RFID Smart labels USA 2008

Hot RFID Sectors, Full Technology Analysis, Market Insight

Press Passes

We are delighted to welcome members of the press to this event. A press pass includes the following entitlements:

  • Attendance to the two day conference and exhibition
  • Access to speaker presentations
  • Attendance to all networking opportunities including drinks receptions, but excluding dinner functions. You can access networking dinners at the advertised prices.

If you wish to apply for a press pass or have any queries please contact Sarah Lee at s.lee@idtechex.com?subject=press pass. In order to qualify for a press pass we ask for the following criteria to be met:

  • You should be covering RFID for your publication in an editorial role
  • You should be employed as a journalist/editor with no secondary job that may conflict with your primary job (i.e. consultant, advisor)

IDTechEx reserve the right to refuse a press pass on any grounds without reason. Consultants, sales, marketing, public relations and advertising personnel do not qualify for a press pass. Proof of occupation may be required in some instances. If you do not meet the above criteria please click here to register through the usual channel. If you wish to apply for a press pass or have any queries please contact Sarah Lee at s.lee@idtechex.com?subject=press pass.

The seventh RFID Smart Labels USA event by IDTechEx - covering Printed RFID to Real Time Locating Systems. Register online now and save 10%.

Our Offer

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Speakers include