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Tuesday, 28 Apr 2015


Printed Electronics Track A

Printed Electronics Track B

Wearable Technology

Welcome and Introduction
Mr Raghu Das, CEO
United Kingdom
Creating Value-Added Products Using Surface Electronics
Mr Stein Lundby, R&D Manager
United States
09:10Ericsson AB
The Power of Touch - Exploring the Real World Web
Mr Jan Hederen, DU Radio, Strategy Manager
Ericsson AB
Wearable Technologies: The Design & Manufacturing Challenges
Mr Keith Churches, Head of Innovation
United Kingdom
10:00Stora Enso Oyj/ Renewable Packaging
Internet of Packages
Dr Juha Maijala, Manager, Intelligent Solutions
Stora Enso Oyj/ Renewable Packaging
 Wearable Technology Keynotes
10:25Break Break
Next Generation of Wearables for Sport Application
Mr Antoine Ravise, Innovation Manager
12:20  Fashion Innovation Agency
Can Fashion Bridge The Technology Gap?
Mr Matthew Drinkwater, Head of Fashion Innovation Agency
Fashion Innovation Agency
United Kingdom
12:45Printed Electronics Awards Wearable Technology Awards
13:10Lunch Lunch
  Printed and Flexible SensorsWearable Gadgets Unconstrained
14:30 ISORG
Printed Optical Sensors and Image Sensors on Plastic for Medical, Internet-of-things, Industry 4.0 and Wearable Devices
Mr Laurent Jamet, ISORG Co-Founder, Director Business Development
The Future of Wearable Technology: You're already wearing it!
Mr Paul Stacey, Director of Marketing and Business Development
14:55 Brewer Science, Inc.
Advanced Carbon-Based Materials and Fabrication Techniques for Printable Transducers for Sensing Applications
Dr Stephen Gibbons, Director of Technology
Brewer Science, Inc.
United States
Qualcomm Life
Connected, Continuous & Coordinated: How mHealth Improves Standards of Care and Enables Connected Therapies in Order to Improve Therapies and Outcomes
Mr Thomas Olesen, Commercial Director
Qualcomm Life
15:20 Joanneum Research
Innovative Use Cases Based on Fully Printed Piezo-/Pyroelectric Sensors
Mr Gregor Scheipl, Scientist
Joanneum Research
Vuzix (Europe) Ltd
Making Smart Glasses Truly Wearable
Mr David Lock, Director of Operations EMEA Region
Vuzix (Europe) Ltd
United Kingdom
15:45  GLUCE
You can do more than you can do - Activate your body potential through muscle stimulating textiles (antelope.club)
Mr Philipp G. Schwarz, Chairman
16:10 BreakBreak
16:45Low Power DisplaysSolidsense
New Printed Electrochemical Gas Sensors on Planar Polymer Technology
Mr Peter Koller, CEO
Runtastic GmbH
Fitness Wearables: Standing out from the Crowd
Mr Christian Kaar, CTO
Runtastic GmbH
17:10Sharp Devices Europe GMBH
Ultra Low Power Outdoor Displays - Enabling New Consumer and Industrial Applications
Jeremy Lock,
Sharp Devices Europe GMBH
United Kingdom
Electrolux Italia S.p.A. Global Technology Centre
Polymer Nanostructures Fabrication and use in Sensing Applications
Dr Cristina Bertoni, Project Leader
Electrolux Italia S.p.A. Global Technology Centre
Ohmatex ApS
Creating Textile Integrated Wearables
Mr Christian Dalsgaard, Founder and CTO
Ohmatex ApS
17:35E Ink Corporation
Novel Applications for New Electrophoretic Displays
Dr Paul Apen, Chief Strategy Officer
E Ink Corporation
United States
The Bainisha Concept - The Ultimate Body Motion Capturing System
Ms Kaat Van De Vyver, Public Affairs Manager
18:00Day 1 EndsDay 1 EndsDay 1 Ends

Wednesday, 29 Apr 2015


Wearable Technology

Internet of Things Track A

 New Wearable Technology Products 
Smart Materials for Future Wearable Technology 2015-2025
Dr Peter Harrop, Chairman
United Kingdom
The Art of Seamless System Integration. The Iilation Jacket: First and Foremost a Luxury Leather Jacket.
Mr Markus Strecker, CEO and Founder
09:45VARTA Microbattery GmbH
Energy Solutions for Wearable Technologies
Mr Philipp Miehlich, General Manager Marketing & Sales OEM
VARTA Microbattery GmbH
 Stretchable & Textile Integrated ElectronicsSensors for IoT, WT and Contextual Knowledge
11:15Sensing Tex, S.L.
Printed Smart Textile Interactive Touch Sensors
Mr Miguel Ridao, CEO
Sensing Tex, S.L.
Announcing BeanIoT™ - Defining Form, Fit and Function of IoT Leaf-Nodes
Mr Andrew Holland, Managing Director
United Kingdom
11:40Gunma University
Stretchable Electrically-conductive Pastes for Wearable Device Packaging
Dr Masahiro Inoue, Lecturer
Gunma University
Fraunhofer FOKUS
The Open Platforms as Key Enabler for Developing IoT Applications
Dr Adel Al-Hezmi, ICT Senior Solutions Architect
Fraunhofer FOKUS
12:05Holst Centre
Stretchable, Flexible Electronics for Integration into Textiles for Smart Garments
Dr Margreet de Kok, Senior Scientist
Holst Centre
DecaWave / Agilion
Micro-Location - The value of Answering to the "Where" Question
Mr Luc Darmon, VP of Strategy and Business Development
DecaWave / Agilion
12:30University of Southampton
Dispenser Printed Electronic Devices Directly on to Fabric for Smart Textile Applications
Dr Russel Torah, Senior Research Fellow
University of Southampton
United Kingdom
Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Security for Future Smart-Home IoT Networks - Easy to use
Dr Rainer Matischek, Staff Engineer System Engineering
Infineon Technologies Austria AG
 Light Harvesting for Internet of Things & Wearable Technology 
14:30Alta Devices
Solar: Pulling the Plug on Next-Gen Wearables
Mr Robert Parenti, Technical Marketing Engineer
Alta Devices
United States
PowerWeave: Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Fibres, Towards a Self-Powered Fabric
Ms Virginie Canart,
15:20Fundacion ITMA
Integrating PV into a Textile Architecture to Power Facade Lighting
Dr Armando Menendez, Project Manager/Product Development
Fundacion ITMA
15:45Sharp Laboratories of Europe Ltd
Indoor light Energy Harvester with High Power Output
Mr Mathieu Bellanger, Senior Researcher
Sharp Laboratories of Europe Ltd
United Kingdom
 Optics and Cameras for Wearable Technology 
Advanced Optical solutions for New visualization Applications
Mrs Sylvie Joly, Display and Sensors Program Manager, CEA
Customers' Voice in Product Development and How You Process Feedback and Data
Elisabet Stigard, Head of Support
17:30Day 2 Ends 

Tuesday April 28, 2015

Keynotes (08:30 - 14:30)

08:30 - 08:45 "Welcome and Introduction"
08:45 - 09:10 "Creating Value-Added Products Using Surface Electronics"
This presentation will describe Qualcomm's experience developing value-added products using printed electronics technologies.
09:10 - 09:35 "The Power of Touch - Exploring the Real World Web"
Today, we are on the brink of an extraordinary revolution where everything that benefits from a connection will have one.
This Networked Society is in real time will place many new requirements on us while opening up opportunities beyond our imagination. Those who have the ability to rethink, reinvent and innovate will be winners in this new value-creating ecosystem.
In the presentation "The power of touch - Exploring the real world web" Jan Hederen at Ericsson will present discuss and demonstrate our initial findings in creating a clickable world. In the Connected Print project Ericsson together with partners have explored the opportunities, challenges and market value to combine mobile networks, smartphones and printed electronics.
09:35 - 10:00 "Wearable Technologies: The Design & Manufacturing Challenges"
Flextronics responds to customer design requests that come from virtually every market segment associated with electrical and electronics manufacture. This places us in an ideal position to monitor market trends, one of which is the embedding of electronics into wearables; this creates some interesting challenges. In recognition of this Flextronics is investing into, and partnering to develop, new core technologies used in design and manufacturing processes in order to meet current and future demands within this industry.
This paper provides details of some of these technologies and challenges that will provide life-style and life-saving benefits with numerous use-cases that leverage latest advances in communications, flexible electronics, batteries and materials.
There are a number of products developed and deployed today for the medical, industrial and life style markets that will be shown.
10:00 - 10:25 "Internet of Packages"
Internet of things is a buzz word in the consultancy world but with RFID and items that might be even more realistic than the history of RFID has shown us. What kind of features are available and can be incorporated into items and packages and what will the future look like.
10:25 Break
12:45 Printed Electronics Awards
13:10 Lunch