เซ็นเซอร์พิมพ์และยืดหยุ่น 2024-2034: เทคโนโลยี, ผู้เล่น, ตลาด

ตลาดสำหรับเซ็นเซอร์ที่พิมพ์ ได้แก่ เครื่องตรวจจับภาพอินทรีย์อิเล็กโทรดที่สวมใส่เซ็นเซอร์แรงและเซ็นเซอร์ปิโซเรซิสติฟ เซ็นเซอร์ปิโซอิเล็กทริก เซ็นเซอร์อุณหภูมิ เซ็นเซอร์แก๊ส เซ็นเซอร์สัมผัสแบบคาปาซิทีฟ และเซ็นเซอร์ความเครียดแบบยืดได้

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This report characterizes the markets, technologies, and players in printed and flexible sensors. The latest technical innovations are explored across eight printed sensor technology areas, with numerous application case studies for each technology. It reveals significant opportunity, with the printed and flexible sensor market forecast to grow to over US$960M by 2034.
Sensors, of which a subset are printed and flexible, are vital in modern life. They measure a vast quantity of physical parameters, acting as the interface between the physical and digital worlds. Printed sensors are relatively self-explanatory - they are sensors that are printed using solution processable functional inks onto rigid or flexible substrates. Printed sensors can therefore be produced in large areas and volumes, using established manufacturing techniques at significantly reduced costs.
Printed and flexible sensors can measure a plethora of physical interactions, including touch, force, pressure, displacement, temperature, electrical signals, as well as detecting gases. One of the earliest, and now most ubiquitous, printed sensor technologies is printed force sensors, which are found in cars for seat belt occupancy detection. Printed sensors find applications in commercial sectors such as automotives, healthcare, wearables, consumer electronics, industry, and logistics.
While force sensor markets are established and dominate revenue share, other printed and flexible sensor technologies are poised for growth over the next decade. Printed sensors are emerging in consumer electronic devices, from laptops to power tools, and are projected to continue growing. Also, the offering of large area, lightweight sensing makes printed and flexible sensors well-suited for integration in automotives. Emerging automotive applications include battery health monitoring and human machine interfaces, employing printed sensors for pressure, force, gas, and temperature sensing. Specifically, multifunctional printed sensors are evolving quickly to meet market demands, with disruptive potential within existing sensors industries, in addition to unlocking wholly new and novel sensing solutions.
Printed sensor annual revenue, segmented by technology, 2024-2034. Source IDTechEx
This report critically evaluates eight printed sensor technologies, covering printed piezoresistive sensors and force sensors (FSRs), piezoelectric sensors, photodetectors, temperature sensors, strain sensors, gas sensors, capacitive touch sensors, and wearable electrodes. The report also discusses areas of innovation in manufacturing of printed sensors, including focus on emerging material options as well as the technology underlying the manufacturing process. This report characterizes each application of printed sensors, discussing the relevant technology, product types, competitive landscape, industry players, pricing, as well as key meta-trends and drivers for each sector. The report also contains detailed printed and flexible sensors market forecasting over 10 years for each of the key printed sensor technology areas.
The research behind the report has been compiled over many years by IDTechEx analysts. It builds on existing expertise in areas such as sensors, wearable technology, flexible electronics, stretchable and conformal electronics, smart packaging, conductive inks, nanotechnology, future mobility and electronic textiles. The methodology involved a mixture of primary and secondary research, with a key focus on speaking to executives, engineers, and scientists from companies developing printed and flexible sensors. As such, the report analyses all known major companies and projects, including over 35 profiles.
Unique position and experience behind the report
IDTechEx is afforded a particularly unique position in covering this topic. The analyst team builds on decades of experience covering emerging technology markets, and particularly areas, such as printed electronics, which are central to printed and flexible sensors. This has been historically supported by IDTechEx's parallel activities in organizing the leading industry conferences and exhibitions covering printed, flexible, and wearable electronics. IDTechEx has the unique ability to curate a network in these topic areas, facilitating the analysis in this report.
This report provides critical market intelligence about the eight printed sensor technology areas involved. This includes:
A review of the context and technology behind printed and flexible sensors:
  • History and context for each technology area
  • General overview of important technologies and materials
  • Overall look at printed and flexible sensor trends and themes within each technology area
  • Benchmarking and analysis of different players throughout
Full market characterization for each printed sensor technology:
  • Review of key sectors where printed sensor technologies are established
  • Discussion and insight into emerging and future applications of printed and flexible sensors, including the meta trends and market drivers for their growth
  • Critical market evaluation using case studies featuring commercial successes and failures of printed sensors
Market analysis throughout:
  • Reviews of printed sensor players throughout each key sector, analyzed from over 35 companies
  • Market forecasts from 2024-2034 for eight printed sensor technology areas, including full narrative, limitations, and methodologies for each
Key aspects
This report provides the following information:
Technology trends & manufacturer analysis
  • Updates from recent industry conferences (including LOPEC 2023, Sensors Converge 2023, innoLAE 2023, FLEX 2023, CPES 2022).
  • Each includes background, description of the technology, analysis of the business model and market, and SWOT and IDTechEx analysis.
  • Numerous case studies for each technology.
  • Identification of the players in each technical area and supplier directories.
  • Discussion of recent technical innovations and their commercial implications.
Market Forecasts & Analysis:
  • 10-year market forecasts for revenue of each sensor technology.
  • 10-year market forecasts for volume demand each sensor technology.
  • Application case studies for both established and emerging markets.
Report MetricsDetails
Forecast Period2024 - 2034
Forecast UnitsVolume (m^2), Annual Revenue (USD)
Segments CoveredPrinted Piezoresistive Printed Piezoelectric Printed Photodetectors Printed Temperature Printed Strain Printed Gas Printed Capacitive Printed Wearable Electrodes
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All report purchases include up to 30 minutes telephone time with an expert analyst who will help you link key findings in the report to the business issues you're addressing. This needs to be used within three months of purchasing the report.
Further information
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1.1.Key Growth Opportunities
1.1.1.Introduction to the printed and flexible sensor market
1.1.2.Considerations when scaling printing to meet growing demand for printed and flexible sensors
1.1.3.Market success for printed and flexible sensors requires a unique value proposition
1.1.4.Summary of key growth markets for printed sensor technology
1.1.5.Multifunctional hybrid sensors are greater than the sum of their parts
1.1.6.Multifunctional printed sensor technologies unlock new market opportunities
1.1.7.Multifunctional printed sensors unlock new monitoring opportunities in the automotive sector
1.1.8.Multifunctional printed sensors enable next generation tactile human machine interfaces printed and flexible sensor market growth forecast - annual revenue forecast, 2024-2034
1.1.10.Reviewing the previous printed/flexible sensor report (2022-2032)
1.2.Technology specific conclusions
1.2.1.Key takeaways segmented by printed/flexible sensor technology
1.2.2.Printed piezoresistive force sensors: consumer electronics and automotive sectors lead growth opportunities
1.2.3.Challenges facing printed piezoelectric sensors
1.2.4.Opportunities for printed photodetectors in large area flexible sensing
1.2.5.Printed temperature sensors continue to attract interest for thermal management applications
1.2.6.Opportunities for printed strain sensors could expand beyond motion capture into battery management long term
1.2.7.Challenges facing printed gas sensor technology
1.2.8.ITO coating innovations and indium price stabilization impact printed capacitive sensor growth markets
1.2.9.Conformal and curved surface touch sensing applications emerge for printed capacitive sensors
1.2.10.Opportunities for printed electrodes in the wearables market
1.2.11.Printed sensors in flexible hybrid electronics (I)
1.2.12.Printed sensors in flexible hybrid electronics (II)
1.2.13.SWOT analysis for each printed sensor category (I)
1.2.14.SWOT analysis for each printed sensor category (II)
1.2.15.SWOT analysis for each printed sensor category (III)
2.1.Market forecast methodology
2.2.Difficulties of forecasting discontinuous technology adoption
2.3.Case study in sensor disruption within billion-dollar markets: CGMs in the diabetes management market
2.4.10-year overall printed / flexible sensor forecast by sensor type, annual revenue forecast, 2024-2034
2.5.10-year overall printed / flexible sensor forecast by sensor type, annual volume forecast, 2024-2034
2.6.10-year overall printed / flexible sensor forecast by sensor type, annual volume forecast excluding piezoresistive sensors, 2024-2034
2.7.Printed piezoresistive force sensors, annual revenue forecast, 2024-2034
2.8.Printed piezoresistive sensors, annual volume forecast, 2024-2034
2.9.Printed piezoelectric sensors, annual revenue forecast, 2024-2034
2.10.Printed piezoelectric sensors, annual volume forecast, 2024-2034
2.11.Printed photodetector, annual revenue forecast, 2024-2034
2.12.Printed photodetector, annual volume forecast, 2024-2034
2.13.Printed temperature sensors, annual revenue forecast, 2024-2034
2.14.Printed temperature sensors, annual volume forecast, 2024-2034
2.15.Printed strain sensors, annual revenue forecast, 2024-2034
2.16.Printed strain sensors, annual volume forecast, 2024-2034
2.17.Printed gas sensors, annual revenue forecast, 2024-2034
2.18.Printed gas sensors, annual volume forecast, 2024-2034
2.19.Printed capacitive sensors, annual revenue forecast, 2024-2034
2.20.Printed capacitive sensors, annual volume forecast, 2024-2034
2.21.Printed wearable electrodes, annual revenue forecast, 2024-2034
2.22.Printed wearable electrodes, annual volume forecast, 2024-2034
3.1.Introduction to the printed and flexible sensor market
3.2.Printed and flexible sensor: report scope
3.3.What is a sensor?
3.4.What defines a 'printed' sensor?
3.5.Sensor value chain example: Digital camera
3.6.Printed vs conventional electronics
3.7.Summary of key growth markets for printed sensor technology
4.1.Printed piezoresistive sensors: Intro
4.1.1.Printed piezoresistive sensors: Chapter overview
4.1.2.Piezoresistive vs capacitive touch sensors
4.2.Printed piezoresistive sensors: Technology
4.2.1.What is piezoresistance?
4.2.2.Comparing the performance and state of adoption of piezoresistive mechanisms
4.2.3.Percolation dependent resistance
4.2.4.Quantum tunnelling composite
4.2.5.Anatomy of a printed force sensor based on piezoresistive material
4.2.6.Printed piezoresistive sensors: Architectures (I)
4.2.7.Printed piezoresistive sensors: Architectures (II)
4.2.8.Force vs resistance: Characteristics
4.2.9.Force vs resistance: Controlling the response
4.2.10.Force sensitive inks: Composition
4.2.11.Force sensitive inks: Low drift inks
4.2.12.Manufacturing methods for printed piezoresistive sensors
4.2.13.Innovation in roll-to-roll manufacturing technology
4.2.14.From single point to matrix pressure sensor array architectures
4.2.15.Sensor arrays enable 3D and multi-touch functionality
4.2.16.Hybrid FSR/capacitive sensors
4.2.17.Hybrid printed FSR/temperature sensors
4.2.18.Flexible FSR sensors with consistent zero value
4.2.19.Ongoing areas of research and development for printed piezoresistive sensors
4.3.Printed piezoresistive sensors: Applications
4.3.1.Applications of printed piezoresistive sensors
4.3.2.Market map of applications and players
4.3.3.Automotive market roadmap for printed piezoresistive sensors
4.3.4.Overview of emerging trends in printed FSR adoption for automotives
4.3.5.Monitoring swelling events in electric vehicle batteries using hybrid printed temperature and force sensors
4.3.6.Challenges in the automotive market for printed piezoresistive sensors
4.3.7.Consumer electronic applications of printed FSRs
4.3.8.Overview of emerging trends in printed FSR adoption for consumer electronics
4.3.9.Challenges in the consumer electronics market for printed piezoresistive sensors
4.3.10.Medical market roadmap for printed piezoresistive sensors
4.3.11.More medical applications of printed FSR sensors
4.3.12.Opportunities in the medical market for printed FSRs
4.3.13.High volume potential for industrial and inventory management applications
4.3.14.Printed FSRs for inventory management systems
4.3.15.Other applications in industrial markets for FSRs include wearable exoskeletons
4.3.16.Printed piezoresistive sensor application assessment (I)
4.3.17.Printed piezoresistive sensor application assessment (II)
4.4.Printed piezoresistive sensors: Summary
4.4.1.Summary: Printed piezoresistive sensor applications
4.4.2.Overview of business model challenges for printed piezoresistive sensors
4.4.3.SWOT analysis of printed piezoresistive sensors
4.4.4.Technology readiness and application roadmap
4.4.5.Force sensitive resistor sensor supplier overview (I)
4.4.6.Force sensitive resistor sensor supplier overview (II)
5.1.Printed piezoelectric sensors: Intro
5.1.1.Printed piezoelectric sensors: Chapter overview
5.2.Printed piezoelectric sensors: Technology
5.2.1.Introduction to piezoelectricity
5.2.2.Printed piezoelectric materials in sensors
5.2.3.Development and properties of piezoelectric polymers
5.2.4.Manufacturing process of piezoelectric polymers
5.2.5.Benchmarking of PVDF-based polymer options for sensors
5.2.6.Alternative piezoelectric polymers
5.2.7.Low temperature piezoelectric inks
5.2.8.Hybrid piezoelectric/pyroelectric sensors
5.2.9.Challenges and opportunities for piezoelectric sensors
5.3.Printed piezoelectric sensors: Applications
5.3.1.Current state of printed piezoelectric sensors applications
5.3.2.Attribute importance for piezoelectric sensor applications
5.3.3.Industrial and mobility applications of piezoelectric sensors
5.3.4.Piezoelectric sensors as ultrasonic detectors for fingerprint recognition
5.3.5.Wearable and in-cabin monitoring applications for piezoelectric sensors
5.4.Printed piezoelectric sensors: Summary
5.4.1.SWOT analysis of printed piezoelectric sensors
5.4.2.Printed piezoelectric sensor supplier overview
5.4.3.Readiness level snapshot of printed piezoelectric sensors
5.4.4.Conclusions for printed and flexible piezoelectric sensors
6.1.Printed photodetectors: Intro
6.1.1.Printed photodetectors: Chapter overview
6.1.2.Introduction to thin film photodetectors
6.1.3.Comparison of photodetector technologies
6.2.Printed photodetectors: Technology
6.2.1.Photodetector working principles
6.2.2.Quantifying photodetector and image sensor performance
6.2.3.Organic photodetectors (OPDs)
6.2.4.Materials for thin film photodetectors
6.2.5.Emerging OPD alternatives: perovskite and quantum dots
6.2.6.Pros and cons of printed QD manufacturing methods
6.2.7.Opportunities to improve photodetector performance
6.2.8.OPD production line and material sourcing
6.2.9.Flexible X-ray image sensors
6.2.10.Technical challenges and opportunities for innovation for manufacturing thin film photodetectors
6.2.11.Advantages and disadvantages of printable thin film photodetectors
6.3.Printed photodetectors: Applications
6.3.1.Market overview and commercial maturity of printed photodetector applications
6.3.2.Biometric authentication using printed photodetectors enhances device security
6.3.3.Biometric authentication using printed photodetectors in consumer electronics attracts sustained interest
6.3.4.Market outlook for biometric authentication using printed photodetectors in consumer electronics
6.3.5.Imaging applications for flexible X-ray detectors
6.3.6.Printed photodetectors in healthcare and wearables
6.3.7.Printed photodetectors for shelf sensing and inventory management
6.3.8.Opportunities for large area thin film photodetectors and commercial challenges
6.3.9.Technical requirements for thin film photodetector applications
6.3.10.Market map of key applications and players
6.3.11.Application assessment for thin film OPDs and PPDs.
6.4.Printed photodetectors: Summary
6.4.1.Conclusions for printed and flexible image sensors
6.4.2.SWOT analysis of large area printed photodetectors
6.4.3.Readiness level snapshot of printed photodetectors
6.4.4.Supplier overview: Thin film photodetectors
7.1.Printed temperature sensors: Intro
7.1.1.Printed temperature sensors: Chapter overview
7.1.2.Introduction to printed temperature sensors
7.1.3.Types of temperature sensors
7.1.4.Comparing resistive temperature sensors and thermistors
7.2.Printed temperature sensors: Technology
7.2.1.Printed temperature sensor construction and material considerations
7.2.2.Desirable attributes of printed temperature sensors
7.2.3.Printed negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors with silicon nanoparticle inks (I)
7.2.4.Printed negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors with silicon nanoparticle inks (II)
7.2.5.Large area printed NTC temperature sensors
7.2.6.Large area printed NTC temperature sensor arrays using carbon-based inks
7.2.7.Printed thermocouples
7.2.8.Printed metal RTD sensors
7.2.9.Substrate challenges for printed temperature sensors
7.2.10.Temperature sensor arrays with inkjet printing
7.2.11.Overview of printed temperature sensor materials and printing methods
7.2.12.Printed temperature sensors for smart RFID sensors
7.2.13.Materials for printed temperature sensors and heaters
7.3.Printed temperature sensors: Applications
7.3.1.Application overview for printed temperature sensors
7.3.2.Temperature monitoring for electric vehicles batteries continues to command interest in printed temperature sensing
7.3.3.Monitoring swelling events in electric vehicle batteries using hybrid printed temperature and force sensors
7.3.4.Other applications and market outlook for printed temperature sensors in automotives
7.3.5.Stagnant commercial development of flexible temperature sensors in structural electronics applications
7.3.6.Printed temperature monitors in wearables struggle to compete with incumbent sensing technologies
7.3.7.Attribute importance for temperature sensor applications
7.4.Printed temperature sensors: Summary
7.4.1.Conclusions for printed and flexible temperature sensors
7.4.2.SWOT analysis of printed temperature sensors
7.4.3.Technology readiness level snapshot of printed temperature sensors
7.4.4.Printed temperature sensor supplier overview
7.4.5.Material suppliers for printed temperature sensors and heaters
8.1.Printed strain sensors: Intro
8.1.1.Printed strain sensors: Chapter overview
8.1.2.Dielectric vs piezoelectric properties
8.2.Printed strain sensors: Technology
8.2.1.Strain sensors
8.2.2.Capacitive strain sensors using dielectric electroactive polymers (EAPs)
8.2.3.Resistive strain sensors
8.2.4.Evolution of key players and IP control
8.2.5.Printed high-strain sensor supplier overview
8.3.Printed strain sensors: Applications
8.3.1.Market roadmap for printed strain sensors
8.3.2.Industrial health applications of printed strain sensors
8.3.3.Emerging opportunities for strain sensors in motion capture for AR/VR
8.3.4.Opportunities for strain sensors in healthcare and medical applications
8.3.5.Emerging applications for strain sensors in healthcare
8.4.Printed strain sensors: Summary
8.4.1.Summary: Strain sensors
8.4.2.SWOT analysis of flexible strain sensors
8.4.3.Capacitive strain sensor value & supply chain
9.1.Printed Gas Sensor: Intro
9.1.Printed Gas Sensor: Intro
9.1.1.Printed Gas Sensor: Chapter Overview
9.1.1.Printed Gas Sensor: Chapter Overview
9.2.Printed Gas Sensor: Technology
9.2.Printed Gas Sensor: Technology
9.2.1.Printed gas sensor technology in context
9.2.1.Printed gas sensor technology in context
9.2.2.Three key trends in gas sensor technology: more analytes, smaller devices, new manufacturing approaches
9.2.2.Three key trends in gas sensor technology: more analytes, smaller devices, new manufacturing approaches
9.2.3.Metal Oxide (MOx) gas sensors - components can be screen-printed
9.2.3.Metal Oxide (MOx) gas sensors - components can be screen-printed
9.2.4.Printed MOS components already commercialised
9.2.4.Printed MOS components already commercialised
9.2.5.Electrochemical gas sensors - components can be printed
9.2.5.Electrochemical gas sensors - components can be printed
9.2.6.Printing could enable advantage in competition to miniaturise electrochemical gas sensors
9.2.6.Printing could enable advantage in competition to miniaturise electrochemical gas sensors
9.2.7.Introduction to e-noses, and the opportunity for printed gas sensor arrays
9.2.7.Introduction to e-noses, and the opportunity for printed gas sensor arrays
9.2.8.An introduction to printed CNTs for gas sensors
9.2.8.An introduction to printed CNTs for gas sensors
9.2.9.Miniaturized printed e-nose with single-walled CNTs
9.2.9.Miniaturized printed e-nose with single-walled CNTs
9.2.10.Ultra-low power gas sensors with CNTs
9.2.10.Ultra-low power gas sensors with CNTs
9.2.11.Printed gas in smart packaging remains at the research phase
9.2.11.Printed gas in smart packaging remains at the research phase
9.2.12.Printed Gas Sensors - Technology Summary and Key Players
9.2.12.Printed Gas Sensors - Technology Summary and Key Players
9.2.13.Intersection between sensing technology and application space
9.2.13.Intersection between sensing technology and application space
9.2.14.Application and technology benchmarking methodology
9.2.14.Application and technology benchmarking methodology
9.2.15.Attribute scores: Technology
9.2.15.Attribute scores: Technology
9.2.16.Attribute scores: Application
9.2.16.Attribute scores: Application
9.2.17.Computing computability scores between technology and application
9.2.17.Computing computability scores between technology and application
9.3.Printed Gas Sensor: Applications
9.3.Printed Gas Sensor: Applications
9.3.1.The environmental gas sensor market 'at a glance'
9.3.1.The environmental gas sensor market 'at a glance'
9.3.2.Gas sensor future roadmap
9.3.2.Gas sensor future roadmap
9.3.3.Outdoor pollution monitoring creates an opportunity for gas sensors in 'smart-cities'
9.3.3.Outdoor pollution monitoring creates an opportunity for gas sensors in 'smart-cities'
9.3.4.Gas sensors for outdoor pollution monitoring: market map and value chain
9.3.4.Gas sensors for outdoor pollution monitoring: market map and value chain
9.3.5.The smart-buildings market creates an opportunity for indoor air quality sensors
9.3.5.The smart-buildings market creates an opportunity for indoor air quality sensors
9.3.6.Indoor air quality in smart-buildings: market overview and gas sensor opportunities
9.3.6.Indoor air quality in smart-buildings: market overview and gas sensor opportunities
9.3.7.Smart-home indoor air quality monitoring: market map and outlook
9.3.7.Smart-home indoor air quality monitoring: market map and outlook
9.3.8.Arm's armpit odor monitor idea still at an early TRL despite the hype, but malodor monitoring opportunity remains
9.3.8.Arm's armpit odor monitor idea still at an early TRL despite the hype, but malodor monitoring opportunity remains
9.3.9.Introduction to automotive gas sensors
9.3.9.Introduction to automotive gas sensors
9.3.10.Introduction to gas sensors for breath diagnostics
9.3.10.Introduction to gas sensors for breath diagnostics
9.3.11.Key market sectors for miniaturized gas sensors and breath diagnostics
9.3.11.Key market sectors for miniaturized gas sensors and breath diagnostics
9.4.Printed Gas Sensors: Summary
9.4.Printed Gas Sensors: Summary
9.4.1.SWOT Analysis of Printed Gas Sensors
9.4.1.SWOT Analysis of Printed Gas Sensors
9.4.2.Technology readiness and application roadmap (Printed gas sensors)
9.4.2.Technology readiness and application roadmap (Printed gas sensors)
9.4.3.Key Conclusions Printed gas sensors
9.4.3.Key Conclusions Printed gas sensors
10.1.Printed capacitive sensors: Intro
10.1.Printed capacitive sensors: Intro
10.1.1.Printed capacitive sensors: Chapter overview
10.1.1.Printed capacitive sensors: Chapter overview
10.2.Printed capacitive sensors: Technology
10.2.Printed capacitive sensors: Technology
10.2.1.Capacitive sensors: Working principle
10.2.1.Capacitive sensors: Working principle
10.2.2.Printed capacitive sensor technologies
10.2.2.Printed capacitive sensor technologies
10.2.3.Metallization and materials for capacitive sensing within 3D electronics
10.2.3.Metallization and materials for capacitive sensing within 3D electronics
10.2.4.Conductive inks for capacitive sensing directly applied to a 3D surface
10.2.4.Conductive inks for capacitive sensing directly applied to a 3D surface
10.2.5.In-mold electronics vs film insert molding
10.2.5.In-mold electronics vs film insert molding
10.2.6.Integrating capacitive sensing into surfaces using injection molding
10.2.6.Integrating capacitive sensing into surfaces using injection molding
10.2.7.Emerging current mode sensor readout: Principles
10.2.7.Emerging current mode sensor readout: Principles
10.2.8.Benefits of current-mode capacitive sensor readout
10.2.8.Benefits of current-mode capacitive sensor readout
10.2.9.Software-defined capacitive sensing enhances measurement capabilities
10.2.9.Software-defined capacitive sensing enhances measurement capabilities
10.2.10.Hybrid capacitive / piezoresistive sensors
10.2.10.Hybrid capacitive / piezoresistive sensors
10.3.Printed capacitive sensors: Transparent conductive materials
10.3.Printed capacitive sensors: Transparent conductive materials
10.3.1.Sensing with transparent conductive films (TCFs)
10.3.1.Sensing with transparent conductive films (TCFs)
10.3.2.Indium tin oxide: The incumbent transparent conductive film
10.3.2.Indium tin oxide: The incumbent transparent conductive film
10.3.3.ITO film shortcomings and market drivers for alternative materials
10.3.3.ITO film shortcomings and market drivers for alternative materials
10.3.4.Conductive materials for transparent capacitive sensors
10.3.4.Conductive materials for transparent capacitive sensors
10.3.5.Key attributes and quantitative benchmarking of different TCF technologies
10.3.5.Key attributes and quantitative benchmarking of different TCF technologies
10.3.6.Sheet resistance vs thickness for transparent conductive films
10.3.6.Sheet resistance vs thickness for transparent conductive films
10.3.7.Silver nanowires (AgNWs)
10.3.7.Silver nanowires (AgNWs)
10.3.8.Reducing haze enables silver nanowire commercialization in folding smartphones
10.3.8.Reducing haze enables silver nanowire commercialization in folding smartphones
10.3.9.Market outlook and challenges for silver nanowires
10.3.9.Market outlook and challenges for silver nanowires
10.3.10.Metal mesh: Photolithography followed by etching
10.3.10.Metal mesh: Photolithography followed by etching
10.3.11.Groove forming and fine wiring process reduces metal mesh linewidth and improves transparency
10.3.11.Groove forming and fine wiring process reduces metal mesh linewidth and improves transparency
10.3.12.Direct printed metal mesh transparent conductive films: performance
10.3.12.Direct printed metal mesh transparent conductive films: performance
10.3.13.Direct printed metal mesh transparent conductive films: opportunities for technology innovation
10.3.13.Direct printed metal mesh transparent conductive films: opportunities for technology innovation
10.3.14.Copper mesh transparent conductive films
10.3.14.Copper mesh transparent conductive films
10.3.15.Market and challenges for copper mesh transparent conductive films
10.3.15.Market and challenges for copper mesh transparent conductive films
10.3.16.Introduction to Carbon Nanotubes (CNT)
10.3.16.Introduction to Carbon Nanotubes (CNT)
10.3.17.Carbon nanotube transparent conductive films: performance of commercial films on the market
10.3.17.Carbon nanotube transparent conductive films: performance of commercial films on the market
10.3.18.Stretchability as a key differentiator for in-mold electronics
10.3.18.Stretchability as a key differentiator for in-mold electronics
10.3.19.Key player overview of CNT ink companies and outlook
10.3.19.Key player overview of CNT ink companies and outlook
10.3.20.Hybrid silver nanowire materials
10.3.20.Hybrid silver nanowire materials
10.3.21.Combining AgNW and CNTs for a TCF material
10.3.21.Combining AgNW and CNTs for a TCF material
10.3.22.Introduction to PEDOT:PSS
10.3.22.Introduction to PEDOT:PSS
10.3.23.Development and attributes of PEDOT:PSS
10.3.23.Development and attributes of PEDOT:PSS
10.3.24.Performance of PEDOT:PSS has drastically improved
10.3.24.Performance of PEDOT:PSS has drastically improved
10.3.25.PEDOT:PSS performance improves to match ITO-on-PET
10.3.25.PEDOT:PSS performance improves to match ITO-on-PET
10.3.26.Printing methods for PEDOT:PSS and ink suppliers
10.3.26.Printing methods for PEDOT:PSS and ink suppliers
10.3.27.Market and challenges for PEDOT transparent conductive films
10.3.27.Market and challenges for PEDOT transparent conductive films
10.3.28.Printing TCF capacitive touch sensors
10.3.28.Printing TCF capacitive touch sensors
10.4.Printed capacitive sensors: Applications
10.4.Printed capacitive sensors: Applications
10.4.1.Capacitive touch sensing for flexible displays
10.4.1.Capacitive touch sensing for flexible displays
10.4.2.ITO coating innovation and indium price stabilization has forced TCF suppliers to develop alternative business models
10.4.2.ITO coating innovation and indium price stabilization has forced TCF suppliers to develop alternative business models
10.4.3.Conformal and curved surface touch sensing applications are emerging for printed capacitive sensors
10.4.3.Conformal and curved surface touch sensing applications are emerging for printed capacitive sensors
10.4.4.Automotive HMI market for printed capacitive sensors
10.4.4.Automotive HMI market for printed capacitive sensors
10.4.5.In-mold electronics for HMI gains commercial traction
10.4.5.In-mold electronics for HMI gains commercial traction
10.4.6.Outlook for automotive HMI applications printed capacitive sensors
10.4.6.Outlook for automotive HMI applications printed capacitive sensors
10.4.7.Printed capacitive sensors for wearables and AR/VR applications
10.4.7.Printed capacitive sensors for wearables and AR/VR applications
10.4.8.Household appliance and medical device interface applications of printed capacitive sensors
10.4.8.Household appliance and medical device interface applications of printed capacitive sensors
10.4.9.Large-area interactive touch screen applications for printed capacitive touch sensors
10.4.9.Large-area interactive touch screen applications for printed capacitive touch sensors
10.4.10.Applications of printed capacitive touch sensors for large-area touch displays and outlook
10.4.10.Applications of printed capacitive touch sensors for large-area touch displays and outlook
10.4.11.Water leak detection using printed capacitive sensors
10.4.11.Water leak detection using printed capacitive sensors
10.4.12.Attribute importance for capacitive sensor applications
10.4.12.Attribute importance for capacitive sensor applications
10.5.Printed capacitive sensors: Summary
10.5.Printed capacitive sensors: Summary
10.5.1.Readiness level of printed capacitive touch sensors materials and technologies
10.5.1.Readiness level of printed capacitive touch sensors materials and technologies
10.5.2.SWOT analysis of printed capacitive touch sensors
10.5.2.SWOT analysis of printed capacitive touch sensors
10.5.3.SWOT analysis of transparent conductors for capacitive touch sensors (I)
10.5.3.SWOT analysis of transparent conductors for capacitive touch sensors (I)
10.5.4.SWOT analysis of transparent conductors for capacitive touch sensors (II)
10.5.4.SWOT analysis of transparent conductors for capacitive touch sensors (II)
10.5.5.TCF material supplier overview (I)
10.5.5.TCF material supplier overview (I)
10.5.6.TCF material supplier overview (II)
10.5.6.TCF material supplier overview (II)
10.5.7.TCF material supplier overview (III)
10.5.7.TCF material supplier overview (III)
10.5.8.Summary: Transparent conductive materials
10.5.8.Summary: Transparent conductive materials
10.5.9.Conclusions for printed and flexible capacitive touch sensors
10.5.9.Conclusions for printed and flexible capacitive touch sensors
11.1.Printed wearable electrodes: Intro
11.1.Printed wearable electrodes: Intro
11.1.1.Introduction to wearable electrodes
11.1.1.Introduction to wearable electrodes
11.1.2.Applications and product types
11.1.2.Applications and product types
11.1.3.Key requirements of wearable electrodes
11.1.3.Key requirements of wearable electrodes
11.1.4.Key players in wearable electrodes
11.1.4.Key players in wearable electrodes
11.1.5.Skin patch and e-textile electrode supply chain
11.1.5.Skin patch and e-textile electrode supply chain
11.1.6.Overview of wearable electrode technologies and TRL
11.1.6.Overview of wearable electrode technologies and TRL
11.1.7.Supplier overview: Printed electrodes for skin patches and e-textiles (I)
11.1.7.Supplier overview: Printed electrodes for skin patches and e-textiles (I)
11.1.8.Supplier overview: Printed electrodes for skin patches and e-textiles (2)
11.1.8.Supplier overview: Printed electrodes for skin patches and e-textiles (2)
11.2.Electrode Types: Wet, Dry and Microneedles
11.2.Electrode Types: Wet, Dry and Microneedles
11.2.1.Wet vs dry electrodes
11.2.1.Wet vs dry electrodes
11.2.2.Wet electrodes
11.2.2.Wet electrodes
11.2.3.Dry Electrodes
11.2.3.Dry Electrodes
11.2.4.Skin patches use both wet and dry electrodes depending on the use-case
11.2.4.Skin patches use both wet and dry electrodes depending on the use-case
11.2.5.E-textiles integrate dry electrodes and conductive inks
11.2.5.E-textiles integrate dry electrodes and conductive inks
11.2.6.Electrode and sensing functionality woven into textiles
11.2.6.Electrode and sensing functionality woven into textiles
11.2.7.Microneedle electrodes
11.2.7.Microneedle electrodes
11.2.8.A review of materials and manufacturing methods for microneedle electrode arrays
11.2.8.A review of materials and manufacturing methods for microneedle electrode arrays
11.2.9.Flexible microneedle arrays possible with PET substrates
11.2.9.Flexible microneedle arrays possible with PET substrates
11.3.Electrode Types: Electronic Skins
11.3.Electrode Types: Electronic Skins
11.3.1.Electronic Skins
11.3.1.Electronic Skins
11.3.2.Materials and manufacturing approaches to electronic skins
11.3.2.Materials and manufacturing approaches to electronic skins
11.3.3.Printed electrode research with potential for vital sign monitoring (1)
11.3.3.Printed electrode research with potential for vital sign monitoring (1)
11.3.4.Printed electrode research with potential for vital sign monitoring (2)
11.3.4.Printed electrode research with potential for vital sign monitoring (2)
11.3.5.Electronic Skins and the Next-Generation Wearables for Medical Applications - University of Tokyo
11.3.5.Electronic Skins and the Next-Generation Wearables for Medical Applications - University of Tokyo
11.3.6.Outlook for electronic skins
11.3.6.Outlook for electronic skins
11.3.7.Applications and product types
11.3.7.Applications and product types
11.4.Application Trends: Wearable ECG
11.4.Application Trends: Wearable ECG
11.4.1.Arrythmia detection is a key use-case for ECG
11.4.1.Arrythmia detection is a key use-case for ECG
11.4.2.Skin patches solve ECG monitoring pain points
11.4.2.Skin patches solve ECG monitoring pain points
11.4.3.Cardiac monitoring skin patches: device types
11.4.3.Cardiac monitoring skin patches: device types
11.4.4.Cardiac monitoring device types - skin patches
11.4.4.Cardiac monitoring device types - skin patches
11.4.5.Key players: Skin patches/Holter for ECG
11.4.5.Key players: Skin patches/Holter for ECG
11.4.6.E-textile integrated ECG predominantly used in extreme environments
11.4.6.E-textile integrated ECG predominantly used in extreme environments
11.4.7.Summary and outlook for wearable ECG
11.4.7.Summary and outlook for wearable ECG
11.5.Application Trends: Wearable EMG
11.5.Application Trends: Wearable EMG
11.5.1.Introduction - Electromyography (EMG)
11.5.1.Introduction - Electromyography (EMG)
11.5.2.Investment in EMG for virtual reality and neural interfacing is increasing
11.5.2.Investment in EMG for virtual reality and neural interfacing is increasing
11.5.3.Key players and applications of wearable EMG
11.5.3.Key players and applications of wearable EMG
11.5.4.Opportunities in the prosumer market for EMG integrated e-textiles
11.5.4.Opportunities in the prosumer market for EMG integrated e-textiles
11.5.5.Summary and outlook for EMG
11.5.5.Summary and outlook for EMG
11.5.6.Outlook for wearable biopotential in XR/AR
11.5.6.Outlook for wearable biopotential in XR/AR
11.6.Summary: Printed and flexible electrodes for wearables
11.6.Summary: Printed and flexible electrodes for wearables
11.6.1.SWOT analysis and key conclusions for wet and dry electrodes
11.6.1.SWOT analysis and key conclusions for wet and dry electrodes
11.6.2.Key conclusions: printed electrodes for wearables
11.6.2.Key conclusions: printed electrodes for wearables
12.2.American Semiconductor Inc
12.2.American Semiconductor Inc
12.3.Bare Conductive / Laiier
12.3.Bare Conductive / Laiier
12.5.Cambridge Touch Technologies
12.5.Cambridge Touch Technologies
12.8.DuPont (Wearable Technology)
12.8.DuPont (Wearable Technology)
12.9.Dätwyler: Electroactive Polymers
12.9.Dätwyler: Electroactive Polymers
12.10.ElastiSense Sensor Technology
12.10.ElastiSense Sensor Technology
12.11.Ferroperm Piezoceramics
12.11.Ferroperm Piezoceramics
12.12.Heraeus (EMI Shielding)
12.12.Heraeus (EMI Shielding)
12.13.Holst Centre: Electroactive Polymers
12.13.Holst Centre: Electroactive Polymers
12.17.Kureha: Piezoelectric Polymers
12.17.Kureha: Piezoelectric Polymers
12.18.Mateligent GmbH
12.18.Mateligent GmbH
12.22.Piezotech Arkema
12.22.Piezotech Arkema
12.25.Quad Industries
12.25.Quad Industries
12.26.Raynergy Tek
12.26.Raynergy Tek
12.30.Sensing Tex
12.30.Sensing Tex

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