OLED Lights are coming! (Printed Electronics Europe 2007)

Mr Peter Visser, Project Manager, OLLA
OLLA Project, Germany


OLLA Project presentation*
OLLA Project audio*

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Presentation Summary

  • The OLLA project: status after 2 years
  • The printing options of OLED light sources
  • OLED lighting roadmap

Company Profile (OLLA Project)

OLLA Project logo
The OLLA project is a Pan European research project, which is funded by the European Commission. It's acronym stands for high brightness Organic LEDs for Lighting Applications, and targets to further develop OLEDs as lighting technology. Coming close to the project end, we here show our latest results at the Printed Electronics Europe.
The aim of the OLLA project is to research and develop high brightness, high efficient white OLEDs and demonstrate its use in general lighting applications.
View OLLA Project Timeline