Theoretical Study of the Graphene-metal Contact Resistance (Graphene LIVE! Europe 2013)

Prof Kurt Stokbro, CEO & Founder
QuantumWise A/S
Apr 18, 2013.


QuantumWise - presentation*
QuantumWise - audio presentation*

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Presentation Summary

I will present first-principles calculations of the electron transport across a nickel-graphene interface using the Atomistix Tool Kit (ATK) from QuantumWise. The ATK is a platform for atomic-scale modeling that provides an user-friendly interface to a wide variety of state-of-the-art simulation codes, including DFT, tight-binding and classical potential methods developed by QuantumWise, as well as external software packages.

Company Profile (QuantumWise)

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QuantumWise specializes in software for modeling nanostructures at the atomic scale. The main product Atomistix ToolKit (ATK) is the market-leading software for electronic transport calculations.
ATK is the most complete package for atomistic simulations. The graphical user interface Virtual NanoLab ensures ease of use and is also sold as a platform for other codes. QuantumWise software solutions are used by over 300 leading companies and research labs around the world to enhance R&D capabilities in a wide range of application areas.
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