Energy Harvesting & Storage USA
Energy Harvesting & Storage USA
Energy Harvesting & Storage USA
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Energy Harvesting, WSN & RTLS Awards

November 3 2009

The awards have now closed!
IDTechEx are not accepting any more submissions


The IDTechEx Energy Harvesting USA Awards recognise company development and success in all energy harvesting technologies and applications including the pertinent wireless sensor networks and real time locating systems (RTLS) fields.

The award ceremony will be held at the special awards dinner on Tuesday 3 November.

The Awards are hosted by IDTechEx, a leader in providing independent global research and analysis on the development and application of energy harvesting and storage, wireless sensor networks and RTLS.

Any company operating within the energy harvesting and storage arena is welcome to apply.

Best Technology Development of Energy Harvesting
This award will be given to a company which has launched a new product based on energy harvesting (in the last 24 months, November 2007 - November 2009) and is in the process of bringing it to market. The category will be assessed on the technical development of the product, its potential market, and benefits it brings over alternatives.
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Best Application of Energy Harvesting
This is the award given to an actual commercial success with an end-product using energy harvesting (in the last 24 months, November 2007 - November 2009). Judges will look for success in terms of products sold and revenues generated.
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Best Technology Development for RTLS/WSN
This award will be given to a company which has launched a new product based on RTLS or WSN technology (in the last 24 months, November 2007 - November 2009) and is in the process of bringing it to market. The category will be assessed on the technical development of the product, its potential market, and benefits it brings over alternatives.
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Best Application of RTLS/WSN
This award is given to the best implementation of RTLS or WSN. In particular, judges are looking to see the payback from the system, how problems were overcome (if any), and benefits to the user.
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Award Judges
Dr Peter Harrop Professor Shashank Priya Dr Richard Waters
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This IDTechEx event, focusing on the application of the technology as well as giving the latest technology trends, is the meeting place for users, developers and system integrators.
Energy Harvesting & Storage
and WSN & RTLS USA 2010
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