Biostimulants et biopesticides 2021-2031 : Technologies, marchés et prévisions

Un aperçu des produits biologiques agricoles, y compris les produits naturels, les sémiochimiques et le microbiome végétal

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The market for agricultural biologicals - biostimulants, biopesticides and biofertilizers - is growing rapidly as global agriculture looks to move towards more sustainable ways to boost yields and new methods of crop protection. Growers are increasingly looking to agricultural inputs based on natural products, semiochemicals (e.g. insect pheromones) and the plant microbiome to both reduce and complement the use of synthetic chemicals in their fields.
Biostimulants and Biopesticides 2021-2031: Technologies, Markets and Forecasts, a new report from IDTechEx, provides a comprehensive analysis of the markets, technologies and players in biostimulants and biopesticides. With coverage of multiple product families and over 40 companies, an in-depth discussion of the global regulations that will shape the industries, and market forecasts from 2021-2031, it is a comprehensive study of the emerging product areas. The report reveals significant opportunity - IDTechEx finds that, by 2031, the total market for agricultural biologicals will reach $19.5 billion, with the biostimulants market being worth $7.5 billion and the biopesticides market reaching $12 billion.
Source IDTechEx
Biostimulants are biologically-derived substances that can be applied to plants or soils to improve nutrient uptake and tolerance of stresses, i.e. things that improve the plant itself, rather than traditional fertilizers and pesticides. For example, California start-up Pivot Bio is developing PROVEN, a seed treatment that uses genetically engineered nitrogen-fixing bacteria to form a symbiotic relationship with the roots of corn plants in order to boost nutrient uptake. Biostimulants can improve the resilience of crops and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, boosting yields and improving sustainability.
Biopesticides are a form of pesticide based on microbes or natural products, although the report also considers "macrobials" - biocontrol methods based on natural enemies - under the umbrella of biopesticides. Biopesticides have several advantages over synthetic chemical pesticides. They are usually inherently less toxic than conventional pesticides and generally only affect the target pest and closely related organisms, in contrast to broad spectrum, conventional pesticides that may affect organisms as different as birds, insects and mammals. Biopesticides are often effective in very small quantities and often decompose quickly, resulting in lower exposures and avoiding some of the pollution problems caused by conventional pesticides. Finally, when used as a component of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, biopesticides can greatly reduce the use of conventional pesticides without negatively impacting crop yields.
Source IDTechEx
However, there are still several barriers to cross before the biostimulant and biopesticide industries can reach their full potential. The industries are still young and face challenges with product efficacy and consistency. Regulations are still evolving and both product categories struggle from the lack of a formal definition and clear regulatory pathways. For biostimulants, this means they must either fit into unsuitable regulatory categories that do not adequately ensure efficacy or performance, or they escape regulation altogether, leading to a crowded market with little guarantee of product quality. Biopesticides face the opposite challenge - they often need to go through the same registration process as synthetic chemical pesticides, or a process mostly derived from it. This can be very difficult as requirements are often poorly suited to biological products, e.g. purity requirements, making it unnecessarily hard to bring a biopesticide to market. Compared with the wider agrochemicals industry, which is highly consolidated, the agricultural biologicals market is fragmented. Although this means there are lower barriers to market entry and the industry is fast-moving and innovative, it creates an environment where it is difficult for developers to differentiate themselves and for farmers to navigate, potentially harming the credibility of the industry and hampering growth. Additionally, the large number of companies with limited product ranges means there are several disparate products on the market that may interfere with each other.
As such, the report addresses the challenges facing the biostimulant and biopesticide industries, providing insight on how companies can navigate this space and assessing how this will impact the future of the industries. The report discusses the science and technology behind biostimulants and biopesticides and what companies are doing to develop the next generation of effective, reliable products. The report goes on to discuss product registration in the US, EU, China, Brazil and India, the challenges that face companies wishing to bring a biostimulant or biopesticide product to market, and how the field is evolving. For example, the report discusses the changes stemming from the incoming EU Fertilising Products Regulation, the first set of regulations that explicitly define biostimulants, which could have a major influence on the development of the industry, both in Europe and across the world. Finally, the report discusses the state of the industry and its implications, including profiles of over 40 companies.
Key questions answered in this report:
  • What are the challenges facing pesticide and fertilizer use?
  • How can biostimulants and biopesticides improve agriculture?
  • How do biostimulants work?
  • Which biostimulants have the strongest evidence base?
  • How do biopesticides differ from conventional pesticides?
  • What are the main technological hurdles in biostimulant and biopesticide development?
  • How can the plant microbiome be used to improve crops?
  • What do biostimulant and biopesticide regulations look like?
  • Who are the main players in the field?
  • What does the future look like for these industries?
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1.1.Agricultural biologicals
1.2.21st century agriculture is facing major challenges
1.3.The environmental impact of fertilizers
1.4.Global pesticide use
1.5.Regulations around pesticides are getting harsher
1.6.The environmental impact of pesticides
1.7.Pesticide resistance
1.8.Agrochemicals are getting more expensive to develop
1.9.Why agricultural biologicals?
1.10.The range of agricultural biological products by function
1.12.Effects of biostimulants on plants and evidence strength
1.14.Biopesticides: pros and cons
1.15.Natural products - what constitutes a "biological"?
1.16.Natural product biostimulants
1.17.How can microbes be used in agriculture?
1.18.What are semiochemicals?
1.19.Semiochemicals: advantages and disadvantages
1.20.Macrobial biological control agents
1.21.Biological pest control: advantages and disadvantages
1.22.Regulations: overview
1.23.Biostimulants: the EU vs the US
1.24.Biopesticides: the EU vs the US
1.25.The biologicals market is fragmented
1.26.Biostimulants: company landscape
1.27.Biopesticides: company landscape
1.28.Global biostimulant market forecast by region
1.29.Global biostimulant market forecast by product type
1.30.Global biopesticide market forecast by region
1.31.Global biopesticide market forecast by product type
2.1.21st century agriculture is facing major challenges
2.2.The environmental impact of fertilizers
2.3.What is crop protection?
2.4.Crop protection is a major industry
2.5.Global pesticide use
2.6.Trends in global pesticide use
2.7.Herbicides dominate pesticide usage
2.8.Regulations around pesticides are getting harsher
2.9.Regulations around pesticides are getting harsher
2.10.The environmental impact of pesticides
2.11.Agrochemicals are getting more expensive to develop
2.12.Roundup lawsuits: a potential blow for herbicides
2.13.Pesticide resistance
2.14.The problem with pathogens
2.15.Types of plant pathogens
2.16.Pathogens threaten global crops
2.17.Agricultural biologicals
2.18.Why agricultural biologicals?
2.19.The range of agricultural biological products by function
2.21.Biostimulants: a broad landscape
2.24.Defining biopesticides
2.25.Examples of biopesticides
2.26.Biopesticides: pros and cons
2.27.Agricultural biologicals as part of an IPM strategy
3.1.Natural products
3.1.1.Natural products - what constitutes a "biological"?
3.1.2.Natural product biostimulants
3.1.3.Commercial examples of natural product biostimulants
3.1.4.Plant responses to abiotic stress
3.1.5.Natural product biostimulants and drought
3.1.6.Natural product biostimulants and salt stress
3.1.7.Natural product biostimulants and temperature stress
3.1.8.Common natural product biostimulants: hypothesised modes of action, function and potential benefits
3.1.9.Seaweed and algal extracts
3.1.10.Humic and fulvic acids
3.1.11.Protein hydrolysates, amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids
3.1.12.From raw materials to biostimulant products
3.1.14.Natural product herbicides in organic agriculture
3.1.15.Natural product herbicides in conventional agriculture
3.1.16.Natural product insecticides
3.1.17.Natural products for pathogen management
3.1.18.The plant immune system
3.1.19.Natural products for pathogen management
3.1.20.Future directions in natural product biopesticides
3.1.21.MoA Technology
3.1.22.The challenge of producing natural products
3.1.23.Varigen Biosciences
3.1.26.Challenges facing natural products in agriculture
3.1.27.Improved delivery methods
3.1.28.Developing improved delivery systems
3.1.32.Crop Enhancement
3.1.33.RNA interference (RNAi)
3.2.1.Good bacteria vs. bad bacteria
3.2.2.What is the plant microbiome?
3.2.3.Interactions between plants, microbes and soil
3.2.4.Manipulating the microbiome to improve crops
3.2.5.How can microbes be used in agriculture?
3.2.6.Academic examples of bacterial treatments for crop improvement
3.2.7.Indigo Ag
3.2.8.Microbial biostimulants and biofertilizers
3.2.10.Microbial biostimulants: a new use of an old idea
3.2.11.Nitrogen fixation in soybeans: a model microbial biostimulant
3.2.12.How should microbial biostimulants be used?
3.2.13.Nitrogen fixation in row crops: the holy grail for microbials
3.2.14.Pivot Bio
3.2.15.Pivot Bio PROVEN in field trials
3.2.16.Azotic Technologies
3.2.17.The importance of phosphorus in plants
3.2.19.Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)
3.2.21.Microbial biostimulants: growing pains
3.2.22.Formulation challenges Biologics
3.2.24.Microbial biopesticides
3.2.25.Examples of microbial biopesticides
3.2.26.Commercially available microbial bioinsecticides
3.2.27.Manipulating the microbiome is challenging
3.2.28.Mapping the microbiome
3.2.30.Prebiotics in crop agriculture
3.2.31.Sound Agriculture
3.2.32.NewLeaf Symbiotics
3.2.33.The concept of soil health
3.2.34.The importance of diversity
3.2.35.Biome Makers
3.2.37.Networking the microbiome
3.2.38.Concentric Agriculture
3.2.40.BioConsortia - the AMS platform
3.2.41.Using the microbiome to improve disease resistance
3.2.43.Are major agricultural companies taking notice?
3.2.44.Joyn Bio
3.2.45.Ginkgo Bioworks
3.2.46.Ginkgo's automated approach to strain engineering
3.2.48.Is synthetic biology the right approach?
3.3.1.What are semiochemicals?
3.3.2.Insect control strategies using semiochemicals
3.3.3.Example use of semiochemicals: moth mating disruption
3.3.4.Semiochemicals: advantages and disadvantages
3.3.5.Overcoming the limitations of semiochemical use
3.3.6.ISCA Inc.
3.4.Macrobials (biological control)
3.4.1.Biological pest control
3.4.2.Macrobial biological control agents
3.4.3.Biological pest control: advantages and disadvantages
4.2.1.Biostimulants: the EU vs the US
4.2.2.USA: a lack of federal oversight
4.2.3.USA: confusion over product claims
4.2.4.USA: the need for better regulations
4.2.5.USA: signs of improvement?
4.2.6.European Union: incoming biostimulant regulations
4.2.7.EU: Key elements of the Fertilising Products Regulation
4.2.8.EU: Understanding the Fertilising Products Regulation
4.2.9.EU: Fertilising Products Regulation: implications for biostimulant product claims
4.2.10.Biostimulants: a global perspective
4.3.1.Biopesticides: the EU vs the US
4.3.2.Regulating biopesticides in the US
4.3.3.Regulating biopesticides in the US
4.3.4.US: regulatory framework for biopesticide registration
4.3.5.Regulating biopesticides in the EU
4.3.6.Step 1 - approval of active substance for the whole EU
4.3.7.Step 2 - approval of Plant Protection Products (PPPs) in individual EU Member States
4.3.8.EU: basic and low-risk substances
4.3.9.EU: basic and low-risk substances - approval process
4.3.10.EU biopesticide regulations: fit for purpose?
4.3.11.Why hasn't low-risk registration helped?
4.3.12.EU biopesticide regulations: is there an opportunity?
4.3.13.The EU plans to lower pesticide usage by 50%
4.3.14.Biopesticide regulations: global perspective
4.3.15.Common issues in global regulation of biopesticides
4.3.16.China: biopesticide regulations
4.3.17.China: example data requirements for biopesticides
4.3.18.China: challenges in biopesticide registration
4.3.19.India: biopesticide regulations
4.3.20.India: a difficult region for biopesticides
4.3.21.Brazil: biopesticide regulations
4.3.22.Brazil: a push towards synthetics (and away from biologicals)?
5.1.The "Big Four" of agrochemicals: Bayer, BASF, Syngenta and Corteva Agriscience
5.2.Consolidation in the agrochemical and seed markets
5.3.Bayer Crop Science
5.5.Syngenta (ChemChina)
5.6.Biologicals start-ups backed by Syngenta Ventures
5.7.Corteva Agriscience
5.8.The biologicals market is fragmented
5.9.Biostimulants: company landscape
5.10.Biopesticides: company landscape
5.11.Plant Response Biotech
5.12.Is the Big Four getting involved?
5.14.The challenge of market access
5.15.Marrone Bio Innovations
5.16.Koppert Biological Systems
5.17.The challenges of biostimulants
5.18.Effects of biostimulants on plants and evidence strength
5.19.The challenges of biopesticides
5.20.What makes a successful biopesticide?
5.21.Organic farming: a niche for biologicals?
6.1.Agricultural biologicals - global market forecast
6.2.Global biostimulant market forecast by region
6.3.Global biostimulant market forecast by product type
6.4.Global biopesticide market forecast by region
6.5.Global biopesticide market forecast by product type

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Le marché des produits biologiques agricoles atteindra 19,5 milliards de dollars d'ici 2031

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