

Steve Heckeroth's concern about the increasing cost and pollution caused by combustion vehicles dates back to the first Earth Day in 1970 when he fully understood the folly of fueling our entire economy from finite energy resources.
In 1990 encouraged by the California Zero Emission Program he started building electric vehicles. At the time lead acid batteries were the only cost effective way to store energy the energy needed to power electric vehicles. The weight of lead acid batteries was a very limiting factor in the range and function of electric cars. However because battery weight could be used to enhance traction in tractors Heckeroth focused his efforts on the production of small farm electric tractors.
Over the last 20 years he has built prototypes for Ford/New Holland, Agricultural Colleges, and other companies in Holland, Japan, India and Brazil. He currently uses 6 electric tractor prototypes on his homestead in Northern California and is consulting with major tractor manufactures.
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15 Nov 2013

Polaris Industries

Polaris Industries is a quoted US manufacturer of small conventional and pure electric vehicles, mainly nostalgic conventional motorcycles and leisure and industrial off-road small four wheelers.
30 Mar 2012

Frito-Lay & Electric Vehicles International Launch EV Pilot

EVI's signature all-electric powertrain is seamlessly integrated into an industry standard Daimler Freightliner M2 business class chassis providing customers with significant fuel and maintenance savings.
29 Mar 2012

The Washington/Oregon Corridor

The project's goal? To advance electric transportation and alternative fuel vehicles by outfitting the I-5 corridor with charging stations all the way from "BC to Baja."
28 Mar 2012

Small Farm Electric Tractors

SolTrac, United States
26 Mar 2012

Energy Department announces $10 million to promote zero emission

The Energy Department's support for the development and demonstration of innovative alternative vehicle technologies is helping reduce the nation's reliance on gasoline and diesel and diversifying our nation's energy portfolio.
23 Mar 2012

UA engineer launches robotic planetary lake lander

Fink unveiled the lake lander, named Tucson Explorer II, or TEX II, in a paper titled "Robotic Lake Lander Test Bed for Autonomous Surface and Subsurface Exploration of Titan Lakes," which he presented March 8 at an aerospace conference organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Big Sky, Mont.
22 Mar 2012

Aurora Skate UAV wins border protection award

Aurora's Skate small unmanned air vehicle system (SUAS) was awarded first place in the 2012 Border Security Technology/Product Challenge at the recently held 2012 Border Security Expo in Phoenix, Arizona.
21 Mar 2012

Boeing phantom eye conducts medium-speed taxi test

Phantom Eye reached speeds of up to 30 knots.
16 Mar 2012

Smith and Wanxiang sign letter of intent for $25M investment

Smith Electric Vehicles and Wanxiang Group announce investment and joint venture.
15 Mar 2012

Running cars on sun and water

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems inaugurated a solar hydrogen filling station.
12 Mar 2012

Solar hybrid propulsion system for advanced eco yacht

The yacht uses a 9 MW Solar Hybrid Propulsion System powered by a combination of Sustainable Sources of energy.
9 Mar 2012

Reaching a wider e-mobility community

IDTechEx is once again meeting its promise to allow a wider community of e-mobility players to compare notes. As its name implies, {{Electric Vehicles Land Sea Air USA 2012|}} in San Jose California March 27-28 lets you meet people not present at events with a narrower product and geographical focus. This unique forum is vital to those widening their scope in the EV value chain, leaving behind those with tunnel vision.
8 Mar 2012

Hybrid Propulsion

The word is spreading quickly and hybrid propulsion is becoming the fastest growing form of auxiliary propulsion for sailboats today.
6 Mar 2012

Motiv Power Systems $1.16 million grant for new battery-electric truck

Motiv Power Systems Secures $1.16 Million California Energy Commission Grant for New Battery-Electric Truck and utilizes traditional diesel truck assembly line infrastructure to accelerate EV adoption.
5 Mar 2012

Electric Vehicles International wins GSA approval to supply US Govt

EVI models of medium-duty all ‐electric trucks and vans have been approved for government purchase, giving EVI the most comprehensive GSA­‐approved portfolio of all-‐electric, medium­‐duty vehicles.
2 Mar 2012

Intelligent Energy & Suzuki Motor Corporation establish joint venture

Intelligent Energy and Suzuki Motor Corporation joint venture Company develops and manufactures fuel cell systems
17 Feb 2012

Amazing new electric vehicles and components at EV Land Sea Air

The forthcoming event Electric Vehicles Land Sea Air USA 2012 in San Jose California March 27-28 will hear from the familiar giants such as Daimler, Mitsubishi and BMW talking of new initiatives, many beyond cars. It will also display and analyse many new electric vehicles not seen elsewhere including the new Soltrac pure electric farm tractor.
3 Feb 2012

Printed Electronics for Electric Vehicles

More and more giant corporations are buying into printed electrics by acquiring companies partly or wholly in the field. The world's second largest chemical company Dow bought Rohm & Haas (materials), 3M bought into Printechnologics (printed patterns read by mobile phones) and DuPont bought Innovalight (nanosilicon layers to increase photovoltaic efficiency).
23 Jan 2012

Sion Power announces $50 million equity investment

Sion Power Corporation, announced that BASF invested $50 million to acquire an equity ownership position in the company.
20 Jan 2012

EV event uniquely reflecting the new realities

We have entered 2012 with an electric vehicle scene that is very different from that which was envisaged not long ago. There are now six key enabling technologies not three and vehicle makers increasingly make some of them, so suppliers increasingly have to compete with their largest potential customers. Precious metals in EV components are being removed remarkably rapidly.