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Sustancias perfluoroalquílicas y polifluoroalquílicas (PFAS) 2025: aplicaciones emergentes, alternativas y regulaciones 

This report identifies the key regulations affecting per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), or forever chemicals, in different emerging technology areas. Coverage on PFAS in electric vehicles, sustainable packaging, 5G, sealing, and hydrogen economy reveal the impact of PFAS in emerging markets. With assessments of commercial and developing PFAS alternatives in these growing high-tech markets, this report provides extensive analysis of the market potential of PFAS alternatives in key innovative technology areas.
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Plásticos sostenibles para la automoción 2025-2035: mercado, actores y previsiones 

The report covers the emerging market for sustainable polymers in automotive applications including technologies and players. The report breaks down the implementation and analyzes the challenges and future outlook for the adoption of sustainable materials. The areas of focus are recycled plastics, bioplastics, composites, interior and exterior components, upholstery, tires, and end-of-life. Use of recycled plastics and bioplastics are expected to grow significantly over the forecast period 2025-2035 with CAGRs of 29.1% and 25.1% respectively.
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Sostenibilidad de los centros de datos 2025-2035: tecnologías ecológicas, previsiones de mercado y actores 

This report characterizes green data center technologies, players, and markets. With coverage across solutions for reducing scope 2 emissions (renewable power generation and energy efficiency) and scope 3 emissions (carbon credits, green concrete, and decarbonized IT manufacturing), spanning over 170 companies, and market forecasts until 2035, it is a comprehensive study compiled for this topic. It reveals promising data center decarbonization technologies, ongoing investments, projected cost savings by switching to carbon-free energy, and future CO2 emission trends.
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Fabricación sostenible de productos electrónicos y semiconductores 2025-2035: actores, mercados, previsiones 

This report examines sustainable electronics innovations, throughout the PCB and semiconductor industries. It covers key manufacturing processes and materials, including granular market forecasts from 2025-2035 and featuring profiles of green electronics players, this report provides indispensable insight into innovations in the electronics industry. Energy and water usage in the semiconductor industry are set to grow at a CAGR of 12% and 8% respectively, with efficient management strategies critical.
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La descarbonización del cemento 2025-2035: tecnologías, previsiones de mercado y actores 

This report characterizes cement decarbonization technologies, markets, and players. With coverage across 40 different cement decarbonization solutions, spanning over 200 companies, and market forecasts from 2024 to 2035, it is the most comprehensive study compiled for this topic area. It reveals the most promising cement decarbonization technologies for investment and development over the coming decade. In total, cement decarbonization solutions will avoid a further 422 megatonnes of CO2 emissions by 2035.
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Tratamiento del PFAS 2025-2035: tecnologías, regulaciones, actores, aplicaciones 

As regulations on PFAS in drinking water tighten around the world, it is important to understand the opportunity for PFAS treatment technologies. This report highlights the technology and commercial readiness of incumbent and novel PFAS removal technologies as well as emerging and established PFAS destruction technologies. Key applications areas, like PFAS drinking water treatment, AFFF, landfill leachate, and more, are analyzed extensively to highlight the opportunities in this emerging sustainable market.
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Mercado sostenible de biocombustibles y combustibles electrónicos 2025-2035: tecnologías, actores, previsiones 

Conventional first-generation biofuels, such as bioethanol and biodiesel, have seen rapid commercialization. However, many countries are now transitioning toward more advanced biofuels due to competition with food production, lifecycle emissions and land use change concerns. Advanced sustainable fuels can be produced from non-food feedstocks, including second, third, and fourth-generation biofuels, as well as e-fuels derived from renewable electricity, green hydrogen, and captured CO2. These synthetic fuels are designed to seamlessly integrate with existing internal combustion engines and global fuel infrastructure. In this report, IDTechEx provides an in-depth analysis of advanced biofuels (second generation and beyond) and e-fuels. The analysis covers production processes, relevant policies, key technological innovations, technology providers, and project developers. It also explores the techno-economic challenges and opportunities in the sector. The report focuses on key fuels such as renewable diesel, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), and renewable methanol, among others. Detailed market forecasts are provided, broken down by production regions (Europe, North America, South America, and APAC) and technological pathways (e.g., HEFA/HVO, gasification-FT, and power-to-liquids/e-fuels) for renewable diesel, SAF, and renewable methanol.
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Bioplásticos 2025-2035: tecnología, mercado, actores y previsiones 

Bioplastics manufacturers are scaling production rapidly and the industry is expected to grow by 12.4% CAGR in the next ten years. Manufacturers are driven by brand-owner pull to meet decarbonization commitments, consumer demand for sustainability, and single-use fossil-based plastic ban laws. In this report, IDTechEx explores the drivers of the bioplastic market's growth, analyses key and emerging technologies, examines end-of-life options, discusses applications, and forecasts the opportunities and growth of the market.
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Utilización del dióxido de carbono 2025-2045: tecnologías, previsiones de mercado y actores 

"Carbon Dioxide Utilization 2025-2045: Technologies, Market Forecasts, and Players" provides a comprehensive outlook of the global CO₂ utilization industry, with an in-depth analysis of the technological, economic, and environmental aspects that are set to shape this emerging market over the next twenty years. The report also includes a twenty-year granular forecast for the deployment of 11 CO₂U product categories, alongside 40+ interview-based company profiles.
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Mercados de captura, utilización y almacenamiento de carbono (CCUS) 2025-2045: tecnologías, previsiones de mercado y actores 

This IDTechEx report characterizes CCUS markets, technologies, and players, providing coverage across point source carbon capture, direct air capture, CO₂ storage, CO₂ transportation, and emerging CO₂ utilization. It reveals significant momentum behind CCUS, with IDTechEx forecasting global CCUS capture capacity to reach 2.5 gigatonnes per annum by 2045. Forecasts encompass CCUS capacity by CO₂ endpoint (enhanced oil recovery, emerging utilization, or dedicated storage), CCUS capacity split by direct air capture vs point source capture, then further segmentation into 5 industrial sectors. Included are over 80 company profiles, with 350+ companies investigated in the report.
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Reciclaje químico y disolución de plásticos 2024-2034: tecnologías, actores, mercados, previsiones 

The chemical recycling of plastics attracts both notable critics and supporters; this is not a silver bullet to the sustainability issue facing all stakeholders in the plastic value chain but equally, it will play a not insignificant role in the pursuit of a circular economy. This market report provides an independent assessment on the field, including pyrolysis, depolymerization, gasification, and dissolution processes. 10-year market forecasts provide a crucial unbiased outlook.
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Eliminación de dióxido de carbono (CDR) 2024-2044: tecnologías, actores, mercados de créditos de carbono y pronósticos 

This IDTechEx report provides a market overview of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) solutions, covering engineered and nature-based negative emissions technologies (NETs) that draws CO₂ from the atmosphere. The report explores the technological advancements, carbon credit business models, and environmental aspects of the nascent CDR industry worldwide, identifying the challenges and opportunities for growth. Included are over 40 company profiles, forecasts covering carbon dioxide removal capacity and carbon credit revenue generated segmented into 9 durable engineered CDR technologies, and over 200 companies investigated.
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Cueros alternativos emergentes 2024-2034: tecnologías, tendencias, actores 

This report comprehensively identifies the major technologies and trends in the vegan bio-based leather market including mycelium leather, plant-based leather, microbial leather and lab-grown leather. The report identifies 70+ companies, analyzing technological readiness, manufacturing processes, material benchmarking, applications, and challenges. A 10-year market forecast highlights the growth in demand for vegan bio-based leather.
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Mercado de envases sostenibles 2023-2033 

Sustainable packaging solutions see increased market adoption as market pressures accelerates. This report comprehensively reviews and analyzes over thirty circular packaging materials, including mechanically recycled plastics, chemically recycled plastics, and bioplastics. Key analysis on sustainable packaging market activity, including investments and partnerships, contextualizes the sustainable packaging landscape for readers. With 21 different 10-year forecast lines for sustainable packaging materials, this report will establish this field's current status and outline its future direction towards circularity.
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Carne cultivada 2023-2043 

This report provides an in-depth technology and market evaluation of the cultured meat industry based on extensive research and interviews with market players. The report discusses the technology underlying cultured meat, the state of the industry, regulation, consumer preferences, and evaluates key players in the industry. The report also provides 10 and 20-year forecasts of the cultured meat industry, predicting that the market will be worth US$13.7 billion by 2043.
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