Printable circuits are suitable for biometric sensing. Our chemical sensors have capacity to detect various substances. In addition to conventional temperature and pressure sensors, we are going to make a device consisting of chemical sensors, take biological information, and use it for health care
Yusuke YAMANASHI graduated from the University of Electro-Communications with a Master's degree in Chemical Life Engineering. His specialty is the fabrication and measurement of electronic devices using organic / inorganic hybrid materials. After joining JNC Corporation, he assigned to the development team of Organic Semiconductor Materials. While collaborating with various universities, he has established material purification protocol, measurement method of physical properties, transistor design and fabrication. He has been examining printing technology. Currently, he is working on the Development of Sensing Electronics, which is a development team for developing sensor technology that stems from organic semiconductor and exploring its applications
JNC Corporation, established in 1906, is a global chemical company providing products
in display (LCD, OLED), electronics (OFET, inkjet printed electronics), textiles (fibers,
unwoven fabrics), healthcare and agriculture industries.
JNC is introducing a new class of enabling organic semiconductors (OSC) and a related
flexible chemical sensor platform and chemical receptors.
JNC's new organic semiconductor inks offer high mobility, easy coating and short tact
time suitable for use in printed/flexible/wearable electronics while its OSC-enabled
flexible chemical sensors offer selective detection of chemical species and lower noise
making them suitable for sensing an array of chemical species, ions and biomolecules.