Technology scouting and market trending

IDTechEx will support you in identifying, interpreting and assessing the impact of the latest technology and market trends. IDTechEx can help you if you want to:

  • Identify the latest emerging technologies in R&D stage at companies, R&D centres and universities across the world
  • List the latest short- and long-term market drivers and trends, and evaluate their likely impact on your business
  • Develop realistic and detailed roadmaps illustrating likely technology developments pathways and timelines, and identify key pending R&D issues/questions.

Methodology outline

  • Client Needs

    • Determine client's objectives
  • Existing State, Trends and Pending Questions

    • Define key research questions
    • Summarise state of existing knowledge
    • Determine major research trends and frontiers
    • Identify key market trends driving R&D
  • Key Players and Information Sources

    • Identify key information sources such as conferences, journals, patents, etc
    • Identify key research centres and/or cutting-edge firms
  • Intelligence Gathering

    • Draw on our existing knowledgebase and research programs, in addition to
    • Interviewing and/or visiting relevant centres and firms
  • Analysis, Road Mapping and Presentation

    • Develop detailed technology roadmaps, highlight likely progress scenarios
    • Highlight market trends and likely change in cost and requirement sets per sector
    • Map players based on their strength and state of R&D progress
    • Present findings in interactive sessions

Why choose us?

  • IDTechEx has an extensive interview programme for reaching out to organizations, small or large, around the world. This is an excellent source of information for learning the latest developments.
  • IDTechEx analysts attend conferences and tradeshows globally, as well as visit companies. This gives our analysts unprecedented insight into the technologies and markets we cover.
  • Since 1999 IDTechEx has developed strong relationships with companies throughout the supply chain, which is vital in assessing the market opportunity and technology roadmaps.
  • Dedicated technical analysts have significant experience, and benefit from an independent bird's eye view of the global landscape for that technology or industry.

Contact us

Please contact us to learn more and discuss your needs at: or call
AMERICAS (USA): +1 617 577 7890
ASIA (Japan): +81 3 3216 7209
EUROPE (UK): +44 1223 812300