9 May 2013

Nanotechnology for energy efficient power electronics for EVs
Researchers at Tyndall National Institute at UCC in Cork, Ireland are leading an international project in advanced nanoelectronics which is aimed at maintaining Europe's position as a world leader in innovative automotive power electronic systems for both conventional and electric cars.
30 Apr 2013

Nanotechnology for future energy efficient automotive electronics
Researchers at Tyndall National Institute at UCC in Cork, Ireland are leading an international project in advanced nanoelectronics which is aimed at maintaining Europe's position as a world leader in innovative automotive power electronic systems for both conventional and electric cars.
15 Sep 2009

Uganda's first solar powered mobile phone
Uganda Telecom has launched the country's first solar powered mobile phone. The new phone dubbed 'Kasana' runs on solar energy and promises to revolutionise mobile phone usage in Uganda especially among the rural population.
24 May 2004

The Electronic Product Code and RFID