November 15-16 2017, Santa Clara. Join us for the annual IDTechEx event focusing on future energy storage solutions, including advanced- and post-Lithium-ion technologies, new form factors and emerging applications. The event brings together different players in the value chain, from material & technology developers to integrators to end-users, providing insight on forthcoming technologies, material selection, market trends and latest products.
Energy Storage Innovations USA is co-located alongside a series of synergistic events on wearable, sensors, 3D Printing, Graphene and 2D materials and printed electronics. Each of these is a full two-day executive conferences, co-located with a common exhibition. We co-locate these events because there is strong overlap across these topics, exposing you to the full relevant supply chains and customer and supplier bases, saving you time and money from attending separate events.
See all co-located eventsGood balance of technical information to actual examples of companies/products.
It was a great event. I enjoyed the exhibition. Very cool, very cutting edge stuff
I found it outstanding in term of organisation and quality of the topics.
I found the conference very interesting!
The conference and exhibition was really interesting and we had a lot of interest for our technology.