10 Mar 2021

Floating Robots will Help Solve the Mysteries of our Oceans
The University of Washington will soon be deploying a fleet of floating robots in oceans around the world. The effort is part of a $53-million, five-year grant from the National Science Foundation to pursue fundamental questions about ocean ecosystems and to inform computer models for fisheries and climate studies.
5 Mar 2020

Robots on Ice - or Rather, Under it
Autonomous underwater vehicles can carry a variety of instruments, including those that measure water temperature, collect water samples, or record sound underwater. Scientists and engineers generally deploy these robots off the side of a ship. The vehicle then navigates the surrounding waters on its own, and completes its mission within a day or two.
28 Aug 2019

Autonomous vehicle coupled with a robotic laboratory proves its worth
Every drop of seawater contains thousands of cells that can reveal the diversity of life in our ocean. Using a self-contained robotic laboratory and an autonomous underwater vehicle, scientists and engineers are developing advanced collection techniques that may one day simplify the jobs of biologists and resource managers.
2 Aug 2018

Gentle robotic hand for sea life
The open ocean is the largest and least explored environment on Earth, estimated to hold up to a million species that have yet to be described. However, many of those organisms are soft-bodied - like jellyfish, squid, and octopuses - and are difficult to capture for study with existing underwater tools, which all too frequently damage or destroy them. Now, a new device safely traps delicate sea creatures inside a folding polyhedral enclosure and lets them go without harm using a novel, origami-inspired design.
15 Mar 2018

Self-driving robots collect water samples
For the first time, scientists will deploy a small fleet of long-range autonomous underwater vehicles that have the ability to collect and archive seawater samples automatically. These new robots will allow researchers to track and study ocean microbes in unprecedented detail.
30 Mar 2012

Frito-Lay & Electric Vehicles International Launch EV Pilot
EVI's signature all-electric powertrain is seamlessly integrated into an industry standard Daimler Freightliner M2 business class chassis providing customers with significant fuel and maintenance savings.
29 Mar 2012

The Washington/Oregon Corridor
The project's goal? To advance electric transportation and alternative fuel vehicles by outfitting the I-5 corridor with charging stations all the way from "BC to Baja."
26 Mar 2012

Energy Department announces $10 million to promote zero emission
The Energy Department's support for the development and demonstration of innovative alternative vehicle technologies is helping reduce the nation's reliance on gasoline and diesel and diversifying our nation's energy portfolio.
23 Mar 2012

UA engineer launches robotic planetary lake lander
Fink unveiled the lake lander, named Tucson Explorer II, or TEX II, in a paper titled "Robotic Lake Lander Test Bed for Autonomous Surface and Subsurface Exploration of Titan Lakes," which he presented March 8 at an aerospace conference organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Big Sky, Mont.
22 Mar 2012

Aurora Skate UAV wins border protection award
Aurora's Skate small unmanned air vehicle system (SUAS) was awarded first place in the 2012 Border Security Technology/Product Challenge at the recently held 2012 Border Security Expo in Phoenix, Arizona.
21 Mar 2012

Boeing phantom eye conducts medium-speed taxi test
Phantom Eye reached speeds of up to 30 knots.
19 Mar 2012

Distance record for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
In 2012, four Liquid Robotics "PACX Wave Glider" AUV gliders set a new distance world record by travelling autonomously almost 6000 kilometers.
16 Mar 2012

Smith and Wanxiang sign letter of intent for $25M investment
Smith Electric Vehicles and Wanxiang Group announce investment and joint venture.
15 Mar 2012

Running cars on sun and water
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems inaugurated a solar hydrogen filling station.
12 Mar 2012

Solar hybrid propulsion system for advanced eco yacht
The yacht uses a 9 MW Solar Hybrid Propulsion System powered by a combination of Sustainable Sources of energy.
8 Mar 2012

Hybrid Propulsion
The word is spreading quickly and hybrid propulsion is becoming the fastest growing form of auxiliary propulsion for sailboats today.
6 Mar 2012

Motiv Power Systems $1.16 million grant for new battery-electric truck
Motiv Power Systems Secures $1.16 Million California Energy Commission Grant for New Battery-Electric Truck and utilizes traditional diesel truck assembly line infrastructure to accelerate EV adoption.
5 Mar 2012

Electric Vehicles International wins GSA approval to supply US Govt
EVI models of medium-duty all ‐electric trucks and vans have been approved for government purchase, giving EVI the most comprehensive GSA‐approved portfolio of all-‐electric, medium‐duty vehicles.
2 Mar 2012

Intelligent Energy & Suzuki Motor Corporation establish joint venture
Intelligent Energy and Suzuki Motor Corporation joint venture Company develops and manufactures fuel cell systems