Lidar 2024-2034: Technologies, Players, Markets & Forecasts

The lidar market for automotive application will grow to $9.5 billion by 2034. The demand for lidars to be adopted in the automotive industry drives the huge investment and rapid progression of lidars, with the innovations in beam steering technologies and performance improvement & cost reduction in lidar transceiver components. These efforts can enable lidars to be implemented in a wider application scenario beyond conventional usage and automobiles. IDTechEx leverages its experiences such as in laser physics, semiconductor, optics, sensors, optoelectronics, and transportation, to provide a comprehensive analysis on technologies, products, current status and future trend. 10-year market forecasts on lidar units and market value with a focus on automotives have been provided. IDTechEx also provides a spread sheet of a selection of existing and near-future lidar adoptions in the automotive sector.

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