Disruptive technologies, forms and applications
November 16 - 17, 2016 | Santa Clara, CA, USA

For Press

We are delighted to welcome members of the press to this event. A press pass includes the following entitlements:

  • Attendance to the two day conference and exhibition
  • Access to speaker presentations (Where we have permission)
  • Attendance to all networking opportunities including drinks receptions


What accreditation documents should I provide?

We will accept proof of an affiliation with a nationally or regionally recognised media outlet and/or proof you hold an editorial job title and/or evidence of your journalistic credentials (for example a copy of your press card, masthead or a by-lined article)

Where can I pick up my conference pass?

Press passes will be available for collection at the main registration desk at the event. We do not email or post any passes out in advance of the show.

Will I have access to all areas at the event?

Yes a press pass entitles you to visit the exhibition and conference areas at the event.

Will there be an internet connection at the event?

Yes, as press you will be able to access the internet onsite. As many people will be using the services on offer at any one time, we suggest you access through our dedicated Press room at the venue.

Can I contact exhibitors before the event?

Once you have registered for a press pass and it has been confirmed by the IDTechEx Team, you will be added to our Press and Media system and will be sent electronic links prior to the event, giving you access to press releases and exhibitor listings.

IDTechEx reserve the right:

  • To refuse a press pass on any grounds without reason. Consultants, sales, marketing, public relations and advertising personnel do not qualify for a press pass.
  • Proof of occupation may be required in some instances. If you do not meet the above criteria please register through the usual channel.
  • Only exhibitors have the right to sell products from their booth at this event. We respectfully ask that there is no soliciting by attendees to exhibitors.

Press pass request

Press passes are complimentary on receipt of approved accreditation documents. If you wish to apply for a press pass or have any queries please contact Molly Muckle at m.muckle@IDTechEx.com | +44 1223 812300


In order to qualify for a press pass we ask for the following criteria to be met:

  • You should be covering subjects relating to the conference for your publication in an editorial role
  • You should be employed as a journalist/editor with no secondary job that may conflict with your primary job (i.e. consultant, advisor)