With today's rapidly changing technology, companies are consistently looking for fresh ideas to give their products a competitive edge, including the wearable market. Sometimes, the best new concept stems from a re-examination of the existing product. Minnesota Wire is making the old new again with never seen before cable and wire solutions - iSTRETCH® cable!
Nearly every electronic consumer good relies on some type of wire or cable. At the same time, most companies design around commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) cable without a second thought. Standard cable's constraints and limitations force designers to modify their inventions and products to allow for common failures. Our cables that stretch give you a built in competitive advantage!
What choice do companies have but to utilize the cable and wire put forth by the industry? Minnesota Wire developed iSTRETCH® cable to outperform all other cables, especially in today's technology fueled atmosphere. iSTRETCH® cable elongates up to 40% without losing its conductivity. The iSTRETCH® design allows for greatly enhanced flex life and durability, while maintaining an elegant look and feel. iSTRETCH® has gone from communication devices to life or death monitoring connections and beyond. It can be weaved into textiles and survives machine washing and extreme elements. Our cable proves stronger, able to withstand extreme vibration, and is more comfortable for the end user than standard wire and cable. iSTRETCH® is currently used in several diverse industries including wearable electronics, audio and antenna markets.
This presentation will introduce companies and designers to the benefits of iSTRETCH® cable and how iSTRETCH® will revolutionize your products and companies.
Paul Wagner joined his father's computer-cable manufacturing business, Minnesota Wire, in 1985. Two weeks later, he informed his dad that he was going to run the family business someday. Paul Wagner followed through on that Mr. Wagner greatly expanded the company's market exposure which now includes the medical, defense, industrial and commercial sectors; and he has provided strategic direction to evolve the business into a high technology development house primarily through federal research and development grants. The company has a greater than 80 percent capture rate on federal R&D grants (compared with a 10 percent national average) and won the prestigious Tibbetts Award in 2007 for excellence in Small Business Innovation Research.
Minnesota Wire has been engineering and manufacturing custom solutions for complex cable assemblies since 1968. They are a full-service development and manufacturing house for wire, cable, harness and interconnect assemblies, excelling at custom solutions. Minnesota Wire serves the medical, defense, military, industrial, commercial and aerospace markets. Learn more at mnwire.com.