燃料电池电动车 2024-2044:市场、技术和预测

燃料电池乘用车、轻型商用车、卡车和城市公共汽车的燃料电池车辆部署、技术和详细预测。单位销量,燃料电池 MW 需求,GWh 电池需求和市场规模。

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IDTechEx's report "Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles 2024-2044: Markets, Technologies, and Forecasts" explores the market for on-road fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) including cars, light commercial vehicles, medium- and heavy-duty trucks, and buses. The report covers the market drivers, barriers, players, technology, models, benchmarking, and forecasts adoption for the next 20 years for unit sales, fuel cell demand, battery demand, and market value.
In response to the threat posed by climate change and poor urban air quality many countries are tightening emissions regulation to reduce the impact from on-road transportation. This legislation is forcing OEMs away from traditional combustion engines and toward zero emission powertrains. The two key technologies to achieve this are battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and FCEVs.
Whilst the market for pure battery-electric vehicles (BEV) is beginning to take-off in many transport segments, the energy density limits of lithium-ion batteries means that the range of battery electric vehicles is restricted by both the maximum weight of batteries that can be carried by a vehicle and the available space for batteries within that vehicle. Fuel cell technologies offer automakers an avenue to greater vehicle range, whilst still delivering the crucial reduction in on-road exhaust emissions.
A further significant benefit of fuel cell systems is that the refueling of hydrogen tanks is similar to refueling conventional combustion engine vehicles (a few minutes) and is considerably faster than comparatively slow electric charging, which can take several hours. The range and refueling advantage of FCEV could be particularly critical for the viability of zero-emission heavy-duty truck and bus operations, where there is a high daily range requirement, long operating hours, and the need for operational flexibility.
Fuel Cell Passenger Cars
Progress in the passenger car market for fuel cells has largely been driven by Toyota and Hyundai, following the exit of Honda's Clarity in 2021. Many other major OEMs have invested significant in the technology over the past 30 years including Ford, GM, Volkswagen, Daimler, and BMW. Toyota and Hyundai accounted for the vast majority of global FC car sales in 2021 and 2022, with around 15,000 sales in each year.
Sales of FC cars globally. Progress has been driven by South Korea and California in the US. Full data and forecast to 2044 available in "Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles 2024-2044: Markets, Technologies, and Forecasts".
China is seeing a growing interest in FC cars, with several OEMs now demonstrating models which given the support from China towards a hydrogen economy, could see future success.
Battery electric vehicles, whose development began in earnest at a similar time to FCEV, sold more than 7.7 million units in 2022. Whilst IDTechEx predicts fuel cell cars to experience growth over the forecast period, it will remain a very small portion of zero emission cars, with BEVs taking the majority share.
Hydrogen Generation
Fuel cell vehicle deployment faces considerable challenges, including decreasing the cost of fuel cell system components to reduce the upfront cost of fuel cell vehicles, and rolling out sufficient hydrogen refueling infrastructure to make driving a FCEV workable. Also essential will be the availability of cheap 'green' hydrogen, produced by the electrolysis of water using renewable electricity, which analysis in the new IDTechEx report highlights will be vital to FCEVs delivering the environmental credentials on which they are being sold.
The most developed, cheapest, and scalable method currently available for hydrogen generation is steam methane (natural gas) reforming. H2 produced by this method is known as "grey hydrogen". This process however produces a significant volume of CO2, meaning the well-to-wheel carbon footprint of FCEV using grey hydrogen would offer a very limited emission reduction potential over modern combustion engine vehicles. This IDTechEx report looks at hydrogen and renewable energy generation to analyze the CO2 generated per km for BEVs and FCEVs under various assumptions. FCEVs only make sense in terms of emissions reduction if the hydrogen used is green and grey hydrogen can make them comparable to existing diesel engines.
Despite significant challenges for the FCEV market, many governments around the world are offering significant support for the development of zero-emission vehicles, with several major economies including Japan, Korea, Germany, and China backing efforts for an extensive transformation away from fossil fuels to a wider hydrogen economy. With the backing of governments, increasing interest from large multinational energy firms who have recognized they need a strategy to transition to cleaner fuels, and strong commitment being shown by several major OEMs (though chiefly Toyota and Hyundai), there is currently a clear concerted effort to push FCEV development and deployment.
Fuel Cell Trucks and Buses
Of particular focus in the IDTechEx report are the heavy-duty truck and bus markets, which operate demanding applications that require long daily range, have constrained refueling time availability, and require operational flexibility. Whilst this segment of the transport industry is also facing tightening legislative requirements to reduce exhaust emissions, BEV solutions are potentially less feasible in these applications, with the weight and cost of the lithium-ion battery required to deliver the daily-duty cycle prohibitive. These applications therefore offer a market segment where FCEVs could offer the only viable zero-emission solution. This new report looks in detail at the challenge of employing fuel cell commercial vehicles, including CAPEX costs, the influence of H2 fuel cost on viability, and examples from current FCEV deployments.
Hydrogen consumption for FC trucks. IDTechEx's benchmarks various parameters from FC truck models. Full model list available in "Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles 2024-2044: Markets, Technologies, and Forecasts".
This report and its granular market forecasts will be of interest to companies across the transport value chain: fuel cell and electrolyzer manufacturers, battery and electric motor manufacturers, hydrogen refueling infrastructure developers, parts and systems suppliers, along with companies in the energy sector, government agencies, research organizations, and companies or individuals looking to invest in a technology that has the potential to be a vital element in efforts to decarbonize the transportation sector.
Report MetricsDetails
Historic Data2015 - 2022
CAGRThe global market for fuel cell electric vehicles will exceed US$180 billion by 2044, with a CAGR of 23%.
Forecast Period2023 - 2044
Forecast UnitsUnits, kWh, kW, US$
Regions CoveredWorldwide, China, Europe, United States
Segments CoveredCars, buses, light commercial vehicles, medium-duty trucks, heavy-duty trucks
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1.1.What's New in this Report
1.2.Report Overview
1.3.What is a Fuel Cell Vehicle?
1.4.Attraction of Fuel Cell Vehicles
1.5.Deployment Barriers for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles
1.6.The Hydrogen Economy
1.7.The Colors of Hydrogen
1.8.System Efficiency Between BEVs and FCEVs
1.9.Outlook for Fuel Cell Passenger Cars
1.10.Growth and Stagnation of Fuel Cell Passenger Cars
1.11.Price and Range Comparison of BEV and FCEV Cars
1.12.Europe eLCV Sales 2022 - BEV Leads FCEV
1.13.China NEV eLCV Sales 2017-2022
1.14.Cost and Range Benchmark of BEV and FCEV LCV Models
1.15.Outlook for Fuel Cell Light Commercial Vehicles
1.16.Truck Model Availability Growing
1.17.Range of Zero Emission Medium and Heavy Trucks
1.18.Up Front Costs of BEV and FCEV Trucks Progression
1.19.FCEV Truck Hydrogen Consumption - OEM Benchmarking
1.20.Heavy-Duty Truck CO2 Emissions: FCEV, BEV & ICE
1.21.Batteries vs Fuel Cells: Driving Range
1.22.Outlook for Fuel Cell Buses
1.23.Will Battery Improvements Make Fuel Cell Buses Obsolete?
1.24.FCEV Bus H2 Consumption Benchmarking
1.25.FCEV Sales Forecast by Vehicle Type 2020-2044 (Units)
1.26.FCEV vs BEV Market Share in 2044
2.1.The Core Driver for Transport Decarbonization
2.2.Transport Emissions Rising
2.3.Transport GHG Emissions: China, US & Europe
2.4.Urban Air Quality
2.5.Poor Air Quality Causes Premature Deaths
2.6.Fossil Fuel Bans: Explained
2.7.Fossil Fuel Bans (Cities)
2.8.Replacement for ICE - Zero Emission Electric Vehicles
2.9.What is a Fuel Cell Vehicle?
2.10.Attraction of Fuel Cell Vehicles
2.11.Transport Applications for Fuel Cells
2.12.Toyota Mobility Roadmap
2.13.Why is the Focus on Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles?
2.14.Fuel Cell Vehicles as a Part of the Hydrogen Economy
2.15.30 Years of Fuel Cell Vehicle Prototypes
2.16.Deployment Barriers for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles
2.17.System Efficiency Between BEVs and FCEVs
2.18.The Challenge: Green Hydrogen Cost Reduction
2.19.Fuel Cost per Mile: FCEV, BEV, internal-combustion
2.20.Volume Production to Decrease FCEV Cost
2.21.Zero Emission Vehicles: BEV Booming
2.22.FCEV Competing with Improving Li-ion Batteries
3.1.1.What is a fuel cell?
3.1.2.Overview of Fuel Cell Types
3.2.PEMFC Technology & Materials
3.2.1.PEMFC Working Principle
3.3.PEMFC Assembly and Materials
3.3.1.Role of the Gas Diffusion Layer
3.3.2.Bipolar Plates Overview
3.3.3.Materials for BPPs: Graphite vs metal
3.3.4.Toyota Fuel Cell
3.3.5.Membrane: Purpose and form factor
3.3.6.Market leading membrane material: Nafion
3.3.7.Catalyst: Purpose and form factor
3.3.8.Trends for fuel cell catalysts
3.4.SOFC Technology & Materials
3.4.1.SOFC working principle
3.4.2.SOFC assembly and materials
3.5.SOFC powered vehicles
3.5.3.Unmanned vehicles
3.5.4.Auxiliary power units
3.5.5.Outlook for SOFC powered vehicles
4.1.1.The hydrogen economy
4.1.2.Which sectors could hydrogen decarbonize?
4.1.3.State of the hydrogen industry
4.1.4.The colors of hydrogen
4.1.5.The colors of hydrogen
4.1.6.Traditional hydrogen production
4.1.7.Removing CO2 emissions from hydrogen production
4.1.8.Main electrolyzer technologies
4.1.9.Future trend of the electrolyzer market
4.1.10.Important competing factors for the green H2 market
4.1.11.Main blue hydrogen technologies
4.1.12.Notable blue hydrogen projects
4.1.13.Blue H2 process comparison summary & key takeaways
4.1.14.Hydrogen production processes by stage of development
4.2.Hydrogen Refueling for FCEVs
4.2.1.Hydrogen purity requirements
4.2.2.Hydrogen refueling stations (HRS)
4.2.3.Energy Density of Hydrogen
4.2.4.Hydrogen Compared to Other Fuels
4.2.5.Transporting Hydrogen
4.2.6.State of hydrogen refueling infrastructure worldwide (1/2)
4.2.7.State of hydrogen refueling infrastructure worldwide (2/2)
4.2.8.Alternative hydrogen refueling concepts
4.2.9.The Clean Energy Partnership
4.2.10.Cost of hydrogen at the pump (1/2)
4.2.11.Cost of hydrogen at the pump (2/2)
4.2.12.LIFTE H2: higher pressure transportation is needed
4.2.13.LIFTE H2: Mobile H2 refuelers are more competitive
4.2.14.Netherlands Funding a Hydrogen Network
4.2.15.Infrastructure Costs
4.2.16.Developing Hydrogen Refuelling Infrastructure
4.2.17.Hydrogen FCEVs - Air Products, Hyvia & Renault
4.3.Hydrogen Storage in FCEVs
4.3.1.Compressed hydrogen storage
4.3.2.Compressed storage vessel classification
4.3.3.Reduction in compressed cylinder weight
4.3.4.FCEV onboard hydrogen tanks
4.3.5.Onboard FCEV tank suppliers
4.3.6.Liquid hydrogen (LH2)
4.3.7.LH2 tanks for onboard FCEV storage
4.3.8.Cryo-compressed hydrogen storage (CcH2)
4.3.9.BMW'S Cryo-compressed storage tank
4.3.10.IDTechEx's Hydrogen Research Portfolio
5.1.1.Outlook for Fuel Cell Passenger Cars
5.1.2.Fuel Cell Passenger Cars
5.1.3.Fuel Cell Passenger Car Components
5.1.4.FCEV Cars Operating Modes
5.1.5.Fuel Cell Car Models
5.1.6.Growth and Stagnation of Fuel Cell Passenger Cars
5.1.7.FCEV Car Market Share Toyota, Hyundai, Honda, 2016-2022
5.1.8.Hydrogen: Emissions & Cost Issues
5.1.9.Powertrain Tailpipe Emissions Comparison
5.2.Fuel Cell Passenger Car Players, Sales, and Benchmarking
5.2.1.Toyota Fuel Cell Passenger Cars History
5.2.2.Toyota Roadmap for Electrification
5.2.3.Toyota Mirai 1st Gen 2015
5.2.4.Toyota Mirai 1st Gen Components
5.2.5.Toyota Mirai 2nd Generation
5.2.6.Toyota Mirai 2nd Gen. Significant Upgrades
5.2.7.Toyota Mirai 2nd Gen H2 Safety Measures
5.2.8.Purchase Incentives
5.2.9.Toyota Mirai Sales 2014-2023H1
5.2.10.Decreasing CAPEX of FCEV
5.2.11.Toyota FCEV Following the Prius Pathway
5.2.12.Toyota Mirai Demonstrator Fleets
5.2.13.Toyota FCEV Goals 2023 and Beyond
5.2.14.Toyota Fuel Cell Pickup Truck
5.2.15.Hyundai Fuel Cell Passenger Car History
5.2.16.Hyundai FCEV Improvements
5.2.17.Hyundai NEXO SUV
5.2.18.Hyundai NEXO Components
5.2.19.Hyundai NEXO Components
5.2.20.Hyundai NEXO Hydrogen Tanks
5.2.21.Hyundai FCEV Goals
5.2.22.Hyundai Partners Forze Hydrogen Racing
5.2.23.Hyundai N Vision 74: A Rolling Lab
5.2.24.Hyundai NEXO Sales 2018-2023H1
5.2.25.Korea Subsidy Incentives from 2021: FCEV push but BEV far ahead
5.2.26.Korea Changing Subsidies for 2023
5.2.27.Honda Clarity Fuel Cell
5.2.28.Honda FCEV Development Timeline
5.2.29.Honda Clarity FCEV Components
5.2.30.Honda Discontinue FC-Clarity: Weak Demand
5.2.31.Honda to Re-enter FCEV the Market
5.2.32.BMW to Produce FCEVs?
5.2.33.Renault-Nissan Fuel Cell Development
5.2.34.Nissan e-NV200 SOFC Bio-Ethanol Prototype
5.2.35.Renault Returns to FCEVs with Scenic
5.2.36.General Motors Fuel Cell Development
5.2.37.GM HYDROTEC Fuel Cell Evolution
5.2.38.GM Pathway "An All Electric Future"
5.2.39.Daimler Mercedes-Benz GLC F-CELL
5.2.40.Mercedes-Benz GLC F-CELL Components
5.2.41.Mercedes-Benz GLC F-CELL Operating Modes
5.2.42.Mercedes End FCEV Car Development
5.2.43.Volkswagen Group: No to FCEV Passenger Cars
5.2.44.Volkswagen Group - H2 Inefficiency as a Fuel
5.2.45.VW Fuel Cell Car Development with Kraftwerk
5.2.46.Audi Abandons FCEV Development
5.2.47.Audi A7 Sportback H-Tron
5.2.48.Riversimple: Highly Efficient City FCEV
5.2.49.Chinese FCEV Cars
5.2.50.China FCEV Focus on Commercial Vehicles
5.2.51.Some in China Still Targeting Passenger Cars
5.2.52.Announced Chinese FCEV Cars
5.2.53.Announced Chinese FCEV Cars
5.2.54.Announced Chinese FCEV Cars
5.2.55.SAIC China's FCEV Car Pioneer
5.2.56.SAIC - Mass Market FC MPV
5.2.57.Changan Deep Blue SL03: China's First Mass Produced FC Car
5.2.58.Attitude to FCEV Cars by Company
5.2.59.FCEV Hydrogen Consumption Benchmarking
5.2.60.FCEV Car Fuel Size Benchmarking
5.3.Fuel Cell Passenger Car Barriers
5.3.1.Price and Range Comparison of BEV and FCEV Cars
5.3.2.FC-Car Fuelling / Charging Advantage?
5.3.3.Hydrogen Stations in Decline in Europe?
5.3.4.Passenger Car CO2 Emissions: FCEV, BEV & ICE
5.3.5.CO2 Emission from Electricity Generation
5.3.6.Fuelling Costs Petrol vs Hydrogen
5.3.7.Fuelling FCEV Costs vs Charging BEVs
5.3.8.Fuel cost comparison per kWh of propulsion in Norway
5.3.9.Tesla No Interest in Fuel Cells
5.3.10.Car Emissions by Powertrain Technology in China
5.3.11.FCEV Car Conclusions
5.3.12.Why Pursue Fuel Cell Cars?
5.4.Fuel Cell Passenger Car Forecasts
5.4.1.Fuel Cell Car Forecasts
5.4.2.FCEV Car Sales Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (Units)
5.4.3.FCEV Car Fuel Cell Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GW)
5.4.4.FCEV Car Battery Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GWh)
5.4.5.FCEV Car Market Value Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (US$)
6.1.1.Light Commercial Vehicles Definition
6.1.2.CO2 emission from the LCV sector
6.1.3.Electric LCVs: Drivers and Barriers
6.1.4.Considerations for BEV and FCEV LCV Adoption
6.1.5.Europe eLCV Sales 2022 - BEV Leads FCEV
6.1.6.China NEV eLCV Sales 2017-2022
6.1.7.LCV Range Requirement
6.1.8.LCV Range Requirement
6.1.9.LCV Range Requirement Compared to Trucks
6.1.10.Fuel Cell LCVs
6.2.Fuel Cell Light Commercial Vehicles: Players and Benchmarking
6.2.1.Example Fuel Cell LCV Specifications
6.2.2.Groupe Renault
6.2.3.Renault Hydrogen System Diagrams
6.2.4.HYVIA - Renault and Plug Power FC-LCV Joint Venture
6.2.5.Stellantis Fuel Cell LCVs
6.2.6.Stellantis - Citroen / Peugeot / Vauxhall / Opel FC-Van
6.2.7.Symbio Fuel Cell Systems
6.2.8.Faurecia and Symbio
6.2.9.Ballard and Linamar Light-Duty Fuel Cell Alliance
6.2.10.Fuel Cell Electric Vans - Holthausen
6.2.11.Bosch Fuel Cell Progress in China
6.2.12.Cost and Range Benchmark of BEV and FCEV LCV Models
6.3.Fuel Cell Light Commercial Vehicles: Forecasts
6.3.1.Outlook for Fuel Cell Light Commercial Vehicles
6.3.2.FCEV LCV Sales Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (Units)
6.3.3.FCEV LCV Fuel Cell Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GW)
6.3.4.FCEV LCV Battery Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GWh)
6.3.5.FCEV LCV Market Value Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (US$)
7.1.1.Fuel Cells Trucks Outlook
7.1.2.The rise of zero (or near zero) exhaust emission trucks
7.1.3.Truck Classifications
7.1.4.Financial Driver: Legislation in Europe
7.1.5.Road Freight Market
7.1.6.GHG Emission From the Truck Sector
7.1.7.Heavy-Duty Emission Standards
7.1.8.Fuel / CO2 Regulation for New Trucks
7.1.9.China's Fuel Cell Truck Drive
7.1.10.Fuel Cell Suppliers turn to Trucks in China
7.1.11.Fuel Saving Technology Areas
7.1.12.OEMs Endorse Transition to Zero-Emission
7.1.13.OEM Statements
7.1.14.Zero Emission Truck Considerations
7.2.Fuel Cell Trucks: Model Availability, Benchmarking, and Costs
7.2.1.Heavy-Duty Trucks: BEV or Fuel Cell?
7.2.2.Truck Model Availability Growing
7.2.3.Range of Zero Emission Medium and Heavy Trucks
7.2.4.Installed Battery Capacity by Truck Weight
7.2.5.Fuel Cell Power vs Vehicle Weight - OEM Benchmarking
7.2.6.Up Front Costs of BEV and FCEV Trucks Progression
7.2.7.Cost of H2 Trucks vs Battery Electric
7.2.8.Cost of H2 Trucks vs Battery Electric
7.2.9.Cost of H2 Trucks vs Battery Electric
7.2.10.Cost of H2 Trucks vs Battery Electric
7.2.11.Renewable Hydrogen Cost Prediction in Europe
7.2.12.Subsidies Available to Fuel Cell Trucks
7.2.13.FCEV Truck Hydrogen Consumption - OEM Benchmarking
7.2.14.Batteries vs. Fuel Cells: Driving Range
7.2.15.Daily Duty Cycle Demand
7.2.16.Powertrain and Range
7.2.17.External Cost of Heavy-Duty Trucks
7.2.18.Heavy-Duty Truck CO2 Emissions: FCEV, BEV & ICE
7.2.19.TCO for alternative powertrains vs diesel
7.2.20.Potential Impact of Inflation Reduction Act on FCEV Trucks
7.2.21.Fuel Cell Manufacturers Collaboration on FC-Trucks
7.2.22.Fuel Cell Company Acquisitions Related to Trucks
7.3.Fuel Cell Truck Players
7.3.1.Fuel Cell Trucks: Hyundai
7.3.2.Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility
7.3.3.Fuel Cell Trucks: DAIMLER / VOLVO
7.3.4.Daimler Trucks FCEV Demonstration
7.3.5.Volvo Group: Toward Fossil Free Transport
7.3.6.Scania to Concentrate on BEV-Trucks
7.3.7.Scania Still Developing Fuel Cell Trucks
7.3.8.Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies
7.3.9.Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies
7.3.10.HYZON Motors
7.3.11.HYZON Motors Heavy-Duty Truck Schematic
7.3.12.Nikola Corporation
7.3.13.Nikola Motor: BEV and FCEV
7.3.14.IDTechEx Take: The Future for Nikola
7.3.15.Fuel Cell Trucks: KENWORTH (PACCAR)
7.3.16.Fuel Cell Trucks: TOYOTA / HINO
7.3.17.VDL and Toyota Present First FCEV Truck
7.3.18.Fuel Cell Trucks: DONGFENG
7.3.19.BOSAL / Ceres Power - SOFC Range Extender
7.4.FCEV Truck Forecasts
7.4.1.FCEV and Total MDT Sales Forecast 2020-2044 (Units)
7.4.2.FCEV MDT Sales Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (Units)
7.4.3.FCEV MDT Fuel Cell Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GW)
7.4.4.FCEV MDT Battery Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GWh)
7.4.5.FCEV MDT Market Value Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (US$)
7.4.6.FCEV and Total HDT Sales Forecast 2020-2044 (Units)
7.4.7.FCEV HDT Sales Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (Units)
7.4.8.FCEV HDT Fuel Cell Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GW)
7.4.9.FCEV HDT Battery Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GWh)
7.4.10.FCEV HDT Market Value Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (US$)
8.1.1.Fuel Cell Buses Years of FC-Bus Development
8.1.3.Main Advantages / Disadvantages of Fuel Cell Buses
8.1.4.Fuel Cell Bus Schematic
8.1.5.Fuel Cell Bus Example Specifications
8.1.6.Other Zero / Low Emission Bus Options
8.1.7.Gaps in the Market: Prospect for fuel cell Buses
8.1.8.Battery Electric Buses: Rival or Complementary?
8.1.9.Can BEV and FCEV Coexist?
8.1.10.Infrastructure Cost BEV vs FCEV Bus Depot
8.1.11.Example Analysis: Foothill Transit, California, Line 486
8.1.12.Example Analysis: Foothill Transit
8.1.13.Delivering the Required Duty Milage
8.1.14.Californian Transit Agencies Milage Distribution
8.1.15.BEV vs FCEV Running Costs and Efficiency
8.1.16.Zero Emission Bus Range Per Day
8.1.17.Zero Emission Bus Range Per Day
8.1.18.Route Length Suitability for BEV Buses
8.1.19.Will Battery Improvements make Fuel Cell Buses Obsolete?
8.1.20.Will Battery Improvements make Fuel Cell Buses Obsolete?
8.1.21.Will Battery Improvements make Fuel Cell Buses Obsolete?
8.1.22.Will Battery Improvements make Fuel Cell Buses Obsolete?
8.1.23.Will Battery Improvements make Fuel Cell Buses Obsolete?
8.1.24.Loop Energy Inc
8.1.25.Comparison Hydrogen Fuel Cost vs Diesel Cost
8.2.FC Buses: Regional Performance, Costs, and Players
8.2.1.Fuel Cell Bus Deployment Worldwide
8.2.2.Chinese Fuel Cell Bus OEM Market Share 2022
8.2.3.Chinese Fuel Cell Bus Examples
8.2.4.NEV Bus OEM Share in China 2019-2023
8.2.5.China Fuel Cell Installed Capacity 2022
8.2.6.CEMT - Edelman Hydrogen Energy Equipment
8.2.7.Beijing SinoHytec
8.2.9.Shanghai Hydrogen Propulsion Technology
8.2.10.REFIRE - Shanghai Reshaping Energy Technology
8.2.11.REFIRE - Shanghai Reshaping Energy Technology
8.2.12.Other Chinese Fuel Cell System Manufacturers
8.2.13.United Fuel Cell System R&D (Beijing) Co.
8.2.14.Toyota SORA Fuel Cell Bus
8.2.15.Structure of Toyota fuel cell bus
8.2.16.JAPAN FCEV Targets
8.2.17.Hyundai ELEC CITY Fuel Cell Bus
8.2.18.Iveco Fuel Cell Buses (Hyundai fuel cells)
8.2.19.Korea FCEV Targets
8.2.20.US Fuel Cell Buses: Active Fuel Cell Bus Project
8.2.21.US Fuel Cell Buses: fuel cell Bus Projects in Planning
8.2.22.US Fuel Cell Buses: Fuel cell Bus Projects Completed
8.2.23.Transitioning the US Fleet to Zero Emission Buses
8.2.24.The Cost of US Bus Fleet Transition to Zero Emission
8.2.25.US Fuel Cell Buses: Price 2010-2023
8.2.26.US Buses: Capex Cost 2015-2023 by Drivetrain
8.2.27.NREL Fuel Cell Bus Evaluations 2023
8.2.28.NREL Fuel Cell Bus Evaluations 2023
8.2.29.Fuel Cell Bus Long-Term Stack Performance Data
8.2.30.New Flyer Xcelsior CHARGE H2
8.2.31.ElDorado National AXESS Fuel Cell Bus
8.2.32.ElDorado National AXESS Schematic
8.2.33.Van Hool
8.2.34.US School Buses
8.2.35.US eBus Purchase Subsidies
8.2.36.European Fuel Cell Bus Deployment
8.2.37.EU JIVE 2 Targets
8.2.38.European Fuel Cell Bus Deployments (July 2023)
8.2.39.European Clean Bus Deployment Initiative
8.2.40.Cancelling Orders for Hydrogen Buses
8.2.41.Solaris Urbino 12 Hydrogen Bus
8.2.42.Solaris Alternative Drive Sales and Strategy
8.2.43.CaetanoBus H2.City Gold
8.2.44.Toyota Motor Europe Hydrogen Coaches
8.2.46.SAFRA Businova Hydrogen
8.2.47.Wrightbus StreetDeck Hydroliner
8.2.48.Van Hool EU Orders
8.2.49.ADL Enviro400 FCEV
8.2.50.FCEV Bus H2 Consumption Benchmarking
8.3.FC Buses: Forecasts
8.3.1.Outlook for Fuel Cell Buses
8.3.2.FCEV Bus Sales Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (Units)
8.3.3.FCEV Bus Fuel Cell Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GW)
8.3.4.FCEV Bus Battery Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GWh)
8.3.5.FCEV Bus Market Value Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (US$)
9.1.1.Forecast Assumptions
9.2.Forecast Summary: Passenger Cars
9.2.1.Forecast Assumptions
9.2.2.Fuel Cell Car Forecasts
9.2.3.FCEV Car Sales Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (Units)
9.2.4.FCEV Car Fuel Cell Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GW)
9.2.5.FCEV Car Battery Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GWh)
9.2.6.FCEV Car Market Value Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (US$)
9.3.Forecast Summary: Light Commercial Vehicles
9.3.1.Forecast Assumptions
9.3.2.FCEV LCV Sales Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (Units)
9.3.3.FCEV LCV Fuel Cell Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GW)
9.3.4.FCEV LCV Battery Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GWh)
9.3.5.FCEV LCV Market Value Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (US$)
9.4.Forecast Summary: Trucks
9.4.1.Forecast Assumptions
9.4.2.FCEV and Total MDT Sales Forecast 2020-2044 (Units)
9.4.3.FCEV MDT Sales Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (Units)
9.4.4.FCEV MDT Fuel Cell Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GW)
9.4.5.FCEV MDT Battery Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GWh)
9.4.6.FCEV MDT Market Value Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (US$)
9.4.7.FCEV and Total HDT Sales Forecast 2020-2044 (Units)
9.4.8.FCEV HDT Sales Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (Units)
9.4.9.FCEV HDT Fuel Cell Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GW)
9.4.10.FCEV HDT Battery Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GWh)
9.4.11.FCEV HDT Market Value Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (US$)
9.5.Forecast Summary: Buses
9.5.1.Forecast Assumptions
9.5.2.Forecast Assumptions
9.5.3.FCEV Bus Sales Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (Units)
9.5.4.FCEV Bus Fuel Cell Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GW)
9.5.5.FCEV Bus Battery Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GWh)
9.5.6.FCEV Bus Market Value Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (US$)
9.6.Forecast Summary: Total On-road FC Vehicles
9.6.1.FCEV Sales Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (Units)
9.6.2.FCEV Fuel Cell Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GW)
9.6.3.FCEV Battery Demand Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (GWh)
9.6.4.FCEV Market Value Forecast by Region 2020-2044 (US$)
9.6.5.FCEV Sales Forecast by Vehicle Type 2020-2044 (Units)
9.6.6.FCEV vs BEV Market Share in 2044
9.6.7.FCEV Fuel Cell Demand Forecast by Vehicle Type 2020-2044 (GW)
9.6.8.FCEV Battery Demand Forecast by Vehicle Type 2020-2044 (GWh)
9.6.9.FCEV Market Value Forecast by Vehicle Type 2020-2044 (US$)

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燃料电池电动车 2024-2044:市场、技术和预测

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到 2044 年,燃料电池电动车的市场规模将超过 1800 亿美元。


幻灯片 445
预测 2044


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ISBN: 9781835700051

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