31 Jan 2023
Information Mediary Corporation
Information Mediary is a Canadian company that develops intelligent blister packs with electronic components to monitor use for applications in the healthcare industry and clinical trial industry.
External press release
20 Apr 2017
Ontario Government recognizes flexible and printable electronics
The Canadian Printable Electronics Industry Association has secured funding support from the Government of Ontario's Ministry of Economic Development and Growth - the first provincial government in Canada to recognize the value of this manufacturing sector to the nation's innovation-driven economy.
22 Feb 2012
Paper electronics is successful: where next?
Electronics and electrics on or in paper is being used for security, safety, crime prevention, brand enhancement and merchandising.
8 Nov 2010
Paper Electronics
The largest event in the world on the subject Printed Electronics USA 2010 ( will once again have a growing minority of presentations on paper electronics.
18 Feb 2009
Printed electronics is profitable
What makes investors invest? What leads to profit sooner rather than later? What are the hot applications and technologies? What are the market forecasts? What comes next? Attend Printed Electronics Europe 2009 to find out,
24 Apr 2008
Laminate makes any blisterpack record when pills are taken
Taking medication wrongly is a huge problem, resulting in more than 150,000 people dying unnecessarily in both North America and in Europe every year.
7 Dec 2007
Printed electronics for active RFID and RTLS
IDTechEx look at aspects relevant to printed electronics from the Active RFID and Real Time Locating Systems RTLS conference.
18 Aug 2006
Opportunities in Pharma RFID and Smart Packaging
RFID in healthcare is growing rapidly to become a $2.1 billion global business in 2016. Smart packaging for healthcare has additional value, for example, ensuring that people take the correct pills at the right time. RFID can improve the lives of patients in many different ways...