
Electric boats range in size from small dinghies with outboard motors to launches, cruisers and narrow boats. Even large cruise liners these days are usually powered by electricity. Electric power is more environmentally friendly than any other form of propulsion. Cruising the waterways in an electric boat is the most efficient form of transport available, with no noise, no pollution and no fuss.