Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most important technical fields of our era. Progress in AI technology has shown tremendous potential for benefitting mankind by improving efficiency and savings in virtually all industries. With the explosive growth of AI technology, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive legal strategy for better protection and enforcement of intellectual property in AI. The presentation will show AI and IoT related intellectual property protection in China under this background.
Ms. Zhang joined Liu, Shen & Associates in April, 2007. She provides intellectual property related services such as patent prosecution, patent re-examination, patent invalidation, patent litigation, patent analysis, and patent search with a focus on telecommunication, artificial intelligence (AI), computer science, Internet and so on.
Ms. Zhang is experienced in patent prosecutions relating to AI technology. She is also experienced in infringement litigations and invalidations relating to Standard Essential Patent (SEP) and non-SEP in telecommunication field.
Ms. Zhang became a qualified patent attorney in 2007, and got her qualification as an attorney at law in 2008.
Ms. Zhang received her Master of Laws (LLM) degree from The John Marshall Law School (JMLS) in Chicago, IL, USA, with a major on Intellectual Property Law, in 2016, and received the Graduate with Honors Award.
Ms. Zhang received her master's degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications with a major on Information and Communication System, in April, 2007.
Established in March 1993, Liu Shen & Associates is a patent and trademark agency designated by the Chinese government to deal with patent and trademark affairs involving overseas parties, and also a law firm registered at the Ministry of Justice. As a three-in-one firm, Liu Shen & Associates has the capability to serve its clients in all phases of intellectual property: acquisition of the rights, transfer and/or licensing of the rights, investment with the rights, enforcement and protection of the rights, and related litigation and administrative proceedings.