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Apply to Exhibit

For further information and to book your exhibition space please email Exhibit@IDTechEx.com

Alternatively, download and return the Exhibitor Registration Form.

Why Exhibit or Sponsor?

Whilst the conference has world-class speakers detailing end-user needs, case studies and technology roadmaps covering the latest commercial opportunities, markets and the systems that need energy harvesting to power wireless sensors, the tradeshow will provide a premier networking platform with multiple opportunities to meet CEO/VP-level end-users, manufacturers and system integrators from around the world.

  • Meet and do business with 2,500+ CEO/VP/Senior Executive level contacts during two days of first-class networking
  • Build relationships and new contacts, engage with attendees on future visions and your own developments
  • Be a key player at the forefront of an industry forecast to be worth $1.5Bn by 2017.
  • Be seen as a thought leader, educating the market with a presentation to the conference (Silver Sponsor and above).
  • Brand the event marketing campaigns and reach 15,000 contacts in Energy Harvesting & Storage and Wireless Sensor Networks globally
  • Stay ahead of the competition in this emerging multi-billion dollar market

We have a number of sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact Ricky Purnell for further information. Email: Sponsor@IDTechEx.com | Tel: +44 1273 900810

Attendees by region:

USA 77%
Europe 13%
Asia 7%
RoW 3%

*Energy Harvesting & Storage USA 2013 statistics

Attendees by job title:

CEO/President/MD 14%
Director/VP/CTO 20%
Manager/Senior Engineer 31%
Engineer/Scientist 10%
Academic 8%
Other 7%
Unknown 10%

*Energy Harvesting & Storage USA 2013 statistics

Who Should Exhibit





Electronic ICs

CVD Thin film batteries Ultra low voltage (ULV)
Printing Secondary batteries Interfacing
Lithography Li batteries Power management
Silicon manufacture Printed batteries Power preservation
Integration Supercapacitors IC design and fabrication



Wireless Sensors



Thermoelectric RFID Building controls
Piezoelectric Active RFID WSN
Photovoltaic Real Time Locating Systems RTLS Regenerative braking
Electromagnetic UWB M2M
RF DASH 7 Internet of Thing IoT
Wireless Power Transfer WiFi Self powered switches
Bio harvesters Mesh Home automation
Electrostatic   Thermostats


System Integrators Software design Consultants and market research
Middleware Investors Solution providers