Polymer Additive Manufacturing 2023-2033: Technology and Market Outlook

Comprehensive benchmarking of 14 polymer 3D printing technologies, granular 10-year market forecasts with 85 forecast lines, and complete player analysis

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When it comes to history and awareness, polymer additive manufacturing leads the 3D printing industry. The first type of 3D printing to be invented in the 1980s was stereolithography, while thermoplastic filament extrusion holds the most public recognition amongst additive technologies. In fact, IDTechEx finds that demand for polymer materials by mass far exceeds that of metal materials for 3D printing.
3dp polymer web image
Source IDTechEx
With this popularity, the potential for polymer 3D printing to supply custom shoes, personalized prosthetics, or other high-value items has been increasingly explored in the past decade. Yet, actual applications of polymer AM were often restricted to prototyping and one-offs, with the limitations of polymer printing materials and lack of end-user experience preventing more meaningful usage of 3D printing in important sectors. IDTechEx's new report, Polymer Additive Manufacturing 2023-2033: Technology and Market Outlook, finds that polymer 3D printing is moving beyond prototyping to high-value adoption by end-users, which will propel its growth to $21 billion in 2033.
IDTechEx's Polymer Additive Manufacturing 2023-2033 report provides insight into the industry's growth and future through granular analysis of polymer hardware and materials demand. Any company in the polymer 3D printing supply chain or looking to enter the industry will find valuable insights in this report, like materials suppliers, printer manufacturers, service providers, end-users, and more. This report breaks down the hardware market into 10 technology segments and the materials market into 17 segments to create 85 forecast lines across 14 forecasts. The forecasts provide a ten-year outlook for polymer 3D printer installation base, revenue from polymer 3D printer sales, and mass demand and revenue for polymer 3D printing materials.
End-Use Sectors Finding Value in Polymer Additive Manufacturing
The polymer AM market is finding more end-users integrating AM into their supply chain beyond prototyping and one-offs; the question is: what industries do these end-users belong to? Through user interviews, IDTechEx has identified several application areas, such as:
  • Automotive
  • Consumer Goods
  • Medical Devices
  • Dentistry
  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Manufacturing Plants
IDTechEx's analysis extensively discusses these application areas where polymer additive manufacturing is finding higher-volume applications that utilize better performing materials. It is meaningful adoption in all these industries that is encouraging polymer hardware and materials purchases, helping fuel the polymer AM market's multi-billion-dollar growth over the next decade.
Technology Trends and Market Forecasts for Polymer Additive Manufacturing Hardware and Materials
Essential to understanding the evolution of the polymer 3D printing industry is exploring the change from low-cost printing technologies and materials to the slow growth and adoption of innovative polymer printing technologies and materials, from viscous thermosets to carbon fiber composites to foams. IDTechEx presents technical analyses of thirty polymer printing technologies, ranging from the established (i.e. digital light processing, selective laser sintering) to the emerging (i.e. viscous lithography manufacturing, volumetric additive manufacturing); within these analyses, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats presented by and to each technology are identified. Similar SWOT and application analyses are provided for 17 different material categories across the main three polymer form factors - thermoplastic filaments, thermoplastic powders, and photopolymer resins. IDTechEx's deep technical exploration of polymer printing technologies and materials will provide readers with the full context surrounding the future development of polymer additive technologies and materials.
These trends, identified using extensive primary and secondary research, have informed IDTechEx's detailed 10-year market forecast for the polymer 3D printing market, which look at polymer 3D printing hardware and materials through eighty-five different forecast lines. The hardware forecasts break the market down by install base and technology type, while the materials forecasts segment the market into polymer form factor and further into polymer material categories. This analysis reveals how polymer hardware and materials sales growth will lead the industry to a $21 billion market size in 2033.
IDTechEx conducted exhaustive primary research with companies positioned throughout the entire 3D printing value chain for key insights into the trends impacting growth to 2033. This includes printer manufacturers, materials suppliers, and service providers. Over 55 company profiles have been included in the report including Stratasys, 3D Systems, EOS, Markforged, Evonik, and Covestro, amongst others. These profiles give insight into the companies leading the industry, their position amongst their competitors, and the opportunities and challenges they face in the future.
Key questions that are answered in this report
  • What are the current and emerging polymer printer technology types?
  • How do metrics such as price, build speed, build volume and precision vary by technology type?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of different polymer 3D printing technologies?
  • What is the current installed base of polymer 3D printers?
  • Who are the main players?
  • What are the market shares of those active in the market?
  • What are the current and emerging polymer 3D printing materials in 2022?
  • What are the market shares of each material class?
  • What are the key drivers and restraints of market growth?
  • What are the main application areas of polymer additive manufacturing?
  • How will sales of different polymer printer types evolve from 2023 to 2033?
  • What is the projected demand by mass and annual revenue growth for polymer materials from 2023 to 2033?
  • How has COVID-19 positively or negatively impacted the polymer 3D printing industry?
Key aspects
This report provides the following information
Technology trends, materials trends, & manufacturer analysis
  • Detailed summaries of all polymer 3D printing technologies, both established and emerging
  • Comparison studies between polymer 3D printers of different technologies
  • Analysis for polymer 3D printing materials, broken into three feedstock categories and seventeen individual feedstock types
  • Exploration of auxiliary 3D printing categories, like post-processing and services
  • Overview of additive manufacturing applications in key industries like aviation, healthcare, space, automotive, and more.
  • Primary interviews with key companies.
Market Forecasts & Analysis:
  • 10-year granular market forecasts of hardware unit sales, install base, and annual revenue segmented by 10 printer technologies
  • 10-year granular market forecasts for polymer materials demand and revenue by 4 form factors and 17 material categories
  • Extensive discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on the 3D printing industry, through primary interviews and revenue analysis.
Analyst access from IDTechEx
All report purchases include up to 30 minutes telephone time with an expert analyst who will help you link key findings in the report to the business issues you're addressing. This needs to be used within three months of purchasing the report.
Further information
If you have any questions about this report, please do not hesitate to contact our report team at research@IDTechEx.com or call one of our sales managers:

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1.1.Why adopt 3D printing?
1.2.Benchmarking study overview: polymer 3D printing technologies
1.3.IDTechEx's segmentation of polymer 3D printing materials
1.4.Benchmarking study: polymer feedstock for 3D printing
1.5.Overview of post-processing techniques for polymer additive manufacturing
1.6.End-use industry overview for polymer additive manufacturing
1.7.Polymer 3D printing private funding in 2021 by company type and material type
1.8.3D printing hardware historic revenue growth
1.9.Hardware market share for printing processes by company
1.10.Polymer 3D printing technology segmentation
1.11.Current market share of polymer AM materials demand - revenue and mass
1.12.Polymer 3D printing market forecast 2023-2033
1.13.3D printing install base by technology
1.14.Polymer 3D printing technology market share in 2033
1.15.Polymer AM materials forecast by feedstock - revenue and mass
1.16.Polymer materials forecast by feedstock - discussion
1.17.Polymer AM materials forecast by technology - revenue and mass
1.18.Polymer materials forecast by technology - discussion
1.19.Key trends for polymer 3D printing materials
1.21.Company profiles
1.22.3D printing research at IDTechEx
2.1.Glossary: common acronyms for reference
2.2.Scope of report
2.3.The different types of 3D printing processes
2.4.Material compatibility across 3D printing technologies
2.5.Why adopt 3D printing?
2.6.History of 3D printing: the rise of the hobbyist
2.7.Business models: selling printers vs parts
2.8.Consumer vs prosumer vs professional
2.9.Use patterns and market segmentation
2.10.Drivers and restraints of growth for 3D printing
3.1.Polymer 3D printing technologies
3.1.1.Extrusion: thermoplastic filament
3.1.2.Extrusion: thermoplastic pellet
3.1.3.Powder bed fusion: selective laser sintering (SLS)
3.1.4.Powder bed fusion: multi-jet fusion (MJF)
3.1.5.Vat photopolymerization: stereolithography (SLA)
3.1.6.Vat photopolymerization: digital light processing (DLP)
3.1.7.Material jetting: photopolymer
3.2.Emerging polymer 3D printing technologies
3.2.1.Introduction to emerging polymer 3D printing technologies
3.2.2.Vat photopolymerization: projection micro-stereolithography (PµSL)
3.2.3.Vat photopolymerization: two photon polymerization (2PP)
3.2.4.Extrusion: thermoset
3.2.5.Selective thermoplastic electrophotographic process (STEP)
3.2.6.Vat photopolymerization: hybrid photosynthesis
3.2.7.Vat photopolymerization: hot lithography
3.2.8.High speed material jetting
3.2.9.Multi-material jetting
3.2.10.Viscous lithography manufacturing (VLM)
3.2.11.High speed vat photopolymerization
3.2.12.Volumetric additive manufacturing
3.2.13.Volumetric AM - xolography, tomographic 3D printing, computed axial lithography
3.2.14.Extrusion: high temperature thermoplastic filament
3.2.15.Extrusion: pressure-controlled
3.3.Polymer printer benchmarking
3.3.1.Overview of polymer 3D printing technologies
3.3.2.Benchmarking: maximum build volume
3.3.3.Benchmarking: build rate
3.3.4.Benchmarking: Z resolution
3.3.5.Benchmarking: XY resolution
3.3.6.Benchmarking: price vs build volume
3.3.7.Benchmarking: price vs build rate
3.3.8.Benchmarking: price vs Z resolution
3.3.9.Benchmarking: build rate vs build volume
3.3.10.Benchmarking: build rate vs Z resolution
3.3.11.Comparison study: polymer 3D printing technologies overview
4.1.Introduction to photopolymer resins
4.2.Chemistry of photopolymer resins
4.3.Resins - advantages and disadvantages
4.4.General purpose resins - overview
4.5.General purpose resins - applications
4.6.Engineering resins - overview
4.7.Engineering resins - applications
4.8.Flexible resins - overview
4.9.Flexible resins - applications
4.10.Flexible resins - footwear
4.11.Castable resins - overview
4.12.Castable resins - applications
4.13.Healthcare resins - overview
4.14.Healthcare resins - applications
4.15.Extrusion resins - overview
4.16.Extrusion resins - applications
4.17.Viscous photosensitive resins
4.18.Photosensitive resin suppliers
5.1.Introduction to thermoplastic powders
5.2.Engineering (nylon) powder - overview
5.3.Engineering (nylon) powder - applications
5.4.Flexible powder - overview
5.5.Flexible powder - applications
5.6.Composite powder - overview
5.7.Composite powder - applications
5.8.High temperature powder - overview
5.9.High temperature powder - applications
5.10.Engineering (other) powder - overview
5.11.Engineering (other) powder - applications
5.12.Thermoplastic powders: post-processing
5.13.Thermoplastic powder suppliers
6.1.Introduction to thermoplastic filaments
6.2.General purpose filaments - overview
6.3.General purpose filaments - applications
6.4.Engineering filaments - overview
6.5.Engineering filaments - applications
6.6.Flexible filaments - overview
6.7.Flexible filaments - applications
6.8.Reinforced filaments - overview
6.9.Reinforced filaments - applications
6.10.High temperature filaments - overview
6.11.High temperature filaments - applications
6.12.Support filaments - overview
6.13.Breakaway vs soluble supports: SWOT analysis
6.14.High temp thermoplastic support materials
6.15.Fillers for thermoplastic filaments
6.16.Thermoplastic filament suppliers
6.17.Procurement of thermoplastic filaments
7.1.What is pellet 3D printing?
7.2.Filament extrusion vs pellet extrusion
7.3.Pellet 3D printing - advantages & disadvantages
7.4.Comparison with other 3D printing technologies and injection molding
7.5.Pellet 3D printing technologies on the market
7.6.Trends within pellet 3D printing
7.7.Target industries and applications
7.8.Example use cases of pellet extrusion
7.9.Collaborations for pellet 3D printing
7.10.Materials suppliers for pellet 3D printing
7.11.Growth in pellet 3D printing
7.12.Pellet 3D printing: SWOT analysis
7.13.Outlook for pellet 3D printing
7.14.Pellet 3D printing companies
8.1.Polymer composites in 3D printing - overview
8.2.Composite 3D printing hardware
8.2.1.Chopped fiber thermoplastic filament extrusion
8.2.2.Continuous fiber thermoplastic filament extrusion
8.2.3.Continuous fiber thermoplastic tape extrusion
8.2.4.Sheet lamination
8.2.5.Powder bed fusion: selective laser sintering (SLS)
8.2.6.Continuous fiber thermoset extrusion
8.2.7.Composite vat photopolymerization
8.3.Composite 3D printing materials
8.3.1.Composite material feedstock: introduction
8.3.2.Material assessment: matrix considerations
8.3.3.Material assessment: mechanical properties
8.3.4.Material assessment: price and performance benchmarking
8.3.5.Material assessment: price and performance benchmarking
8.3.6.Complete material list: short carbon fiber
8.3.7.Complete material list: short glass fiber
8.3.8.Complete material list: powder
8.3.9.Complete material list: continuous fiber
8.3.10.Benchmarking study by independent research institute on composite 3D printing materials
8.3.11.Key composite 3D printing material news and developments
8.3.12.Recycled carbon fiber as feedstock material
8.3.13.Nanocarbon additive: property advantages
8.3.14.Nanocarbon additive: commercial activity
9.1.Polymer materials benchmarking: introduction
9.2.Resins: printing process comparison
9.3.Filaments: composite vs polymer comparison
9.4.Filaments: comparison by filament type
9.5.Filaments: comparison of unreinforced polymer filaments
9.6.Filaments: table of properties by filament type
9.7.Filaments: table of properties for unreinforced polymer filaments
9.8.Filaments: table of properties for unreinforced polymer filaments
9.9.Powders: comparison by powder type
9.10.Powders: table of properties by powder type
9.11.Powders: table of properties by composition
9.12.Polymer feedstock comparison
10.1.Introduction to post-processing
10.2.Why is post-processing done for 3D printing?
10.3.Overview of post-processing techniques for polymer additive manufacturing
10.4.Material removal
10.5.Surface finishing techniques
10.6.Other post-processing treatments
10.7.AM post-processing companies
10.8.Pain points for post-processing in AM
11.1.What are 3D printing service bureaus?
11.2.What does a service bureau do?
11.3.Value proposition behind service bureaus
11.4.Design for additive manufacturing (DfAM)
11.5.Notable service bureaus
11.6.Service bureau performance during the pandemic
11.7.Challenges facing service bureaus
11.8.Outlook for 3D printing service bureaus
11.9.List of selected 3D printing service bureaus
12.1.Polymer 3D printing for healthcare
12.1.1.Most popular 3D printing technologies in healthcare
12.1.2.Polymers used in medical 3D printing
12.1.3.Medical applications of polymer 3D printing
12.1.4.Medical applications of 3D printing by polymer type printing as a surgical tool
12.1.6.Using 3D printed models to improve patient care, standards and efficiency Printing Custom Plates, Implants, Valves and Stents printing external medical devices
12.1.9.Case study: hearing aids
12.1.10.Case study: orthotic insoles
12.1.11.High temperature thermoplastic filaments and powders for medicine
12.1.12.Photosensitive resins for medicine printing during the COVID-19 pandemic printing in pharmaceuticals printed pharma: novel dissolution profiles printed pharma: personalized medication printed pharma: novel drugs and drug testing printed pharma: commercial status and regulatory overview
12.1.19.Digital dentistry and 3D printing
12.1.20.Digital dentistry workflow
12.1.21.Photopolymer resins for dentistry
12.1.22.Case study: Invisalign
12.1.23.Case study: dental models
12.1.24.Regulatory overview for polymer 3D printing in dentistry
12.2.Polymer 3D printing in aviation, space, and defense
12.2.1.Composite 3D printing: aerospace and defense
12.2.2.Composite 3D printing: UAVs and satellites
12.2.3.Composite 3D printing: aviation tooling
12.2.4.OEM AM strategy - Airbus
12.2.5.OEM AM strategy - Boeing
12.2.6.OEM AM strategy - Rolls-Royce
12.3.Other industries using polymer additive manufacturing
12.3.4.Manufacturing plants
12.3.5.Consumer goods
12.3.6.Art and design
13.1.Impact of COVID-19: summary of company perspectives
13.2.Fiscal year 2021 results: legacy 3D printer manufacturers
13.3.Fiscal year 2021 results: emerging printer manufacturers
13.4.Fiscal year 2021 results: service providers
13.5.Polymer 3D printing investment overview for 2021
13.6.Notable polymers-related acquisitions in 2021
13.7.Acquisition spotlight: Desktop Metal
13.8.Companies that went public in 2021: summary
13.9.Companies going public in 2021 by company type
13.10.Printer companies going public in 2021 by material
13.11.Companies going public in 2021: SPAC vs IPO
13.12.Polymer 3D printing private funding in 2021 by company type and material type
13.13.Top 10 polymer AM-related fundraising rounds in 2021
13.14.3D printing investment overview for H1 2022
13.15.Notable acquisitions/mergers in H1 2022
13.16.H2 2022 acquisition highlights - Stratasys, Covestro, 3D Systems, dp polar, and ZMorph
13.17.Companies going public in H1 2022
13.18.3D printing investment in H1 2022
13.19.3D printing hardware historic revenue growth
13.20.Evolution of market shares for 7 printing processes
13.21.Hardware market share for printing processes by company
13.22.Polymer 3D printing hardware revenue by manufacturer region
13.23.Polymer 3D printing technology segmentation
13.24.Current polymer 3D printing technology market share
13.25.Current market share of polymer materials demand - revenue and mass
14.1.Polymer 3D printing market forecast 2023-2033
14.2.Polymer 3D printing hardware forecasts
14.3.Forecast methodology and presentation of findings
14.4.3D printing hardware market by technology
14.5.3D printing install base by technology
14.6.Polymer 3D printing technology market share in 2033
14.7.Polymer 3D printing material forecasts
14.8.Forecast methodology and presentation of findings
14.9.Polymer AM materials forecast by feedstock - revenue and mass
14.10.Polymer AM materials forecast by feedstock - discussion
14.11.Polymer AM materials forecast by technology - revenue and mass
14.12.Polymer materials forecast by technology - discussion
14.13.Photopolymer resins forecast by type - revenue and mass
14.14.Photopolymer resins forecast by type - discussion
14.15.Thermoplastic filaments forecast by type - revenue and mass
14.16.Thermoplastic filaments forecast by type - discussion
14.17.Thermoplastic powders forecast by type - revenue and mass
14.18.Thermoplastic powders forecast by type - discussion
14.19.Key trends for polymer 3D printing materials
14.21.Company profiles
14.22.3D printing research at IDTechEx
15.1.Polymer 3D printing market forecast 2023-2033
15.2.3D printing hardware market by technology
15.3.3D printing install base by technology
15.4.Polymer AM materials forecast by feedstock -mass
15.5.Polymer AM materials forecast by feedstock - revenue
15.6.Polymer AM materials forecast by technology -mass
15.7.Polymer AM materials forecast by technology - revenue
15.8.Photopolymer resins forecast by type - mass
15.9.Photopolymer resins forecast by type - revenue
15.10.Thermoplastic filaments forecast by type - mass
15.11.Thermoplastic filaments forecast by type - revenue
15.12.Thermoplastic powders forecast by type - mass
15.13.Thermoplastic powders forecast by type - revenue

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High-value adoption of polymer 3D printing will drive its US$21 billion market size by 2033

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Pages 317
Forecasts to 2033

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