車載用赤外線(IR)カメラ 2025-2035年:技術、機会、予測


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「車載用赤外線(IR)カメラ 2025-2035年」が対象とする主なコンテンツ
1. 全体概要
2. 車室内モニタリング向けNIRイメージング
2.1 概要とNIRカメラ
2.2 ToFカメラ
2.3 NIRの予測
3. 自動車向けSWIR(短波赤外)
3.1 SWIR技術分析
3.2 SWIR予測
4. 自動車向けLWIR(長波赤外)
4.1 各地規制
4.2 LWIR動作原理
4.3 VOx(酸化バナジウム)、α-Si(アモルファスシリコン)、BST(チタン酸バリウムストロンチウム)、その他比較
4.4 LWIR光学系の選択肢
4.5 インキャビンセンシング向けLWIR
4.6 ADAS・自動運転向けLWIR
4.7 LWIRを用いたその他の温度検出技術と自動車分野でのユースケース
4.8 現在の市場と技術
4.9 LWIR自動車向け新技術開発
4.10 サーマルカメラのユースケース
4.11 LWIR予測
5. 市場と予測
6. 企業概要
「車載用赤外線(IR)カメラ 2025-2035年」は以下の情報を提供します
  • NIR、SWIR、LWIRの各技術の自動車分野における歴史と背景
  • インキャビンセンシングでのNIRの利用
  • 2D NIRカメラと3D ToFカメラの概要
  • ADASと自動運転でのSWIRとLWIR利用
  • IRカメラ採用を後押しする地域別各種要因分析
  • 各プレーヤー分析
  • 車載用IRカメラの今後の見通し
  • 地域別、SAEレベル別、販売台数別、金額(ドル)別のNIR、SWIR、LWIRの2025年ー2035年の市場予測
This report provides a technical analysis of infrared (NIR camera, SWIR camera, and LWIR camera) technologies for automotive, segmenting the market by region and SAE level, forecasting in unit sales and yearly market size (US$). Trends in vehicle safety, regional regulations, in-cabin sensing, and ADAS are evaluated and combined with historical data to size the infrared camera market. Future trends in performance, sensors, optics, and unit costs are considered.
The infrared spectrum can be segmented into near-infrared (NIR, 0.75-1µm), short-wave infrared (SWIR, 1-2.5µm), mid-wave infrared (MWIR, 3-5µm), and long-wave infrared (LWIR, 8-14µm). With the advancing of in-cabin sensing technologies, SAE autonomous driving levels, and regulations such as NHTSA's on autonomous emergency braking (AEB), IDTechEx examines the market for NIR, SWIR, and LWIR technologies in automotive.
IDTechEx's report: Infrared Imaging for Automotive 2025-2035 provides a detailed analysis of infrared technologies for DMS (driver monitoring systems), ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems), and autonomous driving, segmented by the regions of Europe, China, the US, Japan, and rest of the world. Forecasts of unit sales and yearly market size are presented for 2-dimensional NIR, time-of-flight (ToF), SWIR, and LWIR cameras across these regions, based on historical data, technical analysis, and primary interviews.
2D NIR and ToF Cameras
While near-infrared cameras have previously been used in night vision technologies, the primary market for near-infrared cameras and time-of-flight (ToF) cameras (which use NIR illuminators to map a 3-dimensional image) is for in-cabin sensing, specifically DMS. The strength of NIR cameras for DMS is that it is an active sensing mode that is invisible to the human eye (therefore avoiding distracting drivers), allowing accurate monitoring of the driver's eyes, to detect signs of distraction, fatigue, and other factors that may affect road safety.
IDTechEx believes that the main driver for the adoption of NIR cameras will be regulations such as the EU General Safety Regulation, which mandates all new vehicles to have advanced driver distraction warning (ADDW) systems from mid-2024. Since this requires active monitoring of the driver's head and eyes, it is the perfect use case for NIR technologies. As a result of this and other regional regulations, IDTechEx forecasts the NIR camera market to grow by approximately 70 times between 2020 and 2035, with NIR cameras becoming a standard DMS technology for the passenger vehicle market.
LWIR Cameras
Increased safety of road users is a key driver for increased adoption of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) technologies. These technologies use advanced sensing capabilities through various sensors, such as visible light cameras, radar, ultrasonic sensors, and LiDAR, to allow the vehicle to react autonomously to its surrounding environment. Pushed by regulatory bodies such as NHTSA, this led to over 99% of new light vehicles in the US having low-speed (40km/h) AEB. This feature brakes the vehicle without human intervention to avoid collisions with lead vehicles, pedestrians, and other obstructive situations.
NHTSA followed this up with another ruling in 2023, that by September 2029 all new vehicles in the US will have advanced AEB, pedestrian AEB (PAEB), and forward collision warning (FCW). 'Advanced' in this context refers to the maximum speed of travel at which vehicles must avoid a collision in testing (up to 73km/h against stationary obstacles) and their performance in low light (0.2 lux, minimum active illumination). NHTSA states that over 75% of pedestrian deaths occur in non-daylight conditions, and deems the low-light tests necessary to increase the safety for drivers, passengers, and vulnerable road users (VRUs).
This presents an opportunity for the automotive LWIR camera market. While LWIR cameras have previously been limited to optional night vision systems, primarily on high-end vehicles, their ability to detect VRUs at night or in adverse weather is superior to the existing technologies on the roads. As a passive system, it can detect the unique heat signature of a pedestrian, regardless of external light levels. In addition, advances in microbolometer and LWIR optics technologies will allow sensor fusion options, superior depth perception, and cost-down potential to make LWIR cameras an option for AEB. LWIR cameras will also likely be a mainstay in almost all vehicles with SAE autonomous driving level 4 and upwards, as well as robotaxis, due to their reliability when detecting pedestrians, and consistent performance in low-visibility conditions. While SAE level 3 is rarely on roads as of 2024, IDTechEx believes that SAE level 4 vehicles will enter the Chinese, US, and European markets at the start of the next decade.
In the long-term, the combination of AEB requirements, autonomous driving, and general safety will cement LWIR cameras as a strong sensor-fusion option in vehicles by 2035, co-existing with incumbent technologies, such as visible light cameras, radar, LiDAR, and potentially SWIR cameras.
SWIR Cameras
IDTechEx is not aware of any current market for automotive SWIR cameras, as a result of traditional SWIR cameras using InGaAs sensors which cost upwards of US$10,000, prohibitively expensive for automotive. However, IDTechEx does expect SWIR cameras to enter the automotive imaging market by 2029, as a result of innovative new technologies leveraging CMOS and colloidal quantum dot-based SWIR sensors. These sensors have the potential to cost approximately 100 times less than InGaAs sensors, opening up SWIR cameras to the mass market.
This is not without its challenges, however, as OEMs will consider alternatives to installing extra hardware, with high robustness and performance required, and potential challenges integrating SWIR cameras into ADAS. Compared to NIR, SWIR is safer for human eyes, and can detect oncoming obstacles at a similar level to LWIR cameras. By 2035, IDTechEx expects automotive SWIR cameras to remain relatively niche, requiring further cost reductions per unit, an increased number of players, and greater technology maturity to establish itself as an option for AEB and autonomous vehicles.
The infrared camera market will grow by almost 7 times between 2024 and 2035. SWIR cameras will be a niche market, while LWIR will be established and more prevalent, with a market size 9 times greater than SWIR. The NIR camera market will reach saturation by 2035 and will be approximately 7 times greater than the LWIR camera market. Source: Infrared (IR) Cameras for Automotive 2025-2035, IDTechEx.
Market Outlook
IDTechEx's report, Infrared Imaging for Automotive 2025-2035 forecasts the automotive infrared camera market (including NIR, SWIR, and LWIR) to grow by 50 times from 2020-2035, and details the key drivers and developments (e.g. the EU General Safety Regulation, NHTSA, alternative IR sensor technologies, etc) for each technology that will fuel future market growth. This involves the considerations from camera suppliers, tier-one automotive suppliers, and automotive OEMs, to gain a holistic view of the automotive market landscape and its requirements.
Report MetricsDetails
Historic Data2020 - 2023
CAGRThe global market for automotive infrared cameras will grow with a CAGR of 30% between 2020 and 2035
Forecast Period2024 - 2035
Forecast UnitsVolume (Units), US$
Regions CoveredWorldwide, China, United States, Europe, Japan
Segments CoveredNear-infrared (NIR) cameras, time-of-flight (ToF) cameras, short wave-infrared (SWIR) cameras, long-wave infrared (LWIR) cameras, in-cabin sensing, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)
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アイディーテックエックス株式会社 (IDTechEx日本法人)
担当: 村越美和子 m.murakoshi@idtechex.com
1.1.The IR Spectrum and Applications
1.2.IR for Autonomous Driving
1.3.SWOT - IR Cameras/Sensors
1.4.NIR Imaging for Automotive: In-Cabin Sensing
1.5.Market Size Forecast: NIR Cameras (US$ Millions): 2020-2035
1.6.Automotive In-Cabin Sensing ToF Imaging Sensors - Summary
1.7.Bill of Materials - ToF Camera
1.8.Yearly Market Size Forecast for In-Cabin ToF Cameras: 2020-2035
1.9.Key Takeaways: SWIR for Automotive
1.10.SWIR Technology Feature Summary
1.11.SWIR Sensors for Automotive Applications
1.12.SWIR Imaging for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles
1.13.Key Players in SWIR
1.14.Future Outlook for SWIR
1.15.SWIR Camera Yearly Market Size 2020-2035
1.16.LWIR in Automotive
1.17.Summary of NHTSA Ruling
1.18.Some AEB Systems Might be Good Enough Already
1.19.Thermal Performance and Pixels
1.20.Microbolometer Suppliers and Materials
1.21.The Optics Required for a LWIR Camera
1.22.Chalcogenide Glass Suppliers
1.23.Cost Analysis of a Typical Thermal Camera
1.24.LWIR for ADAS
1.25.LWIR Imaging in DMS: Advantages and Disadvantages
1.26.Teledyne FLIR Summary
1.27.Summary of Microbolometer, Camera, and Tier-One Suppliers
1.28.Thermal Camera Placement
1.29.Yearly Global Market Size for Automotive LWIR 2020-2035
1.30.Yearly Global Market Size of IR Technologies in Automotive 2020-2035
2.1.Introduction and NIR Cameras
2.1.1.Segmenting the Electromagnetic Spectrum
2.1.2.SWOT - IR Cameras/Sensors
2.1.3.Infrared (IR) in DMS - Overview
2.1.4.IR VS VCSEL Light Sources (1)
2.1.5.IR VS. VCSEL Light Sources (2)
2.1.6.Potential Integration Areas
2.1.7.VCSEL Summary
2.1.8.LEDs Versus VCSEL
2.1.9.Applications of IR Imaging - 2D and 3D
2.1.10.Structured Light
2.1.11.Performance Indicators RGB Cameras to IR LED Imaging
2.1.13.Requirements of IR LEDs and VCSELs for DMS and OMS
2.1.14.NIR + Thermal Camera - Next2U
2.1.15.Overview of Leading Players in VCSEL
2.1.17.Case Study: Seeing Machines (1)
2.1.18.Case Study: Seeing Machines (2)
2.1.19.Case Study: Seeing Machines (3)
2.1.20.NIR Sensors
2.1.21.NIR LED Drivers
2.1.22.Average NIR Camera Per Passenger Car: 2020-2035
2.1.23.Forecast: Cost per IR Camera for DMS: 2020-2035
2.2.ToF Cameras
2.2.1.ToF Camera Teardowns
2.2.2.Magna - DMS Integrated in Rear-View Mirror
2.2.3.Melexis - 3D ToF Camera
2.2.5.AMS Osram
2.2.6.Automotive In-Cabin Sensing ToF Imaging Sensors - Summary
2.2.7.Occupant Monitoring System (OMS): Cameras
2.2.8.PreAct - Flash LiDAR for OMS
2.2.9.LG Innotek - ToF Camera for DMS
2.2.11.Summary of 3D Imaging Systems
2.2.12.Bill of Materials - ToF Camera
2.3.Forecast for NIR
2.3.1.Yearly Volume Forecast by ToF and IR Cameras: 2020-2035
2.3.2.Market Size Forecast: NIR Cameras (US$ Millions): 2020-2035
2.3.3.Yearly Market Size Forecast for In-Cabin ToF Cameras: 2020-2035
2.3.4.Average Number of ToF Camera per Vehicle - Forecast 2020-2034
3.1.SWIR Technology Analysis
3.1.1.Electromagnetic Spectrum
3.1.2.Short-wave Infrared Spectrum
3.1.3.Value Propositions of SWIR Imaging
3.1.4.SWIR Comparison with Other IR Technologies
3.1.5.Introduction to SWIR Detection Technologies
3.1.6.Manufacturing Comparison of SWIR Sensors
3.1.7.SWIR Technology Feature Summary
3.1.8.Material Choices For Infrared Sensors
3.1.9.InGaAs for Incumbent Image Sensors
3.1.10.Sony's SenSWIR Technology
3.1.11.Issue with Current Infrared Image Sensors
3.1.12.TriEye's SEDAR platform
3.1.13.Organic Photodetectors (OPDs)
3.1.14.Hybrid QD-on-CMOS Image Sensor
3.1.15.Technology Comparison of Carious SWIR Image Sensor Technologies
3.1.16.Value Propositions of SWIR Imaging in Automotive
3.1.17.SWIR Sensors for Automotive Applications
3.1.18.SWIR Imaging for ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles
3.1.19.SWIR Imaging for Road Condition Sensing
3.1.20.SWIR Imager Application Summary
3.1.21.SWIR Imaging for Temperature Difference Measurement
3.1.22.Key Players in SWIR
3.1.23.Challenges and Solutions
3.1.24.Key Takeaways: SWIR for Automotive
3.1.25.Future Outlook for SWIR
3.2.Forecast for SWIR
3.2.1.SWIR Camera Unit Forecast 2020-2035
3.2.2.SWIR Camera Yearly Market Size 2020-2035
4.1.Regional Regulations
4.1.1.NHTSA Announcement: May 2024
4.1.2.Summary of NHTSA Ruling
4.1.3.Some AEB Systems Might be Good Enough Already
4.1.4.How Dark is 0.2 lux?
4.1.5.Low Visibility Testing Standards
4.1.6.Response of Companies - OEMs
4.1.7.Lidar as a Potential Solution
4.1.8.Classifications of Night Vision?
4.1.10.EU Vision Zero
4.1.12.SAFE-UP (2)
4.1.13.China: C-NCAP
4.2.Working Principles of LWIR
4.2.1.Different Types of Thermal Detectors
4.2.2.LWIR General Process
4.2.3.Key Components of a Thermal Camera
4.2.4.Microbolometer Structure and Geometry
4.2.6.Pixel Pitch
4.2.7.Image Quality Dependency on Pixel Pitch
4.2.8.Thermal Performance and Pixels
4.2.9.Pixel Pitch and Frame Rate
4.2.10.Image Processing
4.3.Comparing VOx, α-Si, BST, and others
4.3.1.Sensor Materials and Technologies for Uncooled Detectors
4.3.2.Uncooled Sensor Material Choice Summary
4.3.3.Cooled Quantum Detectors
4.3.4.Type II Super Lattice for LWIR Detectors
4.3.5.Cooling Requirements of Thermal Cameras
4.4.LWIR Optics Choices
4.4.1.IR Transparent Materials
4.4.2.What to Look For in Optical Material
4.4.3.Germanium Alternatives
4.4.4.Thermal Imaging Lens Materials
4.4.5.The Optics Required for a LWIR Camera
4.5.LWIR for In-Cabin Sensing
4.5.1.Driver Monitoring Systems
4.5.2.NIR + Thermal Camera - Next2U
4.5.4.LWIR for Driver Monitoring Systems
4.5.5.LWIR Imaging in DMS: Advantages and Disadvantages
4.6.LWIR for ADAS and Autonomous Driving
4.6.1.IR for Autonomous Driving
4.6.2.Spectral Bands for ADAS
4.6.3.LWIR for ADAS
4.6.4.LWIR for ADAS: Advantages and Disadvantages
4.6.5.Comparing ADAS System Ranges and Resolution
4.6.6.How Important is Frame Rate?
4.6.7.Human vs ADAS Stopping Distance
4.6.8.Monocular, Binocular, ToF
4.6.9.Monocular, Binocular, TOF (2)
4.7.Other LWIR-based Thermal Sensing Technologies and Use Cases in Automotive
4.7.2.Thermal Sensors for Automotive Air Conditioning Control
4.7.3.Temperature monitoring for electric vehicles batteries continues to command interest in printed temperature sensing
4.7.4.Monitoring Swelling Events in Electric Vehicle Batteries using Hybrid Printed Temperature and Force Sensors
4.7.5.Other Applications and Market Outlook for Printed Temperature Sensors in Automotives
4.8.Current Market and Technology
4.8.1.Microbolometer Suppliers and Materials
4.8.2.Where is the Thermal Camera Market?
4.8.3.Night Vision in Japan
4.8.4.Night Vision Global Adoption
4.8.5.Inside a Vehicle
4.8.6.Key Components of a Thermal Camera
4.8.7.Cadillac DeVille 2000: Chopper Wheel
4.8.8.Cadillac DeVille 2000: Camera Casing
4.8.9.Cadillac DeVille 2000: FPA and interior
4.8.10.The Halo Effect of Barium Strontium Titanate
4.8.11.Honda Legend 2004
4.8.12.Honda Legend 2004: Stereovision for Distance Measurement
4.8.13.Audi 2008: Introduction and Camera Exterior
4.8.14.Audi 2008: Lens Back
4.8.15.Audi 2008: Back Circuit Board
4.8.16.Audi 2008: Shutter and Sensor
4.8.17.Cadillac Escalade 2021: Introduction
4.8.18.All Cadillac Night Vision Models
4.8.19.Autoliv, Veoneer and Magna Night Vision Generations
4.9.New LWIR Technology Developments for Automotive
4.9.1.Thermal Cameras in Sensor Fusion
4.9.2.Thermal Camera Placement
4.9.3.Shutterless Thermal Cameras
4.9.4.AGC: LWIR Transparent Windshield
4.9.5.AGC: Advantages Over the Front Grille
4.9.6.Saint-Gobain Sekurit: FIR Transparent Windshield
4.9.7.Teledyne FLIR Stereo Vision
4.9.10.Hitachi Astemo Patent
4.9.11.Cost Analysis of a Typical Thermal Camera
4.9.12.Chalcogenide Glasses: AMTIR and GASIR
4.9.13.Chalcogenide Glass Suppliers
4.10.Thermal Camera Use Cases
4.10.2.Teledyne FLIR and ADASTEC
4.10.3.Teledyne FLIR and Plus
4.10.4.Teledyne FLIR: Other Partnerships
4.10.5.Valeo and Teledyne FLIR
4.10.6.Teledyne FLIR Summary
4.10.7.Raytron Technology: iRay and InfiRay
4.10.9.AdaSky and Gentex
4.10.11.OWL Autonomous Imaging
4.10.12.OWL Autonomous Imaging (2)
4.10.13.Summary of Microbolometer, Camera, and Tier-One Suppliers
4.11.Forecasts for LWIR
4.11.1.Units Sales Forecast of Thermal Cameras in the US 2020-2035
4.11.2.Units Sales Forecast of Thermal Cameras in Europe (EU + UK + EFTA) 2020-2035
4.11.3.Units Sales Forecast of Thermal Cameras in China 2020-2035
4.11.4.Units Sales Forecast of Thermal Cameras in Japan 2020-2035
4.11.5.Units Sales Forecast of Thermal Cameras in the Rest of the World 2020-2035
4.11.6.Yearly Global Market Size for Automotive LWIR 2020-2035
4.11.7.Yearly Global Market Size of IR Technologies in Automotive 2020-2035
5.1.Forecast Methodology
5.2.Average NIR Camera Per Passenger Car: 2020-2035
5.3.Forecast: Cost per IR Camera for DMS
5.4.Market Size Forecast: NIR Cameras (US$ Millions): 2020-2035
5.5.Bill of Materials - ToF Camera
5.6.Yearly Market Size Forecast for In-Cabin ToF Cameras: 2020-2035
5.7.SWIR Camera Unit Forecast 2020-2035
5.8.SWIR Camera Yearly Market Size 2020-2035
5.9.Cost Analysis of a Typical Thermal Camera
5.10.Yearly Global Market Size for Automotive LWIR 2020-2035
5.11.Unit Sales of IR Technologies in Automotive Forecast 2020-2035
5.12.Yearly Global Market Size of IR Technologies in Automotive 2020-2035
6.1.ATT (Advanced Thermal Technologies) (2023)
6.2.ATT (Advanced Thermal Technologies) (2024)
6.4.Foresight Automotive
6.5.Fraunhofer FEP
6.6.Jungo Connectivity
6.8.Mobileye: ADAS & Autonomy Computation
6.9.Mobileye: Automotive Radar
6.10.Mobileye: Improving ADAS with REM
6.12.Nodar: Untethered Stereo Camera With LiDAR-Like Performance
6.13.OmniVision Technologies
6.14.Owl AI: Long-Wave Infrared for Automotive Markets
6.15.Owl Autonomous Imaging
6.16.Seeing Machines
6.18.ST Microelectronics
6.20.SWIR Vision Systems
6.21.Teledyne FLIR
6.22.TriEye: SWIR for ADAS (2022)
6.23.TriEye: SEDAR Platform (2023)
6.24.Valeo: ADAS and LiDAR
6.25.Valeo: Heads-Up Display (HUD)
6.26.Veoneer (Qualcomm)


車載用赤外線(IR)カメラ 2025-2035年:技術、機会、予測

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スライド 244
フォーキャスト 2035
発行日 Aug 2024


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ISBN: 9781835700570

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