26 Sep 2022
Passive Cooling System Could Benefit Off Grid Locations
As the world gets warmer, the use of power-hungry air conditioning systems is projected to increase significantly, putting a strain on existing power grids and bypassing many locations with little or no reliable electric power. Now, an innovative system offers a way to use passive cooling to preserve food crops and supplement conventional air conditioners in buildings, with no need for power and only a small need for water.
5 Sep 2022
Spraying Robot Detects and Sprays Weeds in Crops
The new Solix Sprayer robot will provide autonomous and sustainable spot-spray applications on grower's fields. The spray robot is powered by four solar panels that control the drive system and the spray system while providing reports on crop populations, weed identification and densities, disease identification and thresholds, insect identification and thresholds, nutrient deficiency identification and densities, NDVI among other layers of maps for data analysis, and much more useful data to the grower virtually 24/7.
External press release
12 Aug 2022
3D Printed Metal Parts Go Hypersonic—at Zero Miles Per Hour
"Supersonics" denotes aircraft that break the sound barrier at Mach 1 and extends to around Mach 5, which is five times the speed of sound and more than 3,500 mph at sea level. But very weird stuff starts happening as that upper speed is reached—you enter the hypersonics environment. Exploring that unusual environment turns out to be a perfect proving ground for metal 3D printing, as researchers are learning.
14 Feb 2022
Paving the Way for Skin-Compatible Sensors for Health Monitoring
Wearable electronic devices, particularly sensors designed to recover bioinformation - body temperature, blood pressure, respiratory patterns, etc. - have become an increasingly important research subject. No matter the intended use of a portable health monitoring system, one key challenge is the delivery of the wearable sensor itself; a hard, inflexible, uncomfortable sensor is less effective simply because the user may not be willing or able wear it for extended periods of time.
2 Nov 2021
Smartwatch-Based Algorithm to Detect Early Signs of COVID-19
Researchers have announced the development of a viral detection algorithm for smartwatches. . The algorithm will be commercialized by physIQ, which develops solutions designed to improve health care outcomes by applying artificial intelligence to real-time physiological data from wearable sensors.
29 Oct 2021
A New 3D Printing Frontier: Self Powered Wearable Devices
When most people think of wearable devices, they think of smart watches, smart glasses, fitness trackers, even smart clothing. These devices, part of a fast-growing market, have two things in common: They all need an external power source, and they all require exacting manufacturing processes. Until now.
27 Oct 2021
New Passive Cooling for Buildings
With global warming kicking in and rising sea levels displacing millions to arid regions, there needs to be much more cooling of buildings. Two new passive options need to be welcomed that use readily available, non-toxic substances - metamaterials and unprecedentedly white paint reflecting maximum sunlight away from a building.
8 Sep 2021
Tiny Robots Could Deliver Drugs Directly to Our Central Nervous System
A new study investigates tiny tumbling soft robots that can be controlled using rotating magnetic fields. The technology could be useful for delivering drugs to the nervous system. In this latest study, researchers put the robots through their paces and showed that they can climb slopes, tumble upstream against fluid flow and deliver substances at precise locations to neural tissue.
11 Aug 2021
Tiny 'Manic' Robots Deliver Drugs Directly to Central Nervous System
One way to achieve targeted dosing is to use tiny robots to deliver drugs to specific locations. While this technology is still in its infancy, researchers have developed various types of micro- or millirobots that could fulfil this ostensibly far-fetched goal. However, the major problem lies in controlling their activity as they travel through tissues in the body, and few researchers have put their tumbling robots to the challenge by seeing how they handle moving across real tissues.
25 Jun 2021
Thin, Stretchable Biosensors Could Make Surgery Safer
A research team have developed bio-inks for biosensors that could help localize critical regions in tissues and organs during surgical operations.
14 Jun 2021
Future Washable Smart Clothes Powered by Wi-Fi will Monitor Health
Engineers have developed a method to transform existing cloth items into battery-free wearables resistant to laundry. These smart clothes are powered wirelessly through a flexible, silk-based coil sewn on the textile.
26 May 2021
Fabric has Potential Cooling Effect for Smartwatch Wearers
As smartwatches become more powerful, they will generate more heat. To prevent burns or rashes, what if a material touching the skin could feel as cool as metal, but also be flexible enough to be worn on the wrist?
Full profile interview
15 Apr 2021
Carbice Corporation
Carbice Corporation produce advanced thermal interface materials based on CNTs. IDTechEx spoke with Dr Baratunde Cola (CEO) and their team.