Manufacturing Electronics with Ink Jets (Printed Electronics Europe 2007)

Dr Linda T Creagh, Business Dev Director, Materials Deposition Div
Fujifilm Dimatix, United States


Fujifilm Dimatix presentation*
Fujifilm Dimatix audio*

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Presentation Summary

  • Why Use Ink Jet Technology
  • What's Happening Today
  • What Are Opportunities for Ink Jets in Printed Electronics

Speaker Biography (Linda T Creagh)

Dr. Linda Creagh is business development director for the Deposition Products operation of FUJIFILM Dimatix, Inc. She joined FUJIFILM Dimatix (a wholly owned subsidiary of FUJIFILM Corporation) in 1985 after ten years in ink jet development with Xerox R&D and seven years in liquid display research at Texas Instruments. She has a number of technical publications and U.S. and foreign patents in the fields of ink jet technology and liquid crystal displays. Dr. Creagh holds a Ph. D. degree from the University of North Texas in Physical Organic Chemistry.