Award Categories 2014
The IDTechEx Awards recognise company development and success in all energy harvesting technologies and applications, including the pertinent wireless sensor networks (WSN) and Internet of Things fields. Any company operating within these technologies is welcome to apply.
Submit your application. Closing date - Monday 10 March |
These awards will be presented during the keynote talks on Tuesday 1 April
Best Technical Development of Energy Harvesting Device
This award will be given to a company that has launched a new product based on Energy Harvesting (in the last 24 months, April 2012 - April 2014) and is in the process of bringing it to market. The category will be assessed on the technical development of the product, its potential market, and benefits it brings over alternatives.
Best Application of Energy Harvesting
This is the award given to an actual commercial success with an end-product using Energy Harvesting (in the last 24 months, April 2012 - April 2014). Judges will look for success in terms of products sold and revenues generated.
Best Application of WSN/IOT
This award is given to the best implementation of WSN or Internet of Things. In particular, judges are looking to see the payback from the system, how problems were overcome (if any), and benefits to the user.
Best Poster Display
This award will be judged at the show.
All organisations displaying a poster in the tradeshow will be entered for this award.
This award will be given to the company or academic organisation for the most promising advances in the area of Energy Harvesting or Wireless Sensing Technologies (in the last 24 months, April 2012 - April 2014). The category will be assessed on the technical development of the work, its potential for market entry, and benefits it brings to the body of work in the given area.
In addition, the author whose poster is judged the winner, will have the opportunity to present their poster in the Tradeshow Theater area on Tuesday 1 April. The poster winner will also be announced during the drinks reception on the evening of Wednesday 2 April and featured widely in publicity afterwards.
The independent panel of judges include:
Dr Harry Zervos
Senior Technology Analyst |
Dr David YatesImperial College London |
Dr Kai KönigABB AG |
Submission Instructions
Please submit the following:
Feedback from past winners.
"We are on the verge of a massive revolution in data gathering and device connectivity. Big data starts with small sensors, and many of these devices will need to be self-powered. Our technology has a small, lightweight, and flexible form factor, and its substantial power output under a wide variety of lighting conditions opens up new use cases for solar. We are honored to be recognized by IDTechEx as a leader among energy harvesting technologies."
Chris Norris, Alta Devices President and CEO
"We are honored that Redpine Signals has been recognized with this award by the esteemed IDTechEx," said Venkat Mattela, CEO of Redpine Signals. "As always, Redpine Signals remains focused on ultra-low-power wireless chips and system designs for IoT and mobile markets. This award is further validation that we are succeeding in our mission"
Venkat Mattela, CEO of Redpine Signals.
"We are really delighted to receive the award for this wonderful reference."
Zeljko Angelkoski , Marketing Communications Director, EnOcean GmbH