Dr Sai Shivareddy, R&D Director
Talga Resources
United Kingdom
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Europe 2017 Audio Presentation - Talga Resources*
If you already have access, please [Login] Access is available via an IDTechEx Market Intelligence Subscription Presentation SummaryTalga Resources has developed a route of potentially industrial scale and low cost graphene nanoplatelet production. By successfully matching a 100% owned unique natural graphite deposit to a novel production process and in-house formulation technology, the commercialisation of graphene for large volume additive applications across the coatings, energy, construction and composites sectors is enabled. Speaker Biography (Sai Shivareddy)Dr Sai Shivareddy is the Director of R&D for the Talga group and based at Cambridge, United Kingdom, where he guides the development of graphene based products for use in the high-volume energy storage, construction and coating markets. Previously he worked for the Tata group, guiding their research efforts on graphene in collaboration with the Cambridge Graphene Centre for applications in high value steel products. Prior to that, he founded an angel funded start-up on printed energy storage in San Francisco. Dr Shivareddy obtained his PhD in Engineering (nano carbons for energy storage) from St John's College, Cambridge University as a commonwealth scholar in 2012. Company Profile (Talga Resources Ltd)Talga is a high tech materials company with its own source of integrated supply from multiple advanced high grade graphite projects in northern Sweden. The flagship project "Vittangi" is at development stage and like all the projects, benefits from established high quality infrastructure including low cost power, road, rail and ports. |