데이터 센터 열관리 기술동향, 기회 및 시장 전망 2025-2035

공냉식, D2C 냉각, 액침 냉각, 단상, 2상 냉각등 냉각기술, 냉각수 분배장치 등 관련 기술, 총소유비용, 공급망 분석, 파트너십을 포함하여 향후 10년간 시장전망을 포괄하는 보고서

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데이터 센터에서 사용되는 공랭식 냉각, 단상 및 2상 냉각판/D2C 냉각, 액침 냉각등 냉각기술 및 냉각수 분배장치(CDU), 냉각제, 열 전달 물질(TIM), 펌프에 대해 분석하고 있는 본 보고서에서는 각 냉각 기술의 장단점을 평가하고 데이터 센터 서버랙 용량 및 AI 와 같은 응용분야별 기술 채택 로드맵을 제시합니다. 또한 공급망에 대한 비용 분석 및 잠재적인 공급망 통합의 기회를 평가하며, 기업이 데이터센터 냉각산업에 부품을 공급할때 고려해야 할 중요한 요소에 대한 분석을 포함하여 향후 10년간 시장 예측 및 전망을 제공합니다.
이 보고서는 데이터 센터 냉각 부문과 공랭식, D2C 냉각, 스프레이 냉각, 액침냉각 등 6가지 관련 냉각 기술에 대해 아래와 같은 주요 정보를 제공합니다.
  • 데이터센터 냉각 솔루션의 배경과 기술에 대한 심층 분석
  • 냉각 기술 및 그 하위 분야의 역사적 배경과 발전 과정
  • 각 냉각 분야의 주요 혁신 및 기술에 대한 종합적인 개요
  • 데이터 센터 냉각 산업의 현재 동향 및 테마 조사
  • 열 설계 전력 트렌드와 데이터 센터 냉각 가치 사슬에 미치는 영향 평가
  • 공랭식 냉각 기술에 대한 분석
  • 액체 냉각 기술에 대한 분석
  • 최신 냉각 기술 동향 및 고밀도 컴퓨팅 환경에 미치는 영향 분석
  • 냉각제 유형, 비용, 규정, 업계 표준 분석
  • 냉각수 분배 장치(CDU) 및 펌프에 대한 평가
  • 열 인터페이스 재료(TIM) 분석
  • 데이터 센터 냉각 에코시스템 주요업체 분석 및 가치사슬
  • 2022~2024년 데이터센터 냉각 기술에 대한 시장 데이터
  • 전력 밀도에 따른 데이터센터 서버 랙 분석
  • 주요 냉각 솔루션의 향후 10년 시장 규모 예측(2025-2035년)
  • AI 및 non-AI 응용분야별 10년간 시장 규모 전망(2025-2035년)
  • 데이터센터에 사용되는 TIM의 10년 시장 규모 예측(2025-2035년)
이 보고서에서 다루는 주요 내용/목차는 아래와 같습니다.
1. 핵심 요약
2. 기술 개요
3. 열관리 방법 일반
4. 공냉식
  • 공기 냉각
  • 후면 도어 열교환기(RDHx), CHAR 및 CRAC 장치
  • 냉각기 및 냉각타워
  • 공냉식 시장 규모 전망
5. 액체 냉각
  • 직접 앷게 냉각 타임라인 및 GPU, CPU 의 TDP 예측
  • 전력 분류에 따른 데이터센터 비율
  • 랙 전력 분류별 데이터센터 서버랙 비율
6. 냉각판/D2C 냉각
  • D2C용 냉각시스템 시장 전망
  • D2C 구성요소 비용 분석
  • D2C 냉각 시장 규모 전망
  • D2C 냉각의 장단점
  • D2C 사용사례 연구
  • 단상/2상 D2C 시장 점유율 전망
  • AI 및 non-AI 응용분야별 D2C 시장규모 예측
7. 스프레이 냉각
8. 액침 냉각
  • 액침냉각 시장규모 전망
  • 액침냉각 및 공랭식 총소유비용 및 투자회수 기간 비교
9. 냉각재
  • 냉각 유체 비교
  • 각종 규제 및 향후 방향성
10. 파트너십 및 냉각 솔루션 로드맵
  • 냉각 시스템 가치사슬 개요
  • 주요 업체간의 협업 현황
11. 총 소유비용 분석
  • 상용 데이터센터 4곳에 대한 10년 TOC 분석
  • 공냉식, D2C, 액침냉각 비용 비교
  • 주요 구성요소별 데이터센터 냉각 비용 분석
12. 냉각수 분배장치 (CDU)
  • 펌프, 필터링 시스템, 센서 미 열재활용 등 구성요소 개요
  • 열 재사용 사례
13. 열 전달 재료(TIM)
  • TIM 소개 및 동향
  • TIM 시장규모 전망
14. 시장 예측 및 전망
15. 주요 기업 프로필
With the increasing demand for high-performance computing in sectors like AI, cloud computing, and crypto mining, the thermal design power (TDP) of chips has risen significantly over the past 16 years. Nivida's B200 GPU has already demonstrated a TDP of 1200W. With the roadmap released by Nvidia and a recent announcement from Intel on its Falcon Shores chip to be released in 2025, it will not be long before we will see chips with TDP exceeding 1500W. This upward trend in TDP has propelled a need for more efficient thermal management systems at both the micro (server board and chip) and macro (server rack and facility) levels. In recent years, leading data center users have collaborated with various cooling solution vendors to launch innovative pilot projects and commercialize ready-to-use cooling solutions, aiming to enhance cooling performance and meet sustainability targets by adopting more efficient cooling solutions. Nvidia has offered "official" guide by adopting cold plates on their NVLink72 server rack.
IDTechEx's report on Thermal Management for Data Centers 2025-2035 covers a granular market forecast of data center cooling technologies segmented by data center server rack power capacity. The report analyses liquid cooling technologies (single-phase cold plate, two-phase cold plate, single-phase immersion, and two-phase immersion), cooling solution value chain, technological barriers of different cooling methods, cost analysis of players in different value chain positions, value chain consolidation potentials, and roadmap for the future cooling strategy.
In addition to technical analysis, a comprehensive commercial landscape, such as, the data center cooling value chain, partnerships between players across the value chain, and competitive landscape analysis has also been analyzed.
The report delivers an in-depth volume and market size forecast for direct-to-liquid cooling, categorized by components such as CDUs, quick disconnects, manifolds, cold plate systems (including cold plates, hoses, pipes, and fluid distribution networks within servers), and air cooling components for D2C. It also offers a detailed forecast for immersion cooling, segmented by immersion tanks, immersion coolant, CDUs, and related piping, valves, and monitoring systems. Additionally, the forecast is further divided by single-phase and two-phase cooling technologies.
The report also provides a 10-year outlook on the use of thermal interface materials (TIMs) across data center components. Moreover, it includes a forecast of liquid cooling adoption, differentiating between AI and non-AI applications, to highlight the industries expected to present the most significant opportunities.
Cooling Overview
Data center cooling methods can be broadly categorized into air cooling and liquid cooling, depending on the cooling medium employed. Air cooling relies on air conditioning and/or fans, utilizing convection to dissipate heat from the servers. It has been widely adopted due to its long and successful track record. However, the low specific heat of air makes it challenging to meet the increasing cooling capacity requirements. Additionally, as data center users strive to maximize rack space utilization by densely packing servers (typically 1U servers), the air gaps between servers become narrower, which further reduces the efficiency of air cooling.
Liquid cooling, on the other hand, takes advantage of the higher specific heat of liquid to achieve superior cooling performance. Depending on which components the fluids contact, liquid cooling can be classified into direct-to-chip/cold plate cooling, spray cooling, and immersion cooling. Direct-to-chip cooling involves mounting a cold plate with coolant fluid directly on top of heat sources such as GPUs and chipsets, with a thermal interface material (TIM) applied in between. Cold plate cooling can achieve a partial power use effectiveness (pPUE) ranging from 1.02 to 1.20, depending on the specific configuration.
An emerging alternative is immersion cooling where the servers are fully submerged in coolant fluids, enabling direct contact between the heat sources and the coolant, thereby achieving the best cooling performance with the lowest pPUE of 1.01. However, its widespread adoption is still limited due to challenges such as high upfront costs (in terms of US$/Watt), maintenance, and complexities of retrofitting the server boards. Nevertheless, immersion cooling holds potential for long-term energy savings thanks to their efficient thermal dissipation, which is not only economically beneficial given the current context of energy crisis but also helps the large companies to achieve their sustainability goals in the long run.
IDTechEx's comparative analysis of the 10-year total cost of ownership (TCO) between D2C cooling, 1-PIC and 2-PIC immersion across four regions reveals that over the course of 10 years, D2C on average has a 13% lower TCO than 1-PIC immersion and 9.4% lower than 2-PIC immersion, subject to the assumptions listed in the report. This report also highlights strategic collaborations and pilot projects between data center end-users, server OEMs, and immersion cooling vendors, as well as other barriers hindering the widespread adoption of immersion cooling. Market adoption (hardware units) and revenue forecasts are provided for air, cold-plate, and immersion cooling through to 2035.
Liquid cooling can also be classified into single-phase and two-phase cooling. Two-phase cooling generally exhibits greater effectiveness, but it also presents challenges such as regulations regarding two-phase immersion cooling fluids based on perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), mechanical strength requirements for fluid containers to withstand increased pressure during phase changes, fluid loss due to vaporization, and high maintenance complexities and costs. The fundamental operating principles of single- and two-phase cooling is different where single-phase cooling relies on the dissipating the heat through convection whereas two-phase coolant primarily rely on dissipating the heat through the latent heat during the phase change. This report provides an analysis of different liquid cooling vendors, coolant fluid suppliers, and data center end-users, offering insights into the opportunities and threats associated with single-phase and two-phase direct-to-chip/cold plate and immersion cooling.
Benchmarking analysis of cooling solutions for data centers. Source: IDTechEx's Thermal Management for Data Centers 2025-2035
IDTechEx anticipates rapid growth in the adoption of liquid cooling, driven by factors such as the increasing power capacity of data centers, the rise of hyperscale data centers, the availability of ready-to-use liquid cooling solutions, high flexibility and ability to retrofit, and the market trends driven by large players such as Nvidia. Specifically, cold plate cooling is expected to experience the largest growth due to its cost effectiveness and compatibility with existing air-cooled data centers, eliminating the need for extensive retrofitting to accommodate immersion cooling solutions.
In line with these projections, this report offers a detailed 10-year revenue forecast for hardware related to liquid cooling in data centers segmented AI and non-AI applications. Within non-AI applications, IDTechEx also splits the forecasts of cold plate cooling by server rack power.
Market Opportunities
With greater adoption of liquid cooling, new opportunities are emerging, leading to strengthened collaborations among companies involved in the data center cooling supply chain. Component suppliers such as coolant distribution units (CDUs) vendors, pump vendors, and coolant fluid suppliers are expected to benefit from the increased adoption of liquid cooling. CDUs and pumps are critical components for controlling the flow rate in liquid cooling systems. Factors such as pressure drop need to be carefully considered. This report introduces various commercial in-rack and in-row CDUs, accompanied by a comprehensive comparison of coolant fluids based on their dynamic viscosity, density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, as well as required pipe length and pipe diameter. One of the emerging trends in vertical integration is seen in the data center cooling value chain, which is intricate and extensive. Although many liquid cooling solution suppliers advocate increased collaboration across the value chain, the current landscape remains fragmented, requiring extensive work from system integrations to integrate every component together into a data center. IDTechEx has identified potential opportunities for market consolidation, with server OEMs beginning to offer comprehensive rack-level cooling solutions. These solutions encompass various components, including cold plates on servers, server racks, and essential parts such as manifolds, CDUs, and QDs.
Key Aspects
This report delivers essential market intelligence about the data center cooling sector and the 6 associated cooling technologies covered, including air cooling, single-phase direct-to-chip cooling, two-phase direct-to-chip cooling, spray cooling, single-phase immersion, and two-phase immersion. More details include:
  • An in-depth review of the context and technology behind data center cooling solutions
  • Historical background and development of the cooling technologies and their subfields
  • Comprehensive overview of significant innovations and technologies within each cooling sector
  • Examination of current trends and themes within the data center cooling industry
  • Assessment of thermal design power trend and their impacts on the data center cooling value chain.
  • Detailed review of air cooling technology, including historical context, advancements, and its role within large-scale data center deployments and hybrid set-ups.
  • Examination of liquid cooling technologies such as direct-to-chip cooling, comparing single-phase and two-phase systems, and their adoption trends based on the TDP projection curve.
  • Analysis of advanced cooling methods like loop heat pipes, immersion cooling (single-phase and two-phase), and their impact on high-density computing environments.
  • Review of coolants, including comparison of types, regulations, costs, and industry standards
  • Evaluation of Coolant Distribution Units (CDUs) and pumps, with insights into market demand and technological evolution.
  • Insights into the thermal interface materials (TIMs) landscape, covering innovations and usage in high-performance computing.
  • Analysis of players within the data center cooling ecosystem, with detailed reviews of each player's value chain and market positions.
  • Historical market data for data center cooling technologies from 2022-2024.
  • Data center server rack analysis split by power density.
  • 10-year market size forecasts (2025-2035) for key cooling solutions split by component, including air cooling, direct-to-chip cooling (CDU, cold plates+hoses+pipes+fluid distribution network inside servers, manifolds, quick disconnects, and air cooling components for D2C), and immersion cooling (immersion tanks, coolant, piping/valves/monitoring, and CDUs), including forecast methodologies.
  • 10-year volume and market size (2025-2035) forecast by AI and non-AI applications.
  • 10-year market size forecast for TIMs used in data center applications (2025-2035).
Report MetricsDetails
Historic Data2022 - 2024
CAGRThe annual data center direct-to-chip cooling market will exceed US$50 billion by 2035.
Forecast Period2025 - 2035
Forecast UnitsUS$, unit
Regions CoveredWorldwide
Segments CoveredHyperscale Data Centers, Air Cooling (Fan Walls, Rear Door Heat Exchanger, Cooling Tower, and Chiller), Single-Phase and Two-Phase Direct-to-Chip/Cold Plate Cooling, Single-Phase Immersion, Two-Phase Immersion, Coolant, Heat Reuse, Coolant Distribution Units (CDUs), Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs), Data Center Cooling Value Chain Analysis, Total Cost of Ownership Analysis, Data Center Cooling Cost Analysis by Component.
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1.1.Historic Data of TDP - GPU
1.2.TDP Trend: Historic Data and Forecast Data - CPU
1.3.Cooling Methods Overview
1.4.Different Cooling on Chip Level
1.5.Yearly Revenue Forecast By Cooling Method: 2022-2035
1.6.Summary of Yearly Revenue Forecast for Liquid Cooling: 2022-2035
1.7.Immersion Cooling Revenue Forecast: 2022 - 2035
1.8.Cooling Technology Comparison
1.9.Air Cooling
1.10.Liquid Cooling - Direct-to-Chip/Cold Plate and Immersion
1.11.Liquid Cooling - Single-Phase and Two-Phase
1.12.Yearly Cold Plate Number Forecast: 2022 - 2035
1.13.Immersion Tank Yearly Number Forecast: 2022 - 2035
1.14.Coolant Comparison
1.15.Coolant Comparison - PFAS Regulations
1.16.Coolant Distribution Units (CDU)
1.17.Heat Transfer - Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs) (1)
1.18.Heat Transfer - Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs) (2)
1.19.Yearly TIM Area Forecast by Data Center Component: 2021-2035
1.20.Cooling cost analysis
1.21.OPEX and TCO Estimation
1.22.Pricing of Direct-to-Chip, Immersion and Air Cooling - US$/Watt
2.1.1.Data Center Demographics
2.1.2.Data Center Equipment - Top Level Overview
2.1.3.Data Center Server Rack and Server Structure
2.1.4.Power Use Effectiveness
2.1.5.Data Center Switch Topology - Three Layer and Spine-Leaf Architecture
2.1.6.K-ary Fat Tree Topology
2.2.Data Center Thermal Management Overview
2.2.1.Thermal Management Needs for Data Centers
2.2.2.Significant Consequences for Data Center Downtime
2.2.3.Data Center Location Choice
2.2.4.Increasing TDP Drives More Efficient Thermal Management
2.2.5.Overview of Thermal Management Methods for Data Centers
2.2.6.Thermal Management Categorization
2.3.Thermal Design Power (TDP) Evolution
2.3.1.Historic Data of TDP - GPU
2.3.2.TDP Trend: Historic Data and Forecast Data - CPU
3.1.Introduction to Data Center Cooling Classification
3.2.Cooling Technology Comparison (1)
3.3.Cooling Technology Comparison (2)
3.4.Air Cooling
3.5.Hybrid Liquid-to-Air Cooling
3.6.Hybrid Liquid-to-Liquid Cooling
3.7.Hybrid Liquid-to-Refrigerant Cooling
3.8.Hybrid Refrigerant-to-Refrigerant Cooling
3.9.Server Board Number Forecast: 2025 - 2035
4.1.1.Introduction to Air Cooling (1)
4.1.2.Introduction to Air Cooling (2)
4.1.3.Benefits and Drawbacks of Air-Cooling Methods
4.1.4.Use Case: Row-Level Cooling Liebert® CRV CRD25
4.1.5.Overview: RDHx
4.1.6.Hybrid Air-to-Liquid Cooling - nVent
4.1.7.Cooling Tower - Adiabatic Cooling
4.1.8.Balance Between Water Use and Power Use - Case by Case in Practice
4.1.9.Use Case: Jaeggi - Adiabatic and Hybrid Dry Coolers
4.1.10.Trend for Air Cooling in Data Centers
4.2.Air Cooling Forecasts
4.2.1.Percentage of Air-Cooled Racks
4.2.2.TCO Comparison
4.2.3.Yearly Data Center Air Cooling Revenue Forecast: 2016-2033
5.1.Liquid Cooling and Immersion Cooling
5.2.Comparison of Liquid Cooling Technologies (1)
5.3.Comparison of Liquid Cooling Technologies (2)
5.4.Liquid Cooling - Power Limitation of Different Cooling on Rack Level
5.5.Different Cooling on Chip Level
5.6.Data Center By Power
5.7.Liquid-Cooled Data Center Server Rack by Power
6.1.1.Cold Plate/Direct to Chip Cooling - Standalone Cold Plate
6.1.2.Liquid Cooling Cold Plates
6.1.3.Cold Plate/Direct to Chip Cooling in Server Boards
6.1.4.Benefits and Drawbacks of Cold Plate Cooling
6.1.5.Cold Plate Requirements
6.1.6.Considerations for Cold Plate Design (1)
6.1.7.Considerations for Cold Plate Design (2)
6.1.8.Thermal Cost Analysis of Cold Plate System - (1)
6.1.9.Thermal Cost Analysis of Cold Plate System - (2)
6.1.10.Liquid Cooling Technology Definitions (1)
6.1.11.Liquid Cooling Technology Definitions (2)
6.2.Single-Phase Cold Plate
6.2.1.Single-Phase Cold Plate
6.2.2.Single-Phase Cold Plate Considerations
6.2.3.IEI Integration Corp
6.2.4.Why Single-Phase Cold Plate Might Dominate
6.3.Two-Phase Cold Plate
6.3.1.Wieland Group - Two-Phase Evaporator/Cold Plate
6.3.2.Passive Cold Plate Cooling - Frigel & Neurok Thermocon
6.3.3.Examples: Direct-to-Chip Cooling
6.3.4.Tyson - Passive Two-Phase Cooling
6.3.5.Passive Loop Heat Pipes (LHP)
6.3.6.Use Case: Calyos
6.3.7.Direct Water-Cooled Server - ABB
6.4.Cold Plate Forecast
6.4.1.Yearly Number of Cold Plate for AI and Non-AI Forecast: 2022 - 2035
6.4.2.Yearly Number of Single- and Two-Phase Cold Plates: 2022 - 2035
6.4.3.Market Share Forecast of Single- and Two-Phase Cold Plate: 2022 - 2035
6.4.4.Yearly Number of Cold Plate For Non-AI Forecast: 2025 - 2035
6.4.5.Total Cost Analysis of Cold Plate (Cold plate + QD + Manifold, Hoses, etc.)
6.4.6.GPU and CPU Cold Plate System Forecast: 2025-2035
6.4.7.Cost of Cold Plate System Forecast: 2022 - 2035
6.4.8.Yearly Revenue Forecast Summary of Cold Plate: 2022 - 2035
6.4.9.Yearly Cold Plate Revenue Forecast: 2022 - 2035
6.4.10.Yearly Revenue of Cold Plate of CPU and GPU: 2025-2035
6.5.Summary of Cold Plate Cooling
6.5.1.Overview: Cold Plate
6.5.2.Cold Plate Structure
6.5.3.Benefits and Challenges of Cold Plate Cooling (1)
6.5.4.Benefits and Challenges of Cold Plate Cooling (2)
6.5.5.Limitations of Cold Plate Cooling
6.5.6.SWOT of Cold Plate/Direct-to-Chip Cooling
6.5.7.Summary of Cold Plate Cooling - Considerations
6.5.8.Thermal Cost Analysis of Cold Plate System - (1)
6.5.9.Thermal Cost Analysis of Cold Plate System - (2)
7.1.Introduction to Spray Cooling
7.2.Advanced Liquid Cooling Technologies (ALCT) - Spray Cooling
8.1.1.Single-Phase and Two-Phase Immersion - Overview (1)
8.1.2.Single-Phase Immersion Cooling (2)
8.1.3.SWOT: Single-Phase Immersion Cooling
8.1.4.Overview: Two-Phase Immersion Cooling
8.1.5.SWOT: Two-Phase Immersion Cooling
8.2.1.Use Case: Iceotope - Direct-to-Chip + Immersion
8.2.2.Use Case: LiquidCool Solutions - (1)
8.2.3.Use Case: LiquidCool Solutions - (2)
8.2.4.Use Case: Green Revolution Cooling (GRC)
8.2.5.nVent/Iceotope and LiquidCool Solutions - Limited Differentiation
8.2.6.DCX Liquid Cooling - Immersion
8.3.1.Wieland - Two-Phase Immersion Cooling
8.3.2.Two-Phase Cooling - Phase Out Before Starting to Take Off?
8.3.3.Roadmap of Two-Phase Immersion Cooling
8.3.4.Roadmap of Single-Phase Immersion Cooling
8.3.5.Examples: Immersion
8.3.6.Use-Case: Iceotope and Meta
8.3.7.Use-Case: Microsoft
8.3.8.Use-Case: Microsoft Halted its Underwater Data Centers
8.3.11.Summary (1) - Benefits of Immersion Cooling
8.3.12.Summary (2) - Challenges of Immersion Cooling
8.3.13.Cost Saving Comparison - Immersion and Air Cooling
8.3.14.Comparison of Liquid Cooling Methods
8.3.15.Pricing of Direct-to-Chip, Immersion and Air Cooling - US$/Watt
8.3.16.Immersion Tank Yearly Number Forecast: 2022 - 2035
8.3.17.Immersion Cooling Revenue Forecast: 2022 - 2035
9.1.Introduction to Cooling Fluid
9.2.Coolant Fluid Comparison - Operating Temperature
9.3.Trend - Decline in Fluorinated Chemicals?
9.4.Immersion Coolant Liquid Suppliers
9.5.Engineered Fluids - Why Better Than Oils
9.6.What is the Roadmap for Coolant in Two-Phase Cooling?
9.7.Honeywell R-1233zd and Chemours' Opteon SF33
9.8.Demand for Immersion Coolant Standardization - FOMs
9.9.Figures of Merit (FOM)
9.10.Force Convection FOM for Single-Phase Immersion
9.11.FOM3 - Viscosity for Pressure Drop
9.13.Signal Integrity Evaluations
9.14.Global Warming Potential (GWP)
9.15.Material Compatibility Guide - Coolant and TIMs/Adhesives
9.16.Material Compatibility Guide - Seals/Gaskets/O-Rings and Coolant
9.17.Material Compatibility Guide - Plastics and Coolant
9.18.Material Compatibility Guide - Pipe & Fitting and Coolant
9.19.Material Compatibility Guide - Metal and Coolant
9.20.Yearly Coolant Volume for Immersion: 2022-2035
10.1.Data Center Cooling Value Chain
10.2.Cooling Solution Partner
10.3.Intel and Submer - Heat Reuse and Immersion Cooling
10.4.Iceotope, Intel and HPE
10.5.Iceotope, Schneider Electric, and Avnet - Liquid Cooled Data Center
10.6.GRC and Intel
10.7.GRC and Dell - Edge Deployment
10.8.Iceotope and Meta
10.9.Development of New Immersion Coolant - ElectroSafe
10.10.Partnership - how does the value chain look like?
10.11.Roadmap of Liquid Cooling Adoption
10.12.Data Center Cooling Solution - Roadmap
11.1.Cooling cost analysis
11.2.OPEX and TCO Estimation
11.3.TCO Comparison - Payback Time
11.4.Pricing of Direct-to-Chip, Immersion and Air Cooling - US$/Watt
11.5.TCO Analysis of D2C with Chiller
11.6.TCO Analysis of 1-PIC with Chiller
11.7.TCO Analysis - 10 Year
11.8.Cooling System Cost - Direct to Chip Cooling Hardware
11.9.Immersion Cooling Cost - Componentry and Facility Level
11.10.Cooling System Cost - CDUs Hardware
11.11.Cost - Fluids
11.12.Cooling System Cost - Thermal Interface Materials
12.1.1.Overview - (1)
12.1.2.Overview - (2)
12.1.3.Redundancy - (1)
12.1.4.Redundancy - (2)
12.1.5.Liquid-to-Liquid (also known as L2L) CDUs
12.1.6.Liquid-to-Air CDUs
12.1.7.Summary of Liquid-to-Liquid and Liquid-to-Air Cooling
12.1.8.Vertiv - Liebert® XDU 60 Heat Exchanger and CDU - (1)
12.1.9.Vertiv - Liebert® XDU Heat Exchanger and CDU - (2)
12.1.10.CDU - nVent
12.1.11.CDU - CoolIT - Teardown (1)
12.1.12.CDU - CoolIT - Teardown (2)
12.1.13.CDU - CoolIT - Teardown (3)
12.1.14.CDU Teardown - Motivair
12.1.15.CDU - Cooling Capacity Evaluation
12.1.16.Revenue Forecast of CDU: 2022 - 2035
12.2.Main Pump
12.2.2.Redundancy Analysis
12.3.2.Filters - Schematic Drawing
12.4.1.Overview of Sensors
12.4.2.Leakage Detection Sensors - Overview
12.4.3.Leakage Detection Sensors on Server Nodes (1)
12.4.4.Leakage Detection Sensors on Server Nodes (2)
12.5.Heat Reuse
12.5.1.Overview of the Heat Reuse in Data Center Cooling
12.5.2.Use Case: Amazon Data Center Heat Reuse
12.5.3.Facebook (Now Meta) Data Center Heat Reuse
12.5.4.Tencent - Tianjin Data Center Heat For Municipal Heating
12.5.5.Return on Investment of Heat Reuse
12.5.6.More Examples of Heat Reuse
13.1.Thermal Interface Materials in Data Centers
13.2.Common Types of TIMs in Data Centers - Line Card Level
13.3.TIMs in Data Centers - Line Card Level - Transceivers
13.4.TIMs in Server Boards
13.5.Server Board Layout
13.6.TIMs for Data Center - Server Boards, Switches and Routers
13.7.Data Center Switch Players
13.8.How TIMs are Used in Data Center Switches - FS N8560-32C 32x 100GbE Switch
13.9.WS-SUP720 Supervisor 720 Module
13.10.Ubiquiti UniFi USW-Leaf Switch
13.11.FS S5850-48S6Q 48x 10GbE and 6x 40GbE Switch
13.12.Cisco Nexus 7700 Supervisor 2E module
13.13.TIMs for Power Supply Converters (1): AC-DC and DC-DC
13.14.Data Center Power Supply System
13.15.TIMs for Data Center Power Supplies (2)
13.16.TIMs for Data Center Power Supplies (3)
13.17.TIMs in Data Center Power Supplies (4)
13.18.How TIMs are Used in Data Center Power Supplies (5)
13.19.How TIMs are Used in data center power supply (6)
13.20.TIMs for Data Centers - Power Supply Converters
13.21.Differences Between TIM Forms - (1)
13.22.Differences Between TIM Forms - (2)
13.23.Novel material - Laminar Metal Form with High Softness (1)
13.24.Novel material - Laminar Metal Form with High Softness (2)
13.25.TIM Trends in Data Centers
13.26.Estimating the TIM Areas in Server Boards
13.27.Servers Number Forecast: 2021-2035
13.28.TIM Requirement in Immersion Cooling
13.29.Common TIMs for Immersion Cooling
13.30.Total TIM Area in Server Boards Forecast (m2): 2022-2035
13.31.Area of TIM per Switch
13.32.TIM Area for Leaf and Spine Switch
13.33.Yearly TIM Area for Leaf and Spine Switch Forecast: 2025-2035
13.34.TIM Consumption in Data Center Power Supplies
13.35.Yearly TIM Area for Power Supply Forecast (m2): 2025-2035
13.36.Forecast summary - Yearly TIM Area (m2) Forecast for Different Data Center Components: 2025-2035
14.1.Yearly Revenue Forecast By Cooling Method: 2022-2035
14.2.Summary of Yearly Revenue Forecast for Liquid Cooling: 2022-2035
14.3.Summary of Yearly Volume Forecast for Liquid Cooling: 2022-2035
14.4.Yearly Revenue Forecast Summary of Cold Plate: 2022 - 2035
15.1.Accelsius — Two-Phase Direct-to-Chip Cooling
15.2.Amazon AWS Data Center
15.3.Arieca (2024)
15.4.Arieca (2020)
15.5.Asperitas Immersed Computing
15.6.Calyos: Data Center Applications
15.7.Engineered Fluids
15.8.Green Revolution Cooling (GRC)
15.9.Henkel: microTIM and data centers
15.10.LiquidCool Solutions — Chassis-Based Immersion Cooling
15.14.Neurok Thermocon Inc
15.15.Parker Lord: Dispensable Gap Fillers
15.16.Resonac Holdings
15.17.Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd
15.18.Taybo (Shanghai) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd
15.20.Vertiv Holdings - Data Center Liquid Cooling

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