22 Nov 2011
Printed Electronics USA 2011: Reaching New Milestones
Next week the 8th annual IDTechEx Printed Electronics USA event opens at the Santa Clara Convention Center in CA, USA, on Nov 30 - Dec 1. Pre-registrations are 22% higher compared to this point last year and the number of exhibitors has grown by 19%. Pre-registered attendees are coming from 29 countries, with a particularly large contingent from Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Attendees are also coming from afar as China, Australia, India, South Africa and all over Europe.

United States
18 Nov 2011
Winners of the IDTechEx Energy Harvesting and WSN Awards
At the Energy Harvesting & Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) awards dinner on November 15 in Boston, USA companies were recognized for making significant technical or commercial progress with these technologies.

15 Nov 2011
$4.09 Billion Market for RFID for Animals and Food in 2021
One of the best examples of a niche billion dollar and highly profitable market in RFID is that for animals, food and farming. In the IDTechEx research report "RFID for Animals, Food and Farming 2011-2021." IDTechEx find that by 2021 the market will have increased 3.7 fold from $1.17 billion in 2011 to $4.09 billion.

10 Nov 2011
RFID in Russia, CIS, Baltic States 2012-2022
This article shares some of the research carried out for the new IDTechEx report, {{RFID in Russia, CIS, Baltic States 2012-2022|

09 Nov 2011
Demonstrators at the Printed Electronics USA 2011 tradeshow
Three weeks remain until the IDTechEx Printed Electronics USA 2011 conference and tradeshow, the biggest event in the world on the topic. This year's tradeshow will be the largest Printed Electronics exhibition to date, with 105 exhibiting companies already confirmed to exhibit on the 46,000 sq.ft. tradeshow floor of the Santa Clara Convention Centre.

08 Nov 2011
Rush to energy harvesting for electric vehicles
Those designing electric vehicles have much in common, whether they are hybrid or pure electric, on-road, off-road, on-water, underwater or in the sky.

United States
03 Nov 2011
Energy harvesting in action
Less than two weeks remain until the IDTechEx Energy Harvesting & Storage conference and exhibition and already exhibitors are prepared to demonstrate their capabilities and technology advances, and not just on paper.

03 Nov 2011
Market drivers for industrial and commercial EVs
In understanding EV markets and trends it is absolutely vital to realise that their adoption is not usually for the popularly understood reasons such as saving the planet or getting a government subsidy.

02 Nov 2011
Printing technologies for conventional electronics
Screen Printing is one of the more established technologies utilised in the manufacture of what a lot would consider "conventional" electronics. And although they represent a hybrid state between fully printable electronics and electronics processed in silicon fabs, they also represent the intermediate step that leads to more accurate, fully automated atmospheric processing at very high volumes, with equally high yields.