Commercialization of Disruptive Sensor Technology
November 15 - 16, 2017 | Santa Clara Convention Center, CA, USA

Masterclass Sessions

Masterclasses will be held at the Santa Clara Convention Center

Registration Desk - Main Lobby

Please pick up your badges and booklets:

Tuesday, November 14

Masterclass Sessions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
8.30am - 9.00am: Registration & Coffee
9.00am - 11.30am: Masterclass Sessions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

Masterclass Session 3 - off-site at FUJIFILM Dimatix
7.30am-12.30pm. Separate details have been sent

Masterclass Sessions 7 - 12
11.30am - 12.30pm: Registration & Lunch
12.30pm - 3.00pm: Masterclass Sessions 7 - 12

Masterclass Sessions 13-18
3.00pm - 3.30pm: Registration & Coffee
3.30pm - 6.00pm: Masterclass Sessions 13-18

Friday, November 17

Masterclass Sessions 19-24
8.30am - 9.00am: Registration & Coffee
9.00am - 11.30am: Masterclass Sessions 19-24

Masterclass Sessions 25-30
11.30am - 12.30pm: Registration & Lunch
12.30pm - 3.00pm: Masterclass Sessions 25-30

Each Masterclass Session will provide you with:
  • Key players, progress, innovations, case studies and forecasts
  • Complete mapping of technologies and markets
  • Printed and electronic copies of the presentations
Spaces are limited!

Attendee Feedback

"Good blend of technology, market landscape and customer application examples." - Henkel Corporation
"Good overview combined with sensible insights and a welcome dose of reality." - Wittra
"We appreciated the detailed technical information." - Nitto Europe
"The masterclass covered the most recent topics for organic materials, showing recent applications and theoretical aspects." - CYNORA GmbH
"The masterclass has many new technology introductions and I collected a lot of information - this is very useful!" - Xinyuan Electronics
"Very technical and a lot of hands-on knowledge shared. Really nice class." - Microdul

Masterclass schedule

Dr Bryony Core
Senior Technology Analyst

1: Introduction to 3D Printing

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  • Key technologies and markets explained
  • End-user needs explored
  • 10 year forecasts and global trends mapped
Designed for those who are new to these disruptive technologies, to understand the big picture and to assess the challenges and opportunities, this masterclass will arm you with knowledge of the latest developments in 3D printing applications and technologies. The class will cover:
Market Landscape and Business Intelligence
  • Existing and emerging applications of 3D printing
  • Value and supply chains and market drivers
  • Current market size and future market opportunity, with 10 year forecasts
  • Unmet needs and opportunities
Technology Appraisal
Analysts will cover each of the following technology options; the advantages and disadvantages of each; case studies; applications; suppliers and manufacturers; costs; technical challenges and opportunities:
  • Thermoplastic Extrusion
  • Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
  • Stereolithography (SLA)
  • Digital Light Processing (DLP)
  • Ink-Jetting
  • Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
  • Blown Powder
  • Welding
This masterclass provides you with a full assessment of this complex and rapidly changing technology. Samples of objects made using a range of 3D printing technologies will be shown.
Dr Harry Zervos
Principal Analyst & Business Development Manager
Dr Peter Harrop

2: Introduction to Energy Harvesting

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  • Key technologies and suppliers covered
  • Market assessment with 10 year forecasts and roadmaps
Energy Harvesting (EH) is the process by which ambient energy is captured and converted into electricity to power small devices, from wireless switches in buildings to sensors in vehicles and industrial equipment, thus eliminating the need for connection to the grid. IDTechEx is forecasting that the EH transducer market for small devices such as wireless sensors will be over $2 billion by 2025. This introductory masterclass will focus on the different energy harvesting options, their construction and combinations, adoption trends and market proliferation. Specifically, the masterclass will cover:
Market Appraisal
  • Market drivers and needs by application
  • Value chain and system components
  • Roadmaps
  • 10 year forecasts
Technology Assessment
Analysts will cover how different technology options work: materials used and manufacturing processes; advantages and disadvantages; applications; case studies; suppliers; costs; technical and market challenges and opportunities. The main technologies covered will be:
  • Electrodynamic
  • Thermoelectric
  • Piezoelectric
  • Triboelectric
  • Photovoltaic
  • Other (magnetostriction, RF harvesting)
Applications covered will range from powering wireless sensors and actuators to medical instruments and condition monitoring in industrial automation. In addition, vehicle integrated EH will be covered (EH shock absorbers, regenerative braking) as well as waste heat recovery in vehicle and industrial applications. Finally, this masterclass will identify and compare important parameters, reveal trends (multi-modal harvesting, ultra-low power electronics, reducing cost and size) and answers questions such as:
  • When will automotive thermoelectric generators, woven photovoltaics and other emerging applications proliferate?
  • Who is working on these concepts and what is their progress?
  • Why is EH going to be essential for the widespread adoption of the Internet of Things, future healthcare roadmaps but also wearable electronics?
Raghu Das
Dr Xiaoxi He
Research Director, Topic Lead

3: Introduction to Printed Electronics (Off-Site: 7:30 - 12:10)

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  • All key technologies and markets mapped
  • End-user needs: case studies and market drivers
  • 10 year forecasts and global trends
Designed for those who are new to this disruptive technology or who need to understand the big picture to assess the challenges and opportunities, this masterclass will arm you with the latest knowledge of the applications and technology developments involving printed electronics. The class will cover:
Market Appraisal
  • Actual uses of printed electronics so far
  • Trends by territory
  • Value and supply chain and market drivers
  • Current market size and future market opportunity, with 10 year forecasts
Technology Appraisal
Analysts will cover how each of the following technology options work; the advantages and disadvantages of each; 10 year forecasts; case studies; suppliers; costs; technical and market challenges and opportunities:
  • Displays (OLEDs, electrophoretic, electroluminescent, electrochromic)
  • OLED lighting
  • Thin film transistor circuits (organic, inorganic semiconductors, thin film silicon)
  • Sensors
  • Conductive inks
  • Batteries and actuators
  • Photovoltaics
  • A review of manufacturing technologies
This masterclass provides you with a full assessment of this complex and rapidly changing technology from analysts that have studied the topic since 2002. Samples of printed electronics components and products will be shown.

The Introduction to Printed Electronics Masterclass
will take place at FUJIFILM Dimatix.

7:30 - Delegates leave from the front of the Santa Clara Convention Center
8:00 - 8:30 - Breakfast at FUJIFILM
8:30 - 11:00 - Raghu Das - Introduction to Printed Electronics Masterclass
11:00 - 11:45 - FUJIFILM welcome + a short presentation and tour
12:10 - Return to the Hyatt Convention Center

All transportation will be provided, but you will need to be registered for this class in order to attend the tour. Places are limited!

The FUJIFILM Dimatix tour provides an overview of the company, its products and its people with a walk-through of its manufacturing facility.

FUJIFILM Dimatix, Inc. is the world's premier provider of piezoelectric inkjet printheads and systems. As of July 2006, FUJIFILM Dimatix is a wholly owned subsidiary of FUJIFILM Corporation. FUJIFILM Dimatix has more than 32 years experience in advancing the performance of drop-on-demand dispensing devices and applications, and its state-of-the-art technology provides solutions for the printed electronics industry.

FUJIFILM Dimatix's MEMS-based technology lets inkjet printing create products like displays and electronics, RFID antennas, smart tags, DNA arrays, smart packaging and wearable electronics. The Dimatix Materials Printer is a low-cost, cartridge-based piezo inkjet printing system that enables direct deposition of functional fluids - including nanoparticle-based metallic and organic materials. External Link

Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
Research Director

4: Materials for Printed, Flexible & Organic Electronics

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  • Assessment of the complex material landscape that provide "active" functionality
  • Application requirements, latest material progress and unmet needs
  • Key suppliers and global trends
The printed electronics industry is largely being driven forward by innovation in materials. In fact, the material end of the value is currently where most of the action and value is. Every large material and chemical company in the world is involved and the business landscape is full of SMEs and start-ups hoping to commercialize their latest innovative materials.
The advanced material space is inevitably highly diverse and complex. On the technical side, printable materials must fulfil a variety of roles ranging from conducting to insulting, rigid to stretchable, transparent to light-emitting, screen to inkjet printing, thermal to photo-curing, etc.
On the commercial side, printable materials must satisfy the challenging performance and price requirements exacted by devices, applications, and markets that fall under the greater umbrella term of 'printed electronics'. This is a diverse and broad group that includes displays and lighting, photovoltaics, transistors and memory, smart packaging, etc
The materials business remains the most exciting, dynamic, and innovative part of the printed electronics industry. In this class, we have selected some of the most important and/or promising materials of the printed electronics industry. For each material, we will describe the business context within which it competes, the latest technological progress, the primary application requirements, and the critical technical and business challenges facing the suppliers.
Materials Covered
  • Conductive inks (silver flake/powder/nano, copper, etc)
  • Graphene and carbon nanotubes
  • Transparent conductive film materials (ITO, PEDOT, silver nanowires, CNTs, Ag nanoparticles, etc)
  • Quantum dots
  • OTFT and MO-TFT materials
  • Printed sensor materials
  • Organic materials for OPVs and OLEDs
Market and Technology Assessment
For each material above, we will describe the technological as well as the commercial aspects. More specifically, the following will be assessed:
  • The overall market trends/forecasts and business dynamics
  • Latest state-of-the-art performance/cost levels and desired performance levels by application
  • Material deposition options
  • Critical technical challenges
  • Key suppliers
This session is based on IDTechEx research conducted on advanced functional materials since 1999, in addition to world class academic experts.
Dr Guillaume Chansin
Senior Technology Analyst
Dr Jeffrey Hebb
VP of Global Marketing

5: OLED & QLED Displays

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As the display industry is looking for the next generation technology, some manufacturers have been investing large amount of money into new OLED production lines. Active matrix OLED (AMOLED) is already used on many flagship smartphones, smartwatches, virtual reality headsets, and TVs. OLED offers multiple advantages such as low power consumption, thinness, and high contrast. OLED is also an excellent candidate for truly flexible displays.
The industry is also developing displays made with quantum dots. These are small nanoparticles of semiconductor with very unique optical properties. Quantum dot LED (often labelled QLED) displays have become a hot topic, with the potential to disrupt or succeed OLED displays.
With a market size expected to be over $50 billion, this is an industry that offers opportunities for companies who manage to enter the value chain. This class is designed to give a complete overview of the technologies, trends, and applications.
This class will cover:
  • Trends in the display industry
  • Current challenges faced by OLED manufacturers
  • Plastic and flexible OLED
  • OLED microdisplays for AR and VR headsets
  • Quantum dots and their use as photo-luminescent particles
  • Electro-luminescent quantum dot displays
  • Key manufacturers and suppliers in the value chain
  • Printed OLED and QLED displays
  • Market forecasts for OLED and QLED displays
James Hayward
Research Director, Topic Lead

6: Wearable Electronics

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  • A critical view of the sector
  • The range of applications and market trends
  • Emerging technologies for the next wearable devices
Wearable technologies has become the new hot topic. Indeed, it is estimated that the total addressable market will grow to $100 billion in the next decade. But while many are targeting healthcare applications, few have actually succeeded. In this context, it is necessary to have a critical look at the market trends, and to assess what it means in terms of growth and profitability.
On the technology side, most of the existing products leverage the components that have been developed over the years for the mobile phone industry. However, there are exciting new technologies coming up, from flexible displays to biometric sensors. This session will introduce the new materials and technologies that will enable future wearable devices.
This session will cover:
  • The current range of wearable electronic products
  • Applications in healthcare and infotainment
  • Risks and challenges
  • The key enabling technologies for next-gen devices
  • Potential market size and opportunities
Dr Bryony Core
Senior Technology Analyst

7: 3D Printing Materials

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  • Key 3D printing materials and new material opportunities
  • Applications and end-user needs
  • Ten year forecasts to 2027 by material type
This masterclass will arm you with the latest knowledge of 3D printing materials - what exists, what is coming and what is needed. Learn what the key players are offering, areas of research and development activity, trends and market sizing. Specifically, the masterclass will cover:
Material Appraisal: Current and Emerging
Analysts will appraise each of the following types of materials for 3D printing:
  • Photopolymers
  • Thermoplastic filament
  • Thermoplastic powder
  • Metal powder
  • Ceramic powders
  • Sand + binder
  • Welding wire
  • Plaster
  • Graphene
  • Biomaterials
  • Emerging materials
They will cover the advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing with each, key suppliers, costs, performance specifications and limitations, and the impact of new emerging options.
Material Market Appraisal
  • How existing and emerging applications are dependent on materials properties
  • Need for new materials and opportunities for materials development
  • Current market size for materials by value and volume
  • Future material market opportunity with ten-year forecasts
This masterclass provides you with a full assessment of this complex and rapidly changing subject. Samples of objects 3D printed from a wide range of materials will be shown.
Dr Harry Zervos
Principal Analyst & Business Development Manager
James Hayward
Research Director, Topic Lead
Kayvan Mirza
CEO & Co-Founder

8: AR & VR in Smart Eyewear: Devices, Technologies, Forecasts

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This masterclass will focus on the advances for augmented (AR) and virtual (VR) reality technologies, as they pertain to headsets and smartglasses, a new range of products that saw mass launches in 2016, based on technology that has been in development for decades in some cases. In the masterclass, presenters will focus on:
  • On-eye devices: the advent of smart contact lenses
  • AR and VR smart eyewear classification: near-eye devices
  • Toolboxes of enabling technologies: microdisplays for AR headsets
  • Optics technologies for AR & VR headsets
  • User interface for smart glasses: evolving into gesture & voice recognition
  • Market forecasts for smart contacts, AR and VR headsets, 2016-2026
Dr Alexis Karandrea
Technology Analyst
IDTechEx Inc
Dr Harry Zervos
Principal Analyst & Business Development Manager

9: Bioelectronics & Neuroprosthetics

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Designed for those interested in emerging technologies within the Bioelectronics field, this class focuses specifically on bioelectronic medicine and neuroprosthetics. Bioelectronic medicine is a new term that has gained a lot of attention due to the creation of Galvani Bioelectronics by GlaxoSmithKline and Google's parent company Alphabet. The joint venture is funded for $712 million USD; and Galvani Bioelectronics will focus on the development of miniature electronic implantable devices that use electrical modulation to treat a range of chronic diseases. The current and future applications of bioelectronic medicine devices will be covered in the first half of the class. The related field of neuroprosthetics is intended to restore lost physiological functions for patients who are deaf, blind, paralyzed, or amputees. This second half of the class will outline the developers of neural probes, cochlear implants, retinal implants, and neuroprosthetic limbs. Components, competitive landscapes, and special considerations for each section will also be reviewed.
This session will cover:
Market appraisal:
  • 10 year forecasts for neuoprosthetics segmented by indication and by component.
  • Competitive landscape for neuroprosthetics reviewing products offered and patent portfolios.
  • Special considerations for each segment detailing potential hurdles to commercialization or acceptance.
Technology appraisal:
  • Bioelectronic medicines segmented as: cardiac electro stimulators, peripheral nervous system (PNS) electro stimulators, central nervous system (CNS) electro stimulators, next generation electro stimulators and other electro stimulators that act on diseased or impaired human biological tissues
  • Neuroprosthetics segmented as: Neural probes and electrophysiology equipment, cochlear implants, retinal implants, and neuroprosthetic limbs.
Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
Research Director
John Crumpton
Technical Specialist-PV and Advanced Materials
DuPont Microcircuit Materials

10: Conductive Inks/Pastes & Transparent Conductive Films

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  • All key technologies and markets assessed
  • 10 year forecasts and global trends
Conductive Inks and Pastes
The conductive ink and paste business is one of the largest in printed electronics space. Indeed, conductive inks have commercially roared ahead whilst many more complex and higher profile forms of printed electronics devices/systems have struggled.
This is also a market where everything has changed since 2014. The market leadership in traditional volume markets has changed hands with previously low-cost low-quality suppliers rising to the top. The paste manufacturers are now all in search of new emerging markets in the hope that future growth in some will compensate for the decline or the loss of market share in the traditional sectors. Consequently, most paste makers have hugely diversified their product offerings addressing a diverse array of nascent markets each with a different set of technology and market challenges/opportunities.
In our masterclass we will cover the main existing and emerging conductive ink and paste technologies such as firing-type pastes and PTF, nanoparticle inks and silver substitutes such as copper and silver-coated copper.
In addition, we will explore the progress, requirements and challenges for applications such as solar cells, touch screen edge electrodes, printed sensors, electronic textile, 3D-shaped antennas, magnetic shielding, in-mould electronics, automotive, RFID tags, ITO replacement, OLED lighting, desktop printers, printed TFTs, and so on.
Transparent Conductive Films
The transparent conductive film (TCF) market went through a brutal consolidation phase in the past two years. This phase was motivated by the sluggish growth in existing markets, disappointing growth in large-area devices, and the rising threat of substitutes to the incumbent players. These market conditions motivated the incumbent players to slash sales prices, transforming the competitive environment for alternative technologies. This strategy now approaches the end of its usefulness and therefore the industry is now entering into a new, distinct growth phase.
In our masterclass, we quantitatively review and benchmark all existing and emerging TCF technologies including ITO-on-glass, ITO films, silver nanowires, carbon nanotubes, graphene, printed metal mesh, embossed metal mesh, photo-patterned metal mesh, nanoparticle networks, PEDOT, and so on.
In addition, we will examine the various select existing and emerging applications such as touch screens, flexible devices, OLED lighting, third generation photovoltaics, in-mould 3D-shaped touch surfaces, and so on. Furthermore, we will consider the competitive landscape, reviewing major recent changes as well as offering an analysis for future market/competitive dynamics.
Dr Peter Harrop

11: Off-Grid Renewable Energy: High Power Energy Harvesting

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The IDTechEx masterclass, "Off-Grid Renewable Energy: High Power Energy Harvesting" concerns the zero-emission creation of off-grid electricity using ambient energy. It focuses on the high power end, a booming market ten times the value of low power energy harvesting. It evaluates technologies and market sizes for both mobile and static uses including new advances in the past year such as the Toyota-patented breakthrough in wind power for electric vehicles but also the dream of fully solar powered cars.
Technologies covered include
  • Airborne Wind Energy: Several companies will be first to commercialise in 2018, some having orders now. Primarily, a transportable source of electricity at 10 kW upwards and a static source of electricity at around 1 MW where conventional wind turbines cannot go, we identify and prioritise targeted applications including those revealed by direct IDTechEx interviews and new Google patents.
  • New triboelectric energy harvesting: A $40 billion addressable market according to the inventors (as stated in an interview with IDtechEx).
  • Photovoltaics reinvented: As solar roads providing 100 kW or more and backed by a construction giant are getting closer to becoming reality, energy independent boats and land vehicles including cars are for sale now or expected to launch within three years. They are also currently trialled as upper atmosphere drones including satellite technology at 1 kW/ kg as costs tumble. Also, BIPV applications and the Facebook solar aircraft concept evaluated
  • Multi modal energy harvesting: See the technology roadmap, the ten year forecasts and the evolving value chain.
Additional questions answered will include: Where will societal benefits and industrial success accrue? Will high power thermoelectrics, piezoelectrics and dielectric elastomer generators become commercially successful? When? The takeoff in microgrids and billions of dollars of investment and where first commercial successes will happen.
Franco Gonzalez
Principal Analyst
Prof Nihal Kularatna
Associate professor
The University of Waikato
  • Technology assessment, key players
  • Materials and manufacturing analysis
  • Applications now and in the future with 10 year forecasts
Energy storage technologies are the key stone of the future of sustainable energy systems. Supercapacitors are an emerging energy storage technology with exceptional high power characteristics and longer useful lifetimes than mainstream energy storage technologies such as lithium batteries. The development of this technology has been progressing at a faster rate in the last 10 years. The transport industry is using them in trains, electric buses and cars. Smartphones may have supercapacitors in the near future in order to improve their energy efficiency and so on.
This masterclass will give you all the knowledge you need to understand this emerging technology, its market potential and its role in the energy storage space.
We will lead you from the basic technical concepts up to the most recent technology developments in the area and to understand applications in different industries.
Join us as we dive into this exciting emerging technology.
This masterclass will cover:
  • Introduction to supercapacitor technology and its position in the energy storage space
  • Performance parameters of supercapacitors
  • Performance benchmark of supercapacitors commercially available and under development
  • Technology development pathways for increasing performance of supercapacitor technology
  • Graphene and CNT progress in supercapacitors
  • The role of electrolytes in performance
  • Environmentally friendlier materials
  • Supercapacitor manufacturing
  • Current and emerging applications in the automotive, industrial, electronics and other industries
  • Progress on industry standardisation
  • Supercapacitors market forecasts
Franco Gonzalez
Principal Analyst
Dr Lorenzo Grande
Senior Technology Analyst
IDTechEx GmbH
Dr Xiaoxi He
Research Director, Topic Lead
Dr Ivana Hasa
Post Doctoral Fellow
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

13: Batteries: From Thin Film to Post Lithium Ion

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  • Key technologies and markets covered
  • Material opportunities
  • Suppliers and global trends
  • This introductory masterclass on the topic focuses on batteries: from thin film or printed primary batteries to rechargeable batteries and the winner lithium batteries as it jumps to $60 billion in 2020.
Batteries continue to proliferate new wearable electronics, personal medical diagnostics and treatment, and the Internet of Things. 30 billion button batteries poison and choke humans and other animals every year: safer printed batteries remain a small business. Why? 50% of the cost of a pure-electric mainstream car is the battery, but still the range and price are unacceptable and batteries set fire to cars and planes. What to do? Lithium ion is the best battery technology we have ever seen they have achieved increases energy density by 5% per year and decreases cost at 8% per year but cannot achieve transformative factors of five in cost and performance. Post Lithium ion battery technologies are not really new however there are reasons why they have received more attention recently, this is because the promises the next generation of disruptive high energy batteries is progressing.
We give basics explaining why lithium batteries cathode, anode and electrolyte are changing, revealing opportunities for fine chemicals and materials through to new applications.
In particular, it covers:
  • Introduction to Batteries
  • Comparison of battery technologies and alternatives.
  • Types of lithium ion batteries are compared, challenges
  • Post Lithium Ion Batteries, technology development: Lithium Sulphur, All Solid State, Na ion, Magnesium Batteries, Lithium Air, Silicon anodes. Lithium Capacitors, others
  • Post Lithium ion market readiness, applications with forecasts.
  • Printed and thin/flexible batteries compared, challenges and what is coming next
  • Thin/flexible batteries applications and forecasts
James Hayward
Research Director, Topic Lead

14: E-Textiles & Stretchable Electronics

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  • Assessment and progress of electronic and electrical materials on textiles
  • Application needs, case studies
  • Key players and market forecasts
This masterclass will assess the latest progress with this topic, covering functional materials and components suited for use with textiles, fabrics and stretchable electronics. Typical material choices by substrate type will be shared, including discussion of the challenges around washability, wear resistance, contact resistances etc.
In addition to these technology details this masterclass will cover application needs for wearable electronics - what end-users see as the minimum viable products, and will look at case studies of e-textiles today - covering cost, product functionality and market trends.
Key suppliers focussing on this area will be revealed in addition to market forecasts based on the latest IDTechEx research.
Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
Research Director
Dr Angelos Kyrlidis
R&D Director, New Business Development - Advanced Carbons
Cabot Corporation

15: Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes & 2D Materials: Science, Technology & Markets

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Graphene is billed as the wonder material of our time. It has received tremendous media attention and is the recipient of large sums of research and commercialization funds. Today, an army of researchers around the global is advancing the technology, whilst numerous companies are now seeking to commercialize it.
In this class, we will look at the past, the present and the future of graphene commercialization, looking at the market complexity/fragmentation, pricing as well as investment/revenue/profitability trends, go-to-market strategies, grand technical and commercial challenges, and so on.
We will then examine the graphene technology itself, looking at the material characteristics of different graphenes, reviewing the different production processes, and assessing a big range of potential applications from electronic inks to battery materials, from various composite fillers to functional coatings, and so on. At all times, we will seek to highlight the latest prototypes and commercial launches, whilst making our application assessment as data-based and quantitative as possible.
Non-graphene 2D Materials are also now at the forefront of the next wave of research with many hoping that it will lead to the establishment of a diverse family of complementary 2D materials covering the full range of material characteristics. In this class, we will highlight some of the ways for making non-graphene 2D materials whilst reviewing the latest technical progress on a few select 2D materials.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were also once billed as the wonder material of our time. They have therefore been there and done that, and interestingly, CNTs are now quietly making a commercial comeback after doing their time in the wilderness of the disillusionment period.
In this class, we will provide a historical perspective on how CNT commercialization has progressed in the past decade, and will consider its future demonstrating that it has finally entered into a major volume growth phase. Here too, we will provide a brief review of types of CNTs, of the different production processes, and of the key existing and emerging applications and market trends.
It is hoped that this class with give you strong understanding of the technology as well as the market potential and current commercial progress of these most famous of nanomaterials.
Raghu Das
Colleen L. Twomey
Assistant Professor
Cal Poly State University
Yin Cheng Lau
Research Engineer
Swansea University
Dr Xiaoying Rong
California Polytechnic State University

16: Printing Technologies for Electronic Applications

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  • Assessment of each printing technology type
  • Application requirements and case studies
  • Post-print processing, integration and hybrid device manufacturing
This masterclass assesses the range of printing and non-printing manufacturing and handling options for printed, organic and flexible electronics. Attendees will learn about the technology capabilities, market applicability, key players, trends and opportunities. The class will cover:
Printing Technology and Application Assessment
The following printing types will be covered:
  • Screen printing
  • Inkjet printing
  • Flexo printing (and offset)
  • Gravure printing (and offset)
  • Nano imprinting and transfer printing
  • Coating systems (slot die)
For each type, the session will cover:
  • Printing capability (speed, resolution, uniformity, cost etc.) and material suitability
  • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats assessment
  • Suitability to different applications - existing and future
  • Detailed case studies and learnings from printing commercial printed electronics products
  • Key players
Integrated Manufacturing and Scaling
  • Assessment of curing/sintering options
  • Integrated systems - suppliers, what is available, what it is being used for
  • The value chain and opportunities in equipment supply
  • Market detail: how much is and will be printed
This session is partly based on IDTechEx research of over 90 relevant suppliers. Attendees will be shown working demonstrations in addition to handling samples of printed electronics components and products.
Dr Nadia Tsao
Research Director, Personnel Lead
Dr Mayasari Lim

17: Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine

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Regenerative medicine, defined as the field of medicine related to replacing and repairing worn and damaged tissues in the body, has become a topic of increasing interest not only due to the aging of populations around the world, but also because our understanding of biology has reached a point that such an application can be realised. This masterclass is an introduction to the technologies that are currently being used in and studied for the field of regenerative medicine.
Tissue engineering, referring to the technologies that use physical, chemical, biological and engineering processes to control and direct the aggregate behaviour of cells, is a major subset of regenerative medicine, and will be covered in detail in this masterclass. This masterclass will also discuss other applications of these technologies, such as product testing in the consumer goods, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries, personalised medicine, and basic science research.
In this masterclass, particular attention will be paid to the technology of 3D bioprinting, a tissue engineering technique based on additive manufacturing. Attendees will have the opportunity to watch a live demonstration of the 3D bioprinting process.
The masterclass will cover:
  • Latest developments in tissue engineering and 3D bioprinting
  • Existing and emerging applications
  • Market drivers and needs by application
  • Current and future market opportunities with 10-year forecasts
Each of the following technologies will be introduced and appraised:
  • 3D bioprinting
  • Fused filament fabrication
  • Stereolithography
  • Electrospinning
  • Freeze drying
  • Solvent casting and particle leaching
  • ... and many more
This includes discussion of their advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, limitations and key players.
Dr Richard Collins
Research Director, North America Lead
Dr Peter Harrop
Dr Antti Keranen
CTO, Co-Founder

18: Structural Electronics

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  • Applications and needs for structural electronics
  • Enabling materials and components needed for structural electronics
  • Case studies, trends, key suppliers and market outlook
Structural electronics (SE) is one of the most important technological developments of this century. It forms a key part of the dream, formulated decades ago, of computing disappearing into the fabric of society. Structural electronics involves electronic and/or electrical components and circuits that act as load-bearing, protective structures, replacing dumb structures such as vehicle bodies or conformally placed upon them. It is of huge interest to the aerospace industry which is usually the first adopter, the automotive industry and in civil engineering both with compelling needs but its reach is much broader even than this. Electric cars badly need longer range and more space for the money and, in civil engineering, corrosion of reinforced concrete structures and tighter requirements for all structures, including early warning of problems, are among the market drivers for structural electronics.
This introductory masterclass to the topic reviews the applications for structural electronics, now and emerging, assessing what is happening and what is still needed. Progress by key technology type is given including key suppliers and the technology roadmaps. This will cover topics such as smart skin, 3D printed electronics, flexible and printed electronics systems, energy storage (batteries and supercapacitors forming structures), molded electronics, building integrated photovoltaics and textile based electronics. Global trends and the market outlook is provided based on new IDTechEx research on the topic matter.
Dr Harry Zervos
Principal Analyst & Business Development Manager
Scott E Gordon
New Business Development Manager
DuPont Teijin Films

19: Barriers & Substrates for Printed & Flexible Electronics

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  • All key technologies and markets covered
  • Technical requirements mapped
  • 10 year forecasts and global trends
Organic devices, in particular OLED and OPV ones, are highly sensitive to moisture, requiring ultra-high performance barrier or encapsulation layers. Glass is an excellent barrier, but is rigid, therefore potentially stripping away organic electronics of a key differentiating attribute, which is flexibility. Developing flexible, transparent and ultra-high performance remains an unmet technology challenge, and in many cases an impediment against the growth of organic and printed electronics. Numerous solutions are however being developed across the world, ranging from ultra-thin flexible glass to multi-layer films. Success here can change the economics of organic and/or printed electronics.
Substrates are also an essential and often neglected layer for printed and/or organic electronics. They bring robustness and enable flexibility, but at the same time place substantial constraints on the manufacturing process (e.g., thermal budget, dimensional stability) in a way that they can largely determine device performance. Many plastic solutions are now being offered such as PET and PEN but also paper based substrates are increasingly gaining attention.
Market Appraisal
Ten year market forecasts for barrier films
  • Market at the application level in OLED lighting, OPVs and flexible displays
  • Market at the barrier level
  • Key suppliers, technology/approach and performance achievements by player
  • Market trends, drivers and challenges
10 year forecasts for substrates
  • Addressable market at the application level OLED lighting, OPVs and flexible displays
  • Market at the substrate level
  • Market trends, drivers and challenges
  • Relevancy and challenges per target application
Technology Appraisal
Analysts will cover how each of the following technology options work; the advantages and disadvantages of each; 10 year forecasts; case studies; suppliers; technical and market challenges and opportunities:
  • Application requirements
  • Layer characteristics
  • Technical challenges and progress
  • Manufacturing processes (where relevant)
  • Performance measurement techniques and challenges
Dr Peter Harrop
Franco Gonzalez
Principal Analyst
Dr Richard Collins
Research Director, North America Lead

20: Electric Vehicles: Markets, Trends, Opportunities - Land, Sea & Air

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  • Introduction to electric vehicles on-road, off-road, on water and in the air
  • What is successful, what new types will see success over the coming decade - when and why
  • Market opportunity by electric vehicle type with 10 year forecasts
This masterclass addresses the latest progress with hybrid,fuel cell and electric vehicles for land, sea and air. It gives the big picture from the league table of largest EV manufacturers to common factors and components for land, water and air vehicles; and across hybrid and pure electric vehicles.
This masterclass covers:
  • 10 year forecasts in 45 electric vehicle categories including electric cars, pure and hybrid electric; micro cars; two wheelers such as electric scooters, pedelecs and motorcycles; commercial and industrial EVs such as construction, agricultural and mining electric vehicles; marine electric vehicles such as electric boats and vessels and light electric aircrafts. These are explained in terms of unit numbers, average sales price (ASP) and total market value.
  • The differences in the structure of the value chain of these different electric vehicle segments
  • The different drivers behind electrification of these types of electric vehicles.
  • Commercial, research and pioneering activities in different types of electric vehicles.
  • Different types of charging infrastructure required for different types of electric vehicles.
  • Activities of developers of electric and hybrid vehicles - covering land, water and airborne vehicles
  • Progress of companies are compared in relation to market shares per type of electric vehicle category
  • Electroactive polymers and printed PVDF devices
Dr Xiaoxi He
Research Director, Topic Lead
James Hayward
Research Director, Topic Lead

21: Next-Generation User Interface Technologies

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Rapid technological development in areas including consumer electronics, automotive, robotics, home automation and wearable technologies has greatly changed the way how we interact with machines. Over the last century, the human-machine interaction has transitioned from the earliest command line interfaces, to the graphical user interface, and now beyond the touch interface to new intuitive and intelligent options. All the technologies within user interface category are undergoing revolutions; these include peripherals such as keyboards and game console controllers, to touch-enabled features such as touch screens, and then beyond touch including voice, speech & conversational interactions, gesture, motion, vision, force sensing, perceptive computing and many others. The competitive markets are pushing players to rapidly innovate. Next-generation user interfaces are a core feature enabling leaders to differentiate from traditional players and offer the customers with amazing user experiences.
This masterclass will guide you to explore the next big opportunity in consumer electronics, automotive, robotics, home automation, wearables, etc. It is designed for those who want to get depth understanding of disruptive technologies in user interfaces and who need to expand their existing business and who would like to learn the big picture to assess the markets, challenges and opportunities.
This session will cover:
  • Disruptive technology explanation and assessment
  • Case studies
  • Vertical application market status and analysis
  • Value chains
  • Opportunities and challenges
Technology coverage:
  • Touch
  • Next-generation keyboards
  • Voice/speech/conversational UI
  • Haptics
  • Force sensing
  • Gesture
  • Vision
Raghu Das

22: RFID & Smart Packaging

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  • Detailed global RFID market assessment with current and forecast sales, value chain analysis and application analysis
  • Assessment of RFID and smart packaging manufacturing technologies and technical requirements
  • Smart packaging case studies, drivers, technologies and costs
  • 10 year forecasts and global trends
In 2016 more than 13 billion RFID tags were sold, up from about 8 billion in 2015. Tag cost is reducing with volume but also with new innovations such as antenna manufacture and chip placement. This session provides the complete picture of the RFID industry, including NFC to UHF RFID. Additionally, smart packaging is also explored, including why, who, what, how and when with case studies presented and technology roadmaps given. The RFID market and use and potential use of printed electronics for smart packaging is explored in great depth in this session. The masterclass will cover:
Detailed global RFID market assessment
  • 10 year forecasts of sales of tags by application and by tag frequency
  • Global RFID market by application
  • Successes and failures
  • Drivers and market adoption trends
RFID tag manufacturing
  • Price tear down
  • Antenna manufacturing options - including printing assessment
  • Chip attach options
  • Key suppliers
Printed RFID and other printed technologies for smart packaging
  • Types of printed RFID technologies and full appraisal
  • Leading developers
  • Market traction
  • Challenges and opportunities
  • Integration of multiple printed electronics functionalities
Smart Packaging
  • Case study assessments - what was done, why, cost and level of successes
  • What is driving smart packaging
  • What is coming - pre-commercial technology and solution work from vendors and brands
  • Outlook and forecasts
This session is based on research conducted by IDTechEx on the RFID and smart packaging markets since 1999. It will provide an exceptionally comprehensive assessment of the RFID sector and the opportunities for printed electronics within it.
Dr Guillaume Chansin
Senior Technology Analyst
Dr Fabrice Domingues Dos Santos

23: Sensors & Actuators: Flexible & Printed

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  • Printed sensor technologies
  • Electroactive polymers
  • Key players, market sizes and latest trends
This masterclass will give an overview of sensors and actuators made with printed electronics. Participants will learn about the technology, target markets and value proposition of these devices. Areas where printing adds value will be outlined for each type of sensor (pressure, temperature, optical, touch, electrochemical, etc.). Advantages of flexible sensors, as well as large-area sensors will also be covered and the leading companies in each segment will be presented. For actuators, the main focus will be on new polymers and their applications in haptic feedback, speakers, etc.
During the session, IDTechEx will show the latest trends and identify the commercial opportunities. It will include:
  • The market size today
  • The biggest success so far: the printed glucose sensors
  • Emerging printed sensor technologies
  • Electroactive polymers and printed PVDF devices
Dr David Pugh
Technology Analyst

24: Internet of Things: Smart Homes, Cars and Cities

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  • Complex landscape explained and analysed
  • Technology capabilities and what is coming next
  • Applications and future markets
  • 10 year forecasts
This masterclass will focus on consumer facing IoT, covering the growing markets for connected homes, vehicles and cities. The class will cover consumer and industrial devices allowing for building automation, the evolving automobile industry and how cities are deploying IoT nodes to acquire data to enable better public services. The class will discuss the drivers for each market segment and the underlying technologies, including sensors, energy harvesting and connectivity required for such infrastructure. Case studies for each segment will be discussed as increasingly more and more of our infrastructure becomes connected.
Topics will include:
  • Smart home as a butler/carer
  • Automated buildings
  • Connected services
  • Analysis of OEM models for connected vehicles
  • WPAN, LPWAN and cellular communication options
  • Case studies on multiple smart cities
  • 10 year forecasts across a range of market segments
Dr Xiaoxi He
Research Director, Topic Lead

25: Biometric Identification

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The cloud connects our world and makes data sharing more easily, which requires identification and verification methods unique, more secure, and more convenient. The concepts of "things that you have" such as passport, tokens, and "things that you know" including passwords, PINs, are therefore gradually being replaced or supplemented with "things that you are"—biometrics.
The demand for improved biometric identification also speeds up the development of relevant technologies and deployment, such as sensor technologies and AI. This master class will focus on the next big thing in biometrics field, covering maturing technologies and emerging technologies, markets and players.
The technologies that will be talked about in the master class include:
  • Fingerprint sensors
  • Voice recognition
  • Face recognition
  • Iris recognition
  • As well as a number of other emerging biometric identification methods
At the end of the master class, you will have a good understanding about how these methods work, who the important players are, latest innovations, technology improvement, the maturity and market status.
Dr Peter Harrop
Franco Gonzalez
Principal Analyst
Dr Lorenzo Grande
Senior Technology Analyst
IDTechEx GmbH

26: Electric Vehicles: New Material & Component Opportunities

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  • What new materials and components are needed and why
  • Latest progress with these enabling technologies including suppliers and technical progress
  • Ten year forecast for each technology
  • Unmet needs
In the process of electrification of vehicles there is plenty of room for innovation. Petrol car components and systems have evolved during the last 100 years and whilst electric vehicles have been developed for the last 30 years or so, they are still far of being optimized. New materials have been developed recently that are opening new possibilities for new concepts for better performance components. This masterclass explores the evolution of these developments and what could be their impact on future automotive concepts.
Electric vehicles will need new components and new materials given that the energy source, drive trains, motors and control systems are completely different to conventional vehicles. This masterclass will explore the opportunities for new materials and components, covering each of the main categories as follows:
  • Electric motors
  • Range extenders
  • Regenerative braking
  • Energy harvesting, such as thermoelectrics, shock absorbers and conformal PV
  • Thermal materials
  • Energy storage: batteries and supercapacitors
  • Charging systems and charging infrastructure, including wireless charging
  • Light weight and structural functional materials
  • Technologies and systems for autonomous vehicles
  • 3D printing
Attendees will learn about the requirement from vehicle makers based on their vehicle development roadmaps, current state of the technology, suppliers, development trends and areas of focus and undersupplied development areas. In addition, ten year forecasts will be provided for some of the key sectors above, allowing you to quantify your opportunity.
This masterclass covers:
  • The use and impact of emerging technologies such as energy harvesting, supercapacitors, power train systems, wireless sensors and wireless systems and technologies for autonomous vehicles.
  • Latest progress with these enabling technologies including suppliers and technical progress
  • Unmet needs
Dr David Pugh
Technology Analyst
Raghu Das

27: Industrial Internet of Things: Industry 4.0

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A range of technologies are contributing to the fourth great industrial revolution. This class will cover many aspects enabling Industry 4.0 practices to be adopted the world over including: asset tracking through LPWAN and RFID technologies, connected workers, predictive maintenance and robotics. The class will feature several case studies and discuss drivers for these markets. The class will discuss in detail where all these technologies are going over the next ten years, reality versus the hype, and the business needs and drivers.
Topics will include:
  • RFID
  • Connected workers
  • Predictive maintenance
  • AR/VR for factory workers
  • Key drivers for growth on greenfield and brownfield sites
  • 10 year market forecasts across a number of sectors
Dr Richard Collins
Research Director, North America Lead

28: Lightweight Materials

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  • All lightweight solutions critically assessed and mapped
  • End-user needs: case studies and market drivers
  • Key players and market forecasts
The demand for lightweight technology solutions has become a pressing issue for many 21st century challenges. The lightweight trend is being observed in a range of sectors, from the more apparent automotive and aerospace industries through to consumer electronics and beyond.
The lightweight materials analyzed will include:
  • Fibre reinforced composites - FRP, CMC, MMC
  • Advanced lightweight metals - Al/Mg and alloys, metal foams, MMC
  • Advanced porous materials - foams, sponges, aerogels
  • Lightweight additives - microspheres, 2D materials, nanotubes and more.
This masterclass provides you with a full assessment of these solutions with a specific look towards market drivers, current technology statuses, manufacturing challenges, supply chains, new innovations, and the unmet needs. Global trends and the market outlook is provided based on IDTechEx primary research on the topic matter.
Dr Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
Research Director
Dr Harry Zervos
Principal Analyst & Business Development Manager

29: New Robotics: Transformative Progress In Hardware, AI & New Applications

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Robots are becoming uncaged, mobile, collaborative and increasingly intelligent and dexterous, moving beyond their traditional strongholds to bring automation to previously inaccessible tasks.
Indeed, this new era of intelligent robotics will be one of the great stories of our time, transforming many aspects of our lives in not too distant a future. We are now only at the beginning of this new era of transformation.
In this overview class, we will give you a big picture of how the world of robotics is changing, exploring the applications of new robotics in diverse walks of life ranging from transport to agricultural to material handling to retail to medical care to homes and so on. We will then highlight the key technological trends in hardware and software, discussing why we are only now entering into this new era of rapid progress and innovation in these physically-embodied forms of artificial intelligence (AI).
More specifically, we will cover the following themes:
  • Opening: Introduction to 'new' robotics
  • Background: Review of the technological and market status of robotics today
  • Artificial intelligence: A look at the important techniques, critical progress, and major milestones of the past decade
  • Enabling hardware and physical infrastructure: Analyse the latest trends and challenges in enabling hardware and infrastructure (e.g., sensors, embedded processing, cloud, etc) that underpins the growth in 'new' robotics.
  • Computer vision: Discuss the latest progress in computer vision technology, and showcase its applications in 'new' robotics in agricultural, warehouse automation, and so on.
  • Navigational autonomy and mobile robotics: Discuss the latest progress in technology for navigational autonomy and review the applications of all manners of 'mobile' robotics in logistics & material handling, agricultural, mining, transport, retail, hospitality and so on
  • A look at the future market and trends: share top-level market forecasts for 'new' robotics
It is hoped that the attendees will leave this class with a strong sense of how and why the world of robotics is changing, and how it will bring automations to hitherto inaccessible tasks with far-reaching societal consequences.
Dr Guillaume Chansin
Senior Technology Analyst
Dr Laura Baers
Technology Analyst
Dr David Pugh
Technology Analyst

30: Trends in Sensors

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  • Technology and industry trends for key sensor types
  • Contextual examples outlining application challenges and opportunities
  • Supplier and industry trends
This class will look at the emerging technological trends enabled by next generation sensors. The class will focus on the key application areas that will undergo large scale change over the next decade with sensors as the key enabling technology. Whilst end results and applications are varied, the sensing technologies used in each of these sectors have inherent similarities. This class brings these topics together around their component-level building blocks, describing the broad application opportunities available to players in these fields.
The topics covered are:
  • Chemical sensors
  • Medical sensors
  • Imaging and optical sensors
  • Biometric and security sensors
This masterclass will provide a detailed overview of key technologies used today, with particular focus on detection principles, power management and integration into end user devices. The speakers will detail the technologies, challenges, and opportunities in each application, using examples of current research-level projects.