The flow of water across multilayer graphene-based membranes involves multiple twists and turns. We present a theoretical framework which successfully predicts the permeability across such labyrinthine structures. It provides a benchmark to which experimental data are favorably compared, and offers possibility of application as liquid separation membranes.
Hiroaki Yoshida is researcher at Toyota Central R&D Labs. (TCRDL), Inc. After receiving his Ph.D in Engineering from Kyoto University, he has worked on modelling and simulation of lithium ion batteries at TCRDL. In 2015-2017 he stayed at École Normale Supérieure in Paris as a visiting researcher. His field of interest ranges from computational fluid dynamics and molecular dynamics, to nanofluidics and surface phenomena.
Chairman: Mitsuhisa Kato
Vice Chairman: Masahiko Miyaki
President: Noboru Kikuchi
Established: November, 1960
Capital: 3 billion yen
Number of Employees: 1,000
Location: 41-1, Yokomichi, Nagakute, Aichi 480-1192, Japan