Disruptive technologies, forms and applications
November 15 - 16, 2017 | Santa Clara Convention Center, CA, USA

Why Exhibit?

Where exhibitors meet customers.

The exhibition will provide a premier networking platform with multiple opportunities to meet CEO/VP-level end-users, manufacturers and system integrators from around the world, with over 47 countries represented.

  • Rapid attendee growth each year, in 2016 the number of attendees increased by 18% from 2015.
  • Meet and do business with over 3500 contacts (CEO/VP/Senior Executive level) from over 47 countries during the two days of this premier networking event.
  • Delivering more 'end-user attendees' then any other event. Energy Storage Innovations USA focuses on the commercialization of energy storage devices and applications.
  • Energy Storage Innovations USA is co-located with complementary events: 3D Printing USA, Electric Vehicles: Everything is Changing, Energy Harvesting USA, Graphene & 2D Materials USA, Internet of Things Applications USA, Printed Electronics USA, IDTechEx Sensors USA and Wearable USA. The IDTechEx Show! is the only overarching event that covers the full breadth of emerging materials, components and applications; with over 250 presentations and 225 exhibitors.

Hear what exhibitors think

Want to meet customers?

Talk to us to see how exhibiting or sponsoring can work for you.
Email exhibit@IDTechEx.com or call us, contacts below.

IDTechEx Show! 2016 Demographics

Exhibitor Information

For further information and to book your exhibition space please email exhibit@IDTechEx.com

Alternatively, download and return the Exhibitor Registration Form below.

Registration Form Floorplan Companies Who Attended In 2016

Exhibitors by Technology

These events gave us unique opportunities to give worldwide visibility for our disruptive technology and meet integrators and leading OEM companies. We very much like focus of IDTechEx on applications and markets.


The quality of contacts was higher than at many other shows.

RK Siebdrucktechnik GMBH

This event provides access to the key decision makers we want to inform about our business.

Haydale Ltd

We definitely saw more visitors this year. The experience and knowledge levels of the attendees were also generally higher, and the questions our experts addressed following our presentations and at our booth represented a wide range of application interests. IDTechEx does a commendable job of bringing the printed electronics community together to foster business.


Nicely focused exhibition, 80% of visitors to our booth were relevant to our business.
