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Leader Raghu DasCEO IDTechEx Ltd |
Speakers Dave Koester - VP of Engineering, Nextreme, Inc. |
Leader Dr Harry ZervosTechnology Analyst |
harvesting is the generation of electricity from the environment, which can be
used to power electronic and electric devices. Different technologies can be
employed depending on the energy source. For movement, mechanical harvesters can
be used (which can work from electrostatic, piezoelectric and electromagnetic
movement). Other energy sources include light, heat, EM transmission, biological
energy sources and more. Some versions are now even printed. Coupled with new
forms of energy storage and lower power electronics, these energy harvesters can
negate the need for small batteries in many applications enabling new markets,
such as wireless sensors that last for decades or charging of consumer
electronics devices. This masterclass covers all the technologies involved, how
they work, and appraisal of their strengths and weaknesses, relative costs and
development paths. Case studies and paybacks are referenced. The leading
developers are given as are market needs and ten year IDTechEx forecasts by
technology, application and territory. It gives you the big picture from an
unbiased viewpoint based on years of extensive global research conducted by
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Leader Raghu DasCEO IDTechEx Ltd |
Speakers Mr Andy Thurman - Director, Omnisense Limited |
This Masterclass covers the technology and markets for Active RFID in all its forms, and where they are going over the next ten years. It addresses:
- Different types of Active RFID system, their cost structure and advantages and disadvantages for each choice.
- Traditional Active RFID, RFID enabled cellphones, Smart Active Labels/ Battery Assisted Passive tags, Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS) and Wireless/Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (USN): technology choices, markets, standards.
- The largest orders and case studies by key market verticals.
- Lessons of success and failure.
- Trends and market size by territory and application type, now and in the future until 2020.
- Challenges to tackle and analysis of early adopters.
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Leader Dr Harry ZervosTechnology Analyst |
Speakers Joe Keating - Applications Engineering Manager, Infinite Power Solutions, Inc |
This masterclass assesses the options for energy storage, looking at the range of batteries, their relative strengths, weaknesses, costs and roadmaps. Over the last 100 years battery technology has fallen far behind the rate of development seen by other technologies, but that is now changing thanks to urgent requirements such as in electric vehicles. New technologies are being developed which are applicable to energy storage for small devices, matched with energy harvesters. This masterclass teaches these options covering both technical and market aspects. Developments with flexible, transparent, printable etc batteries are also covered. Challenges and opportunities are appraised. In addition, the masterclass looks at other options such as super and ultra capacitors and super-cabatteries. Details of players are given as is global progress and market forecasts for 2010-2020.
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Leader Raghu DasCEO IDTechEx Ltd |
Speakers Dr Mark Spratt - Senior Development Manager, G24 Innovations Limited |
Leader Dr Harry ZervosTechnology Analyst |
This masterclass is designed to give an overall picture of photovoltaic technologies, from basic principles all the way to current advances, in addition to commercial trends and considerations and forecasts. The masterclass is structured as follows:
- Photovoltaics: basic principles and operation.
- Photovoltaic technology assessment, players, market focus, covering organic and hybrid organic/inorganic photovoltaics, dye-sensitized solar cells, thin film technologies (e.g. amorphous silicon, CdTe, CIGS), III-V/ II-VI multijunctions, crystalline silicon.
- Latest new applications and case studies.
- Progress with PV over the past decade b€" sales, subsidies, other trends and drivers.
- Market analysis with ten year forecasts to 2020.
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Leader Raghu DasCEO IDTechEx Ltd |
Speakers Prof Ziyad Salameh - University of Massachusetts Lowell |
Leader Dr Harry ZervosTechnology Analyst |
This masterclass addresses the latest progress with electric vehicles and includes the relevance of small and mid scale energy harvesters and storage with vehicles. Commercial and academic activities are covered as are the impediments and opportunities. It addresses the options of energy storage for electric and hybrid vehicles, looking at the companies involved, roadmaps of battery technology, and activities of automotive companies. Electric vehicles are the future of automotive transport and there is a gold rush to create the energy storage solutions to enable this. The masterclass will also look at uses of energy harvesting on vehicles, such as powering wireless sensors for parking or thermal energy harvesters to supply car electrics. Progress of companies and the suitability and performance of the technologies are given.